LOL: Summoner of Goddess Jana

Chapter 3 Brother and Sister

Chapter 3 Brother and Sister

Another few hours passed.

The sky was getting darker, and it was approaching evening.

Li Wei finally let out a long sigh of relief, and closed the notebook that he and Janna had co-created, filled with dozens of pages of eloquence.

Just at this moment, there was a sound of approaching footsteps outside the door.

The footsteps stopped quickly at the door, and after a while, a black-haired girl wearing glasses opened the door with a key.

"Brother, I'm back."

The girl is Li Wei's younger sister, Lena.

Because her ancestors were oriental immigrants from Ionia, she has the same beautiful black hair and black eyes as Li Wei, and her facial features and skin are more delicate and delicate than those of the natives of Zaun.

Unlike her sloppy brother, Lena wore a simple and quiet thick ponytail, and wore a Piltover University uniform. She was clean from head to toe, without any stains.

A slim lady suit and a knee-length skirt, paired with white stockings, black leather shoes, and gold-rimmed glasses. It makes her look more like a lady from Piltover, rather than a little Zaun who came here to live with her apprentice brother sister.


Li Wei imitated the feeling in his memory and welcomed her into the door with a smile.

That Li Wei loves her sister very much.Before he died, he felt relieved, but when he thought that his sister would not be taken care of after his death, he quickly struggled to breathe air again.

"Brother, where did your pet bird come from?"

Lina noticed the petite blue bird lying on Li Wei's shoulder.

But she seemed to be in a bad mood right now, not even the lovely Janna could arouse the girl's interest.

So without waiting for Li Wei to answer, her brows were slightly frowned:

"Brother, have you checked my suitcase? Why are my books and notebooks outside? You can barely read, what do you do with these things? There are only a few free notebooks issued by the school, and only one pen. I still need to use it when I go to school.”

Lena murmured, but Li Wei was not angry.

"You must be tired after a day of class, right?"

"Lena, let's eat first."

As he spoke, he carefully set up a chair as a dining table, and took out a lunch box from under the bed.

"Today is your favorite food—"

"Raw pickled marsh frog!"

Li Wei opened the lunch box with a sense of ceremony, but what was revealed was not a golden light, but a large pile of strange and colorful spices, which looked like the special product of the Ganges river, the magic marsh frog meat.

The Fel Swamp Frog, a magical creature that lives in the sewers of Zaun.

Although the appearance is extremely poor, it is very disgusted by the upper class in Picheng.But it tastes surprisingly good, the Zaunites' favorite delicacy, and one of the few meats they can afford.

That Li Wei came back from the all-night shift. Although he was tired and sleepy, he still queued up in a long queue when he saw a seller of Moma Frog Meat on the street, so he packed a box for her sister and came back.

"Demon Swamp Frog?!"

For some reason, Lina frowned even deeper:

"Brother, didn't I say that I don't want to eat this kind of thing anymore!"

"It's because we've been eating weird things like this that those Piltovers look down on us and say we're 'gutter rats that eat everything'!"

"." Li Wei finally stopped laughing.

He didn't preach, he just passed the fork to his sister on his own:

"Today, the landlord came to press for the rent."

Lena: "."

Her resentment was all stuck in her throat, and she couldn't say a word.

Only then did Li Wei quietly ask: "Have you been wronged at school again?"

"Yeah." The corners of Lena's eyes were a little wet.

"I'm sorry bro"

"Tell me, it's not good to hold back."

"It's not the eldest lady of the Philos family! Relying on the fact that she has a bullshit family behind her, she makes trouble for others all day long. She scolded me for nothing, and scolded us in Zaun as garbage-eating gutter rats, saying that we It’s smelly from other places, so I’ve gone to Picheng to beg for food.”

"It's really shit stuffed in the mouth, this is a bitch who was born without a mother. Cough cough!"

Lina cursed a lot in Zaun, but covered her mouth in embarrassment.

"Hahaha." Li Wei stroked his sister's hair encouragingly: "Don't pretend to be in your own home."

"Look—no matter what you pretend, you're still a Zaunite."

"Yeah." Lena blushed and lowered her head.

Then she didn't speak, just took the fork and showed off the magic bog frog.

The appearance of eating was quite elegant at the beginning, but after eating, it showed its true colors, and began to perform the performance of tearing the magic marsh frog.

"Brother." After a while, the girl raised her head belatedly: "Did the landlord come to press for the rent this time, didn't he say anything?"

"He wouldn't just ask the law enforcement officers to throw us out, would he? If so...we'd have to go back to Zaun."

"Don't worry. Mr. Bill agreed, and he won't go to that point." Li Wei comforted him with his face unchanged: "You just need to study at ease, and I will take care of the money matter."

"Yeah." Lina nodded.

She seemed to want to continue eating, but after hesitating for a moment, she still said to Li Wei:

"After dinner, I will go back to school."

"There is an interview assessment tonight. If I can pass—brother, do you know? I can be a key training object and be admitted by Professor Jess Tallis' research group."

"The members of the research group will be given additional subsidies"

"Brother, our family will have money by then!"

"Professor Jess." Li Wei also heard that this is indeed a great opportunity.

Justalis, the founder of Hextech, is now the hottest research star in Piltover.

When Li Wei went downstairs to buy a pack of cigarettes, he could see more than a dozen different promotional posters of Mr. Jess.

