the other side, flower festival

Chapter 28 Who Are You?

Chapter 28 Who Are You?
A long road, narrow and unable to see the border, there are layers of fog in front of you, like a confined claustrophobic space, Jiang Jichen's hair is a little messy, he wanders around, there is no one, the silence in the air is terrifying .

He didn't know where he was now, he even forgot where he was last second, his mind was confused, his head was buzzing, he only felt pain in his heart, he lowered his head, but didn't see any wounds.

In the distance, there is a galaxy-like waterfall falling vertically, but the sound of running water cannot be heard.

Jiang Jichen became alert and walked slowly forward, but what he didn't expect was that, just as he took a step, blood-colored Bana flowers bloomed on both sides of the narrow and long road, and the color seemed to be bleeding. For some reason, the jade pendant around his waist was moving rapidly, the whole body was dark red, the same color as the Bana flower.

There was a girl's soft sigh in the dark air.

Jiang Jichen said coldly, "Who? Come out and speak."

The girl's sigh was almost close to her ears, and she sighed softly again: "Who is it! Who is pretending to be a ghost!"

From the mist in the distance, a figure gradually came out. The figure was wearing a crimson gauze skirt, barefoot, and the sound of the bells on the ankles was particularly ear-piercing in the open environment. At the same time, there was a cry of a girl.

When the girl stood three steps away from Jiang Jichen, she stopped and looked at Jiang Jichen sadly, but refused to speak.

"It's you?" Jiang Jichen recognized the girl in front of him, the girl he kissed in his dream that night, "Where is this? Did Ah Ning do it? I was trapped in the illusion by her again?"

Jiang Jichen walked forward, wanting to get closer to the girl, but found that no matter how far he walked, the distance between the girl who was clearly standing still and him did not change at all.

"Are you crying?" Jiang Jichen's heart actually softened. Why does his heart ache every time he sees a mysterious girl who obviously doesn't want to say anything?What is the relationship between her and herself?

As the girl cried, the Bana flowers on the side of the road became more and more bright red, and finally, even the Bana flowers let out a piercing scream, and the eardrums hurt, and all the Bana flowers trembled with the piercing screams, like Countless spiritual little ghosts were mocking Jiang Jichen's stupidity.

Jiang Jichen's ears began to bleed, and he knelt down on the ground in pain, his facial features almost deformed in pain: "Stop screaming. Stop screaming."

Jiang Jichen fell to the ground, his face was covered with sweat, his body was trembling, and he wanted to struggle to get up, but he found that he couldn't exert any strength. He raised his eyes and saw the girl His bare and white feet were already in front of him.

Jiang Jichen raised his sweaty head, and the girl lowered her head to meet his eyes, but the sadness on her face continued unabated.

"Help me." Jiang Jichen uttered these words with the last of his strength, and collapsed on the ground powerlessly.

Blood gradually oozed from the ground, staining Jiang Jichen's slender fingers, flowing along his fingertips, and gradually flowing into his body. The moment the blood entered his body, his body emitted a golden light.

And the girl standing in front of him had a deep wound on her fair ankle, bleeding profusely.

Jiang Jichen passed out completely. Before he lost consciousness, he heard another person beside him, an old woman's voice: "Is it worth it?"

The girl mourned: "For him, everything is worth it."

Although Jiang Jichen closed his eyes, he seemed to be able to feel the feeling of falling from a high altitude. His heart was beating violently, and it seemed to be refilled with fresh blood. His body was no longer in pain and gradually returned to normal. He could feel When he gradually entered a bright space from a dark environment, he could even feel the warmth of the sun shining on his body. He had never felt that the sun could make people so comfortable.

There is a scent of flowers in his nostrils, elegant and comfortable. Gradually, his feeling becomes more and more obvious, and his hearing seems to gradually recover. He can hear the voice of a woman laughing in his ears, noisy and disturbed, and the sound of footsteps More often than not, it doesn't seem so real.

He wanted to open his eyes, but he couldn't open them. A clear girly voice came from his ears: "Girl, Mr. Jiang seems to be waking up soon."

Who is this?How could an unfamiliar voice know his last name?Is it still in a dream?

His body was struggling, his fingers could move, but his consciousness was still not clear.

The crisp bells sounded, and the scent of flowers was stronger, but still fresh. Jiang Jichen could feel a cold hand covering his cheek. He wanted to dodge, but his body refused to obey.

"Go ahead, I'll just stay here." It was another girl's voice, and that voice seemed to be enchanting.

Jiang Jichen remembered that this voice was her, his fairy in the painting, but why the voice was so clear at this moment, he wanted to understand.

His hand was grabbed by the girl, and it seemed to touch the girl's soft lips. Jiang Jichen's body trembled.

"If you wake up, just open your eyes and look at me, please, nothing happens, please."

