LOL: Summoner of Goddess Jana

Chapter 230 The Knowledge of Killing

Chapter 230 The Knowledge of Killing (Please Subscribe~)

Yipo River Port, the residence of the Fiya family.

"Noxus, we may be preparing for a massacre this time." Riven said solemnly.

This made Fei Ya and the others, who just escaped the Noxus soldiers all over the street and got home safely, and thought they had escaped without danger, lost all color on their faces again: "No, can't you?"

Fiya curled her cat ears, and asked cautiously, "We walked all the way back from the port, and we didn't see any Noxus soldiers killing anyone."

"Fear, you don't understand Noxus, and you don't understand slaughtering cities." Riven sighed.

Although she was reluctant, she was very familiar with Noxus' city massacre process because she followed Amistan, a perverted general who was bloodthirsty and easy to kill.

Unlike Fei Ya, unlike what most people imagined, the massacre of the city did not mean smashing the city gates, and the army rushed into the city like headless chickens, and then grabbed money and killed people whenever they saw it.

That's what a savage in the Freljord does.

No matter how poor the military discipline of the Noxus Empire is, it is still a modern military empire. Compared with the social system, it is still in the era of primitive nomadic tribes. The Freljord robbery gang who goes south every year to fight the autumn wind is still much better.

"Noxus actually pays great attention to military discipline—this does not mean that the empire pays attention to the protection of the people in the occupied areas, but literally means that it pays attention to the discipline of the army itself."

Want to rob?Can.

But must be approved by superiors.

Noxian soldiers can be more savage than barbarians when it comes to burning and looting.

But as long as the superiors have orders to restrain military discipline, they must be more civilized and orderly than Piltover's law enforcement officers.

As for the small number of soldiers who did not obey the restraints and behaved mischievously, once discovered, the end of Crete was basically their end.

"Because disorderly massacres will completely destroy military discipline, and an army that is out of control is also a headache for the commander of the empire."

"So wherever the imperial army goes, every time a city is destroyed, if you don't want to slaughter the city beforehand, the first thing you do after entering the city is to gather soldiers and restrain military discipline—"

"Not only can't kill, even robbery is not allowed."

This is not to say that the Noxus army is not good enough to rob the people in the city.

But if the oil and water are all wiped off by the out-of-control big-headed soldiers, what will the officers and gentlemen eat?
Therefore, firstly, in order to maintain military discipline, secondly, to consolidate the occupation, and thirdly, for their own interests, imperial commanders are generally more inclined to restrain military discipline and maintain order after the city is broken, and then methodically eat big households and scrape land in the city.

"But what did we just see? Noxian soldiers scattered in the city in small groups, extorting money from family to family."

"Not only did the officers not restrain them, but they also led the small groups of soldiers in fragments to command and participate in the looting on the front line."

This kind of behavior has a scientific name in Noxus, it is called "longitudinal looting".

And looting by soldiers is generally the prelude to large-scale massacres.

Riven's complex analysis made Fei Ya and the others even more panicked and inexplicable.

They all subconsciously looked at the closed door of the mansion, listening to the chaotic and noisy sound coming from outside the courtyard wall, a layer of cold sweat could not help but ooze from their foreheads.

After all, Fei Ya still had a little fantasy: "Or, maybe. Those Noxus people just want to steal money, don't they want to massacre the city?"

"Hey." Riven sighed deeply, "That's what they want you to think."

Why did the Noxians plunder first, instead of just entering the city like the barbarians of the Freljord?
Killing people in disorder because they enter the city will only make the people in the city realize the reality instantly and fall into despair.

And when a person is desperate, he will collapse and run away, and he will fight desperately, which will make the scene completely out of control.

A city can range from tens of thousands of people to as many as 100,000 people.Counting 100,000 people fleeing and resisting at the same time, what would it be like?
Facing such chaos, it was not only difficult for the Noxus army to prevent these large numbers of civilians from escaping, they might even cause unnecessary casualties due to their resistance.

So this kind of extensive massacre can't kill many people (relatively speaking)

"So." Riven swallowed, and said the chilling words in a complex tone: "In countless wars for hundreds of years, Noxus has gradually summed up a set of 'orderly and efficient ’, a ‘clean and thorough’ massacre process.”

"On the first day they entered the city, they would wantonly plunder the city, knocking on doors and extorting money from house to house."

"When the citizens honestly give the money, they will naively think that the Noxians only want to make money and not kill themselves. They think that as long as they cooperate honestly, they can spend money and eliminate disasters."

"But in the next few days, the Noxus will come to the door more than once."

"Every time they come to your door, they will ask you for money, more money than before, until all the belongings of your family are searched and wiped out—"

"Wait a few days, and when you really have no money to give them, they will use you as an excuse of 'not telling the truth', pull your family out, and execute the protesters in front of you."

At this time, civilians have been domesticated unconsciously.

After several days of bullying and plundering like boiled frogs in warm water, and after many compromises and obediences that honestly paid money to save their lives, they had already lost the courage to break the boat and the determination to resist desperately.

