LOL: Summoner of Goddess Jana

Chapter 270 The Life of a Demacian Serf

Chapter 270 The Life of a Demacian Serf

Seraphine's words made Lux and Sona's cheeks flush.

The Crown Guard family, and the Bouvier family who adopted Sona, are they benevolent people who treat farmers favorably?

At this moment, Lacus and Sona are embarrassed to say yes.Because they have personally experienced the hard work of the bottom workers, and the salary return for this hard work is so meager.

"But the problem is that." Seraphine's tone became solemn: "In Demacia, the Crownguard family and the Bouvier family are really good people who treat farmers favorably."

In Demacia, being able to feed and clothe the tenant farmers like the Crown Guards and have spare money, of course, can be regarded as the conscience of the nobles.

"This is the most helpless and terrifying thing." Seraphine said.

Lacus, Sona: "."

At this time, the two girls had fallen into the complex emotions of shock, shame, entanglement and confusion and couldn't extricate themselves.

Their worldviews were shattered.

Lacus even instinctively couldn't believe it: "Is the tenant farmer in Demacia really, really living so hard?"

Obviously her family's sharecroppers all looked happy.

They were all smiling when they met her, and she couldn't see any pain on their faces.

And the pastoral life of studying and farming, in the aristocratic circles of the Xiongdu of Demacia, is even a paradise imagined by some people, which is a kind of spiritual sustenance comparable to Bandle City.

Therefore, Lux has never felt that the life of Demacian farmers will be difficult.

After all, the life she experienced today belonged to Zaun apprentices, not Demacians.

Is there a possibility that Seraphine made a mistake?

Is the income of Demacian sharecroppers really only one-tenth of that of Zaun apprentices?In other words, maybe the income of Demacian farmers is less than that of Zaun apprentices, but their daily work may not be so tiring, right?

"Happiness comes from comparison." Seraphine said, "The tenant farmers in your family live better than 9% of the farmers in Demacia. Of course they will feel happy."

"But Lux, have you ever thought about what kind of life most Demacians are living?"

Lux was silent again.She had never seen it at all, and could not imagine it at all.

Could it be more tiring and more desperate than the job she experienced today?
"Ah..." Seeing the little girl's confused expression, Seraphine knew that her blow was not loud enough.

Metamorphosis doesn't change anything.Aristocratic ladies experience the life of low-level laborers for half a day.

And her original thinking can change so quickly, in addition to being guided by Li Wei's theory, more importantly, she has the ability to listen to the voice of the soul and to listen to suffering.

"Lax, Sona." Seraphine thought for a while before asking solemnly, "Would you like to meet the most ordinary Demacian, how did he spend the first half of his life?"

"Aba?" Sona raised her head curiously.

So is Lux.She couldn't wait to find out if the Demacians were really as hard-working as Seraphine said.

So she anxiously asked: "How do you know?"

"It's very simple." Seraphine stretched out her hands and gently stroked the foreheads of Lacus and Sona: "Close your eyes and listen to the voice of the soul."

The origin of the Zaun people is very complicated. Basically, they came to Piltover from all over the world, but they couldn’t gain a foothold in Piltover, and thus became poor people in the lower city.

During the past two days, she happened to be doing front-line propaganda work, and came into contact with a serf who had escaped across the ocean from Demacia.

The life memory of this former Demacian serf can just be used to shatter the final fantasy of these two noble ladies.

"Are you ready?" Seraphine asked.

"En." Both Lacus and Sona closed their eyes and nodded seriously.

A dream begins.

You were born.

Born in the coastal city of Demacia, a farmer's family in the countryside of Dornhold.

Farmers in Demacia generally have two identities, free people and serfs.

The bad news is, you were reincarnated as a serf.

The good news is that after hundreds of years of land annexation in Demacia, most of the free people in the countryside are just bankrupt landless farmers, indebted tenant farmers who can only survive completely dependent on the noble landlords.

