LOL: Summoner of Goddess Jana

Chapter 193 Sarah's Methodology

Chapter 193 Sarah's Methodology (for subscription~)

At the same time, on the cliff at the top of Piraeus, there is the Temple of Baru.

At this time, Sarah looked a little different from before.

Her figure is still petite and exquisite, and her skin is still fair and smooth, which is very different from the Baru priest who is the per capita bodybuilding champion.

But on her exposed skin, there were a few more Baru style tentacles and wavy patterns, spiraling from the arms to the shoulders.Because of some kind of strange energy, the lines glow green in the dark.

Sarah tried to pick up the twin guns her mother had left her.

Then the streaks on her arm seemed to come alive, condensing into thick tentacles in the bloom of light.

The tentacles wrapped around Sarah's arms, and blessed the double guns in her hands, and even the bullets in her chambers, with a magical energy glowing with divine light.

"It's so beautiful." Sarah played a beautiful gun flower, admiring the beautiful scene of the divine light spot floating and escaping at the gun's muzzle.

Then she put away the gun, and also put away the great power she had just acquired.

Then he turned his head and showed a touching smile: "Illaoi, we should be friends now."

"Hmm." Illaoi nodded solemnly.

The power that Sarah obtained is a gift from the snake mother to her, and it is also a gift from the snake mother to the wind of change.

Nagakaporos expressed his attitude towards the leader with actions.

"My lord has recognized you."

The leader's view of movement based on dialectical materialism is not only perfectly in line with the true meaning of Nagakaporos, but even more systematic and perfect than the view of movement understood by Bazuan.

Therefore, Mother Snake recognized the wind of change, and gladly gifted Sarah with his power.

Illaoi knew that was what the snake mother meant.

So, you took the initiative to stretch out your thick and weak arms to Sarah: "You were just friends before, more so"

"Comrade." Sarah said a new word.You also hold Illaoi's hand feebly.

Then Illaoi said: "As you agreed later, from now onwards, you will allow Leaders to operate in Bill Planck."

Talking about that, Sarah's mission for this trip has been accomplished.

Because Li Wei's request to you is only to persuade Bazuan to stand in a neutral position, and to help the future leader and Capolo in the battle.Now you do.

But Sarah is not satisfied.

With Mother Snake's gift to you, her endorsement of the leader's theory, you suspect you could have said less in that interview:
"Illaoi, Ba Yintao, or the leader, you are all practitioners of the true meaning of the movement."

"You suspect that as comrades, your cooperation can be limited to peaceful coexistence."

Illaoi frowned slightly.

You can hear what Sarah means: "Is he asking you to help them defeat Capolo?"

"Yes." Sarah nodded.

You want to completely pull Ba Yintao to the side of the leader.In that case, the balance of power in Piraeus Port would be completely broken.

Capolo was far from death.

"That." Illaoi had a delicate expression.

Beneath your majestic face with leopard head and ring eyes, there is actually a hint of masculine firmness quietly revealed.

"Wait a minute" Sarah felt that something was right.

You suddenly thought of something.

There has been no great news in Port Piraeus that when Kapolo was young, he once fell in love with the Illaoi priest of the Bazuan Temple.
You originally believed.You'll believe even more until you meet Illaoi in person.

And now.
"Hey, hello." Is it true that Yin Taozhi has no legs with that male priest who is stronger than me? ?
"You can help." Illaoi agreed.

The reason is not personal feelings, but: "Maybe for the leader, Capolo is a bad guy."

"But to you Bazzuan, what Capolo is doing is actually very much in line with the true meaning of the Mother Snake movement."

Ba Yintao believes that war is the father of all and the king of all.If there were no struggle and confrontation, the world would stagnate and die.

Therefore, a war machine like Noxus and a murderer like Kapolo are actually "activists" recognized by Bazuan.

After all, Nagage Waters is all about movement.

And the sport itself is divided into good and evil.

"But the movement is divided into ascending and backward, developing and stagnant." Sarah retorted sharply.

"Illaoi, you should know the truth that everything changes and everything flows."

"Of course." Illaoi nodded.

All things change is at the heart of what the sport is about, of course you know it.

"Since everything changes, how does everything change? What is the general trend of everything changing?" Sarah asked again.

"Then" Illaoi looked up and thought.

Nagage Waters represents the concept of movement and is a deity with no well-established teachings.

But He has always been like Janna, writing down his teachings clearly on paper, explaining the true meaning of the movement in plain language, and even sending propagandists, holding publicity meetings, and distributing promotional materials, to teach those theories to believer.

He hopes that believers can understand and realize the true meaning of the movement by themselves, and use this as a screening condition to find the real person who can truly represent his will from mortals.

Thus, without much authoritative detailed explanation, Bazuan's teachings appear very obscure.

Not to mention that the insiders are confused, even the few Bazuan, and even the priests of Bazuan, have a very shallow understanding of the movement.

like now
You only know that all things flow, but you have to think and conclude a lot about "where does everything flow".

What kind of small trend are things moving and changing?
Or, is there no such small trend?Can it be summed up?
"None." Sarah told Illaoi solemnly: "Beyond the movement theory of your leaders:"

"The world is universally connected and eternally evolving."

