LOL: Summoner of Goddess Jana

Chapter 125 Where is my sister?

Chapter 125 Where Is My Sister? (Please Subscribe~)

Jinx is highly motivated.

Not long after the leader confronted the prosthetic warrior, she used the cover of the dark sky in the ditch area, like a swift and dexterous cat, to climb silently to the roof near the battlefield.

"1, 2, 3. 14 big fools~"

Jinx stood on the roof, his eyes hurriedly swept over the prosthetic warrior below.

She looked relaxed as if she was playing a game.

Well, there will be a game of life-threatening.

But she was never afraid.

"Oh! Bombs? You guys have great taste!" As soon as Jinx arrived at the scene, he saw the leader bring out several large boxes of bombs.

Soon, she saw those prosthetic fighters again, carrying the bazooka with a smirk.

Steel shell bombs are facing rocket launchers, and in a frontal exchange of fire, it is easy to know that the latter has the upper hand.

"Idiot, that's not how bombs are used!" Jinx was already mourning for Lena and others.

She didn't have time to stop it, and there was no need to stop it.

Anyway, as long as there is one survivor left on the leader's side, her mission will be considered complete.

As for whether the others will die, she is too lazy to care.

"Huh?" At this moment, Jinx heard the leader singing.

She also saw the rockets fired by the prosthetic warriors, whizzing past like a meteor shower.

"Blocking rockets with singing? Oh, you're crazier than me!"

Jinx jumped out, and the magic soldier jumped down from the sky:
"Poor little girl, stand still—"

"The hero of the gutter, Miss 'Jessica' is here to save you!"

As soon as she jumped, she jumped into the crowd, and jumped into the middle of the group of ferocious prosthetic warriors.

This jump was like a small cannon fired by W's body, which made the enemy panic and stunned, and also jumped far away to observe the battlefield with a telescope and almost had a myocardial infarction.

"Hi!" Jinx smiled and waved to a bewildered proto-soldier standing in front of her.

Then she raised the double-barreled shotgun in her hand and slapped the guy in the face at close range: "Bang!"

Poured one.

Quickly turned the gun and poked another enemy's unarmored waist: "Bang!"

Another one fell.

Then there is no bullet.

"Bang! Bang! Only two! Stupid thing, I think you should call it a 'bang bang gun'!" Jinx puffed up and loaded the shotgun with bullets.

She originally thought that when she changed the bullet, those prosthetic fighters would react and fight back at her.

But the other party was only in a commotion because of her. Most of their eyes were still focused on the leader.

Moreover, the expressions are also very frightened.

"Huh?" Jinx finally realized something was wrong.

She looked up suddenly, only to find:
In the few seconds when she just jumped into the crowd, fired two shots in a row, and focused on dealing with the enemy.
None of the rockets that she thought would cause heavy casualties to the leaders failed to hit Lina and the others.

They all exploded into fireworks in the sky.

Who would have thought that, in just a few seconds, between the leader and the prosthetic fighter, there would be an offensive and defensive transformation!
Then, immediately after, in the embers of this bright fire
Dozens of hundreds of heavy iron-cased bombs were blown by the wind like lightly fallen leaves.

"Hey, I'm still here, don't throw bombs!" Jinx suddenly widened his eyes.

She seems to be a little playful.

Lina and the others worked together to disperse the rockets flying all over the sky with the strong wind.

While the singing was playing, their real trump card, the dozens of deadly iron shell bombs, also flew up with the wind.

Victory seemed to be at hand.

But the leaders were astonished to find out that in just a few seconds.
On the opposite roof, a slender girl with blue braids suddenly jumped out.

She was caught off guard and rushed into the middle of the enemy, taking advantage of the sneak attack and fired two shots, knocking down the two protoss fighters in an instant.

This look is here to help.

If it was in normal times, the leaders would definitely be grateful to this girl who acted out of righteousness.

But now.
"She got mixed up with those prosthetic fighters!"

"What to do, Lena?" The team members were all anxious.

The two armies were fighting, bombs were flying into the sky, and a civilian suddenly appeared in the bombing area?
If the bombing starts, the girl must die.

