LOL: Summoner of Goddess Jana

Chapter 138 Jinx Diary

Chapter 138 Jinx's Diary (please subscribe~)

Here's what Jinx's week in Piltover would look like if she could keep a diary:

Monday, sunny.

I don't know what kind of ecstasy soup Lina's brother poured into the Ferros family. That Picheng girl named Kaya really didn't come back to make trouble.

He's so talkative.

But I still secretly told Lena that it would be better to gag the damn girl with a stinky sock and sink her into Pilt Sound.

Sister Lina seems to be disgusted by this.

Maybe I need to be more hygienic and use clean socks next time?

Tuesday, sunny.

I heard from Sister Lina that the leader's scientific equipment department has newly arrived with a batch of weapon-grade artificial hex gems.

It seems that the leader and the Ferros family have reached some kind of cooperation.

Hmm. Is this important information?

Shirko, it was a good thing you sent me here.I'm doing undercover work seriously~
Wednesday, cloudy.

Levi is a total asshole!

He is a cold-blooded and heartless guy who even punished his own sister!
What. Revocation of all duties in the meeting?Can't resume the original job within two years, can't be promoted?

Those bullshit disciplinary inspection cadres didn't even let Sister Lina be the team leader, and even asked her to hand in her Hex armor!
asshole! !
Lina has done so many good things in Zaun.

Why should she be suspended and fined to go to labor education and be a volunteer sweeping the streets?
Obviously it was me who made the mistake.Ugh.

On Thursday, it rained heavily.

The bad news is that sister Lena has been suspended.

I was also disqualified from applying to join the Windchaser Association, and I will be a volunteer sweeping the streets with her starting next week.Scan for a month.

The good news is that sister Lena has been suspended.

She doesn't have to go to work for the time being, and can play with me from morning till night.

Mmm. She's so nice.It was obviously my fault, but she still wanted to protect me.

Wei is not as good as her.

Friday, sunny.

Today Lina took me shopping and bought me very expensive ice cream that only Picheng people can afford.

In fact, I have eaten this stuff secretly in the homes of those rich people, and the taste is no better than the ice cream of Zaan 1 Copper Ring.

To spend so much money on this crap, the Picheng guy must have a problem with his IQ.

But it was Lena who bought it for me.

I'm done.

Saturday, sunny.

When I was walking past the factory today, I suddenly heard howling wolves.

Strange that Piltover would have wolves too.

I asked Lina, and Lina said that this is still the leader's secret, it is their "secret weapon" against a certain alchemy baron in Zaun, and it is not convenient to disclose it to me.

Shirko. I really didn't stop asking because I was in a hurry to go to Seraphine's concert with Lena.

It was she who didn't tell me.

By the way, I helped you get the "Lonely Brave" album signed by Seraphine.You'll love it, Shirko.

Sunday, rain.

I had a nightmare last night about Vander.

That's weird. I haven't had any nightmares since I came to Piltover.But last night I was still sick.

Fortunately, Lena was there.

She heard me crying and talking in my sleep in the middle of the night, so she woke me up, hugged me to comfort me, and slept with me.

The feeling of sleeping with Sister Lina in my arms. It's actually pretty good.

Perhaps, having nightmares is not a bad thing?
A week passed peacefully like this.

Jinx has unknowingly fully integrated into her new identity and life in Piltover, and she even feels a little "unfortunate to miss her ancestors".

Even at this moment, she is wearing a rustic orange vest, carrying a broom and dustpan, and sweeping the streets of the Zaun community as a cleaner.

Jinx is still happy.

At least, when working next to Lena, there will be no hallucinations that torment her almost crazy.

The only thing she can't accept is one thing:
"I'm sorry, sister Lena."

"Sweeping the floor with me, Lian Lian."

Jinx has a very special character.

If it was her own fault, even if it caused serious consequences and was abused and criticized by countless people, she might not really reflect on it.

But if she made a mistake and let the person she loves bear the consequences, she would feel extremely guilty, so guilty that she might even have a mental breakdown.

"It doesn't matter."

"I've said it many times, that bitch Kaya has bullied me for a whole year, and I wanted to beat her up."

"Not only to protect you, but also to vent your anger on yourself."

