Chapter 299

Let other people's children go.

Zeli's mother's words sound a bit selfish.

But as a mother, she doesn't think she's wrong to think so.

War is no child's play.

The Noxus Empire is a formidable enemy.

The people of Zaun have been used to hearing horror stories from across the sea in recent years, how the Noxian Empire crushed the enemy on the battlefield.

Zeli's mother, or any mother for that matter, would never want her daughter to be a character in one of these horrific stories.

"Mom." Zeli could only deliberately use an optimistic tone: "Don't worry. The Noxus Empire is not as terrible as you imagined."

"They were struggling in Ionia, but now that Ionia has the support of us and Demacia, it is even more impossible for the Noxus to defeat us."

"I know that it is impossible for Noxus to defeat the leader." The mother still frowned tightly: "But they may not be unable to defeat you, child."

Zeli's mother also believes that the leader will win the final victory.

But what if Zeli died unfortunately before the victory?
The leader may be the final winner.But mothers who lose their children are always losers.

"Zeli, I know it's selfish of me to say that." The more the mother thought about it, the more worried she became, and finally she held her daughter's hand tightly, refusing to let her go: "But there are so many soldiers in Zaun, and there is no shortage of them." You one."

"Why not?" Zeli said stubbornly.

She took out two things.

"It's dangerous, the leader will go first." One is the blue bird badge representing her membership.

"The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility." The second is the slight flash of electricity in her palm.

"I'm both a leader and an extraordinary person. If the war comes, I can't even go up, so why let others go up?"

"No!" Mother gritted her teeth: "Zeli, don't tell me the truth."

"I don't care what leader or extraordinary person you are, you are still a child, my child! You still have your parents at home!"

"Mom!" Zeli's green hair trembled, and she said with a bit of a stubborn temper: "I am the only one who is a child, do I have parents?"

"The children of other people's families are not children, and the children of other people's families have no parents?!"

"Amount" doesn't seem to exist.

In Zaan, there are not many children like Zeli who have not yet become orphans in their teens, have both parents and family members.

"Then I have to go!" Zeli gritted her teeth and said, "The people of Zaun have suffered enough in the past. Now that life is finally getting easier, why should those poor children go to the front for us? Woolen cloth?"

"Not to mention, mother—"

"When the leaders came to Zaun, you saw that life was getting better, and you encouraged me to sharpen my head and join the organization. Now it's time to fight, and you want me to be a deserter."

"Don't you think this is too much?" Zeli complained in Zaun language: "Even in Zaun in the past, this kind of eggless guy would be looked down upon by the neighbors."

"." The mother didn't speak.

Zeli raised her head in displeasure, but only met her mother's almost pleading eyes.

"Mom" Zeli was also speechless.

It's not that my mother doesn't know the truth of what she said.It's just that a mother's love is unreasonable.

"But." Zeli pondered for a moment, and finally managed to hold back her strength and broke away from her mother's hand that refused to let go.

"Mom, do you think that the war happened in Ionia thousands of miles away, so it has nothing to do with Zaun?"

She knew that maternal love was selfish, so she stopped talking about Levi's theory of belief that was constantly advancing.

She only made an analysis from the pros and cons: "Actually, President Li Wei told everyone very clearly at the mobilization meeting within the organization about the importance of supporting the Ionia operation this time."

"Actually, Zaun has long been pushed to the brink of war by Noxus."

The Black Rose and the old aristocratic group that now control the center of Noxus have regarded the leader of Zaun as a serious problem that must be eliminated.

Only because she was still not sure about the true strength of the goddess Janna, Black Rose dared not go off in person now, risking a face-to-face war with Zu Pingan.

They killed the leader's branch in Ionia, firstly to stimulate more friction between Zaun and Swain in Piltover, forcing Swain to be the abandoned son who threw stones and asked for directions.

The second is to use this method, not to declare war in full, but to start war in disguise.

Black Rose actually regarded the Ionian front army as an abandoned child like Swain, and tried to test the leader while the two sides left room.

