Chapter 31
In the middle of the night, Wu Zuo sat alone in the mortuary studying Rong Yunhe's body, the candle flickered, casting erratic shadows.

Behind Wu Zuo, a black figure gradually approached, gradually suppressing the light of Wu Zuo, because Wu Zuo was too focused, he didn't realize anything, but he realized that someone blocked the light of his researching the corpse, and he frowned annoyedly: " Open up, open up, block the light!"

The black shadow paused, moved a little, and gave the light to Wu Zuo.

Wu Zuo fiddled with Rong Yunhe's carrion with his hand in sheepskin gloves. After a while, he felt someone approaching behind him. Like himself, he bent his body and carefully observed Rong Yunhe's carrion.

It was only then that Wu Zuo realized that in the dark and windy night of this month, in the morgue under dim light, besides the corpse, another person came in at an unknown time.Only then did he realize that he was afraid, and he turned his head slowly, just in time to see that the people standing beside him were also slowly turning their heads to look at him.

The moment the two looked at each other, they both cried out loudly, and Wu Zuo even fell to the ground, looking at the person in front of him in fear.

"Master Si! You don't sleep in the middle of the night, do you want to scare people to death?" Only then did Wu Zuo see clearly that the person next to him was none other than Shaoqin of Dali Temple, the investigator who should be least involved in this case, Si Yangting.

Si Yangting was frightened by Wu Zuo's surprise: "You still say me, I just came to see the progress, I even knocked on the door when I entered, but you didn't answer, I just thought you heard me , I just didn't want to be disturbed, so I came in lightly, do you blame me?"

Wu Zuo collapsed and shook his head, got up from the ground, glared at Si Yangting, and continued to work with his head down.

"Did you find anything?" Si Yangting approached again, blocking the light again.

"Sorry." Si Yangting moved away a little, but his eyes couldn't leave Rong Yunhe's rotten flesh.

Si Yangting was anxious: "Did you find anything? It's been a whole day."

Because Wu Zuo was still resenting Si Yang Ting for scaring him just now, he asked angrily: "What about you? Can Jiang Jichen be found?"

Si Yangting was asked about his pain, and he tilted his head and remained silent.

Wu Zuo continued: "You can find evidence to clear Jiang Jichen's charges only from me?"

"You also believe that Jiang Jichen is not the murderer, right?"

Wu Zuo shook his head: "I only believe in the evidence." He stopped his hands, blood was still hanging on the sheepskin gloves, and he raised his hands in front of his chest, facing Si Yangting, "Well, even if I believe it, what else? What's the use? Even if the entire Dali Temple believes that Jiang Jichen is innocent, what's the use? What about the evidence? On the contrary, there is evidence that he is the murderer now, and now he has disappeared."

Si Yangting knew that Wu Zuo was right, but facing the evidence he had now, he was smarter than anyone else.

Wu Zuo sighed softly: "Generally speaking, you shouldn't be involved in this case, but Mr. Fu still let you investigate this case. Even if everyone in Dali Temple complains, Mr. Fu is helping you carry it. For this alone, you shouldn't let Master Fu down."

"Of course I know, but" Si Yangting didn't say anything, but was interrupted by Wu Zuo.

Wu Zuo continued: "I know that the whole thing is more complicated than we imagined, and there are some things in it that cannot be explained. Therefore, the only way to find Jiang Jichen and let him show up to participate in it is to untie the bell. You and I know very well that the whole thing is aimed at him."

Si Yangting was anxious: "But he is also a victim, why?"

Wu Zuo raised his hand to stop Si Yang Ting from continuing: "Love is love, reason is reason, logically, I shouldn't talk to you like this, after all, you are the secretary of Dali Temple, and I am your subordinate, and you are almost out of reach Superior."

Si Yangting shook his head: "I never regarded you as a subordinate."

Wu Zuo smiled: "I can see that you are obsessed with the case. This time, it will be even more uncomfortable for you to spread it to your own people. If you need it, you can come to me anytime."

Si Yangting cupped his hands in thanks: "Thank you for your hard work."

Wu used his bloody hands to pull Si Yangting in front of the corpse. The two of them bowed their heads and looked down at the carrion in front of them. The smell was already emitting a stench, but they didn't seem to care, as if they were used to it.

"I found something wonderful, look." Wu used bamboo tweezers to pick up a piece of meat and saw it in front of Si Yangting, "Do you see how the wound was smashed?"

Si Yangting couldn't help but frowned because the smell was too strong, but his face moved closer: "Sharp hard objects smashed repeatedly."

Wu Zuo nodded: "If it's artificial, it can't be done in a short time, and there is a lot of resentment." He paused, "Of course, this is alluded to Jiang Jichen again. Naturally, he should have hatred for Rong Yunhe." yes."

