Chapter 288
Even Lux could not have imagined that when the Hexgate between Zaun and Demacia was completed, the first batch of military supplies shipped by both sides would be thousands of copies of "Janna Thought Brief".

She still had a headache at first, how to promote Janna's ideas to this expeditionary force mainly composed of noble knights and good families.

The economic and social status of these elite fighters in Demacia is not low. They are the kind of people analyzed in Levi's article, who may sympathize with the struggle, but are naturally unwilling to change the status quo.

Lux was only 13 after all.Although she has received much theoretical and practical training in Zaun for the past month or so, this task is still a difficult challenge for her.

it's good now
There is no need for her to think of ways to promote it. Just because of a letter from her mother, the head of the expeditionary army is in a hurry to help promote Janna's ideas.

"However." After all, Prince Jiawen has not forgotten that he is not a leader's propagandist.

The reason why he helped to promote it was: "Madame Augesa said in the letter that Demacia needs to let the nobles and military officers understand Janna's thoughts actively, and use this to cultivate their immunity to Janna's thoughts."

Understanding ideas is easy, just ask for some books from leaders.Leaders are also happy to give.

But to "build immunity", the soldiers should feel disgusted after reading "A Brief Introduction to Janna's Thoughts" instead of yearning for it
"How to do this?" Jiawen asked puzzled.

"It's very simple." Lux said in a prepared manner: "Nobles and military officers are the vested interests of the Demacia Kingdom, as long as they understand who the leader's theory is targeting, they will naturally oppose it." .”

"And as long as the nobles and officers are mentally prepared, we don't need to do anything more. They will usually restrain the soldiers under their command from being poisoned by Janna's thoughts. In this way, the leader's penetration of Demacia will be very easy. could be stopped."

It sounds reasonable.

However, Prince Jiawen asked a question: "Will nobles be disgusted after reading "A Brief Introduction to Janna's Thoughts"? Not necessarily?"

"I don't feel disgusted after reading it!"

Lux, Galen: "."

That's because you are stupid!
But Prince Jarvan had no self-knowledge. He even asked Galen, "Galen, have you read that booklet too? Do you dislike it?"

"Ah..." This really stopped Galen from asking.

He just has a lot of eyes, not a bad heart.In fact, he didn't feel disgusted after reading it, even though he understood it and knew that he was the one the leader called to defeat.

"Where are you guys?" Prince Jarvan looked at Lacus again, and Sona who was silent all the time.

"Aba." Sona shook her head.

Lacus was even more speechless.She is more stupid than Prince Jiawen in this matter, otherwise she would not be standing here now.

"But only because, a few of us are."

Too young, the blood didn't have time to cool down?or.
"Maybe we are the outliers among the nobles." Lux sighed in a complicated tone.

"Is that so?" Prince Jiawen also thought of something.

He didn't understand much before, he just thought that the nobles of Demacia were as glamorous as they looked.

But after his father's private political education recently, he gradually realized that his greatest enemy was never outside the border, not Noxus, but in Demacia, right above the imperial court in Xiongdu.

"We are the outliers." The prince sighed with emotion.

"Brother Jiawen." Looking at the sincere expression on his face, Lacus couldn't help but have a thought in her heart:
Perhaps, her propaganda can not be limited to low-ranking nobles, civilian officers and low-level soldiers?

Maybe, she can win over Prince Jiawen?

It's a bold and crazy idea.

Prince Jiawen is the biggest vested interest in Demacia.

In history, there have been rebellions by nobles, civilians, and slaves. When did the emperor rebel?
He is just naive now, and he doesn't fully understand who Janna's theory is targeting. When he reacts, will he still have any affection for the leader?

"But." Lux glanced at Prince Jarvan with a simple and honest face.

She decided to try anyway.

"Actually, Brother Jiawen." Lux said tentatively, "I think the theory of the leader is actually quite right. It can even be said that Demacia needs the theory of the leader right now."

Galen: "???"

The thick-browed and big-eyed man immediately became vigilant.

He looked at his sister worriedly, afraid that she would say something outrageous next.

But Lux is pretty smart now too.

She wanted to develop the prince, so of course she wouldn't just give the king's family a Demacia guillotine.

What she said was: "Brother Jiawen, you should have read the article "Why Demacia Forbids Demons", right?"

