Chapter 17
In the darkness, Jiang Jichen was walking alone on a narrow path. On both sides of the path, dazzling crimson Bana flowers bloomed. Although there was no wind, those petals were fluttering in the air, rustling down, but in the blink of an eye. In a short time, all the petals withered and fell all over the ground. On the narrow path, it was like a soft tapestry. Jiang Jichen stepped on it, it was so soft, he locked his brows tightly, and slowly moved forward Walking around, behind him, there was a woman's voice whimpering, as if she was talking about something, but it seemed to be crying, and she couldn't hear clearly.

When Jiang Jichen was about to look back, he found that the Bianhua flower poles that had just been defeated on both sides of the road suddenly turned into black skeletons, rushing towards him in an instant. He blocked the incoming attacks with the folding fan in his hand, only to find that those so-called attacks were not aggressive at all, but disappeared in a puff of smoke at the nearest place.

"Who's doing the trick?" Jiang Jichen's voice was a little cold, and he couldn't hear his emotions clearly.

Behind Jiang Jichen, a pair of white and slender hands slowly stretched out and wrapped around Jiang Jichen's waist. His fingers were slender and clean, and Zhu Dan's red nails didn't look gentle, but when he hugged Jiang Jichen's back, he felt a single You can feel the tenderness from those hands.

Jiang Jichen withdrew his body, away from those hands, and turned his head, but he couldn't see anyone. He said in a low voice, "Is that you? The one who has been following me."

In the darkness, there was a mournful sigh of a woman, but she still didn't speak.

Jiang Jichen used to tightly hold the jade pendant around his waist with his hands, but found that the jade pendant in his hand had become hot at this moment. The red color is like a woman's hand, and she becomes restless with the changes in her surroundings.

Jiang Jichen caressed the jade pendant with his hand, and controlled its restlessness: "Who the hell? Miss Aning? It's you again?"

In the darkness, a pair of bare ankles appeared first, followed by the sound of a bell, which was slight and piercing, Jiang Jichen squinted his eyes, the seriousness in his eyes relaxed for a moment, he could even hear his heart trembling violently As he spoke, he could hear his breathing and feel his body trembling with excitement.

The figure in the darkness became clearer and clearer. Jiang Jichen opened his eyes wide, not wanting to let go of any clues. His fair legs gradually appeared, and then a pair of fair hands appeared. Floating in the air, the girl's voice sounded: "Do you remember me? I have been looking for you for too long, but I can't meet you directly."

"Who the hell are you? I don't understand what you're talking about." Jiang Jichen controlled his heart, but his voice was still trembling.

The figure in the dark still couldn't see the cheeks clearly, as if the master had deliberately concealed his identity, and the white hands slowly stretched out towards Jiang Jichen, and Jiang Jichen was too erratic to dodge, his hands were naturally covered by the white It was a very familiar feeling, and he could hear the sound of the bell, which disturbed him every time it rang.

The girl held Jiang Jichen's hand and walked into the darkness. Jiang Jichen followed the girl like a puppet, but asked, "Girl, where are you taking me?"

The girl didn't reply, and didn't stop, she just dragged Jiang Jichen into the darkness.

With a slight force of Jiang Jichen's hand, he pulled the girl back and stopped in place. He could feel the girl turning her head to look at Jiang Jichen, but Jiang Jichen couldn't see the girl's face.

The girl's voice was full of sadness: "This is the first heart for you, but you still can't feel mine, okay?"

"Please make it clear, where am I now? Who are you? Where are you taking me?" Jiang Jichen's voice was indifferent, but he never let go of the girl's hand.

The girl smiled softly, and the laughter echoed in the darkness, with an echo: "Jiang Jichen, you have to use your life to remember me, no matter ten years, 100 years, or forever! I am fed up with waiting and missing, I want you to have me in your heart, I want you."

Jiang Jichen was about to speak, but the figure in front of him suddenly dimmed, and the surroundings were shrouded in darkness, and the vision began to become blurred by clouds of thick smoke.Jiang Jichen's heart became tense as the girl gradually disappeared, and he even wanted to follow her away, but seeing the smear of vermilion red disappear before his eyes, he was helpless.

Jiang Jichen stepped into the endless dark smoke, and everything in front of him disappeared in an instant. He thought it would be even darker, but unexpectedly, his eyes gradually became brighter. At the same time, the girl's voice echoed Jiang Jichen rang in the ear.

"Jiang Jichen, wait for me alive." The girl's last voice gradually faded away, just like a previous life.

Jiang Jichen sat up abruptly, his cold body warmed up. He looked around and saw that this place was not anywhere else but his Tibetan flower pavilion, and what caught his eye on the wall directly opposite was the painting he had drawn. A faceless painting, the girl in the painting has no facial features, only slender limbs, with a string of bells hanging from her ankles, the girl looks so agile, almost exactly the same as the girl Jiang Jichen saw in his dream just now.

Jiang Jichen didn't know when his eyes were red, and a tear rolled down from the corner of his eyes. He could feel the pain in his heart, and subconsciously grasped the position of his heart with his hands, and grinned in pain. It became more and more serious, and in the end, the pain was so painful that he couldn't even stand up straight. He grabbed the edge of the bed tightly with his other hand and shouted loudly: "Si Yang Ting!"

The surrounding area was quiet, only the window of the room on the second floor was open, and one could see the bustling scene of the West Market. It was raining outside, and water droplets dripped down along the eaves, forming a water curtain. Outside the water curtain, a burst of birds fluttered. The sound of wings sounded.

There was arguing downstairs, and in the chaos, Si Yangting's voice sounded: "Who let you in! Get out!"

The pain in Jiang Jichen's heart gradually disappeared with the first sound from the world. He braced his body and wanted to get out of bed, but found that his limbs seemed to be unconscious.

There was noise and something smashing. Jiang Jichen wanted to speak, but he couldn't make a sound when he opened his mouth several times. He only heard Si Yangting downstairs getting more and more angry: "Stop it! Are you lawless?" ?I have made it very clear before that we are very sorry for the disappearance of Mr. Zhang's body, but Jiang Jichen was also a victim of the whole incident. The government!"

Jiang Jichen was sweating all over his head. He shook his head when he heard Si Yangting's words. Even though he had no strength, he smiled softly. The smile on Jiang Jichen's pale face looked so bright and beautiful. For a moment, the smile froze. On his face, Jiang Jichen felt that there seemed to be something different about him, but he couldn't tell, why was he smiling?Still smiling so softly?Jiang Jichen put away his smile, frowned, and got out of bed.

(End of this chapter)

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