Development is a kind of movement, a backward, ascending movement.

Things are eternally developing, that is to say, everything is constantly retreating and rising.

It's just that the "descending" goes straight to the sky, but twists and turns and spirals.

"The development of a thing is often a process of retreating in waves and descending in a spiral."

"The infinite processes constitute the world of finite development. In other words, the world can also be regarded as a collection of 'processes' of eternal development."

The theories Sarah said made Illaoi fall into deep thought.

Without the systematic theory of the leader, you will have a deeper understanding of the true meaning of the movement:

Indeed, all things change, and all things are eternally developing.

Since everything is developing and the general trend is a downward spiral, what should you do?
"You should look at the problem from the perspective of development."

Sarah talked about methodology and ended with practice:

"Perhaps in the past, brutal pirates like Kapolo could push the world backward."

The most direct example: Piltover, the city of civilization and regression, was developed by pirates and colonial business.

The pirates helped Piltover complete the original accumulation of benzene.The massive amount of materials we plundered from all over the world has also become the fuel that ignited the industrial revolution and pushed forward the small steps of human civilization.

"But now, times are different."

"Kapolo is the king of pirates, but now, the era of pirates and kings is over."

"Cabolo's brutal rule has actually become an obstacle to the development of civilization."

"Not to mention you leaders—even the business owners in Piltover, and even the Alchemy Countess of the Ruren, are more regressive than me, and more representative of the 'movement'."

There are no hex-flying gates in Piltover, and everyone can build iron-clad ships.

Bill Yin Taozhi, who was ruled by Yin Taozhi, is still using ancient sailing warships and old cannons for thousands of years.

The reason is me.

Just because for those pirates, sailing warships are still completely enough.

To put it bluntly, Capolo is a feudal lord. As long as I can manage my territory and grab money, I will have no motivation to promote the development of productivity.

However, Picheng and Ruren's seed makers need participants to compete in the market and develop more competitive products.

Craftsmen and scientists can be insulted in the Twin Cities, and our inventions can be transformed into visible economic results.

And what about Bill Planck?

"Just think of your mother." Sarah clenched her fists.

Your mother was once the best weaponsmith in Port Piraeus.

Capolo just wanted to pay for a gun on a whim, so he killed your parents.

"Capolo is indeed athletic."

"But my movement is not going forward, it's going backwards, it's just this 'spiral' in a downward spiral."

"If you allow me to continue to exist, I will be like a captain who is knowledgeable in hydrology and self-willed, leading everyone in circles under the sea, and even driving the ship to ground!"

"Hmm." Illaoi became more and more moved as she heard it.

Bazuan later supported Kapolo because Kapolo was a war maniac, and war creates opposition, and opposition can promote regression.

But now, Sarah revealed to everyone that Capolo's method is outdated.

Times have changed, and my kind of feudal lord is too low.It has been 300 years since the industrial revolution started, and I should have been eliminated long ago.

Even talking about myself, even if I only think about it from the most simple concept of "war" - no matter how crazy Kapolo is, can he still be as crazy as the leader?

The leader is the one who even wants to overthrow Noxus and blow the wind of change to the whole world!
Compared with the world-wide struggle that the leader wants to provoke, what is Capolo's brawling about?
Big friends fight.

The more Illaoi thinks about it, the more she devotes herself to it, and the more she is moved by it.

"Do you still understand?" Sarah concluded sternly: "Things are developing forever, and the essence of development is the demise of old things and the emergence of new things."

"Then ask you to throw away the old things in favor of the new."

Leader and Capolo, who is this old thing that should be thrown out?
The answer is self-evident.

The perfect explanation of Sarah's set of worldview + methodology pointed out the way for the priests of Bazuan.

We have a deeper understanding of the true meaning of the movement, and we have also realized that, according to the guidance of the methodology: supporting leaders and eradicating Capolo is the best way to practice the true meaning of the movement.

"My lord, do you think so too?" Illaoi simply communicated with the gods in her heart.

Nagage Waters seems to have responded.

"You really want to help us?" Illaoi was surprised.

"We." You said firmly outside your heart: "We are believers of alien gods after all."

It is wrong for pagans to meet and coexist peacefully.

Especially in that extraordinary world, belief itself is a resource.It is not uncommon in history for denominations to tear their faces and attack each other in order to compete for believers.

So Illaoi instinctively has no reservations about the leader, because she wants to help us too little.

But you quickly remembered that your god is not a god of belief, but an innate concept god.He is the concept of "movement" itself.

Your teachings are not stories, but scientific theories.

Stories need to be pursued by believers before they can become "true"; while science needs to be pursued by people, and only needs to be understood by people.

Just like a person being a theist is also preventing me from understanding the concept of movement.

The Snake Mother needs believers to worship His name, and only needs believers to comprehend His true meaning.

Anyone who comprehends the true meaning of the movement, whether it is Bazuan or the leaders, can be counted as his believers—even if we still believe in another god.

"you understood."

Illaoi got the will of the gods:
"Sarah, you will help him."

 The second is later_(:з」∠)_
(End of this chapter)

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