LOL: Summoner of Goddess Jana

Chapter 17 The Power of God?

Chapter 17 The Power of God?

"The first believers in the new idea seem to have been born," Janna said.

"A believer in new ideas? You mean... not a believer in your original teachings, but a like-minded companion with us?" Li Wei was stunned.

Just soldered the circuit board all night, did nothing, and somehow soldered the followers out?
Hasn't this been officially publicized yet? How come there is suddenly a follower with faith?

"But he does exist."

"Besides, that person is very special." At this time, Janna said in detail: "His spiritual power is naturally extraordinary, and the power of faith contributed by one person is stronger than the power of hundreds of ordinary people."

"I think... he must be suitable to be a mage."

"This" Li Wei is even more incomprehensible.

When had he seen such an expert, and somehow developed him?
The more I think about it, the more I think about it, the more chaotic I am.

But Fat Aubrey wasn't ready to give him time to think.

He only thought that Li Wei's dodge just now was an accident, thinking that he was lucky enough to avoid it.

But no matter what the reason was, Li Wei's dexterous flash just now made him look so clumsy and embarrassed.The eyes of the onlookers seemed to stab again, poking at his trash joke.

"Asshole." Shimmer was like gasoline, pouring on Aubrey's anger: "Go to hell!"

He slammed his foot on the ground, and his inflated body crashed like a truck.

Lifting the thick arm of the tree trunk, it was another overwhelming punch.

"Forget it, I don't want to." Li Wei didn't have time to think about where did that stranger come from.

He calmed down, and under the guidance of Janna's thoughts, he carefully felt the extra power in his body.

This is a warm and gentle force, like a hot spring, like a breeze, silently infiltrating his limbs and bones.

It was actually very weak, and it didn't make Li Wei much stronger.At least, in terms of physical fitness alone, he is still not as good as the shimmering fat man in front of him.

But this power is Janna's divine power, and its mystery is far beyond the brute force stimulated by the shimmer potion.

In addition to enhancing Li Wei's physique, it also brought a special supernatural power to Li Wei——

That is the power to feel the wind and harness it.

When it comes to harnessing the wind, he still can't do it.Because this divine power is not strong enough, it is still difficult to control matter with spirit, and it cannot support even a wind control magic.

But it is enough to feel the wind.

"Airflow. It seems to be talking to me."

Li Wei unconsciously entered a wonderful state.

He could hear the "voice" of the wind, feel every disturbance in the air, no matter how faint.

So before Fatty Aubrey's blow came, Li Wei could feel the airflow fluctuations torn apart by that heavy punch, and predicted the spatial orientation that his punch would sweep.

The divine power to perceive the wind, and the fighting instinct tempered by the original owner's struggle for survival in Zaun, soon had a wonderful chemical reaction in him.

"Run with the wind!"

Following the sea breeze blowing naturally, Li Wei's figure fluttered lightly.

Although it was just dodging, it was as light as flying.

In an understatement, it was just a slight step, and Aubrey's heavy punch was completely missed.

He was like a wild boar that accelerated crazily but failed to hit anyone. He lumbered towards an open space for a long distance before finally staggering to a halt.

"F, what happened?"

Aubrey faintly sensed something was wrong.

But the gradually rising shimmering potion was affecting his sanity, making him more irritable and irritable.Gradually, his few minds also lost control.

"Damn... you... how can this damn loach hide so well!" So Aubrey quickly turned his head and killed him in anger.

This time he didn't use fists that were easy to dodge, but stretched his arms and rushed hard, trying to use his size advantage to open a big net and give Li Wei a deadly bear hug.

His size and momentum are indeed as terrifying as a bear, but
"Too bulky."

With a tap of Li Wei's toe, he dodged again.

The movement is light and windy, which is pleasing to the eye.

"Damn it!!" Aubrey missed, and his anger became even more out of control.He immediately forcibly stopped his figure with brute force.Twisted around and punched, trying to return the horse and stab this overly flexible guy.

But Li Wei seemed to have eyes behind his back.

He didn't even look at it, just lowered his head for a moment, and brushed past the fist sweeping behind him in an understatement.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!!"

"How could I not be able to beat a stinky part-time job!!"

Aubrey only felt that he was fighting against the air, against a gust of wind.

But Li Wei is clearly a human being.

A Zaun apprentice who couldn't be more humble.

"No, I can't beat him!!"

With a punch, Li Wei turned his head and dodged it.

"I'm not trash, no!!"

Another punch, Li Wei dodged sideways, and took advantage of the opportunity to support his punching arm, and sent it forward gently.

Aubrey suddenly hit the floor like a hollow stone man in a huff.

"Ahhh——" He hit himself until his head was bleeding, and the pain further stimulated his anger.

The side effects of the shimmering potion kicked in further.

Aubrey was so angry and overwhelmed by the medicine that he finally lost his mind completely.

He quickly got up from the ground and slammed towards Li Wei frantically, like a tank hitting head-on.

But Li Wei was no longer in the mood to play with him.

Even if the tanks in the game cannot be beaten, they can still resist being beaten for a while.But the "tank" in reality has a key point.

"you lose."

The melody has reached its climax.

The sea breeze just passed by.

Li Wei flashed with the wind, staggered with Aubrey, and then...
Raising his hand and palm as a knife, he used the kinetic energy of Aubrey's high-speed collision to slash his throat with a knife.

Precise and elegant, attacking the weak point with one blow.

In the end, amidst the strong wind, the two passed by each other.

"Ugh!!" Aubrey shuddered and knelt down clutching his throat in pain.

Li Wei, who was covered in blood, was still standing.

Music, stop.

Li Wei didn't pay attention to the defeated enemy, just immersed in the aftertaste of the tension and excitement, looking at his fist intently.

He actually did it, defeating such a monster.

"Is this the power of God?"

Li Wei muttered to himself.

It is also his first time as Superman, so it is inevitable that he will be a little flustered.

It feels really good to be above mortals.

But the real god, Janna stood on his shoulders and shook her head firmly:

"No, this is not the power of God."

Janna also thought it was the power of God before, it was her power.

But now she doesn't think so.

She raised her head and looked at the distant sky again.She then shared her "vision" with Levi.

So Li Wei also perceives:
There is a vague "thin line" in the sky, which is continuously conveying to them, a weak but firm force.

This is the power of faith.

Faith from man.

There is someone who silently supports them.

"Mr. Summoner, this is not the power of a god, nor your power."

"It's people power."

 People is not a sensitive word, everyone really don't keep using HX memes to make me feel guilty.After I changed it myself, the discussion became even more outrageous.But this is really changed by myself. So I just change it back.

  In fact, many things can be written, but the comment area is so brushed. On the contrary, it will really attract HX. Hey_(:з」∠)_
(End of this chapter)

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