But if you don't bomb
"I'm afraid we won't have a chance to do it again!"

Now the power of Janna herself is very limited, and the divine power she can borrow from the gods to mortal believers is even more pitiful.

It is enough for them to put a few skills.

Now everyone has tried their best to blow hundreds of iron shell bombs into the sky. If they give up halfway here, then they may not be able to use this scale of wind control spells again.

"Do you want to kill the enemy or save people?" A fatal multiple-choice question was suddenly placed in front of everyone.

Kill the enemy, the blue-haired girl will definitely be killed.

Don't take this opportunity to blow up the enemy in one fell swoop. When those powerful prosthetic fighters react, I'm afraid everyone present will die!

How should one choose between the life of an innocent person and the safety of everyone present?
"Lena!" The team members all looked at Lina.

She is the leader.This difficult decision should be made by her.

"I" Lena was a little lost for a moment.

But it was too late.

The girl's life, the lives of the team members, and the lives of Zac's parents are all in her hands at this moment, the little team leader.

There is no time to hesitate and think, she must make a decision immediately!

"Lina!" Everyone's eyes converged on one place.

"Lina!" Anxious calls came and went.


Between the flashes, Lina thought of the afternoon when Li Wei solemnly entrusted the Hextech armor to her and several other team leaders two weeks ago:

"Everyone, you are all fighters with the strongest beliefs among the leaders, so you should be able to understand:"

"This set of Hextech armor is not a prize given to you by Vice President Victor and I, nor is it your privilege as the leader of the investigation team."

"It's a responsibility."

"Wearing it, you are the sharpest spears and the most solid shields of the team, the leaders among the leaders, and the soldiers among the soldiers."

"When attacking you must be first, when retreating you must be behind - if the struggle requires bloodshed, it should start with you!"


"Fry!" Lina gritted her teeth suddenly and gave such an order.

Everyone is waiting for this order.

At this moment, like the sword of Damocus finally falling, hundreds of iron shell bombs hanging above the heads of the prosthetic fighters fell like hail.

The enemy's eyes widened in horror. They wanted to escape, but they couldn't escape the blanket of terrifying firepower at all.

So did the blue-haired girl.

Everyone thought she was going to die.

But at the moment when the order was issued and the bomb fell, Lina suddenly jumped up and rushed out.

"Come to me!!"

She yelled at the blue-haired girl from the air.

The power engine of the Hextech armor was suddenly overloaded, causing the booster nozzle behind her to spew out blazing pillars of terrifying high-temperature flames.

With this wave of powerful "Nitrogen Acceleration", Lina actually rushed into the range of the deadly firepower against the rain of bombs falling.

"Come to me!" Jinx heard her call too.

She didn't know Lena, and even half a minute ago she'd thought Lena was a big fool who needed her handouts to save her.

But in this desperate situation, Lena is the only existence she can rely on and trust.

Lina rushed to Jinx, and Jinx instinctively rushed to her.

Before the bomb fell, the two strangers hugged each other tightly like sisters.

"Hex Shield!"

Lina held Jinx firmly under her body, and released the energy of the Hex gem at the maximum power.

Finally, with the unusually bright blue light from the hex gem on the chest, a transparent and solid spherical light shield also quickly emerged, expanded, and condensed around Lina and Jinx.

The bomb went off.

The fire swallowed everything, and the smoke covered the battlefield.

The Hex Gem was blazing with blue light.

Jinx's pupils shrank.

She was clearly in the very center of the explosion, in a desperate situation where she might die at any time, but she was stunned for a moment at this critical moment.

It was as if some dark and painful memory was brought back by the scene in front of him.

Finally, the explosion subsided, the shield exploded, and the blue light of the Hex Gem dimmed.

Gunpowder smoke poured into the nostrils, and the hot wind rushed to the face.

Jinx was still in a daze.

"Hey, don't be afraid—" Until Lena breathed a sigh of relief for the rest of her life, and smiled at her: "Look, we're not dead!"

"I" Jinx came back to his senses.

"Don't be afraid." Lina touched the poor little head: "My sister is here."

 The second is later_(:з」∠)_
(End of this chapter)

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