LOL: Summoner of Goddess Jana

Chapter 294 Zaun's Magic Book

Chapter 294 Zaun's Magic Book
Silas is a rebel, but not a revolutionary.This is Levi's evaluation of him.

The discrimination and exclusion he experienced since he was a child made him completely devoted himself to the single identification of his mage identity, and years of dark prison life inevitably made his temperament extreme and extreme.

The liberation he wanted was the liberation of himself and his fellow mages.

As for the civilians of Demacia.
Let's put it this way, if Li Wei does not intervene, in the "future", the first major thing Silas will do after regaining his freedom is:
Led the barbarians from the northern Freljord into the pass, burned, killed and looted all the way to the capital of Demacia.

Yes, barbarians.
For ordinary people, there are not many people in this world who can stretch their hips better than nobles.

But Silas was able to invite a group of even more heavyweight primitive slavery tribes, so that everyone could taste the benefits of feudal society.

Obviously, he was a little dazed.

"Little girl, you said that Zheng Ce is just a ruling tool of the nobles. But what I have seen is that the whole of Demacia is bottom-up, and almost every Demacian is spontaneous about Zheng Ce fanatical pursuit!"

"No one persecutes those civilians. But they just fear us, hate us, and see us as goddamn demons!"

"Because mortals and mages are born different! They will not be our friends!"

Silas's more cathartic angry roar seemed to be more effective than Sona's previous long-winded theoretical propaganda.

Many mages present sympathized with it and nodded secretly.

Yeah, mortals are friends?
They only need to reflect on their own experiences for a moment, and it is difficult to answer yes.

"No, you are wrong." Sona tried to wake them up: "The commoners of Demacia do discriminate against mages, but where did their thoughts come from?"

In the beginning, it was a cultural tradition formed spontaneously by the ancestors of Demacia who suffered from the rune wars out of fear and hatred of magic.

But almost 1000 years have passed since the Rune Wars.

The Demacians of nearly a thousand years have never experienced the pain of their ancestors at all. Why do they reject mages more than their ancestors, and prohibit magic more extreme?

"Because the Zheng policy of banning demons was formulated as a national policy by the nobles of Demacia a long time ago, and it has continued to develop to this day."

"It is under the imperceptible impetus of the royal family and nobles that the folks form this cultural tradition of extreme discrimination against mages."

"Think about it, should this incident be blamed on the commoners of Demacia, or the nobles?"

Sona worked hard to help mages understand who is the enemy and who is the friend.

What she said was not difficult to understand.

"Miss Sona, we all understand what you said. But no matter who instigated it, these civilians are discriminating against us now, aren't they?" The mages questioned.

"." Sona was speechless for a moment.

Because the attitude of the mages is now:

I understand the truth, but we don't accept your theory.

It's like a pigeon that looks bigger than a car in the distance in a photo.
This pigeon looks just that big.You tell me why, it still looks that big.

"Oh." Sona sighed deeply.

In fact, she and Lacus had already been reminded by Li Wei before returning to Demacia about the situation she was encountering now.

Li Wei believes that the racial conflict between mages and mortals is similar to the national conflict between Zaun and Piltover, and the national conflict between Demacia and Noxus that he analyzed before.

These contradictions exist objectively.It's not that you talk about theories and shout slogans, and these contradictions will disappear immediately.

In fact, mages and mortals are inherently different.

In Demacia, mortals have indeed formed a systematic oppression of mages due to the cultural traditions formed over hundreds of years.

"We pursue the ideal of internationalism, but we must also be realistic and acknowledge:"

"Contradiction exists objectively."

"When the surrounding environment shows you the inequality of race, ethnicity and nationality all the time, makes you feel the real oppression brought about by different identities, and makes you face the violent conflict between ideals and reality, then you are very It is difficult to cling to ideals that are difficult to achieve in the present.”

"Just like the Zaunites of old."

"It's impossible for them to believe that Piltovers are their friends when every Piltover they meet curses them with the most contemptuous gutter rats."

Sona thought back to Li Wei's words.

"At this time, the effect of theory is much worse."