"You will just watch your family members being killed, and then continue to linger on with the last bit of fantasy left in your heart."

"You think that the Noxians are here for the money, that they will stop killing people after they confirm that you really have no money, and vent their anger. But... in fact, the massacre of the Noxus has just begun."

Having said that, Riven's voice trembled a little.

But she persisted in exposing the crimes of Noxus:
"After several days of extortion and looting, almost all the property of the people in the city has been looted."

"By this time, the Noxus had gone through a few days of door-to-door looting, and roughly figured out whether there are people in each street and house, and how many people there are."

"So the Noxians will stop looting, and they'll start finding all sorts of reasons to make you free up houses for the army, drive you out of your homes door by door, and centralize management—"

"If you resist at this time, they will use this as an excuse to kill you on the spot."

"And if you cooperate honestly, you will be locked up by Noxus in their prepared 'camp' like sheep waiting to be slaughtered. And here is the real hell."

Riven told how Noxus gradually disintegrated the citizens' will to resist and domesticated and enslaved them like livestock.

And once the livestock leave their homes in groups and enter the slaughterhouse, the next step is to massacre them efficiently.

"At this time, after several days of indulgent looting, the soldiers of Noxus have already been aroused to the bestiality."

"They have long been immersed in the pleasure of doing whatever they want to the weak, and they can do any evil you can imagine to those humble civilians without any guilt."

"Coupled with the mandatory massacre order from the chief, they will carry out a brutal massacre of the gathered civilians."

"At this time, everyone will fall into a kind of sick frenzy. Not only will they kill, but they will also enjoy killing. They even regard it as a game, start a killing competition, and change all kinds of tricks that you can't imagine to kill. "

"Even if there are a few rational people in the army who can't bear to see this scene, they can't stop it at all."

"Even, they will be forced to participate in this massacre by the perverted environment, by the officers and colleagues."

Speaking of which, the explanation of the Noxus massacre process came to an end, and Riven's emotions reached the limit.

Her voice was trembling, her breathing became short of breath, and cold sweat was unknowingly dripping from her forehead.

"Orianna, are you okay?" Fiya suddenly grabbed her palm with concern and asked her like this.

"I-I'm fine." Riven finally came to her senses.

She was obviously used to it before.With an officer like Amistan, she should have gotten used to it long ago.

But why is there still such a reaction now?

"Orianna, did you?" Fiya noticed something: "Have you personally experienced the massacre of Noxus?"

"I didn't." Riven was suddenly speechless.

"No." Fei Ya shook her head: "You are talking about your own experience, I can tell."

Riven grew silent.

She didn't dare to look at Fei Ya at all, she could only lower her head in shame and anxiety.

After a long time, she answered with a difficult voice: "Yes."

"Janna is here." The little girl's eyes showed deep sympathy: "Orianna, it turns out that you are a survivor of the Noxus slaughter!"

Rui Wen:"."

"Sorry, I shouldn't have mentioned this." Fortunately, Fiya didn't ask further.

She just held Riven's hand comfortingly, and then asked worriedly: "Orianna, if Noxus really wants to massacre the city, what should we do now?"

"Run." Riven replied directly.

"Run, just run like this?" Fei Ya was stunned for a moment: "Then what about the rest of the city?"

Riven's silence said it all.

Now this Yipu River Port is entrenched with the strength of at least two war regiments.These troops are enough to sweep the entire province of Barua, not to mention her, a deserter without a sword.

In this situation, it is considered lucky to be able to escape, how can there be time to think about other things?

"Fiya, I'm sorry. There's nothing we can do."

"No, no!" Fiya lost her composure.

The Ionians have no concept of a country, they only pay attention to the country party and relatives, so they generally have a strong sense of country.

For Fei Ya.Yipuhe Port is her home, and many people in this city are her relatives and friends.

"Orianna, is there really no other way?" She asked unwillingly.

"No." Riven answered rationally.

"But I want to save everyone!"

Riven could only sigh: "There are some things you can't do just by thinking."

"Then we don't do anything? Just like you did before, watching your hometown be destroyed?"

"Yes." Riven said helplessly, "If you still want to live!"

"But you are the leader!"

"The ability of the leader is limited!" What's more, she is still a fake: "Fiya, don't be naive!"

"." Fiya was speechless.

She bit her lip, holding back tears of grief, but the tears still couldn't stop falling.

Riven felt that she used a strong tone, so she said, "I'm sorry."

"No, you don't need to apologize." Fei Ya said comfortingly: "This is what you have experienced in the past, right? Your hometown has also experienced this, hasn't it?"

"This kind of pain of carrying hatred and blood debt, but also keeping calm and moving forward for the sake of ideals"

"I finally understand you, Orianna."

Rui Wen:"."

No, she is not in pain.She is that "pain".

Riven thought painfully.

"Orianna, I listen to you. Let's run away." Finally, Fiya recognized the reality.

But looking at Fei Ya's tears, and her face that had been forced to mature and strengthen, Riven said in a ghostly way: "No."

"Maybe I can find a way to save everyone."

 The second is later_(:з」∠)_
(End of this chapter)

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