Chapter 250

Swain just thought that Noxus must never disappear. As the supreme consul of Zaun, Li Wei sent an article "We should make Zaun 'disappear'" on the radio.

This not only stunned Sweeney, but also caused a lot of discussion among the guests of the snack bar.

"Let Zaun disappear, what do you mean?" Everyone was a little at a loss.

The rise of the leader and Zaun's independence movement are carried out simultaneously and are strongly related and bound.

Many people among the leaders, such as Wei and Silko, chose to contact and join the leaders because of their strong hatred for Piltover and deep love for Zaun from the beginning.

So in today's Za'an, in the hearts of most Za'an people, the love for their hometown and for Za'an is no less important than their support and respect for leaders.

But now, Li Wei, as the No. [-] person in Zaun, actually said that he wanted to "make Zaun disappear"?
What does it mean?
For a moment, the whole city seemed to fall silent.Everyone stood in front of the radio, waiting for Levi to reveal the answer.

Finally, Li Wei's voice appeared.

But he didn't even mention the title of his article at the beginning. Instead, he talked about the leader's construction achievements in Zaun in the past two months in a calm and clear voice:
"Over the past two months, Zaun Volkswagen has achieved a lot under the leadership of leaders."

"We have successfully cleared half of the accumulated garbage in the trench area, and concentrated on building 3 landfills, 2 coal-fired power plants, and built schools and hospitals at the same time."

"The per capita income of Zaun people has increased by 10 times compared to the past, and the meat intake has increased by 5 times compared to the past."

When Li Wei came up, he praised Zaun for a while, as if to show off his achievements in governance.

And the customers in the store don't think it's an official article singing praises.Because the changes in Zaun over the past two months are too great, and each of them is a beneficiary with personal experience.

So everyone can only recognize these achievements that Li Wei said, and there is infinite happiness and pride.

At this time, Li Wei was on the radio and asked them a question:
"When I was in the council meeting, some people were very optimistic that following the current trend, we will be able to achieve success in the struggle in Zaun in a short time."

"Do you think this statement is correct?"

Swain thought about it.

The owner of the snack bar beside him, as well as the guests listening to the radio, nodded secretly and talked to each other: "That's right! Why is it wrong!"

"How good is our life now? The salary is higher than before, the life is better than before, and we don't have to worry about food and clothing - this is a great abundance of material!"

"The leader in charge is so fair and impartial. Everyone does not steal or steal, abides by laws and disciplines, works actively, and works hard—this is how people have a high level of ideological awareness!"

Although it can't be completely freed from the shackles of material conditions like Bandle City, it can't be considered a real Datong.

But at least it can be regarded as touching the edge of the great harmony of the world, right?

"Yes, we have succeeded!" the people of Zaun thought so excitedly.

Then they all waited for Levi's answer.

But Li Wei didn't answer, but instead raised a second question:
"Recently, some people have made comments, saying that more and more Picheng people have come to work in Zaun recently, which has affected the employment market of our local people in Zaun."

"So we should reduce the number of entry permits issued to the people of Piltover, transfer low-end manufacturing industries such as textile factories and parts processing factories to the opposite side of the canal in a timely manner, and leave high-end manufacturing industries such as Hex industry, alchemy pharmaceuticals, and automobile industry. In Zaun."

"In this way, the average income of the people of Zaun can be much higher than before, even to a level much higher than that of the people of Piltover in the past—"

"Everyone said, is this good?"

What?As long as we get rid of the annoying Picheng guys, can the income go up?

Of course that's great!
The Picheng guys used to treat the Zaun people like dogs, but now that Zaun has developed, they shamelessly come to snatch the jobs of the Zaun people.

Everyone has long been displeased with these Picheng guys!
"Does anyone feel good? I think there must be. Not only that, but many."

"And among these people who want to drive away the Picheng guys, I'm afraid there are still many people who support the leader, and support the leader's transformation and construction of Zaun."

On the radio, Li Wei's voice suddenly became serious.

He asked a third question:
"So, what these people think in their hearts—"

"Is it the leader's way at home, the Piltover way abroad, or even the Noxus way?"

"." The air suddenly became quiet.

Because the customers in the store, everyone who listened to this speech, suddenly realized what they had just done:
They used the same way of thinking as the old Piltovers, the Piltovers they hated the most!
"Now we can answer the first question - are we successful now?"

Li Wei announced the answer seriously: "No, far from it!"

"We are rich and rich now, but have you ever thought about where all this money comes from?"

Where else could it have come from.

Of course, it comes from Zaun's use of military and technological hegemony to grab excess profits from global trade.

"Now it takes us 100 total man-hours to produce a Hex radio in Zaun."

"And when this radio is shipped to Noxus, to the Immortal Bastion, do you know how much time it takes for an ordinary Noxus yeoman to buy this radio?"

"10 years!"

"Yes, you heard that right, a Noxian farmer needs to work non-stop for 10 years to earn a hex radio that Zaun workers took 100 man-hours to make!"

"In other words, the life of a Zaun worker is worth 876 times the hourly unit of a Noxian farmer's life!"

"I just want to ask, why?"

"Why is the life of our Zaun people 875 times more expensive than the lives of Noxians?"

Li Wei questioned again and again on the radio, questioning those Zaun people who answered the first two questions incorrectly:

"Some people may say that because we in Zaun have technical reserves and industrial accumulation, we should earn so much money. These excess profits come from our hard-working inventions, and we don't make any mistakes at all."

"But the problem is, according to this logic—"

"Inventions mainly come from the research results of scientists. Don't they take it for granted that they can make as much money as possible with their inventions?"

"And if they can make as much money as they can, why should they hire Zaun workers instead of Noxian workers?"

Although making radios is a technical job, the technical difficulty is not that great.Even if you don't build a factory in Zaun, you can go to a new place to train workers from scratch.

If only from an economic point of view, then the leader should open the factory to Noxus, to a place where manpower is cheaper.Or, like Piltover, recruit large numbers of foreign apprentices to replace local workers.

"Why does this money have to be earned by Zaun workers?"

"Because you are Zaun? Are Zaun inherently nobler than the Noxians, the rest?"

The people in Picheng believed this.They boast of progress in civilization and lighthouses for mankind, so they deserve to enjoy life in this city on top of a mountain.

The people of Zaun have been cattle and horses all their lives, and they are only a few months old now.

Are they ashamed to say that they are born noble?
For a while, the customers in the snack bar were silent.

After being scolded by Li Wei, they realized where they were wrong.

"You've only been rich for a few days, and you're starting to think of yourself as a 'pilgrim'?"

"You don't really support the leaders at all, and you don't understand what the success we are after is what it is."

"If you really understand, then you will clearly realize that we are nowhere near true success."

"If you think that we have built Zaan well, we have already succeeded, and you don't need to make further progress; if you think that the people of Zaun are rich, you can watch others suffer poorly with peace of mind."

"That future, sooner or later, Noxus, Demacians, Ionians, Shurima, and even Lady Piltover."

"All the suffering and poor people in Runeterra will unite under the banner of Goddess Janna, just like we destroyed Piltover in the past, come and destroy us!"

(End of this chapter)

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