LOL: Summoner of Goddess Jana

Chapter 187 Tam Kench

Chapter 187 Tam Kench (Please Subscribe~)

Fulfilling mortal wishes, but at a price.
The behavior of this fat catfish is too much like the devil in the legend.

Being targeted by a powerful magical creature for no reason, and the other party may even be a demon, Lina couldn't help but completely lost the mood to continue taking a bath to relax.

So Lena got up decisively and walked out of the bath, and Jinx reluctantly followed her to finish the bath.

She wiped herself off with a bath towel, then put on her clothes, first the inner liner, then the coat.
"Coat, coat." When she was wearing the last one, Lina suddenly froze there.

"Coat, coat," she muttered, thinking hard for a while.

Finally, Lina seemed to vaguely think of something from a long memory: "Hey, Jinx."

Lena asked Jinx, who was curled up on the sofa beside him, pulling a white foot and putting socks on it in a hurry: "Do you remember that we in Zaun always had a 'two coats'? story?"

"Two coats?" Jinx was slightly taken aback.

Sure enough, she had heard that story too.

Maybe the children of Zaun have heard that story:
Legend has it that a "fish" often appears in Shuangcheng. It is hard to say whether it is a fat catfish or a fat head fish.But the fish was so fat that two coats had to be sewn together to fit in.

So kids call it "two coats".

Legend has it that on the evolution day of a certain year, he found a struggling inventor in Piltover and gave her an idea that would surely attract the attention of a wealthy family.

All he asked for in return was a lock of her hair, and the invention he offered brought the female scientist a handsome income.

So the female scientist continued to look for him to trade.

But this time, he wanted all her hair.

The next time, he asked her for a finger.

The next time, he asked for an ear.

After a year, a woman has nothing left to give.

So "Two Coats" opened its bloody mouth wide and swallowed her in satisfaction.

"It's him, it's him!" Lina, who recalled the story completely, suddenly felt shuddering.

Whether it's the body shape of the two coats or the behavior of the other party, they are too similar to the fat catfish she saw.

The story of scaring children is probably more than just a story.

And the "two coats" in that story, it is rumored that it may be a demon.If that story is true, then there is a high probability that this demon is also true.

"Are we being targeted by demons?" Lina was startled.

"Don't worry." Jinx was heartless, not afraid at all: "Since the toad will only eat people after helping people fulfill their wishes, why don't we make a deal with him?"

"Hmm." Lina was deep in thought.

The reason seems to be such a reason.

But it was a demon after all.The devil has already set their sights on them, will he really obey the rules like in the story?

Lena herself could not make up her mind about this question.

Demons are inherently mysterious, how could a mortal like her guess the mind of a demon.

"Why don't you ask my brother?" Lina was nervous and only thought of her brother Li Wei.

Li Wei is Janna's chosen one, the representative of the goddess, and he has a lot of knowledge beyond the reach of mortals.

If you ask him, maybe you can get some useful information.

Thinking of this, Lina immediately prayed sincerely, borrowed divine power, cast magical spells, and summoned a blue bird incarnation of a goddess.

And this blue bird incarnation is actually the "satellite phone" of the leader.

Lina speaks to the blue bird, and the blue bird incarnation can feed back her voice back to the goddess herself, and after a relay, it will be transmitted to Li Wei who is now far away in Zaan in real time:
"Hello, hello?"

Lina waited nervously for half a minute, and finally, the "phone call" got through.

"Lena?" Li Wei's voice came over.

The voice was very calm, and it was hard to hear how intimate it was.Listening carefully, you can only hear a little tiredness.

"Brother" For some reason, Lina's voice suddenly became softer.

She was obviously anxious to ask her brother for news, and wanted to tell Li Wei the predicament she was facing now, but when the "call" was connected, her tone became inexplicably weaker.

She didn't even explain the situation directly, but asked carefully: "Brother, are you busy now?"

"There's still a meeting in 2 minutes." Li Wei only answered in this way.

"Yeah" Lena hurriedly organized her words: "I"

She still didn't directly talk about her experience, but asked in a low voice: "Brother, do you know the story of 'two coats'?"

"Two coats?" Li Wei thought for a while.

Sure enough, he knew: "You mean, the devil of greed, [River King Tam Kench]?"

"Tam Kench?" Lena was surprised: "Brother, do you still know his name?"

"Of course." Don't talk about Li Wei.Even in Runeterra, this is not a secret to ordinary people in certain areas.

Many people, especially Bilgewater people, know that the "two coats" that appeared in the Twin Cities are actually Tam Kench who often appears in the legends of Piraeus Harbor.

"He is a greedy demon who feeds on the greedy souls of men."

So Tahm likes to appear in Bilgewater, or Zaun and Piltover, these places where genocide is relatively developed and greedy souls are everywhere.

And if that's the case, then Tam's favorite food should be those Ziben's.

After all, when it comes to greed, no one can compare to them.

"But this guy has a quirk."

"Like a scumbag who likes to persuade prostitutes to be good and drag wives into the water—"

"As a greedy demon, Tam doesn't like to eat those who are greedy by nature, but only eats those whose souls were originally pure, but then gradually degenerated in desire."

Li Wei is quite familiar with Tam's story, and Janna told him casually at this time, as far as her goddess knows:
"Tam is a terrifying existence older than the goddess Janna. He may have existed in this world since the birth of Runeterra."

"Those who have been targeted by this demon throughout the ages have never survived."

"This..." Lena's scalp tingled when she heard it.

That unremarkable fat catfish was actually older than the goddess Janna she revered?
Doesn't that mean.
"Is he more powerful than Goddess Janna?"

"That's not true." Levi replied.

Janna was a demigod in her heyday, and Tamm was a T2 level demon below the top ten demons, so she was still incomparable to Janna.

But the problem is
"The goddess Janna is still 'traveling in the universe'." Li Wei did not forget to add: "The strength of the demon is definitely not as good as the goddess itself, but it is more than enough to deal with the current leader."

"." Lina was silent for a while.

"What's the matter?" Li Wei, who was dizzy, finally realized: "Lena, why did you suddenly ask about Tam Kench? Wait, you won't run into him in Bilgewater, right?"

There was finally concern for his sister in his tone.

But Lina immediately put on a smiling face and denied it in a relaxed tone: "Haha. Of course not. If I ran into such a scary thing, would I still be able to talk to you now?"

"Brother, when I was chatting with Jinx, I happened to talk about the story of 'two coats' because we were all curious about whether this story is true, so I wanted to ask you, Janna God's Chosen~"

"." Li Wei pondered for a moment, then confirmed: "Really?"

"Really~" Lena also asked the avatar of the blue bird to help open the "video", so that Levi could see her and Jinx living in a luxury hotel, sitting on the sofa chatting safely.

Jinx also showed a heartless smile at the right time, and greeted Li Wei: "Hello~"

Li Wei: "."

The subsequent plot was poorly written and the response was poor, so three or four hundred words were deleted.

Tomorrow's update will continue from here.
Then even if I didn’t write the last few hundred words, I’m sorry_(:з」∠)_
(End of this chapter)

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