The mess left by the ancestors

Chapter 18 Lotus Root

Chapter 18 Lotus Root
Su Yuqing agreed to Xu Lai's invitation, and Xu Lai immediately called and booked a private room.

It's already 6 o'clock in the evening, and the restaurant that Xu Lai booked is the most famous Japanese restaurant in the city.

Xu Lai's car led the way, Wu Yun drove, and the fox bat received the notice and went to the Japanese grocery store to check in advance.

On the way, Su Yuqing told Fei Ge about something, and asked him to get Xu Lai's mobile phone during the meal and copy all the information.

This is a trivial matter for Fei Ge and the others, but Fei Ge is a little confused, did the lady agree to eat to get the mobile phone data?
Then I couldn't help asking: "Miss, it's actually very simple for us to use someone's mobile phone to copy data, and we don't need to specifically agree to someone's dinner appointment."

It was rare for Su Yuqing to hear the bodyguards talking. When they were with her, they always looked serious and kept silent, making Su Yuqing think that they were all dumb.

Su Yuqing also looked up the information specifically, the Su family wouldn't be so cruel, and send people who are poisonous and dumb to be bodyguards, just like the TV series they watch, how can a dumb person not leak secrets?
Later, I found out that I was thinking too much, they just didn't know what to say.

Today, Feige took the initiative to speak, and Su Yuqing asked curiously: "If I don't agree to eat, how are you going to copy the data on other people's mobile phones?"

"I'll just walk right up to him."

Su Yuqing looked at Fei Ge suspiciously, Fei Ge looked at the young lady and said, "We have a machine, just put this machine within 10 centimeters of the phone."

Su Yuqing blinked, and then said to Fei Ge, "Can you find out who Mr. Fang he is talking about?"

Fei Ge thought about it and said, "The Ziqi Donglai Wing Room in Donglai Pavilion, other rooms in this hotel are easy to book, but this room is impossible to book without a certain background. It is said that this room is reserved for Inside the ZF. There is an invisible rich man named Fang in this city, who has contacts with people in the ZF.”

After listening to Fei Ge's analysis, Su Yuqing asked, "How do you know about the invisible rich man in this city?"

Later, when I chatted with other killers at Su's house, I found out that other people's live pick-ups are much more frequent than myself, so it's not that the organization's business is not good.

As for the reason, Feige guessed that he had offended the contact person after seeing how angry the contact person was every time he completed the task.

Feige is a little embarrassed at this time, do you want to say that for the organization's business, he has investigated the information of many rich and powerful people, in order to promote the killer organization?

Su Yuqing blinked and stared at Fei Ge with her big curious eyes, Fei Ge explained: "I only took two jobs in three years, it's really boring, I'm idle anyway, I want to practice my ability to collect information I just investigated a few rich men in this city." After speaking, he did not forget to laugh a few times to cover up his embarrassment.

Su Yuqing stared at Feige for a while, and Feige's heart ached. The explanation for this reason was extremely difficult, and she didn't know if it could be fooled.

"Then send me all the information you have collected."

"Yes, Miss." Fei Ge thought that no matter whether Miss believed it or not, she had finally been fooled, let's pass this level first!

Before arriving at the hotel, the flying fox reported that there was nothing abnormal in the hotel, and Su Yuqing took the pigeons with him.

Fei Ge was actually somewhat resistant, because what he said in the car before, he was afraid that the lady would see something else, and he wanted Wu Yun to accompany him, but when he got off the car, Su Yuqing directly called Fei Ge's name.

Then there is no way, none of them can disobey the lady's order, Feige can only follow the lady, Wuyun guards outside, and checks the car by the way, the flying fox has already sneaked into the hotel in advance.

Xu Lai was very gentleman, he had to ask Su Yuqing in advance about what to eat at the dinner table, but Su Yuqing didn't show any extra emotions, but politely expressed his gratitude.

Fei Ge actually wanted to be like Xu Lai's two bodyguards, standing at the door, but considering the recent unsafe situation and the task of copying the phone information, she sat in the box with Su Yuqing, and this was a warm and romantic moment. The box became a romance for three people.

Xu came to look at Fei Ge, his eyes obviously hoped that Fei Ge could go out, Fei Ge could also understand the meaning of this look, so he could only pretend not to understand, avoiding Xu Lai's sight.

There was no other way, Xu Lai had no choice but to treat Su Yuqing as if Feige didn't exist, and served Su Yuqing with food.

Fei Ge sat directly beside Su Yuqing, picked up the chopsticks and put all the dishes in the lady's bowl into his mouth.

This confused Xu Lai. This time it would be difficult for him to pretend that this bodyguard did not exist. Every time he picked up a piece of food, the bodyguard would deliver it to his mouth, as if he was picking up food for the bodyguard. Two big men like this Sitting opposite each other, a man picked up a chopstick and put it into the bowl opposite, and the other man picked it up and ate it. This scene was indescribably weird.

In fact, Xu Lai was not ignorant of the dish-testing behavior. It was just that the bodyguard was too hungry and didn't leave a single dish for Su Yuqing. Fortunately, this was a private room and no one else could see it, otherwise it would be embarrassing.

Su Yuqing's expression is still very natural, there is no embarrassment or shyness, only calm, as if this kind of thing is already used to it, but it is actually the first time for her.

Feige was a little too involved in eating, and forgot that he only needed to eat one piece of each variety when he tried the dishes, but after he finished trying the dishes, the table was already empty, and the two masters of the table didn't eat a bite, so let him alone People finished eating.

Fei Ge didn't forget to burp after eating, Su Yuqing was a little bit reactive now, and stopped pretending nothing had happened, because it was so funny that she couldn't help pursing her lips and snickering.

Xu Lai saw the bodyguard hiccupping, black thread on one end, and a table of expensive sashimi all fell into the stomach of this idiot, holding back his anger, he was about to order another table of dishes.

Su Yuqing spoke: "Thank you Mr. Xu for your hospitality. I had a great meal today, but I have access control, so I can't go home too late. I have to go back now. Thank you very much Mr. Xu for your help."

Su Yuqing showed a very beautiful smile, even the curvature of the corners of her mouth was so perfect, and her starry eyes made it impossible to move away.

Most of Xu Lai's anger had dissipated just now, and he quickly said, "It's my honor to be able to serve Miss Xu."

Su Yuqing took Feige and left the hotel.

Only Xu Lai was left lost in thought facing a table full of empty plates. At this moment, Xu Lai's stomach started to growl, which meant that the meal was for nothing.

I didn't get in touch with Ms. Su, nor did I talk about any business. I was serving food for a bodyguard all night. When I thought of the hateful bodyguard just now, my teeth chattered.

(End of this chapter)

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