The mess left by the ancestors

Chapter 50 180 Degree Shift

Chapter 50 180 Degree Shift

After lunch, Shen Sishao took the initiative to go over to greet Li Fei, and explained in a friendly manner that his followers were a little jealous of Li Fei. They wanted to play a prank because they showed off in the stadium yesterday. Shen Sishao had already reprimanded them just now. I hope Master Li Fei will not remember the faults of villains, and don't hold grudges against them. We are all in the same class and should help and take care of each other.

Flying Pigeon had only one thought in mind about this 180-degree change, did this person take the wrong medicine?

It's too fast, people change in half a day?
These attendants are all people who only follow you, and they will play pranks on Li Fei on their own initiative, labeling themselves as good people and playing others as fools, but Li Fei didn't say it out, everyone knows it well.

What caused Shen Sishao's change, or is it his strategy of retreating to advance, no matter what the reason is, Feige is not angry at all, a childish game played by a group of furry children, in Feige's eyes, it is just playing tricks .

So there is no grudge, no hatred from anger at all, just curious, what kind of medicine Shen Sishao is selling in the gourd.

Fei Ge stretched out a hand, and Shen Sishao immediately understood that this was to shake hands and make peace!

The two had a friendly chat. Under Shen Sishao's eyes, the boy who played a prank in the morning immediately changed his attitude and apologized to Feige very humbly.

In fact, in Feige's script, if you want to win this young master, you just want to please him and you will never get to his heart. Just like these followers, on the surface, Shen Sishao treats them as brothers, but in reality, everyone sees it When they came out, Shen Sishao just treated them as servants.

So to deal with this kind of young master, we have to resort to unexpected methods, first to irritate him, let him find that no matter what method he uses, he can't hurt a single hair of Feige, and psychologically find that Feige is as strong as himself.

Then, on Shen Sishao's only way, arrange a few thugs, pretending to kidnap him, these thugs must have two brushes, and the candidates must have opal and wild group, otherwise Shen Sishao's bodyguards will be taken lightly Solve it, how can we stage a hero saving the beauty, oh, no, it's a hero saving the bear.

When Flying Pigeon pretends to save the young master desperately, of course it has to hang a little color to show its sincerity, and then wanders around the world with the young master hand in hand, oh, no, it is with the young master quietly. hide.

After confirming the safety, send the young master back. This is a life-saving grace, and it can be regarded as a life-saving friendship. In this case, Fei Ge successfully made Shen Sishao feel grateful to him, and added a kind of A feeling of sympathy without acquaintance.

In this way, Feige has easily become Shen Sishao's closest friend. However, the ideal is plump, but the reality is skinny. Shen Sishao's sudden change is unexpected, and the original plan needs to be revised up.

When the two walked into the classroom very acquainted, Su Yuqing cast an admiring look at Fei Ge, saying that it could be done in one day.

Fei Ge felt Su Yuqing's fiery eyes, and understood that the eldest lady had misunderstood, thinking that she had done something, but Fei Ge hadn't done anything!

On the surface, Fei Ge and Shen Sishao have become good friends, but this kind of good friend is too superficial, Fei Ge and other followers are estimated to be the same in Shen Sishao's eyes.

Therefore, it is still necessary to design some unforgettable scenes with Shen Sishao, so that Fei Ge is different from others in Shen Sishao's heart, and it will be much more convenient to investigate the S organization later.

The kidnapping plan can be pushed forward, but before that, it is necessary to understand the reason for Shen Sixhao's sudden overture.

Fei Ge has his eyes on this little follower named Xu Jiu, starting from this little follower, maybe he can get the reason.

The chubby Xu Jiu couldn't help shivering when he received Fei Ge's strange eyes staring at him.

Didn't Li Fei accept the apology just now?
Why is he looking at me with this kind of eyes now? Could it be that he is superficial and considers stabbing himself behind his back? What about the knife?
But I don't want to punish him either, but I can't say that I punish him to vent my anger on the boss.

What's going on, this kid obviously didn't forgive himself, but he can't say that he is innocent. If he starts to fight, seeing how developed the motor nerves of this kid, it is obvious that he is not an opponent.

Sure enough, after class, Li Fei saw that Xu Jiu was going to the bathroom, and Li Fei immediately hooked up with him. On the way to the bathroom, Xu Jiu was very nervous. This person is fast and flexible, and he only has weight to win , how to escape?

Of course, Fei Ge didn't hit Xu Jiu either. Fei Ge had already forgotten all about the prank in the morning, and now she just wanted to understand what Shen Sishao had experienced at noon and changed her attitude.

Fei Ge and Xu Jiu entered the toilet together, Fei Ge asked: "Xu Jiu, do you and Shen Sixhao have any entertainment activities?"

"It's nothing more than playing billiards and online games together, what's wrong?"

"Oh, the first day I came to this school, I found Shen Sixhao very pleasing to the eye. Yesterday he didn't pay much attention to me, but today he suddenly wanted to talk to me. I'm flattered! I want to know what you do at noon or after school. What, I want to play with you too!"

On the first day, Shen Sishao was pleasing to the eye. I think you have already inquired about Shen Sishao's family background. He wanted to flatter you and play with us. The thought was beautiful. Xu Jiu, who originally wanted to say no, Looking at Feige's size, height of 180, and the muscles I saw in the physical education class yesterday, if this guy is offended, I will be in trouble if I really take revenge.

Moreover, Shen Sishao's sudden change must be due to the investigation of this person's background. It seems that Li Fei's background is not simple. It is still beneficial for such a person to join Shen Sishao's team.

Xu Jiu figured this out, and immediately put on a smile: "After lunch, we'll chat together. Usually we'll be on the school rooftop. Next time, you can come together!"

"What are you talking about together?"

"It's nothing more than what equipment you got from playing games, which one played the best football game last night, which female classmate in school is the prettiest, boys just talk about these things."

"What did you talk about at noon today, let me see if I can get in."

"It's noon today." Xu Jiu stopped, his eyes rolled around, he couldn't say that he was discussing at noon today, how should he deal with Li Fei next, the discussion was good, Shen Sishao suddenly received a call, and then treated him Li Fei's attitude changed immediately. As for the phone number, Shen Sishao didn't say, and everyone didn't ask. As for why it changed, everyone didn't know.

(End of this chapter)

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