Lina stopped the broom and smiled openly.

But Jinx knew that Lena was implicated by her.

If Lina doesn't help her share the responsibility, based on the serious consequences her actions have brought to the leader, according to the leader's discipline, she will be expelled from work and sent back to Zaun.

"It's all my fault." Jinx kicked the dustpan beside him angrily, and looked at the busy street, as well as the rustic cleaner uniforms on her and Lena:

"Lina, you were already the team leader, but because of me, you were sent by your brother to do this."

Lina didn't care: "One month's labor education is nothing more than nothing."

"When the reeducation through labor is over, I can still go back to be a member of the investigation team."

"Then you can only be a team member!" Jinx was very angry:
She knew how badly this punishment affected Lina.

Being unable to return to her original job or promotion for two years meant that in the first two years when the leader had the fastest development and was the easiest to make a career, Lina could only be a low-level clerk in frustration.

Not even a cadre.

"I don't care." Lina said with a smile: "Revolutionary work is only different in division of labor, and there is no distinction between high and low."

"So what if I am not a cadre? As a member of the investigation team or a mechanical engineer, I can still contribute to the ideals and careers of leaders."

Although Jinx has been with him day and night and nurtured him day and night in the past week, his understanding of faith has become much deeper.

Ke Lina's high-spirited words still made her unacceptable.

"What does it mean that there is no high or low? How is this possible?" Jinx waved the broom in his hand angrily: "Can those of us who sweep the streets and those who sit in offices as officials be the same people? "

"I think they just say that everyone is equal, but they look down on us in their hearts."

"No." Lena said, "A true leader will never think so."

"In our case, if you are not a true leader with faith, you cannot be an official."

Jinx: "."

She really choked on Lena.

That's right, almost all the leader cadres she met in Piltover this week were good people who only appeared in stories.

As a result, Jinx, who grew up in Zaun and was used to seeing the dark side, felt uncomfortable all over, and couldn't adapt to it.

"But cadres are only a minority after all."

"Don't most people only respect us on the surface and look down on us in their hearts?"

Jinx couldn't help arguing with Lena.

Discussing Janna's thoughts and social issues with her sister is also a habit she has unconsciously developed in the past week.

This time Lina thought about it seriously.

She said: "Jessica, the situation you mentioned does exist at present."

"But... you have to know that even if there is only 'superficial respect' for the workers, this is a huge improvement for the citizens of Zaun and Piltover."

"Our efforts have paid off, haven't we?"

As she said that, Lina smiled and responded to the greetings of several passers-by.

They didn't know her, and they all wore gold-rimmed glasses and smart suits, looking like intellectuals.

But when they passed by, they would carefully avoid the rubbish that Lina swept up, and apologize to a cleaner for disturbing, and respect.

This is the social atmosphere that gradually formed after the leader was born.

Before that, looking at the entire Runeterra, who would give a good face to sweep the street?
"Hmm." Jinx had nothing to say.

Leaders are indeed making the world a better place.

Even if Jinx has no grand ideals.But she also instinctively, would like to live in such a better world.

"I believe that with our efforts, the world can become better."

"One day all men will be created equal. The sons of former slaves will be able to sit at the table with the sons of former slaveholders in brotherhood. People will no longer be judged by their status, but by their character. Evaluate life in their country."

Lena talked longingly about her dream.

"Can this be done?" Jinx murmured.

"Okay." Lina nodded seriously.

"And, we've already done some of that."

As she said that, Lina pointed forward as if she had discovered some perfect example:

"See the girl over there shopping with friends?"

"Who?" Jinx glanced curiously: "The one with dark blue hair?"

"Yes, she is Caitlin Gillaman, the eldest lady of the Gillaman family."

"And her good friend who talks and laughs happily with her is just a Zaun girl."

The young lady of Picheng and the little sister of Zaan can actually walk together shoulder to shoulder.

This is incredible.

"This can explain to a certain extent that, at least in the leader's territory, the class barriers between people have been smoothed out to the greatest extent."

Lena is giving an example seriously.

But Jinx was suddenly a little dazed.

Because, the "Zuan friend" next to Caitlin seemed familiar to her.

how does that look like

(End of this chapter)

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