Really unexpected.
If you heard the name Jess before time travel.Li Wei would only think that "little Jess dares to fight against the enemy", and then sneered and asked him to use a monitor to let the other side know what Ionia is.

But now that he has traveled through time, Jess has become a big shot he can't wait to reach.It's really embarrassing.

But in any case, this is indeed a huge opportunity.

If Lena can become Jace's student, then the siblings will no longer be afraid of being driven back to Zaun by the law enforcement officers.

"But it's not easy, is it?"

"Huh?" Lina's forced smile froze.

Li Wei touched her head again, and said, "Just try your best at night, don't put too much pressure on yourself."

"Even if we fail, we have nothing to lose."

"Hmm." Lena was a little speechless, but bit her lips tightly: "Hmm!"

"You eat first." Li Wei stood up slowly, moved to avoid his sister, and squeezed to the door: "I'm going to work the night shift."

"Go now?" Lina was a little bit reluctant.Her and her brother's schedules are completely staggered, and they can only be seen in the evening every day.

"Well, I'll see if Mr. Erwin is there."

Levi works in a hexaphone factory, and Mr. Erwin is his boss.

In the memory of the original owner, this boss who was quite dignified in front of the workers was actually a kind man with a cold face and a warm heart.

A good guy who sympathizes with Zaun's workers -- a rare animal among Piltover business owners.

"If possible, I'll go to Mr. Irwin to advance next month's salary. He should agree."

Although this amount of money is not enough to pay the rent, at least it can be used to ask the landlord for a little more grace, so as not to be kicked back to Zaan by the law enforcement officer tomorrow.

"What about next month?"

The younger sister still asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, I can solve it." Li Wei was very confident.Anyway, he is also a well-informed earthling, as long as he can buy time first, he can naturally think of ways to make money.

"Respond well at night, don't think about family matters."

After finishing his last instruction, Li Wei opened the door and walked out with the blue bird Janna lying on his shoulder.

"Hey, brother, don't you want to eat?" Lina called him before the door was closed.

After thinking about it, she slowly put the lunch box down from her hands.

Then she squatted down, dug out the salt bag from the glove box under the bed, picked and searched and sprinkled a layer of coarse salt on the remaining half lump of Demon Swamp frog meat, then carefully closed the lid of the lunch box, put the It was put back on the bed.

"Brother, I haven't finished eating. Come back from the night shift and eat it, or it will go bad if you don't eat it."

Lina picked up the notebook that Li Wei had used before, carefully tore off a piece of shredded paper from the last page, and left a note for her brother.

After leaving a note, she conveniently stuffed the notebook into her schoolbag.

As she said, her notebook is never enough.

Although this blank notebook has been taken by Li Wei to write something, she still can only take it to school and use it as manuscript paper for the evening defense interview.

"Wait." Lina had just stuffed the notebook into her schoolbag when she belatedly thought of something:
"What the hell did my brother write?"

"Didn't he usually never read?"

Curious and puzzled, she finally opened the note left by Li Wei.

The first thing that catches the eye is a line of speech:
"For you, Mr. Levi."

The handwriting is firm and strong, with clear strokes, and it doesn't look like the writing of her big and thick brother.

"When did my brother's handwriting become so good? And this speech, why did he write it for himself?"

Lina was puzzled, but saw that the preface after the speech was:
"Goddess Janna is real."

It was literally the opening lightning strike.

"The author had the honor to have several long conversations with Goddess Janna, and was enlightened by Goddess' grace and wisdom, and initially learned and mastered a subversive thinking tool for understanding the world."

"Huh?" Lina was stunned.

Brother actually said that he saw Janna with his own eyes?The legendary patron saint of Zaun, Janna the Stormfury?
What a joke!
Janna is clearly a story about deceiving children!

So what if she was real?
What about the patron saint of Zaan, the people of Zaan have lived like this, and I have never seen her go to work any day!
"Oops, brother, he won't be deceived by some magic trick." Lina was very worried.

However, she only read a little further, and found:
"First of all, the author wants to make it clear to everyone that Janna really exists, and she is indeed a god."

"But gods are not omnipotent. Gods are just powerful magical creatures that are not fundamentally different from humans."

"Huh?" Lina couldn't understand again.

The front is still divine, why is it that God is written like this later?If God is written as a human being, will anyone be fooled?

I saw Levi wrote next:
"Jana bestowed the author with divine grace, not to use the author's mouth to promote herself, but to spread wisdom to the world and share her thoughts and ideas."

"As the goddess of mercy and equality, the guardian of thousands of people, her soul has been floating above Runeterra for thousands of years."

"She observed the development and changes of human history, and analyzed the past, present and future of society. Finally, after long research and thinking, she summed up a set of thinking tools to help us understand and transform the world."

"Here, the author simply sums it up as Janna Thought, or Janna Doctrine."

"Here, I will try to use Janna's thinking to briefly sort out and analyze the history of Zaun and Piltover over the past 7000 years—"

Seeing this, Lina was already deeply curious.

Janna's thoughts?God doesn't fool believers, they all come to be philosophy teachers?This is really a novelty!

She continued to read.

I saw that Li Wei wrote an eye-catching title for his article in plain words that are very eye-catching and anyone can understand:

"Zuan, where did you come from?" "

(End of this chapter)

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