LOL: Summoner of Goddess Jana

Chapter 14 Li Wei's Plug-in

Chapter 14 Li Wei's Plug-in

"Ah, they're fighting!" Before Seraphine had time to see her father's constipated face, her attention was drawn to the sudden change in the situation outside the window.

I saw the two people on the other side of the street, who were talking face to face, suddenly started fighting.

Li Wei moved first.

He smashed fat Aubrey's head with a piece of bread.

Aubrey quickly fought back angrily under shame and pain.

His strength is obviously higher than that of Li Wei, and his bloated figure is not as bulky as it looks.So the situation quickly became one-sided.

Fat Aubrey knocked Levi down again and again, and Levi got back up again and again.

Soon, both were bleeding.Blood dripped all over the place.

But they don't stop.

"This, this" Seraphine's face turned pale.

She had never seen such a brutal and terrifying picture.In Piltover, this is a very unusual thing.

The two people who were fighting were as crazy and bloodthirsty as the wolves in the storybook.

Why do people hurt each other like this?
Seraphine didn't understand.

"Dad." She instinctively turned her head to look at her father, the factory director: "Go get someone to help that Li Wei! He looks like he's going to be beaten to death by that fat man."

Let me save that brat?

The old father's face was still dark.

"It's none of our business, Nini. It's just two Zaunites fighting. There's nothing to save."

"And it's not that you didn't see it, it was Li Wei who made the move first—since he provoked it himself, then he should let him suffer."

He deliberately concealed part of the truth without telling it, and taught his overly naive daughter a serious lesson.

In fact, Erwin knew very well who that fat man was, and why Li Wei beat him first.

If it was 20 years ago, if he stood there, he would bite like a wild beast.

But it's different now.

He is a Piltover business owner and a father.

As a father, he only wanted Seraphine to stay away from that Zaun boy.

As a business owner, he also didn't want to offend the brother of the Iron Fist Gang boss, that annoying fat Aubrey, just because of a small apprentice.

If Li Wei just had no money to repay the usury, and his daughter begged and acted like a baby, he would help if his heart softened.

But now Li Wei has been forced to beat the fat man Aubrey and the younger brother of the Iron Fist gang leader, offending him to death.

Although this is Piltover, the Zaunite gangsters can't do anything here.

As a Piltover business owner protected by a law enforcement officer, even if it's just a small business owner, Erwin has no need to be afraid of the Iron Fist or Iron Foot Gang.

But this shit doesn't hurt people, it's disgusting to touch it.

What if those green skins send people over to make trouble every now and then, making it impossible for him to do business?He's just a small business owner, but he can't have law enforcement officers on call to defend him against harassment like those big plutocrats in Piltover.

The cost of saving Li Wei is far greater than the psychological price he is willing to pay to satisfy his kindness.

"I don't have the ability to save him. Seraphine, don't even look at it!"

"Then you don't even know who Li Wei is, so don't sympathize with him casually."

"Maybe" Looking at the tragic battle across the street, Erwin couldn't help hesitating.

But he still held his daughter's hand, hesitantly taught: "Maybe he asked for all the troubles. People in Zaun like to drink, gamble and borrow usury, and they deserve it if they are beaten."

It's wrong to lie, but it's absolutely right to teach your daughter to stay away from the people of Zaun.

This is his experience as a Zaunite.

So Erwin said it anyway.

"But." Seraphine still couldn't bear it.

From time to time, his eyes drifted to the young man from Za'an whose cheeks were dripping with blood and still had a firm expression.

"There's nothing wrong with it, come back and finish the meal!" The old father deliberately emphasized his tone.

"Son, come to Mom." The mother also gently persuaded: "Talk to Mom about the new song you created yesterday."

"Yeah..." Seraphine bit her lips lightly, with an unbearable expression on her face, her pale fingers clasped on the window sill, refusing to let go for a long time.

But since she was a child, she only lived under the protection of her parents, and in the end she silently obeyed her parents' opinions as before.

Let go of your hands and close the curtains.Pretending nothing happened outside the window, she didn't see anything.

But at this moment.
"and many more!"

Seraphine turned around to leave, but her steps stopped at the window again.

"What's wrong?" The couple were puzzled.

"I heard" she seemed to be possessed.


"Singing, I heard him singing again!"

Seraphine turned around excitedly, and opened the curtains:

"It's him--"

"He's singing!"

Li Wei was always angry.

But he didn't attack fat Aubrey on impulse because he was angry or humiliated.