"But not so much."

"So, there is another possibility, but I dare not draw conclusions." Wu Zuo looked at Si Yangting, wanting to see other answers from Si Yangting's eyes, "Aren't you usually very interested in all kinds of strange things?" Interested?"

Si Yangting suddenly thought of something, and his eyes widened: "Birds? Is this possible?"

Wu Zuo seems to have heard a satisfactory answer: "The greed of carnivorous birds for rotting corpses."

With a cold face, Jiang Jichen pushed open the door of the Zanghua Pavilion. The servant hurried forward, and when he saw Jiang Jichen came back intact, his eyes were red.

"My lord, you are back. During your absence, something important happened. The second lord has come to look for you many times. Moreover, all the people in Dali Temple are looking for you. They said" the boy was so sad that he couldn't continue.

Jiang Jichen didn't have any special emotional fluctuations. He knew that all of this was within his expectations. Now he has already become the target of public criticism.

On the way back just now, he noticed the changes in the eyes of passers-by when they saw him, and some people even avoided him.

Jiang Jichen said lightly: "These few days, let's close the Zanghua Pavilion. If you want to leave, you can also. I will give you a large resettlement fee to ensure that you can start some small businesses and marry a wife." .”

When the servant heard this, he hurriedly knelt down on the ground: "Young master, the villain's life was saved by the young master. If it wasn't for the young master, the villain would have died in a famine. Young master, don't drive the villain away."

Hearing this, Jiang Jichen was moved, and raised his hand to help the boy up: "Follow me, I'm afraid there will be no peace in the future, and even your life will be hurt."

"I'm not afraid! I will protect the young master!" The servant's eyes were firm. Although he was young, he was a responsible child.

Jiang Jichen smiled, stopped talking, and went upstairs.

The boy looked at Jiang Jichen's back: "My lord, they said."

Jiang Jichen stopped and looked back at the boy: "What else do you want to say?"

The servant seemed to have made up his mind: "They say you are a nine-tailed demon fox, I think... I think, even if you really are a nine-tailed demon fox or a god, I am willing to follow you, even if everyone in the world Abandon you, and I won't either."

The corners of Jiang Jichen's lips were raised, and his smile grew stronger. He hummed lightly, then turned his head and walked upstairs. When he reached the corner, he saw from the gap in the stairs that the servant was closing the door. His serious look was reflected in the His immature face looked extremely disproportionate.

Jiang Jichen withdrew his gaze and thought in his heart: "What should come, I should bear it alone. I don't want to hurt the innocent again. Just because you are affectionate and righteous to me, I shouldn't send you to hell."

The Great Tang West Market was still as lively as usual, but the sky in Chang'an City seemed to have changed, and perhaps, it had only changed in Jiang Jichen's heart.

Jiang Jichen looked at the portrait on the wall in his room. The person in the painting, he only now knew that she was called Manzhu, a girl who looked no more than seventeen or eighteen years old. However, he already knew her name was Manzhu, but she still Don't know who she is.

Jiang Jichen slowly put away the paintings on the wall one by one, and the scrolls were gradually hidden in the paper. Every time Jiang Jichen put away a painting, he felt a little pain in his heart. This is something he has insisted on for many years Now, he really knows her, but he feels very strange in his heart. He doesn't know why this feeling of heartache and heartbeat is why. He wants to get close to her, but it seems like There is a force stopping him, making him stay away a little more, leave him as soon as possible.

He doesn't know why, but in this acquaintance and contact, he is sure that Aning is Manzhu's person. If Aning is a goddess of the Western Regions performing skills for the queen, but she is under Manzhu, even Aning once for What reminded him of something created an illusion for him, and that illusion was exactly the same as the illusion in the dream during this narrow escape.

In the dark, it seems to have been destined long ago, who is that Manzhu?Even people like Aning obey her, she is even more extraordinary.

Jiang Jichen thought of the deaths of Rong Yunhe and Mr. Zhang again. He thought that this was contradictory, as if there were two different forces behind it, but they were pulling each other. One side wanted him to live, and the other side wanted him. Death, it's just that these two forces are putting him on the cusp.

"Why?" Jiang Jichen couldn't figure it out.

"If you don't understand something, you can discuss it with me. What's the point of hiding?"

Jiang Jichen turned his head and saw Si Yangting standing at the door of the room with a cold face.

Si Yangting was full of anger, rushed in, and punched Jiang Jichen in the face. Jiang Jichen didn't have the slightest intention to dodge, and he didn't even blink his eyes.

Si Yangting's fist stopped three centimeters in front of Jiang Jichen's eyes.