Therefore, there is actually no difference in economic status between free men and serfs.

You cast a bad tire, but it's not too bad.

you are a girl.

This is bad news.

Because girls not only need to bear the poll tax like boys, but when you grow up:

If you marry, your family needs to pay a fine to your knight lord to make up for the loss of labor.

And if you, as a woman, continue to remain single after adulthood, you also have to pay the ransom to the lord.

Because the marriage of female serfs is actually mainly decided by the lord, and generally they will be betrothed by the housekeeper as long as they are adults.If you want to be your own master, you have to pay for the redemption.

In short, in the countryside of Demacia, girls are losers.What's more, your natural physical fitness is not as good as that of a boy, so you are not a useful labor force.

That night, your parents hugged you by the river and thought about it for a long time, but in the end they felt sorry for you and didn't throw you into the river.

Relying on your mother's insufficient milk and the mush made of black bread soaked in water, you grew up with difficulty.

Around the age of 5 or 6, I can help with some work.

You start working with your father.

Every morning, you and your father got up early, braved the morning cold, took various tools such as hoes, shovels, axes and sickles, and drove the bulls to work on the lord's farm.

You are very hungry, but do not want to eat breakfast.Because breakfast is an unheard of interstellar knowledge for serfs who eat twice a day from the very beginning.

You didn't know that people also have to eat in the morning until you went to the lord's house as a maid to help.

In this way, you were hungry, helped your father carry a hoe much taller than you, led the bull, and came to the lord's farm with your father to work.

Gentlemen and literati in Xiongdu fantasized that the pastoral life of farmers is free, but in fact, as a serf, you are just like a worker in the morning, and you must report to the lord's farm on time.

Today, you and your father were slightly late, but the housekeeper scolded you and dragged you out, saying that you and your father were going to be punished in public.

Fortunately, your father is sensible.In private, he said that he was willing to bribe the housekeeper with some things, such as the eggs that your family saved for half a month, but you didn't eat a bite.

Punishment escaped.But the work itself is like a punishment.

There are generally two kinds of jobs that serfs need to serve the lord voluntarily. One is to cultivate the public land of the lord's family, and the other is to help with some chores.

For example, chopping firewood, planting trees, installing fences, pruning branches of fruit trees and vines, repairing and building houses. In short, you are obliged to do all the chores on the lord's territory.

Today you and your father were not assigned these chores, but were assigned to work in the farmland.

Together with your father, you yoke the horses and oxen, fasten the plowshare and coulter, and go into the plowed fields to plow.

You and the other serfs had to keep shouting to get the animals to work as ordered.You shouted hoarsely, and your throat was burning.The sun had already burned you and your father's skin black and red, making you so numb that you couldn't feel the burning.

The good news is:

As a serf, you only need to do this kind of work of farming public land for the lord voluntarily for three days a week.

In the rest of the time, you can work with your father to cultivate your own family's field.

After all, serfs are better than slaves.Compared with slaves who completely lost their human rights, serfs had at least economic freedom.

The output of these fields is your own, and it is the private property of your family.

So even though you and your father are exhausted after working voluntarily for the lord, you still have to work harder and harder for yourself in the following time.

But the bad news is:
Most of the harvest from your family's farming will be used to pay various taxes and fees.

There are taxes collected by the Kingdom of Demacia, such as military expenditures, land taxes, poll taxes, and so on.

Most of them are various taxes and fees collected by the lord, such as:
If you are alive, you have to pay another poll tax to the lord.

To own the tenancy right, you must first pay a sum of land rent for the manor.

You have to pay to live outside the manor.

To use the lord's mill, you have to pay money.

To collect firewood, you have to pay.

Fishing in rivers within the territory requires payment.

Fees are required to raise livestock in the woods around the village.

When the eldest son of a lord becomes a knight, your father pays taxes to celebrate the ceremony.

When the lady of the lord's family gets married, your family also has to pay taxes for her dowry.