He did it because he knew that he seemed to have a choice at the time, but he didn't.

When Fat Aubrey cornered him in the street, he had no choice.

If you don't resist, kill a bloody path.If you don't fight, you can be regarded as a slave controlled by gangsters.

That fat man will not give him a third way, let him leave freely.

So Li Wei took the lead.

He tried to gain an advantage by sneak attacking, and then took advantage of the chaos to escape.

But this fat man is very resistant to beatings, and his movements are much more flexible than imagined.Not only did Li Wei fail to run, he was also dragged into a battle of disparity in strength.


The fist slammed head-on like a meteor hammer, and hit Li Wei's head, which was not much bigger than the fist.

Aubrey, who had his head smashed by the bread, became furious and yelled like crazy:

"how dare you!"

"Dare to do anything to me, Aubrey!!"

Li Wei was punched to the ground, and blood gushed out of his nasal cavity.

Baku watched sadly, but dared not move.

Janna was tucked into his pocket, and there was nothing she could do to help.

Just like Aubrey scolded. How dare he?
"Of course I dare!" Li Wei wiped off the blood and stood up again.

Because now he is not without cheats.

He still has the memory of the original owner, the memory of a Zaunite.

As long as he is immersed in this memory, he can "transform" into a real Zaunite.

The Zaunites don't just go for it, they bite like crazy, no matter how strong or terrifying the foe is.

Because they have nothing to lose except this life.If the enemy wants to take away this life, then there is nothing to be afraid of.

"Go to hell!" Aubrey raised his thick arm like a pig's leg, and patted it heavily like a bear's paw.

Li Wei didn't even hide.

He met the slap head-on:

Laugh to death, pain does not hurt.

Compared with the knife stabbed in the back by his uncle in the original owner's memory, the damage was so low that he didn't feel it at all.

Even a mine overseer's whip is stronger than this.

So Li Wei not only didn't hide, but like a mad dog who lost his mind, he slapped him forcefully, then turned his head and bit that arm.

"Ahhh!" Aubrey yelled in pain.

And Li Wei tore off a piece of meat from his arm without changing his face, and spat it on the ground casually.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Aubrey was still howling.

Li Wei, who was a few circles thinner than him, had already used his teeth and nails again, tearing his flesh and blood brutally.

"Look, look for death!!" Aubrey was so painful that his eyes gleamed fiercely.

After all, he was strong and strong, so he quickly tore Li Wei off his body like a chicken, and fell heavily to the ground.

But Li Wei immediately got up again.

Getting up was another burst of desperate bites, like an undead zombie.

Another punch.

He staggered up again.

Another punch down.

Get up again.
Unlimited sit-ups are like eating Nika fruit.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Li Wei was the one who was more injured, but the only one who screamed was Fatty Aubrey.

Gradually, he was actually afraid.

Seeing Levi walking towards him covered in blood, Aubrey even took two steps back subconsciously.

"Bastard, bastard."

"Why are you so resistant to beating when you ride a horse!"

"Because I'm from Zaun." Li Wei clenched his blood-soaked fists: "And you're not."

Aubrey was just born in Zaun and dressed like a Zaun.

A real Zaunian wouldn't let his mouth be bitten off and just sit here and howl like this, and wouldn't bleed so little that he would subconsciously want to back down.

This guy has long since softened in the honeypot of Piltover, forgetting who he is.

Li Wei glanced disdainfully at the fat man who had been beaten into tears, turned around and picked up the piece of black bread with a corner knocked off, patted the dust on it, and planned to leave here.

"You, you don't want to run away! When I call my brother over, he will definitely find you and your sister and tear you into pieces!" Aubrey roared in embarrassment.

But Li Wei didn't even pay attention, and there was even a little disdain in his eyes.

"Hahaha" I don't know who it is, but someone in the crowd laughed.

"Who's laughing? Who's laughing!"

Aubrey looked around flushed.

No one was laughing, but it seemed like everyone was laughing.

It's like they're looking at a crap.

Even if he is the younger brother of the boss of the Iron Fist Gang, he is still a waste.

In other words, it was because he was surrounded by such a powerful brother that he looked even more useless.

"Li Wei, stop here!"

Aubrey's roar suddenly became that of a beast.

"Huh?" Li Wei had a bad premonition.

He looked back, only to see that Aubrey had drawn a small glass bottle from his pocket.

The cork has been opened, and there is a faint purple potion inside.

"That's it." Li Wei's pupils shrank:
"Shimmer potion?"

(End of this chapter)

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