LOL: Summoner of Goddess Jana

Chapter 215 The Wind of Change Has Arrived

Chapter 215 The Wind of Change Has Arrived (Please Subscribe~)

A few hours ago, the isolated island outside the southern city of Piltover, where the Stillwater Prison was located.

It was once filled with Zaun's worst criminals.

Now it's full of Piltover intellectuals who are said to be pro-Gana.

Professor Heimerdinger's friend, professor of history at Piltover University, curator of Piltover Museum of History, and explorer Ezreal's uncle Mr. Lemire, is one of them.

Because he was unwilling to cooperate with Piltover's official propaganda to "invent" the "true history" of Piltover, he was arrested and imprisoned by the law enforcement officers as a pro-Jana.It has not been released yet.

Fortunately, Heimerdinger did not forget him.

"Professor Lemire, I greeted Camille."

Although since Noxus settled in Piltover, the Piltover Council has become a "stamp storage room" completely serving Amistan and Camille, but Heimerdinger, as a great inventor, a yordle, More or less there is still some face.

Now he finally managed to get through the relationship with the Ferros family and applied for an amnesty for Professor Lemire.

"You will not be released from prison until you promise not to publicly express 'wrong opinions' about the official history of Piltover."

Before the dark prison cell, Heimerdinger said this with some confusion.

"Wrong opinion?" Upon hearing this, Professor Lemier in the cell stood up angrily: "What is 'wrong opinion'?"

"Principal Heimerdinger, please translate for me, what is 'wrong opinion'!"

"Sorry." Heimerdinger bowed his head guiltily.

"No." Professor Lemire finally calmed down a little.

He apologized to Heimerdinger in a difficult voice: "Sorry, I shouldn't have gotten angry at you. This matter has nothing to do with you."

"But." His tone quietly became firm again: "I will never agree to this condition."

"But this is already the best condition I can get." Heimerdinger sighed.

Lemir's status in Piltover's historical academic circle is too high, and his influence is too great.Camille will definitely not let him go out to "talk nonsense".

There was nothing Heimerdinger could do about it.

"Camille is completely insane," Heimerdinger said. "She's betting that she loses and loses everything."

"She doesn't care about anything right now except the war that's coming."

Including him, the soul of Piltover.Camille is only superficially respectful, and will not make much compromise for him.

"So." Heimerdinger struggled for a long time before saying to Lemire: "I still suggest that you agree to Camille's conditions first."

"Continuing to stay in Stillwater Prison could be very dangerous."

The cause of this war is Camille's persecution of the so-called "pro-Gana elements", and the main goal of the leader is to save these innocent citizens who were arrested.

Therefore, Jingshui Prison is likely to become a battleground between the two sides.

For the sake of his friend's safety, Heimerdinger still hoped that Professor Lemire would bow his head and confess, at least after he was released from prison.

But Lemiel shook his head firmly: "No, Principal Heimerdinger."

"History is my life. I will never compromise in the face of the truth!"

As he said that, he slapped a newspaper angrily: "Principal, look, what are these so-called 'historians' trying to instill in the newspapers?"

Because the first article of "Janna Thoughts", "Where Zaun Comes From", begins with the history of Runeterra, especially the colonial history of Piltover.

Therefore, in order to form a comprehensive suppression of leaders in public opinion, Camille's faction also began to "reinterpret" history.

"It's okay for them to use the spring and autumn style of writing to whitewash the unknown colonial history. Some historical stories and folklore are well-known, and these bastards dare to blatantly spread rumors and modify them."

Like Janna.

Almost everyone in Runeterra who has heard the story of Janna knows that Janna is a good god born to protect.Almost every time she appeared in those long thousands of years, she was to save the human beings who were in a desperate situation.

Not to mention the Guanyin Bodhisattva who saves the suffering, it is at least a low-profile version of Mazu.

It is precisely because Goddess Janna has such a good image in people's minds that the leader's propaganda work can be carried out relatively smoothly.

And Camille and others obviously noticed this too.

So they started a large-scale "polishing" of Janna's story, and the largest "truth reversal" in the history world:
"Principal, look, they actually said that 'there is historical evidence' that the stories about Janna saving lives were all made up by Janna disciples themselves."

