LOL: Summoner of Goddess Jana

Chapter 29 Victor's Open Class

Chapter 29 Victor's Public Class (Please recommend tickets~)

A long time later, the Hextech Institute.

A certain classroom that was not supposed to be in class was extremely lively at this moment.

This classroom is full of students from Zaun, and the class for them is the great Professor Victor, who previously stood up for the students of Zaun and won a good impression.

But the content of this lesson is not Hex technology.

Rather, a historical paper:
"Zuan, where did you come from?" "

Those who can sit here are all college students and smart people.

Under Victor's explanation, they quickly realized the value of this article and the theories and thoughts it wanted to express.

In short, this article explains:
What is the world like and why is it like this.

It also leaves a question for readers to think about - after knowing what and why, what should be done next (how)?
And so the discussion began.

"I think the language of this article is a bit biased."

The starting point of the discussion turned out to be from questioning what.

Although the students here are all Zaun people and poor people, their minds are completely different.

After all, Victor is just a scholar who has stayed in the ivory tower for a long time.

He raised his arms and shouted, and the followers gathered. This kind of beautiful picture never happened in reality.

Just listen to the student questioning:

"This article describes the merchants of Piltover 300 years ago as butchers, executioners, and genocidal lunatics."

"However, Piltover's history textbooks record that their war behavior in the Shurima continent was entirely out of compelled self-defense—"

"Everyone has to know that the natives of Shurima are not little white rabbits, they can scalp people."

"A slap can't make a sound. If the natives of Shurima can kill the merchants of Piltover, why can't the merchants of Piltover fight back against those barbarians?"

Some students expressed such views, causing an uproar at the scene.

"This is simply nonsense!" Lina looked at the speaker with some annoyance:
She knows this man.

This guy usually likes to make strange remarks about "the air in Piltover is sweet and luxurious", and squeezes into the circle of locals in Piltover with a shy face.

If it wasn't for the strong discriminatory atmosphere in Piltover, he really wouldn't be able to squeeze in.

I'm afraid he won't even be here with his fellow Zaunites now.

"Bastard, don't you feel blushed when you say such strong words?"

"What does it mean that a slap can't be made? Could it be that those Shurima natives slapped thousands of miles away to Piltover first across the sea?"

"I said, did the toilet change when you stepped on the horse? It's fine to lick the Picheng guy's ass, but now even the Picheng guy's shit is delicious! Fuck you!"

Everyone present was from Zaun, and Lina simply didn't even pretend to be.

The student was scolded so badly by her, and seeing that no one around him supported his ideas, he had no choice but to shut his mouth in desperation.

But at this time, someone else expressed a new view:
"Everyone, I think this article analyzes the process and means of primitive accumulation by the business owners in Piltover. But the colonization and oppression mentioned in the article almost happened 300 years ago. "

"In the entire Runeterra, only the Noxus Empire is still doing this bloody colonial business."

"And the current Picheng merchants are no longer the Picheng merchants 300 years ago-what do the mistakes made by the predecessors have to do with the current Picheng people?"

"They are now civilized, progressive, and business-oriented. They are also engaged in Hex technology, machinery manufacturing, maritime logistics, and luxury goods trade."

With that said, the student offered his take on "how":

"I think we shouldn't look at them through outdated eyes."

"What's more, we're all Piltover students now - we don't have to change anything, just try to fit in with them."

Unlike the previous one who laundered the land for the colonists, this student's speech won the approval of many students present.

Yes, it's not like they haven't seen what Piltover looks like now!

It is no exaggeration to say that the world's first quality of life, the world's first welfare benefits, the world's first cultural environment, and the world's first technological level are the beacon of human civilization!
What does this have to do with the bloody and brutal colonial empire 300 years ago?
Don't worry about how they made money in the past, on the contrary, they are rich and civilized now, aren't they?
"Is that what everyone thinks?"

Seeing the people on the podium moved, Professor Victor finally stood up:

"Everyone thinks that there is no exploitation and oppression of people in Piltover now?"

If the question "this" was asked to be answered by students in Piltover, they would [-]% answer no.