"Now the power of the Demon Seeker Corps in Demacia is getting bigger and bigger. Out of personal interests, the nobles form cliques and work together to bully the people and threaten the royal power."

"This..." Galen's face darkened.

Can this be said?
Sister, the aristocrats you mentioned who form gangs and threaten the royal power also include our Crown Guard family!

He was about to speak out to stop it, but Jiawen became energetic when he heard it: "Yes, Lacus!"

The prince confided in Lacus when he came up: "My father, the king, also told me about this situation. Now in the entire Demacian Kingdom, except for the commander Xin Zhao who is in charge of the forbidden army, the only person our father and son can fully trust is your Crown Guard family." .”

Galen's worries were unnecessary.His good brother, the prince, has never been on guard against the crown guard.

Even though Li Wei almost clearly stated it in the article, his father also vaguely mentioned in his political lessons that the Crown Guard family, who had completed a direct marriage with the Demon Seeker Corps, might not be so honest behind the scenes.

However, Prince Jiawen's trust in his brother has not changed at all.

Even if he was worried, he was only worried about the nobles outside the Crown Guard family.

"Na Lux, you said that Demacia needs Janna's thoughts, do you mean that Janna's thoughts can help Demacia solve the problem of internal friction among nobles?"

Jiawen sincerely asked a young lady of a great nobleman for advice on how to deal with the nobleman.

Fortunately, Lacus is no longer a noble lady.

She is a more terrible existence:

"That's right. The current Demacia has almost reached the brink of mutiny or even a civil war because of the power struggle among the nobles. So I think that the idea of ​​Janna can save Demacia."

How to save it?
Of course it was not easy for Lacus to tell the prince that even the king and the nobles were overthrown in one go.

So after a short thought, she wisely tailored a special version of the Janna theory for the prince——

Isn't the royal family's headache now, is the aristocracy too powerful?


"It's up to the king to promote Janna's ideas to the whole of Demacia, so that the royal family can form an alliance with the widest range of people, and in turn restrict those greedy and shameless nobles!"

"What?" As expected, Jiawen was immediately fooled and said to be tempted.

And Lacus seized the time to talk about it, and perfected the theory she just made up by the way: "Brother Jiawen, do you want to:"

"Demacia is the king's Demacia, and the people of Demacia are the king's subjects. Only when the kingdom is strong and the royal family can prosper, and only when the people are healthy can the kingship be stable."

"So compared with those nobles and officials who only have selfishness but no public interest, the interests of the king and the common people are more consistent."

"After all, Noxus is coming. Landlords can surrender, officials can surrender, nobles can also surrender shamelessly, only kings and commoners cannot surrender."

The king cannot surrender because he is the one the enemy wants to destroy.

Civilians cannot surrender because they have no united front value.

There are no horses, no supplies, no information, and you may not even remember the map of your home clearly. Even if you want to surrender and lead the way, Noxus doesn't want you to come here to cheat funds.

So if Noxus really came to fight, and if the civilians were lucky enough not to die in the massacre, then their ending is likely to be to watch the noble lords of Demacia transform into Noxians. Maintain the chairman.

Not only are there no fewer noble fathers on everyone's heads, but there are also a bunch of Noxus grandpas who need to take care of them.

The masters of the two great powers let you serve alone at the same time, that's not a small blessing.

"That's why I said that the interests of the king and the common people are more consistent." Lax made a decent analysis and nodded Prince Jarvan's words repeatedly.

"Yes, that's right!" Jiawen always firmly believed that he was fighting to protect the happiness of all Demacians.

He considers himself the guardian of the Demacians, the monarch of the common people of Demacia, and their close comrade-in-arms.

After all, many of Jiawen's soldiers were civilians from Demacia.The royal family and the common people, they have always fought side by side.

It's just that what he and everyone dealt with before were the invaders of Noxus and the barbarians of Freljord.

And now, Lux pointed out, they can not only deal with foreign enemies together, but also deal with domestic enemies together.That is:

"Nobles of Demacia!"

Seeing this stupid big man listening so engrossed, Miss Lacus shouted excitedly while the iron was hot:
"Brother Jiawen, I think that the royal family can completely restrain the greedy nobles by accepting Janna's thoughts, bring a happy life to the majority of Demacians, and bring great harmony to the world!"

"You in the future will be the first in the history of Demacia—" Lacus temporarily invented a new word:
"King of Datong!"

(End of this chapter)

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