Chapter 1 Red

On summer afternoons, the classroom of the third year of high school was filled with a tense and lazy atmosphere.

The students in the third year of senior high school have become numb from the intense preparation for the exam every day. They keep tapping their pens, and the words on the blackboard are densely packed, and they can't finish writing.

I am happy to sit in the last row, because it is the farthest away from the blackboard. When the insects chirp in summer, my ears automatically filter out the teacher's lecture.

My mind was wandering, I didn't know what I was thinking, and a class just passed.

After class, there was a rare noise in the classroom.

Glad to be distracted by the mysterious silence, he pulled back his wandering thoughts and noticed this strange moment.

All the students turned their heads to look at the roof of another building outside the window, and there was a person standing there, a person in school uniform.

After a brief shock, the teacher rushed outside like the wind, and the students reacted as if they had been shocked by a sudden electric shock, and they all lay down by the window and looked at the opposite rooftop.

The classmates whispered, and no one dared to speak loudly, for fear of frightening the person opposite and making him do something irreversible.

A classmate from an unknown class suddenly yelled, and the person on the opposite rooftop fell down.

The students in the happy class were all stunned, and then the female students in the class yelled, and some students fainted.

The students in the whole building were yelling, happy mind went blank, he didn't know how to react, should it be yelling?Or faint?
Xing Xing looked at the pool of blood on the ground, the face of that person was facing his building, Xing Xing finally saw clearly who the girl was?

It was Dong Weiwei, a classmate sitting next to him, the girl who always lent her erasers.

Dong Weiwei didn't come to class today, Gao Xing always thought she was sick, but she didn't expect that the person who told herself yesterday that it's time to buy erasers was lying in a pool of blood today.

Soon the ambulance came, and the people on the ground were taken away. The head teacher of each class quickly came to the classroom to comfort his students.

It was just the teacher's comforting words, and I was so happy that I didn't listen to a word, only heard the last sentence clearly that I am not allowed to talk about this matter outside.

I am happy to think, to whom can I tell what happened today?

My father works outside the home all the year round and only returns home once a year. My mother left a few years ago, and there are only two people in the house, my elderly grandma and myself. Of course, I can’t tell my grandma about this matter, and what to do if my grandma is frightened.

Fortunately, now in the third year of high school, as soon as I get home and I am happy, I shut myself in the room to do my homework. In order not to affect Happy's study, grandma brings the food to Happy's desk, so that Happy can eat quickly.

After eating happily, I continued to immerse myself in my homework. Although a murder case occurred, the teachers still assigned a lot of homework, and there was no time to think about the day's affairs.

After finishing his homework, he lay happily on the bed, unable to calm down for a long time. He thought that other students might be like him, and only then could he think about it.

Dong Weiwei is a very lively person. She always said that her ideal is to be a very virtuous housewife. For this reason, she has learned how to cook.

Although her ideals are a bit contemptuous, even classmates with a little bit of ambition look down on her dreams.

Fortunately, none of the classmates laughed at her on the spot, and respected the dreams of others, even if they didn't recognize his dreams.

Up to now, Dong Weiwei is still engrossed in her dream, always showing happy pictures of her own meals, although she has never seen her bring meals to school to eat.

I am happy to recall Dong Weiwei's innocent smile when he talked about his ideals, and it is warm.

But this smile, I can no longer see it, such a life just disappeared, this feeling is different from the feeling when my mother left.

No matter how long her mother has been gone, Gao Xing is sure that her mother is somewhere in the world, and Dong Weiwei has disappeared forever.

Gao Xing stared at the ceiling, I don't know how long I stared at it until the sun rose outside the window, Gao Xing got up and went to school, and saw a bunch of policemen standing on the campus in the distance.

Gao Xing walked slowly, the head teacher saw him and took him to a room where several policemen were sitting, asking about Dong Weiwei's recent situation.

Gao Xing didn't sleep last night, his head was in a daze, and his eyes were empty when he listened to the police's questioning.

Seeing the happy state, the homeroom teacher explained to the police that the child was sitting next to Dong Weiwei, and the relationship between the two had always been good. What happened yesterday shocked the child.

The police uncles expressed their understanding and handed Gao Xing a phone number. If you think of anything suspicious or unusual, call this number.

Gladly, he took the phone, glanced at the number, and memorized it silently.

Back in the classroom, there was still a little relaxed atmosphere, but now it is more dull and depressing.

Happily returned to his seat, glanced at the empty table and chair next to him, as if his heart was empty.

The whole morning was spent in such a muddle, and finally at noon, the students walked to the cafeteria, happily taking advantage of this gap to climb over the wall and walk out of the school.

The back door of the school was connected to an alley, Gao Xing walked along the alley, and when he was about to walk out of the alley, he turned right and entered another alley, stopped in front of a red gate, gently pushed the gate open, and stepped in.

As soon as Gao Xing entered the gate, he quickly walked towards the room in front of him, pushed open the door, and an old man with a cane was sitting on the chair next to him.

Hearing the voice, the old man raised his eyelids to see the joy, and drooped his eyelids again. He continued to close his eyes and looked at the old man happily, but neither of them paid any attention to the other.

Gao Xing went straight up to the second floor. The floor was old and creaked when stepped on.

Gao Xing went straight to the innermost room, pushed open the door, and sat on the sofa by the door. A female voice sounded from the room: "You rarely come here at this time?"

Gao Xing did not speak, and looked down at the toe of his shoes, and the female voice rang again: "Is it related to the girl who jumped off the building yesterday?"

Gao Xing asked, "Do you know why she committed suicide?"

The female voice said: "I know and I don't know."

Gao Xing raised his head, frowned and looked at the pale girl lying on the bed: "What do you mean?"

The girl raised her hand, and a ray of sunlight shone into the girl's slender jade-like skin: "I only know that the girl's death was not simple, it was definitely not a suicide, and it should be related to that organization."

Gao Xing suddenly understood something: "I have been investigating that organization for a year, but I have no clue. I didn't expect it to be by my side, so close to me."

The girl smiled slightly: "You have only been investigating for a year, and I have been investigating for ten years. Every time I am about to see hope, someone will suddenly cut off the clues."

"What else did you find out about Dong Weiwei?"

The girl said: "I just found Dong Weiwei, and I have been very careful. The people I sent to monitor her are all top-notch. When I was about to contact her, she jumped off the building."

"Why didn't you tell me? I'll be sitting next to her. If I touch her, I won't be suspected!" Gao Xing covered his face in pain, forcing himself not to shed tears.

The girl was silent for a while and said: "You are not mature yet, I can't give you the only clue, I can't afford to bet."

(End of this chapter)

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