If the leader can't show his prestige and strength in the Ionian battlefield, he will even retreat and lose again and again.
If at this point, Goddess Janna, who is feared by the enemy, has not made a move for a long time, then her terrifying deterrent power as a "nuclear weapon" will be greatly reduced.

That Noxus will definitely have the courage to further test the leader's cards.

"When the time comes, the battlefield will not be in Ionia, but in Zaun." Zeli said worriedly.

"That, that" the mother still couldn't understand: "Then let the goddess Janna help us, she saved us last time, this time"

"No!" Zeli said righteously: "The Janna Movement should be a human movement, and Goddess Janna is not our nanny."

"In the past, many people in the organization relied too much on the goddess Janna, and lost the fighting spirit of the leader as a pioneer of change. When they encountered major difficulties, they didn't want to deal with them by themselves, but only thought of a goddess falling from the sky. Help them."

"Such a person is actually no longer a real leader."

"That's why the goddess told everyone through President Li Wei that she will only help the leaders when they are in danger of life and death. The rest, we have to rely on ourselves."

Li Wei said this to everyone, one is to improve the bad atmosphere in the association that is becoming more and more serious, because of over-reliance on gods and giving up their own struggle.

The second is to remind those leaders who have gradually lost their sense of crisis because of the blessing of the goddess, the seriousness and cruelty of this war.

But in fact, the truth is much more serious than what Levi told the leaders.

The fact is that the restored power of Goddess Janna is simply unable to compete with the Black Rose who controls the huge Noxus Empire.

And the demon Tam has a cooperative relationship with the leader, and he only agrees to help with some chores and deal with some small people.It is impossible to expect him to go to the battlefield as a demon to fight for the leader.

As for Nagakaporos, as a "movement", she will not personally intervene in the movement.So don't expect the leader to show up and give any help until the time of life and death.

In other words, the "nuclear weapon" in the hands of the leader is nothing like a fake.

If Noxus really used the sausage-cutting tactics to test the bottom line step by step, from Ionia to Zaun, the loss of the leader would be extremely heavy.

"Goddess Janna will help us, and Nagakaporos may too."

"But mother, have you ever thought-"

"When the situation deteriorates to this point, how many people do we have to sacrifice before the goddess descends, and what will Zaun be like?"

"You think I'll be safe if you let me escape from the battlefield. But if the war burns to Zaun, where can we go?"

"This" mother panicked: "Jana, no, she won't do this, she won't just sit back and watch this kind of thing happen."

"Why not?" Zeli asked.

"Because we are followers of Janna." Mother said, "The goddess will protect us."

"But are we really followers of Janna?" Zeli said with burning eyes, "Mother—"

"If the people of Zaun thought like you, let their children escape the war like you, and let other people's children go to the front to carry guns."

"In fact, there is no real leader in Zaun, and there are no so-called believers of the goddess Janna."

"Since we all abandoned Janna, why can't Janna abandon us?"

"." Zeli's mother could no longer speak.

Zeli, on the other hand, grabbed her mother's hand, showing her will with the flashing light in her eyes:

"I am going to Ionia to fight against the Noxus Empire, in order to keep the flames of war out of Zaun for you and thousands of Zaun people."

"For the ideal of the leader, for everyone in Zaan, and for our little family—"

"I have to go to the front line to fight!"

 That. Sorry, everyone, I want to dove for another day _(:з」∠)_
  Because I fell into that kind of desperate cavin state of serious self-doubt, no matter what I write, I feel like I am playing awkwardly.

  This chapter was almost written yesterday, and I actually changed it from the afternoon to now. Counting yesterday, the chapter has been held back for nearly 8 hours.It was almost rewritten, but I still feel that the writing is not good.In the end, the time dragged on for too long, so I had to bite the bullet and send it out.

  According to this state, today's two chapters must not be written well.It will only disappoint everyone if you force it out, so after struggling, I decided to dove.

  Alas, this subject matter is really much more difficult than I imagined at first.Perhaps with my ability, I can't control this subject, not to mention that I have to write this story well in the overloaded mode of daily serialization.

  I'm really sorry, everyone.

  I really can't guarantee the quality of the update of this book.I can only say that I try my best to do my best and ensure that I finish writing.Thank you for your tolerance, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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