Chapter 6
The whole mansion of Zhang Yuanwai exploded, the servants knelt down on the ground, the leader was the little book boy, he was out of breath from crying: "Master, the young master came back like this last night, the whole person is stupid , like a lost soul."

In a fit of rage, Zhang Yuanwai raised his hand and threw the tea bowl at the little book boy, trembling with rage, "If it wasn't for your poor care, why would such a horrible and ridiculous thing come about? The best candidate? Seeing that the imperial examination is coming, this is a good one! This is a good one!"

The servants and servants in the house lined up and wept softly, not because they were really sad for the son who was not a member of the staff, but because they were afraid that their upper body would be involved because of this incident, but the little bookboy's sadness was really for the son.

The little book boy knelt down and took a step forward, pulling the master's trousers: "Master, the villain is stupid, guessing that since the portrait with the strange flower inscribed on the scene of the young master's disappearance, it must be related to the painter There are relationships."

Zhang Yuanwai thought for a moment: "Go on."

The little bookboy stretched out his hand to wipe his nose: "The villain has already inquired, and the painter should be the owner of a shop called Zanghua Pavilion on the edge of the West Market. If the master trusts him, I will ask the villain after he finds that person. "

Before Zhang Yuanwai could speak, another servant said, "Who doesn't know that the owner Jiang Jichen is the brother of Yang Ting, the Shaoqing Secretary of Dali Temple, and his father is Si Mingyu, the Minister of the Ministry of Officials. Not biological, but not someone we can offend either."

Zhang Yuanwai held the corner of the table with one hand, the corners of his lips trembled, but he lost his mind.

The little book boy stepped forward again, with tears on his face: "Master, the villain is willing to give it a try, even if that person is not really the one who attacked the young master, it may be a clue for us. The villain has been with the young master for a few years , the young master has always had a clear mind, and the villain has learned a thing or two, I wonder if the master thinks what the villain said makes sense?"

Zhang Yuanwai thought for a moment, nodded in agreement, and waved to the little book boy: "If you see him, please invite him to sit at the house."

"Yes!" The little bookboy wiped his nose, turned and ran outside.

Just after noon, the boy in the Zanghua Pavilion was a little lazy, squatting on the stool by the door, resting his chin with his hands in a daze, his eyes almost narrowed.

Jiang Jichen had a folding fan in his hand, and on the fan was a bright red Bana flower. He was dressed in a fluffy white dress, and his hair was loosely tied behind his head, tied behind his head with a thin red ribbon. He was fair and fair. His face seemed to have lost all color, and he walked lightly and without sound.

The boy almost fell asleep, and accidentally fell off the stool. It happened that Jiang Jichen passed by and reached out to help him, but he also protected the boy. Seeing that it was Jiang Jichen, the boy grinned and took a step back : "Master, is this going out?"

Jiang Jichen nodded slightly, and looked out of the door with a pair of phoenix eyes. The sun was dazzling: "I haven't bought the paint yet, so I'll go out to relax. There are some things that I should think about."

Although the boy didn't understand Jiang Jichen's seemingly incongruous words, he was used to not asking too many questions, so he just took a step forward: "Master Chen who asked you to take a portrait a while ago "

Jiang Jichen threw away the folding fan and swayed it slowly: "Push it again." After finishing speaking, the person had already stepped out, and he could only see his back drifting away.

The boy sighed, and lowered his head: "Business is not easy to do. If you come and go, who will come to your door? You have become a Buddha, what should I do?"

Just as he was talking, he heard a burst of anxious panting from outside the door. Then, a little book boy about seventeen or eight years old rushed in and almost fell to the ground when he entered the door. He was sweating and asked indifferently: "Excuse me, is Young Master Jiang here?"

The servant was naturally delighted to see a guest, and stepped forward to help the little book boy: "Are you here to help your young master make an appointment for a portrait?"

The little book boy panted and waved his hands: "I'm afraid the portrait has already been drawn, but there are some things I don't know, and I want to ask Mr. Jiang for advice. If Mr. Jiang is free, our master would like to invite Mr. Jiang to sit at his residence."

The servant became a little vigilant, and saw that the little book boy was also pretty, he didn't look like a deceitful master: "May I ask your residence?"

The little book boy gradually recovered his breath, and said, "Master Zhang's Wai Mansion in Dongshi."

"Could it be that the son who got lost a few days ago is your son?" The boy's nerves tensed.

The little book boy looked sincere, and wiped the sweat on his cheeks with his dusty little hands: "Well, that's right, but our son came back last night, but there are some things I want to bother Mr. Jiang to ask."

The boy backed away defensively: "What does these things have to do with my son?"

The little Shutong shook his head: "If my young master hadn't returned last night, I'm afraid your young master would have been invited into Dali Temple by now, just because this case is unusual."

The little servant glared at the little book boy dissatisfied, raised his hand and pushed, and was about to push the little book boy out.The little book boy was anxious and refused to go out.
The servant is also eager to protect the master: "You child is so unreasonable. Our son and your son don't know each other, so why bother to rely on my son, whether your son is crazy or stupid, let alone Dali Temple Minister, even Even if it's a woman, anyone has to give a certified physical evidence, I don't know who are you scaring here?!"

The little book boy was pushed out of the door, with tears streaming down his face, and lowered his head sobbing: "It turns out that Mr. Jiang is not here. I'll just wait here. You don't have to be so rude. I just think that everyone under Mr. Jiang's family is reasonable." , but I don’t want to meet such an arrogant person like you.” After the little book boy said, he sat down on the ground at the door, and people came and went, everyone looked at the little book boy, as if the Tibetan Flower Pavilion really provoked Like a child of seven or eight years old.

The little servant couldn't bear it, and waved his hand to the little book boy: "My young master has just left the house, and I don't know when he will be back. I will definitely bring the words for you. You go back first. As long as my young master is free, I will definitely tell him that you have been here." .”

The little book boy's face instantly burst into joy, and he got up and wiped the tears on his face with his chubby little dirty hands, which made his face even more blurred: "Then can I wait here?"

The boy looked at the sun: "It's still early, my young master sometimes doesn't come back after going out for several days, you go back, believe me, I will help you bring the message."

In the depths of the crowd, a shadow spreading black smoke was staring unblinkingly at the interior of the Zanghua Pavilion, and then disappeared into the crowd, but the people in the crowd seemed to be unable to see that person, and did not respond.

During the daytime in West Market, people come and go, the sun is shining, the women on the road, some are holding umbrellas, some are covering their faces with silk handkerchiefs, but this does not hinder their enthusiasm for shopping at all.

Jiang Jichen kept a cold face, and walked forward without looking sideways. His goal was very clear, so he didn't want to stay too long, because he was still thinking about Mr. Zhang Yuan's family. I have never figured out why this matter has something to do with me. Although there is only one physical evidence that cannot be called physical evidence, I really have not painted this young man. Since the portrait with my own exclusive mark appeared on the At the scene of a crime, someone must be trying to frame her, so who is that person?What is the purpose?But last night the lights were on in the west wing of the Zhang family's house, and there was a figure walking around, who could that person be?

While thinking about it, Jiang Jichen lost his mind for a moment. He didn't want to be interrupted by the sound of quarreling across the street, and only heard a woman crying: "You have lost all the money in the family by gambling, and the child is still sick. Now you want to pawn off your child, where is your conscience? Return my son back!"

(End of this chapter)

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