Gradually, you grow into a young girl and become sensible.

At the same time, you also found that after more than ten years of labor by you and your father, your family's financial situation has not improved at all.

Almost all the income of your family is used to pay various taxes and fees to the lord.

The little money left in your family was wiped out because of a minor illness you had when you were a child.After more than ten years, not only did he not save any income, but he also owed a debt to the lord.

You are finally desperate and you want to escape from it all.

But serfs were not free people after all.If you wished to leave the estate for an extended period of time, you had to pay for permission to do so; without permission, you would be a fugitive.

You have no legal means to fight these terms that bind you in court, because the law is the law of a free man.

So after day after day of pain and hesitation, you can only continue to suffer in silence.

Your life seems to be forever confined to this territory.The lord is your heaven, butlers and overseers are angels, a great existence that you cannot resist.

You can't run away, but you still yearn for the distance instinctively.

You have heard many stories about the outside world from the sailors who returned from sailing for the lord's house.

For example, the city of civilization and progress that everyone yearns for, Piltover;

For example, in the mouth of Lord Knight, the most tyrannical and evil Noxus Empire.

Sailors say that Noxian serfs, though living worse than their Demacian counterparts, can escape.

Because after Noxus serfs ran into the city, there were factories that could accept them.

The supervisors and thugs of ordinary lords can't catch up to the city.And even if they come after them, the factory owners will not allow these countrymen to do too much in the city in order to keep their labor force.

But the serfs of Demacia were different.

Demacia's industrialization rate is almost zero.

You know that even if you run away and go into the city, there won't be any jobs for you in the city.

You can only become a beggar because you have no legal status. Either you will be kidnapped by gangsters and sold into a kiln, or you will be driven out by the city guards, and you will be exiled in the wilderness, or you will be taken back by the lord and you will be whipped several times.

Moreover, as Noxus is an expanding military empire, their serfs can also rely on joining the army to change their destiny.

Although this road is dangerous, it is at least a road.

But in Demacia, only free men are eligible to serve in the army.As a serf, unless you are so talented that the master knight chooses you to be a retinue, you will not even have the chance to go to the battlefield, let alone rely on risking your life to gamble on your luck.

So, the more stories you hear, the more desperate you become.

You decided to just barely survive, just like your father raised you.

Maybe you can have a child too, and if the child grows up to be successful, it may save your family from the fate of being a serf.

But before your long life has officially begun, your father seems to have had enough.

His body has long been completely hollowed out by endless labor and pain.

You remember that when you were a child, he still had a fairly solid body of tendons.Although thin, but still energetic.

But it took about ten years, and your father turned into a scrawny human-shaped skeleton.

The priest of the Illuminati Church in the town kindly gave him medicine, and also gave your family a lot of nourishing food.

You are grateful, but the help of this good man is not decisive.

The pastor offered a final prayer for your father, but it didn't help either.Because the goddess of the Illuminati, the legendary angel of justice, has not come to Demacia for hundreds of years.

You know very well that the priest is only pitying a dying man.

Finally, at the last moment of his life, after eating two eggs in a rare indulgence, your father closed his eyes with satisfaction.

"Father, now you don't have to pay taxes to the lord."

At your father's humble funeral, you suddenly thought so absurdly.

Maybe a person can only get rid of this desperate fate of having to pay the lord for his breath only if he dies?

At this time the lord's housekeeper came to the door.

The steward tells you that your father is the lord's property—once he dies, he owes his lord his best cattle as a duty of death.

So he wants to take away your old bull.

Oh, by the way, the land where your father is buried also belongs to the lord's family.

Did your father's thin wooden coffin cut down the wood of the lord's house?
So, cash, bookkeeping, or vegetables and potatoes?

Lacus, Sona: "."

The two elegant noble ladies, like the protagonists of this life memory, shouted the only slogan that a serf can shout:
"F*ck NM!!"

 The second is later_(:з」∠)_
(End of this chapter)

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