"And in 'True History', those sea storms that threatened the sailors' lives were originally summoned by Janna."

"They say that she is not a kind goddess who protects human beings at all, but an evil queen who is keen on teasing and torturing mortals."

"They also said that the reason why the Shurima Empire banned the belief in Janna more than 3000 years ago was not because ancient Shurima believed in giant gods and rejected foreign gods. It was because Janna made waves and did a lot of evil, which attracted the righteous crusade of Ascended "

"They even said that in the canal explosion accident more than 200 years ago, the goddess Janna actually appeared in Piltover to appreciate the tsunami storm, and did not save people at all."

"It is said that Janna turned a blind eye to the disaster-stricken citizens, and the Picheng merchants were the absolute main force in the disaster relief."


Lemire said a lot of "the latest historical research results" of Camille's school.

"These people are simply insane!"

"They even dare to smear the true gods like this, aren't they afraid of being punished by heaven?!"

They are really not afraid.

Because just like what Heimerdinger said just now, Camille and the Picheng Seeds who followed her had already bet their lives on it.

Anyway, the leaders would fight them endlessly, so they naturally had no bottom line in their actions.

"Oh." Heimerdinger sighed helplessly.

He could understand Lemire's anger, but
"Principal Heimerdinger, go back." Lemire sighed deeply.

"I'm a historian," he added.

"Some say history is not a science, but an 'art literature' in the service of rulers."

"But I don't think so."

"I think that even if the narrative methods and perspectives are different, even if the explanations of historical perspectives are diverse and subjective, the historical materials that state historical facts are unique and objective."

"I believe history is a science, and I am a scientist."

With that said, Lemiel looked firmly at Heimerdinger:
"Principal Heimerdinger, if someone forces you to agree that '1 plus 1 equals 3' can give you back your freedom, are you willing to compromise?"

Heimerdinger replied subconsciously: "No."

And Lemire said: "Because of the ideological battle, Piltover has completely lost its most precious thing-respect for truth."

"I can't accept Piltover like this, Headmaster Heimerdinger."

With that said, he turned and returned to his cell.

"You're right." Heimerdinger stopped trying to persuade him.

He bid farewell to Professor Lemire, left the cell alone, walked out of Stillwater Prison, and boarded the boat back to Piltover.

On the boat back to the city, Heimerdinger was still thinking about what Lemuel said.

Yes, Piltover is no longer a temple of science in pursuit of truth, but a frontline battlefield of ideological struggle.

No. Not "anymore".

As a long-lived species with an infinite lifespan, Heimerdinger knows that human beings have always been like this and have never changed.

It's just that abundant material resources have created a relatively civilized environment, and the rise and threat of leaders have made Piltover reveal its original shape in the crisis.

"Perhaps, I should change places?" Heimerdinger was disappointed with Piltover.

He just wants to do science.Human affairs are too complicated and childish, he doesn't want to get involved anymore.

Scientific research requires a stable social environment and investment.

Therefore, he will always appear in the most peaceful and prosperous city-state in Runeterra, and become the "king of standing" who stands by whoever wins and whoever leaves who falls.

But this time.
"It took nearly ten thousand years for human beings to develop such a fertile soil for science."

"Leaving Picheng, where should I go?"

Compared with Piltover, Noxus is a scientific desert.Shurima, Demacia, Ionia, and Freljord are even more uncivilized "prehistoric civilizations".

"To Zaun?" Zaun is already the closest place to Piltover in terms of scientific research environment.

But now that the battle between the two cities is imminent, how can Zaan be peaceful?
And who knows whether Zaun or Picheng will win after this battle?
"Let's take a look. At least find a way to rescue Professor Lemire, and arrange other things." Heimerdinger dispelled the sudden idea of ​​running away in his mind.

And at this moment, a breeze blew from the sea.

Countless seabirds landed on the boat, stretching their wings wearily.

Heimerdinger raised his head, and he saw the clouds flying high in the sky, the clear blue sky
Time goes back to the present.

"I forgot to tell you——Professor Heimerdinger is no longer in Piltover." Mel said with a slight smile.

"Huh?" Jess was caught off guard.

