LOL: Summoner of Goddess Jana

Chapter 240 To the Promise

Chapter 240 To the Promise
At the same time, countless people prayed to the goddess Janna in their hearts, praying to the goddess for strength.

So under the stunned eyes of the Noxians, the wind gradually picked up.

The strong wind swept across the sky, the huge waves slammed on the river bank, and the air flow whizzed back and forth, blowing and breathing, tightly guarding the bodies of these weak mortals.

Soon, someone flew up.

More and more people flew up.

They soared into the air on the wind, flying away from the death traps set by the Noxians.

"Wait! Don't let them run away!" The soldiers who reacted quickly had already raised their bows and arrows.

But the powerful arrows they shot were blown away by the invisible air current covering the sky before they flew far.In the face of this storm, they became a powerless party.

"This..." Noxus soldiers were stunned.

Kayn even more so.

"This, this is the power of Goddess Janna. The power of everyone?!" At this moment, he seemed to have finally fully understood what the booklet was talking about.

He looked blankly at the mortals flying into the sky one by one, with a tangled and hesitant expression.

For some reason, he had an inexplicable urge to join in.

But he looked at the adult soldiers standing beside him, but he didn't dare to really do such a crazy move.

"Jana." Kayn looked at the magnificent scene in the sky, but finally did not move.

He remained in the Noxus army obediently.But he carefully hid the "Summary of Janna's Thoughts" in his arms closer to his heart.

On the other side, General Lester was also shocked and speechless by this scene.

He didn't expect that the leader would suddenly make such an attack on him, and the scene was so big.

"General." The adjutant asked him for instructions with concern: "Our conventional long-range weapons, bows and arrows, guns, and artillery, seem to have no effect on these leaders."

"Do you need to send out the battle mage army? They may be able to stop these fleeing Ionians."

"." General Lester was silent for a while.

He could feel that this storm was actually not strong.Its strength is just enough to make people fly.

But this scale and this scene are a bit too big.

This is not like the special agent "Orianna" I saw last time, that muscular woman who is clearly a warrior rather than a mage, can perform tricks.

Goddess Janna won't play a role in this, will she?
Is her old man watching from the sky now?

As soon as this question popped up, it made people panic.

On the other hand, these civilians are not important in the first place.If they ran away, they would run away. At most, they would make the empire lose face and punish him as a general.

"Forget it." General Lester withdrew his gaze resentfully: "This is not something our battle group can handle, let them go!"

Riwen brought tens of thousands of civilians inside and outside the city, and flew out of the Yipu River Port in Yufeng.

In this city with a population of more than 10,000, after six full days of military disaster, more than half of the people survived.

"Huh..." Riven finally breathed a sigh of relief after flying so far that the Noxian barracks could not be seen, and after confirming that there were no pursuers behind her.

In fact, she was able to fly out with so many people just now, which is already the limit of what this divine power can do.If the enemy really sent out some battle mage army to pursue them, they might not be able to escape.

"We did it, we did it!" Fei Ya said excitedly.

"Yes." Riven looked at the tens of thousands of civilians flying with her in the sky who survived the catastrophe, and was also excited by the feat she and everyone had accomplished together.

She was also worried that these Ionians would find it difficult to understand Janna's theory, and would not be able to develop even the shallowest belief in these short three or four days.

After all, Janna's ideology emphasizes the equality of everyone, but these Ionians generally believe in a balanced order and do not treat untouchables as human beings.

Even the untouchables themselves do not consider themselves human beings.

Riven gave lectures to the sailors on the ship for two consecutive weeks, and only then did she barely let them get rid of this deep-rooted servile thought.

So it was hard for her to believe that these Ionian civilians, who were usually used to being a high-ranking pariah, could change their minds and develop beliefs so quickly.

But did not expect
"Noxus 'helped' us." Riven recalled it now.

The Ionians do not believe in equality, but they were accidentally taught a lesson by Noxus——

In front of the butcher knife held high by the empire, no matter whether you are rich or poor, commoner or untouchable, the outcome is the same.

People are going to slaughter the city and exterminate the clan, so they won't cut you down a few times because of your "noble" status.

You say you have money and can buy your life?
Sorry, the money still belongs to others after you die.

And because the wives and daughters of the rich are generally more beautiful than those of the poor, and they have more places to hide money than the untouchables, so they suffer even more.

So, in the face of the great terror of life and death, they all quickly adapted to the idea that everyone is equal, and accepted the true meaning of the goddess Janna.

Although he is far from being a leader, he is at least a shallow believer.

Tens of thousands of shallow believers, although the condensed divine power was not strong enough to confront a Noxus war group head-on, they were still able to successfully rescue them from the purgatory on earth.

"It's rescued, what's the next step?"

Fei Ya and the others were still only interested in being happy, but Riven already had a headache.

She has been busy preaching and saving people for the past few days. She is already tired enough, but she really has no time to think about what she will do after she escapes.

This is tens of thousands of people.How to arrange it?

"Eating is not a problem for now."

Riwen has been a veteran of ten years, so of course she knows the reason why the army goes first before the food and grass arrive.

So while she led the crowd to flee, she also took advantage of the shock and chaos of the Noxus army, and allocated a part of her force to take a lot of military rations from the barn in the barracks.

With the support of these military rations, at least in a short period of time, no one will starve to death.
"But where should we go?"

Riven knew that the divine power they borrowed was limited, and it was impossible to fly too far with these tens of thousands of people.

And now the Noxians have launched a sweeping raid on the province of Barua, and every city and town here will not be able to escape the sweep of the empire's soldiers in the future.

The enemy will soon catch up.At that time, do we have to escape again?
Where are you going?Could it be that they took the people across the sea and fled to the neighboring province of Navoli?
That was the center of the war, and the fighting situation was a hundred times worse than that in this remote province of Barua.

"Fiya, do you know which mountains are suitable for living near here?"

After much deliberation, Riven had no choice but to take the people up the mountain to establish settlements in the deep mountains and old forests that the Noxus army did not want to go deep into.

The province of Balua is not very big, and the terrain is more mountainous and less flat.There are only a few towns on the plain, and it is estimated that they will be swept away by the imperial army in a short time.

"If we stay in the plains and towns, we will not be able to escape the pursuit of the Noxians anyway, so we can only go into the mountains." Riven said helplessly.

"I understand." Fei Ya thought about it seriously: "There are quite a few mountain people living in the mountains of our Barua Province. There should be places for us to settle in those mountain villages."

"For example, Wuji Village, wait, this won't work."

Fei Ya made a slip of the tongue, and quickly took it back.

"Why not?" Riven wondered.

"Wuji Village is near the Wuji Sword Sect. Those Wuji masters don't like outsiders breaking in."

"Master Wuji?" Riven's eyes lit up.

It was only then that she suddenly remembered that the folks in the province of Barua still had an expert hidden.

Now that the imperial army is invading in an all-round way, we can't let her, a fake leader, lead tens of thousands of civilians to stand in front, and let these masters stay leisurely in the mountains, right?

The sect masters on Navoli's side have all risen up.

You masters here in Balua, shouldn't you contribute a little bit?

"What's the temperament of those Wuji masters? If outsiders break in, what will they usually do?" Riven asked cautiously.

"It's pretty good." Fei Ya said, "They just don't like to contact outsiders. But if outsiders break in, they will only drive them away politely, and they won't do anything serious."

"That's fine." Riven felt relieved: "Fiya, let's go to Wuji Village!"

(End of this chapter)

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