The mess left by the ancestors

Chapter 10 Willow Yellow

Chapter 10 Willow Yellow
The man in ancient costume looked at the thing in Su Yuqing's hand and knew it was a pistol, but he didn't expect that the pistol would evolve into such a cute and compact 100 years ago. Before Su Yuqing could blink, the man in ancient costume snatched the pistol.

"Today's pistols are really small and cute." The man in ancient costume muttered while playing with the pistol.

Now Su Yuqing was completely dumbfounded. This man's speed was extremely fast, and the pistol changed hands like magic.

The man in ancient costume smiled and said, "It seems that the old man in Zurich didn't tell you, who am I?"

The man in ancient costume cleared his throat, held his head high and said, "I am Bai Yu, the earth immortal who is unique in heaven and earth. Simply put, I am Zurich, that is, the boss of your ancestors."

Bai Yu smiled wickedly and continued, "In other words, I am also your ancestor, so kneel down and kowtow to me now."

Seeing that Su Yuqing didn't respond, Bai Yu said, "You don't believe me?"

With a wave of the hand, the scene in the room was changed to a sky full of stars.

With another wave of the hand, the starry sky turned into a bright sun.

Since this inexplicable person appeared in the room, she has been in shock. Su Yuqing sat down and looked at the changing scenery in the sky stupidly.

After about 10 minutes, Su Yuqing said softly, "Can the game end? It's not like I haven't seen such things as illusions before. Do you really think I'm a fool?"

Bai Yu smiled and said, "How do you know it's an illusion? You don't even know who I am, but you know illusion?"

"My family has learned how not to be controlled by illusions since a long time ago."

Bai Yu became a little angry: "Well, you Zurich, you have already started to guard against me. Where is that old man, I will go to him to argue."

Su Yuqing replied: "You ask me, I don't know who to ask? My parents disappeared a year ago, and I haven't had time to tell me many secrets in the family. However, if you want to know where Zurich is, help me Maybe you can find out if you find my parents."

Bai Yu chuckled: "You little girl, you have a lot of tricky ideas. You want me to help you find your parents. Didn't I, Bai Yu, help you for free?"

"what would you like?"

"What do I want? What can I want? I'm locked in here, I can't eat, I can't drink, I can't even touch the little beauty, what's the point of my life?" Bai Yu rolled her eyes and continued. :"unless."

Su Yuqing asked eagerly, "Unless what?"

"Unless, can you help me out?"

"How can I help you out?"

thud thump, at this moment there was a knock on the door, Su Yuqing slowly opened her eyes, she was lying on the bed, nothing changed in the room, and there was no one.

Su Yuqing stood up and opened the door, and seeing Uncle Wang, Uncle Wang said, "Miss, the meal is ready, let's eat something!"

"Yes, Uncle Wang."

Su Yuqing gently closed the door, and when the door closed, she looked up at the box on the dressing table and left the room.

Sitting at the dinner table, Su Yuqing thought carefully about what happened just now.

Since I entered the room, I have already entered the illusion.

The illusion should have been created by the man named Bai Yu, it seems that the drop of blood really awakened something.

After dinner, Su Yuqing came to her parents' study and began to look for a transcript. The transcript was very old and looked very old. Dad once said that this transcript was left by the ancestors, and the notes on it were blurred. Unfortunately, many pages are missing.

However, there is a page in this book that is still very clear. Although I know every word on it, I didn't know what to express when I put it together before?
Open the transcript and find the page, which says: Bai Yu, good illusion, and dangerous.

The handwriting on the back is blurred, I have seen Bai Yu, and also seen his illusion, what does Wei mean?
Is it dangerous?
I have learned how to get out of the control of illusion since I was a child. Is it because of him?
What about danger?

As long as I can find my parents, no matter how dangerous it is, I will try.

Su Yuqing strengthened her mind and returned to the bedroom.

When he came to the dressing table, he took out Yu Jue, lay down on the bed holding it with both hands and began to fall asleep.

When Su Yuqing opened her eyes, she saw Bai Yu sitting beside her bed.

"Little beauty, miss me, come to me so soon!"

Su Yuqing asked, "How did you get locked in?"

After hearing this, Bai Yu's complexion changed drastically, she became extremely angry, and began to smash things in the room non-stop. Su Yuqing was not in a hurry, knowing that this was in an illusion, and the things she smashed were not real.

So he didn't stop Bai Yu's behavior, so he waited silently.

It wasn't until everything in the room was smashed to pieces that Bai Yu sat down angrily: "I was originally a free and easy earth fairy, but I was captured by a group of villains a thousand years ago. They were a group of swordsmiths and sealed me in A piece of broken stone, and then put the stone on a sword, and forcibly turned me into a weapon spirit. After hundreds of years, I fell into the hands of a merchant. When the merchant saw that the sword was rusty, he said Take off the stone, sell it, and I will not be on the sword from then on. Until one day, I met Zurich, this guy knew how to establish a vow with the spirit of the weapon, so he awakened me. Because of the blood inheritance, your blood can also I wake up."

Su Yuqing understood that although what Bai Yu said was very simple, there must have been a lot of grievances and grievances involved in it, "Then Zurich is my ancestor."

Su Yuqing is still not used to her ancestors still living in this world, but out of respect for the elders, her family education does not allow her to call the elders by their first names, so she paused for a while and continued: "Then why don't you follow my ancestors? "

"That old man in Zurich, for some unknown reason, actually sealed me up and made me sleep for 100 years. It's a shame that such a beautiful world and so many beautiful people have never seen it. It's over." After speaking, she even tugged at her sleeves and wiped away tears.

Su Yuqing thought in her heart: I guess I think you are annoying, so I will be fine.

I thought about it in my heart, but I couldn't say it out of my mouth. I still expected this Bai Yu to find his parents. This Bodhisattva had to make a good offering by himself.

Su Yuqing immediately put on a smiling face and said: "The world has indeed changed too much in 100 years. When I find my parents, I will take you out to play every day. There are countless beauties outside."

Bai Yu: "I didn't promise to work for you in vain."

"I know, I know, you haven't told me what I need to do before you can help me."

Bai Yu replied: "Let me go free."

Su Yuqing thought of the last word: danger.

Letting him free is absolutely unacceptable. Since he is a dangerous person, I don’t know if releasing him will cause chaos. Although parents are very important, but I can’t exchange the lives of two people for the lives of the whole world. made.

(End of this chapter)

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