"Even if many people can understand the theory and understand the theory, they will choose to embrace the narrow identity instead of the ideal of the leader under the education of objective reality."

What should I do?

In a non-magic world, there is actually no good way to do this.

After all, consciousness is different from person to person.

Some people can still stick to their ideals "naively" even after being beaten by reality.

Most people, like Silas, can no longer accept ideals after recognizing the reality.Even if they can understand Janna's thoughts.

For them, what can be done is to do a good job of publicity and education, and hope that everyone will realize it by themselves. There is no better way.

This is Runeterra, a place where gods and magic exist.

Here, the leader can transcend the boundaries of all identities in a realistic sense and bring everyone together.

This thing that can unite everyone is:
"Faith." Finally, Sona said to the mages: "Under the belief of Goddess Janna, all people are equal."

"Just kidding!" Silas interrupted angrily: "Equality? How is it possible?"

"Could it be that as long as you believe in your god, mages and mortals can be the same?"

"En." Sona nodded seriously.

"Why?" Silas laughed: "Mages are born stronger than mortals, and mortals are born more than mages. Why are we equal, why are we the same?"

"By Janna." Sona said bluntly, "If anyone tries to create inequality, the goddess will destroy him."

Silas: "."

This overly frank statement made him, a bewildered man, unable to stand up.

"Hmph!" But he still said stubbornly, "In the end, it's just superficial equality!"

"Isn't that enough?" Sona replied confidently: "For ordinary people, being able to achieve superficial equality is enough."

"The leaders are all people of faith. They will not only maintain equality in practical actions, but also abandon prejudice from the bottom of their hearts and treat people regardless of their status."

"So in the land blessed by Janna, the kind of collective rejection of mages by mortals that you are worried about will never occur."

"." Silas was speechless.

But he was still too stubborn to let go.

He still has that attitude.He understands the truth, but he just can't let go of his hatred for Demacia.

Only mages are the compatriots he can trust.Civilians may not be the enemy, but...if they are not of our race, their hearts must be different.

"Okay." Sona sighed.

Chatting with this dazed person with extreme identity in mind, her reasoning doesn't make any sense anyway.

Just a little more practical.

"Mr. Silas, you think that only mages are your compatriots, right?"

"Of course!" Silas nodded heavily.

Sona didn't answer, just took out a book from her bosom.

This book is not "A Brief Introduction to Janna's Thoughts", but:

"Actually, I only recently started learning magic. And this book is the magic teaching material I brought from Zaun."

"If you are interested, take it and have a look."

"Oh?" Silas and the mages all looked at a loss.

They didn't understand why Sona was arguing and arguing about the scriptures, and then suddenly started talking about magic without thinking.

But the magic book is an absolutely rare contraband in the forbidden Demacia.

Many mages present have never received systematic magic education since they woke up consciously, let alone the chance to touch the legendary magic books.

So everyone is very interested in the magic book that Sona suddenly took out.

So Silas took the book on behalf of the mages.

Strangely, this book was markedly different from any magical book he had seen before.

The covers of ordinary magic books are made of exquisite animal leather. The covers are either imprinted with gorgeous and complicated magic lines, or have a dark and simple style, giving people a mysterious and heavy feeling.

But this magic book is entirely made of the most common printing paper, and a childish cartoon blue bird pattern is printed on the cover.

I saw that it said:

""Magic Control (Elective) Sixth Grade · Part I""

"Zuan Education Publishing House."

Turning over the title page, it also reads impressively:

"Pricing: 1 Silver Wheel."

Silas: "."

Mages: "."

They were stunned for a while, before asking in a hurry: "What does sixth grade mean?"

"It's a textbook for 12-year-old elementary school students," Sona said.

"?!" The mages were inexplicably shocked: "Is this something taught to children in Zaan?"

"Those mortal children, what's the use of learning this?"

"Of course it works." Sona spread her palms and summoned a breeze: "Because there are no mortals in the strict sense of Zaun."

"As long as you believe in Janna, then you are already a transcendent."

 The second is later_(:з」∠)_
(End of this chapter)

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