After all, even the lowest level of Piltover civilians can afford to live in an apartment, afford a car, and watch Zaun people joke every day.

oppression?Where does the oppression come from?Why don't we Piltover feel it at all?

But everyone present here are all Zaun students.

Did the Picheng guys oppress them? Could it be that they didn't know in their hearts?
"It's not that the rich people in Piltover stopped oppressing and sucking blood." Lina unknowingly became a "class representative": "They just extended the blood pumping tube from Piltover to Zaun and overseas. Reaching where the people of Piltover can't see!"

"That's why they don't let blood directly get on their hands, and shamelessly flaunt their civilization and elegance!"

"That's right!" Victor glanced at Lena appreciatively, and added: "Especially with the invention of the Hexgate in the past few years, it is foreseeable that Runeterra will become more and more connected as an economic overall."

"The goods produced by Piltover can be sent to Noxus and Demacia within a day; the minerals and raw materials excavated from Shurima and Ixtar can also be transported to Zu Ann's processing plant."

"I personally refer to this situation as the 'globalization' of Runeterra."

"So a strange situation will become more and more obvious as globalization advances:"

"That's the extreme poverty of a country, and it doesn't even have to be in this country - but in another country thousands of miles away!"

Victor's words were like enlightenment, which made everyone wake up.

Everyone is from Zaun, which is very easy to understand.

There is no need to think about future globalization, because the wealthy people in Piltover have been doing this to Zaun since 200 years ago.

Zaun is the mine and factory of Piltover, providing Piltover with minerals, chemical raw materials and mechanical parts at the lowest price all year round.

Most of the profits were taken away by the Picheng business owners, while the garbage, sewage, alchemy gas, and consumption of human resources were all left in Zaan.

And the alchemy barons who ruled Zaun never concealed their cooperation with the business owners of Piltover.

They would even openly flaunt the big Piltover families standing behind them as their own competitive advantage.

There are also a group of alchemy barons represented by Renata. After making a fortune by squeezing the people of Zaun, they simply expanded their business and made it across the canal. They even moved the corporate headquarters to Piltover—— —

It is clear that it wants to integrate with the rich people in Piltover, implement an "internationalization strategy", and become a "Martian enterprise".

After all, Piltover has been stealthily colonizing and plundering Zaun for 200 years, and those alchemy barons in Zaun
They ruled Zaun more than they were the dogs of the rich in Piltover.

No, say dogs are somewhat emotional.

Everyone thought of the new word mentioned in that article: "comprador?"

"That's right, there is the economic colonization and plunder of Picheng on the outside, and the comprador rule and oppression of Zaun on the inside. This is the status quo of the people of Zaun!"

"You can admit the progress and civilization of Piltover, but you must not ignore that this so-called prosperity is based on their plundering of Zaun, Shurima, and more impoverished areas!"

Victor's words were so loud that the students present were all in deep thought.

And then he continued:
"Actually, that classmate just now was right about one thing."

"You're all Piltover students now - you don't have to change anything, just try to fit in here."

Piltover University is the top university in Piltover and the best science school in Runeterra.

The Zaun students who can enter here to study are all the top talents who have been scrambled out of thousands of Zaun people, and they are the high-quality fresh blood that Piltover will always need.

In other words, when these students set foot here, they already have vested interests in the future.

They don't have to overthrow anything.

Just like what Victor did in the past, study hard here, get a job, get the legal status of Piltover, and then, as a new Piltover, enjoy the wonderful dividends brought by this status.

"So, are you still willing to continue listening?"

After talking about the what and why, the next step is to talk about how.

This is not something that can be said casually.

"If you don't want to, you can leave now." Victor advised kindly.

The next road, I am afraid it will not be easy.

These students have a bright future, and they don't need to go any further.

But students are always the most progressive and enthusiastic group of people.

They are like the rising sun, a flaming fire that radiates light and heat forever, and cannot be quenched even if watered.

"We do!"

Some people at the scene were still questioning and thinking.

But no one left.

(End of this chapter)

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