His teacher, the principal of Piltover University, the chief scientist of Progress City, ran away without saying a word?
"Yes. Professor Heimerdinger has agreed to cooperate with us." Mel confirmed: "If conditions permit in the future, we will even move the entire Hextech Academy to Zaun."

Jess: "."

"Do you have any worries now?" Mel asked with a smile.

Caitlin, a childhood sweetheart, went, Victor, who was a life-and-death friend, went, Mel, who was kind enough to know her, and Heimerdinger, who was kind to teach her career, also went
He's the only one who hasn't progressed yet.

He really has nothing to worry about.

But Jess is... inexplicably a little confused.

"I see." Mel sighed: "You are resisting change."

This is actually quite understandable.

The bourgeois have always had an instinctive resistance to change.

If you think about it, you will know that if a person can be as wealthy and famous as Jess, he can live comfortably and be respected by others, and can research and pursue his dreams with peace of mind.
Then he can only think about changing something because his "brain is burned out".

Not to mention successful people like Jess, even those workers under Jess, the middle class in Piltover, they absolutely do not want to change anything.

They may understand Janna's theories, may sympathize with the poor, or even call themselves Janna followers, and often speak out with righteous indignation when the weak are oppressed.

But when change does come, they instinctively resist it.

Because change always comes with chaos.And they really have two cows, they just want these two cows to live well, and don't let anything go wrong in their happy little days.

It's not that they're hypocritical.They just improved their brains, but their butts stayed where they were.This is human nature.

"You said that you don't want to care about politics, you just want to study science." Mel pointed out sharply: "But Jess, maybe you didn't realize it yourself, this sentence has actually indicated your political position."

Scientific research requires a stable social environment.

And the changes brought about by the leader will obviously destroy the stable environment that Jess needs for a long time.

So he is also instinctively rejecting the leader.

"I" Jess was speechless.

A few words from Mel made him flush with embarrassment.

"I understand." Jess finally looked at himself seriously.

He didn't have any concerns, he was just instinctively resisting change.

And change. Is it really that scary?

He thought of Janna's theory, the poverty and hardship of Zaun workers, and the extreme and fanaticism of those workers in Piltover.

He thought of Victor, Caitlin, and Heimerdinger again, and finally looked at Mel's all-too-familiar pretty face:

"Mel, I am willing to join the leader."

"Tell me what you need me to do." Jess plucked up his courage and said to Mel: "No matter what you need me to do in the war two days later, I am willing to help."

"Hey?" Mel was slightly taken aback: "You help?"

Then she covered her mouth ladylikely and giggled.

"What, what?" Jess was embarrassed again.He was always like this in front of Mel, like an ignorant and dull child.

Mel laughed and said, "Jess, do you think I came here to find you on purpose to let you take the risk of joining the war?"

"Isn't it?" Jess asked blankly.

"Of course not." Mel said, "As I said, I'm here to show you the way."

"Just like when we used to do business together, when we met a good project and asked you to pay, it was to get you on the car ahead of time."

"Otherwise, if we wait for us to call and stand in line, then we won't be treated so well."

"Hmm" Jess heard the overtones.

He asked with great concern: "Mel, are you sure that you will win?"

"Of course." Mel said confidently: "The wind of change has arrived, and the victory will belong to the leader!"

A few hours ago, on the boat.

Heimerdinger felt the wind, saw the seabirds, the clouds, the sky.

"The direction of the wind is wrong." Usually, the wind blows from the sea to the land during the day, and from the land to the sea at night.But now, the direction of the sea wind is very chaotic.

"There are too many birds." Many seagulls flying from the other side of the sea landed on the boat, and they couldn't be driven away.

"The cloud is a little high." It is a light cloud with white feathers and horsetails, and the height is not small.

"The skies are also clear" and the visibility is exceptionally good.

The weather seemed to be fine with light wind and cloudless skies.

But Heimerdinger's hair suddenly stood on end, and he looked nervously at the vast and boundless sea in the east.

He knew that all the signs he had seen pointed to—

In the east of Piltover, on the ocean hundreds of kilometers away, there is a powerful force slowly brewing:

"A hurricane is coming."

(End of this chapter)

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