Jiang Jichen could see Si Yangting's anger, and understood Si Yangting's anger better: "I'm sorry for making you worry."

Si Yangting didn't reply, but the fist he raised in front of Jiang Jichen was already shaking with anger.

Jiang Jichen raised his hand and pressed down Si Yangting's fist, his eyes were calm: "I know that you have had a hard time these days when I'm not here, but I also know that you will understand my difficulties."

Si Yangting sneered: "What do you think I am, unconditional trust?" He took a step forward and approached Jiang Jichen, "In this situation, no one can help you!"

"I know, I've said it before, the whole thing is aimed at me, but now that many innocent people have been hurt, I also feel uneasy." Jiang Jichen sighed softly, his phoenix eyes were full of sadness .

Si Yangting had never seen Jiang Jichen look like this before. How could that heartless man who grew up with him suddenly seem to have a heart.

"Where have you been these days?"

"I can't tell."

Si Yangting didn't expect that Jiang Jichen would hide something from himself one day, and he couldn't help but feel heartbroken for a moment. His heart was heavy and heavy, and he walked forward: "I didn't ask you about others, I only asked about the things you disappeared. Where did the sky go, why can’t I say? Do you know how I found you these days? Do you know what kind of slander I hear in my ears? Jiang Jichen! I just want to help you, If someone else, I would have already"

Jiang Jichen raised his eyes and looked at Si Yangting: "I understand, but if you are someone else, you will help to the end. You are such a person. You are never sloppy when it comes to cases, but when the case really involves me , but you are out of control, you are the Shaoqing of Dali Temple, and even my younger brother, logically, you should not be involved in this case anymore, you know better than anyone else."

Si Yangting got angry for a while: "Jiang Jichen! I only think that you have a heart after you come back this time, but you are still heartless."

Jiang Jichen did not refute or quibble: "Leave this case and promise me, this is not something you can find out."

Si Yangting was trembling with anger: "Jiang Jichen!"

Jiang Jichen lowered his head and looked at everything in the room: "It turns out that the painting has been hung for a long time, even if it is taken down, there will still be traces of the past on the wall."

Si Yangting stepped forward and grabbed Jiang Jichen by the collar, and the two looked at each other: "Jiang Jichen, what do you want to do!"

Jiang Jichen looked at Si Yangting with gentle eyes: "This time, I thought I was going to die. I remembered the pain and coldness of my body before death. I thought I would never come back."

Si Yangting listened, and gradually loosened Jiang Jichen's collar: "What did you say? You were really there? The scene of Rong Yunhe's death? Isn't it?"

Jiang Jichen nodded: "More than that, I am also a witness and a victim."

Just as Si Yang Ting was about to speak, Jiang Jichen continued directly: "But, Si Yang Ting, I hope you can stay away from this case. It is more complicated and difficult to solve than you think. Listen to me and treat it as brother to brother." Please, let me handle this matter myself."

Si Yangting took a step back and shook his head lightly: "You fart! If you really treat me as your younger brother, you shouldn't let me stay out of it! Besides, if you let me leave this case, can I leave with peace of mind? You are none other than Jiang Jichen who grew up with me! You are my relative! You have always been."

Jiang Jichen was a little moved. He didn't dare to look at Si Yangting, and turned his head to look out the window: "At this moment, more than ever, I wish I had never known you, never entered the Si family's door."

Hearing this, Si Yangting trembled with anger, and hit Jiang Jichen with all his strength: "Jiang Jichen! You heartless bastard!"

Jiang Jichen turned his head slowly, knowing that Si Yangting's fist was coming, but he didn't hide at all, waiting for the fist to land on him.

He no longer looked like the two of them used to play. At that time, he could dodge Si Yangting's fist every time and make Si Yangting angry, but he was happy in his heart. He used to think that he This is how he lives, accompanied by his comfortable family, looking for the mystery of his life experience. Now, he seems to have found the signs of his life experience, but he may put his family in danger. He doesn't want to, let alone want to.

If so, he would rather sever ties with his dearest family members.

"I will repay you for this punch. From now on, you and I will owe each other nothing." Jiang Jichen closed his eyes, waiting for the fist to fall.

After a long while, the surroundings were quiet, no fists landed on Jiang Jichen, and there was no sign of Si Yangting around him, but Jiang Jichen refused to open his eyes for a long time. He was afraid, afraid of seeing Si Yangting If you want to ask who is the person who has the deepest relationship with him so far, it is undoubtedly Si Yangting, this big boy who has been willing to follow behind him to ask questions since he was a child. He wants him to leave because he wants to protect him. .

Ultimately, he wants to fight it all by himself.

Jiang Jichen slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were sad.

(End of this chapter)

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