The mess left by the ancestors

Chapter 34 Innocent Girl

Chapter 34 Innocent Girl
Wanqingmen is famous not only for its sword casting skills, but also for its blood oath covenant.

You already know what the Blood Oath Covenant is.

And the person who created this blood oath covenant is the woman in the portrait I showed you. After I was made into a weapon spirit, I established a blood oath covenant with her.

That woman's name is Tian Ling, and she is the daughter of Tian Hongsheng, the master of Wanqingmen.

After we were sent to Tian Ling, we always wanted to get rid of the shackles of the weapon spirit, but the blood oath covenant was too powerful, and every time we tried to break through this shackle, we would end up covered in bruises, and even almost disappeared.

When we met her back then, she had reached the age of marriage. Wu Zhengfei grew up with her, and the owner of the sect also favored Wu Zhengfei. In the future, the entire Wanqing Gate will be handed over to Wu Zhengfei.

However, Tian Ling is an extremely assertive person, and has always been reluctant to get married because of her young age. Tian Hongsheng doted on Tian Ling so much that he didn't force her.

Afterwards, Tian Ling applied to learn how to make a weapon spirit. The secret method of Wanqingmen is to pass on males but not females, so Tian Ling never knew how to make a weapon spirit. Tian Hongsheng asked Wu Zhengfei to teach Tian Ling.

Tian Ling, who was taken to watch for the first time, was so frightened that she could not speak. Even after returning, she had nightmares every night. The severed spirit body seeks her life.

In order to please Tian Ling, Wu Zhengfei divided me into five parts, one was sealed in Yu Jue, and the other was sealed in the sword body, and then gave the sword to Tian Ling.

Tian Ling, who has nightmares every night, sees the sword no longer as happy as before. She used to be proud of Wanqingmen, and no matter where she goes, she is very proud to introduce herself as the daughter of the owner of Wanqingmen.

Now she has lost the pride of the past, coupled with the disturbing nightmares every night, the whole person has become haggard.

Tian Hongsheng was also very distressed. He regretted sending his daughter to study very much, so he wanted to let her go outside to relax and let Wu Zhengfei accompany him to play in the outside world.

Tian Ling originally didn't want to bring any Wanqingmen weapons, but she couldn't help Tian Hongsheng's persuasion, how much danger would there be in the outside world, it would be safer to carry a sword for self-defense.

There was no other way, Tian Ling had no choice but to take us with her. In fact, we didn't want to follow her. When we were made into spirits just now, we were still weak and had no ability to resist, so we could only follow her.

The world on the rivers and lakes is still very interesting. There are mountains, waters, and human fireworks. Tian Ling soon recovered on the surface, but only we know that Tian Ling still has nightmares every night, or is awakened.

But this matter has been well covered up by Tian Ling. Since she is not married yet, Tian Ling and Wu Zhengfei have never lived together, so no one knows what state Tian Ling is in at night, except us.

Although Tian Ling would bring us with her every day, she never drew out her sword once, nor did she use our abilities.

Just like this, after traveling outside for a month, Wu Zhengfei received a letter from Feige from Tian Hongsheng, asking him to go back immediately, because something important happened in Wanqingmen.

But Tian Ling didn't want to go back with him. The matter of Wanqingmen was more urgent, and Wu Zhengfei would definitely hurry back. Tian Ling didn't want to be too tired, so she tricked Wu Zhengfei into telling him to go back first, and walked slowly behind.

Although Wu Zhengfei didn't want to leave Tian Ling just like that, his master Tian Hongsheng spoke in the tone of an order, and he had to go back to report quickly, and it must be a relatively urgent matter, otherwise the master wouldn't be so eager.

As a last resort, she agreed to Tian Ling's proposal, went back to Wanqing Gate alone for a while, and then sent someone to pick her up.

After Tian Ling waited for Wu Zhengfei to leave, she immediately packed her bags and left. That day was also very strange. She didn't plan to take us away and left us in the inn. After a while, she came back and picked us up.

This woman is so fickle that it is really hard to figure it out.

After saying this, I still didn't forget to take a look at Su Yuqing, thinking in my heart: This woman is fickle, she hasn't changed since ancient times!

Then Tian Ling took us to find a very remote place and settled down. It was also there that she pulled out her sword for the first time and met us for the first time.

She named me Baiyu and the body of the sword Baiyi.

Tian Ling lived there for half a year, calling us out every day to watch her drink and chat.

Chatting and chatting, we found that we have changed, and our hatred for her has decreased, but our hatred for Wanqingmen still exists.

It's just that I don't have any hatred for an innocent girl who never knew how to make a weapon spirit.

If there is no hatred, there will be no hatred, just keep going under the moon, and drinking as a companion is also acceptable.

We looked at this innocent and kind girl, because she couldn't accept such cruel behavior of her family, she paralyzed herself with alcohol every day, got herself drunk, fell asleep when drunk, and continued to drink when she woke up.

However, Wanqingmen had been looking for Tian Ling until they found here.

At that time, Tian Ling was still drinking and was already drunk. The Wanqingmen who found Tian Ling had been waiting for her to wake up, but even if Tian Ling was awake, even though she was in good health, we all felt that her soul was no longer in this body. .

She was in a daze all day, and she didn't respond to her name. The gatekeeper didn't dare to delay, and sent Tian Ling back to Wanqing Gate in a sedan chair.

On the way back, because the doormen didn't prepare wine and the sedan chair bumped, Tian Ling began to vomit all day long, as if she wanted to spit out all the wine she had drunk in the past six months.

On the seventh day of vomiting, Tian Ling woke up. She remembered who she was, why she came here to drink, and remembered our daily companionship for the past six months.

When she returned to Wanqing Gate, Tian Ling had returned to normal, at least on the surface.

Tian Hongsheng looked at his daughter who was getting thinner and smaller, and regretted that he should not have let her study. Today's daughter is no longer as glamorous as before.

Wu Zhengfei suddenly received a letter from Fei Ge from his master half a year ago, thinking that there was an accident in Wanqingmen, he rushed back to Wanqingmen, and found that Tian Hongsheng had never sent a letter from Feige, and nothing important happened in the door.

She took out the note and read it carefully, guessing that Tian Ling imitated her father's handwriting and sent Wu Zhengfei away on purpose.

Seeing Tian Ling at this time, Wu Zhengfei had mixed feelings in his heart. He would be Tian Ling's husband-in-law in the future, so he couldn't discuss anything together. He would definitely stand by her side no matter what happened, but why did he send him away.

For so many years, Wu Zhengfei has cared for Tian Ling in every possible way. No one in the Wanqing family knows Wu Zhengfei's love for Tian Ling. Why Tian Ling treats him like this in the end, Wu Zhengfei doesn't understand, nor does he want to understand, as long as Tian Ling comes back safely.

(End of this chapter)

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