Jiang Jichen wanted to speak, but he couldn't open his mouth or open his eyes.

The girl's voice continued: "You are looking for me, I know you have been looking for me, I am by your side now, in the future, I will be with you forever, even if there is no future."

Jiang Jichen opened his eyes suddenly, just in time to see his "immortal in the painting" with tear-stained face, holding his hand, with a sad expression. This face was exactly what he had just now in the place full of Bianhua flowers. Although he didn't see the face and the sad expression many times, he knew that as long as he saw it once, he would never forget it.

The girl seemed to be taken aback when Jiang Jichen woke up suddenly. She hurriedly put down Jiang Jichen's hand, like a girl next door, opened her mouth and laughed, and at the same time, raised her hand to wipe away the tears on her face. ,
The happiness on her face was not fake, it was the excitement brought out from the depths of her eyes, it was unspeakable happiness, it was a surprise, it was an unexpected and reasonable surprise.

"Young Master Shajiang, you're awake, great, you're awake." The girl stood up on her own while she was talking, but took a few steps back.

Jiang Jichen's heart was still hurting slightly, but when he looked down, he found that there was not a single wound on his body.

"Are you hungry? What do you want to eat? Or do you want to get out of bed for a walk? If you are tired, you can rest here today," the girl smiled and paused, "Or you can stay here , You can stay as long as you want, I... I." The girl looked happy, and she was so excited that she spoke incoherently.

Jiang Jichen didn't move at all, but just looked at the girl in front of him.

The girl seemed to be aware of her gaffe, she lowered her head and pulled the broken hair behind her ear with one hand: "I'm sorry, I'm too noisy, am I?"

As if knowing that Jiang Jichen would not answer her, the girl lowered her head, turned around and was about to leave the room when a bell rang under her feet.

"Please wait a moment." Jiang Jichen's voice was a little low because he had just recovered from a serious illness. He was already half leaning on the side of the bed, looking at the girl in front of him with a pair of phoenix eyes.

When the girl heard Jiang Jichen calling her, she turned around with a sweet smile all over her face: "Young Master Jiang, what do you want?"

Jiang Jichen braced his body and got out of bed. The girl wanted to go forward to help Jiang Jichen, but she stopped after taking a step. She just watched Jiang Jichen struggle to get up, and supported the fine mahogany in the room. And out of the tea table.

"What's your name?" Jiang Jichen's lips turned pale, and he supported the tea table in front of him with all his strength.

The girl seemed a little timid and took a step back, with panic on her face: "Young Master Jiang"

Jiang Jichen raised his head and met the girl's eyes: "I'm asking, what's your name?"

The girl was so terrified that she didn't say a word, but just hung her hands on the sides of the red skirt. At this moment, Jiang Jichen carefully looked at the girl in front of him, and it seemed to be slightly different from the girl who kissed him in the dream that night. , the girl at this moment is even more shy, but the girl that night is as sweet as a girl in spring.

Jiang Jichen continued to approach, and the girl's head was even lower, but he did not back away. Jiang Jichen bent down and looked at the girl at the same level: "You saved me, so, I want to know, what's your name."

The girl raised her head hastily, and looked at Jiang Jichen's beautiful phoenix eyes and fair face. The distance was so close, her face turned red, and she could even hear her own heartbeat: "Manzhu. My name is Manzhu."

There was a sweet smell in the air, but it was strange and dangerous.

Jiang Jichen savored carefully: "Manzhu, did we know each other before?" While speaking, Jiang Jichen took a step closer, and he could smell the scent of flowers on Manzhu's body, which was the scent of flowers that he smelled when he fell asleep just now.

The girl lowered her head again, not daring to look Jiang Jichen in the eye.

Jiang Jichen continued to approach, just like that night, cornering the girl. The girl raised her head nervously, just in time to meet Jiang Jichen's sight, but there didn't seem to be any emotion in this sight.

"Why don't you talk?" Jiang Jichen wasn't about to give up asking.

The girl hurriedly shook her head, tilted her head, her toes without shoes curled up nervously, and on the girl's ankle, a very deep new injury could be clearly seen.

Jiang Jichen lowered his head and saw that the girl's feet were showing a nervous look. He lifted his bent waist and looked down at the girl: "Why don't you wear shoes? Every time I see you, I don't see you wearing shoes."

Without waiting for the girl to speak, Jiang Jichen squatted down and covered the wound on the girl's ankle with his slender fingers. He frowned tightly: "How did it hurt?"

The girl subconsciously wanted to take her feet back. It was strange to say that although the girl was not wearing shoes, the skin on her feet was fair and clear, without any trace of dust.

"You're lying to me?! You've been lying to me from the very beginning!" Jiang Jichen looked up at the timid and trembling girl, "Is that right?"

(End of this chapter)

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