Chapter 13
Uncle Wang took out a seal: "This is a token from the head of the Su family, please keep it."

Su Yuqing got the seal and understood that from now on, she would no longer be just the carefree lady of the Su family, but the head of the entire Su family. Her decisions would determine the future fate of the Su family, and even more so would be the trust of those behind her. and support.

"Uncle Wang, everyone in the Su family has a bodyguard. I want to know if the two bodyguards sent out a call for help or something unusual happened when my parents were in an accident."

Uncle Wang entered the secret room, turned on the machine to read all the records of that day, and finally handed it over to Su Yuqing.

Su Yuqing opened the record and saw all the information about the two bodyguards. They were both 34 years old and passed the examination at the age of 18. They were in the same batch, that is, classmates who studied together.

After passing the assessment, the bodyguard code-named Black Ribbon protecting his father participated in many assassination operations, and then began to be responsible for his father's safety because of his outstanding performance, and no longer performed tasks.

The bodyguard protecting her mother is one of the few female killers who can pass the assessment in the past ten years. Since her parents got married after graduating from university, the organization was caught off guard, so she had to arrange for the female killer who had not participated in any action and just passed the assessment. Su family.

Black Ribbon started working as bodyguards 5 years later than Flower Petals. The two have been responsible for the safety of their parents for more than ten years.

Wang Bo said: "Our people are well-trained. Once danger is discovered, there will be a distress signal. But there was no signal left that day, and it just disappeared out of thin air. It can be stronger than the killers trained by the Su family. , There are few in the world with more meticulous actions. I investigated all possible organizations, but found nothing. Now it seems that the S organization is indeed very suspicious, and can kill our 6 masters without anyone noticing. It’s still under our noses, tampering with the lady’s car, it’s impossible to guard against.”

Su Yuqing put down the materials and said to Uncle Wang: "From now on, suspend all investigations into the S organization and strengthen all defense capabilities. In addition, the schools on the island should inform all instructors that students must strengthen their self-protection and reconnaissance studies."

Uncle Wang nodded: "Okay, I'll give the order. Miss, let's go to dinner. I made your favorite fish soup today. A new family doctor has been found. After you finish eating, I will let him Hurry up and check on you."

Su Yuqing looked at Uncle Wang, whose temples were starting to turn white, and said, "Uncle Wang, you can call me Nannie from now on! In my heart, you are my grandfather."

Wang Bo's eyes were red, he turned his head slightly, wiped the corners of his eyes with the corner of his sleeve, and kept saying, "Okay, okay, okay"

Su Yuqing sat at the dining table and began to eat. He took out his laptop and began to look up news about the sword on the Internet. Unfortunately, there was no information on the Internet, and he couldn't even find a similar one.

Just about to put away the computer, Su Yuqing thought of Xu Lai, a young but knowledgeable antique dealer whom her father often mentioned.

He hurriedly asked Uncle Wang for his contact number, and dialed the number over there: "Hello, Mr. Xu, I am Su Yuqing, Su Wanbin's daughter."

The voice on the other end of the phone was very polite, and expressed polite greetings and deep sympathy for Su Yuqing's parents. As expected, the antique dealer's conversation was very decent, which made people feel very comfortable.

Su Yuqing directly stated after the other party was polite that she wanted to find an ancient sword. The two added WeChat to each other, and Su Yuqing sent the painting to Xu Lai.

After all this was done, the new family doctor, Dr. Wu, arrived just in time. Uncle Wang explained what happened today. Dr. Wu talked with Su Yuqing seriously, and checked everything that could be checked at home before leaving Su's house. , it was already late at night.

Su Yuqing took a bath and was about to go to bed when the illusion opened.

Bai Yu couldn't wait to show up and began to ask: "How? Is there any news?"

Su Yuqing shook her head.

Bai Yu was very disappointed, and said to himself: "That's right, your ancestor spent a hundred years not finding it, how could you, a little girl, find it in a short time?"

Su Yuqing replied: "Give me a little more time."

Bai Yu looked at the dark circles under Su Yuqing's eyes, said nothing, and left.

Leaving the illusion, Su Yuqing fell asleep after falling down.

When she woke up the next day, it was already noon, and Wang Bo knew that she was very tired and did not wake her up.

After serious grooming, Su Yuqing walked out of the bedroom and started to eat brunch. Since she slept quite comfortably last night, she felt refreshed early in the morning.

The phone rang, and it was a message from Xu Lai, saying that there was news about the sword.

Su Yuqing immediately informed Uncle Wang that she was going to Xu Laina.

After experiencing the braking incident last time, Uncle Wang had to carefully check the vehicle before going out, and sent someone to check the road section and destination to be passed in advance.

It was already 4 o'clock in the afternoon when Su Yuqing arrived at Xu Lai's company after all this tossing. Seeing Su Yuqing's eyes lit up, Xu Lai said, "Miss Su, it's really a lotus that comes out of clear water, and it's natural to carve."

Complimenting a woman's beauty is always the most correct choice, no matter how old she is.

Of course Su Yuqing was also very useful: "Thank you Mr. Xu for your compliment."

A 16-year-old girl did not show a shy gesture when she heard other people's praise, but expressed her gratitude openly, which made Xu look at Su Yuqing's eyes with more appreciation.

Xu Lai comes from a family of antiques. He has been learning to identify antiques with his family since he was a child. He graduated from the Department of Archeology of Capital University. After graduation, he came back to inherit the family business. Now he is only 28 years old and has a good reputation in the circle. The family business is also under his management. Take it to the next level.

Xu Lai was a little surprised when Su Yuqing approached him yesterday to help him find an ancient sword.

Thinking of a 16-year-old girl who is interested in antiques, did she grow up under the influence of her family since she was a child, just like myself?
"Miss Su, the sword you are looking for is from the Song Dynasty, right?"

Su Yuqing's eyes really shined now. She didn't expect that a phone call that just wanted to try her luck would actually have news. Hearing the age, Su Yuqing knew that this person was really capable: "Yes, Mr. Xu."

"Do you know why Miss Su wants to find this ancient sword?"

I was a little surprised to change Su Yuqing this time. Is it necessary for a businessman to ask the buyer why he bought it?
Su Yuqing frowned, and Xu Lai immediately said, "The owner of this ancient sword wants to know the reason why you are looking for it, so he is willing to meet you."

Su Yuqing was silent for a moment, and began to tell the reason that she told Uncle Wang last time: "Dad once described the appearance of this sword to me, and I didn't pay much attention to it at the time, until I had a dream two days ago, and I dreamed of talking about it with my father. The scene of this sword. After waking up, I drew the sword, thinking that if I can find it, he will be very happy when Mom and Dad come back.”

As she said that, Su Yuqing began to cry. The tears were not all for show. Thinking about the uncertainty of her parents' life and death, the sad emotions began to spread, and the tears really started to fall.

(End of this chapter)

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