LOL: Summoner of Goddess Jana

Chapter 328 Riven's Management Experience

Chapter 328 Riven's Management Experience

How to change Ionia is a very grand question.

The answer given by Li Wei, or in other words, the focus of the problem he mentioned first is:

"The first step is to sum up and learn from the past work experience of the Ionian branch, improve the training system for leaders, comprehensively strengthen the construction of member cadres, and cultivate a large-scale, adequately staffed, combat-capable team as soon as possible. , a team of leader cadres with organization and faith."

"Uh..." Riven, Fei Ya and the others who were concentrating on taking notes couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

What Li Wei said is indeed correct.but.
But this is just nonsense, right?

"Leaders need to develop believers and train cadres as soon as possible—" Li Wei said seriously: "I really don't need to say the importance of these things, everyone knows it in their hearts."

"But I'm going to stress it here anyway, because"

Because a large team of cadres with reliable beliefs is the basis for the success of all the things he said afterwards.

Unlike Zaun, Ionia is vast and populous.

The administrative workload that leaders will have to face here in the future may be unimaginably large.

"And even in that little Zaan." Li Wei frankly used the shortcomings of his own work as an example: "When the leaders carried out a comprehensive transformation of the Zaan society, we also experienced a lot of troubles. .”

"All of this is because our leader has expanded too fast and taken too big a step."

It took less than half a year from the birth of the Leader to the arrival of the goddess to help the Leader take down the entire Zaun.

In the past six months, because Piltover and Noxus have always occupied a strong position, people generally have doubts about the future of the leader, and for various reasons do not accept the promotion and development of the leader.
Therefore, when the leaders took down Zaun, they only developed less than 10 shallow believers and nearly 1 leaders.

Among the 1 leaders, there are only a few 2 to 3 people who really have the opportunity to practice and exercise in front-line positions, and can be regarded as grassroots cadres with work experience.

There are only a few grassroots cadres with work experience, but they need to be responsible for the comprehensive transformation of Zu'an City with a population of 200 million.

If it weren't for Janna's belief test, 1 loyal and reliable leaders can quickly enrich the cadre team, so that those with impure thoughts can't get into the association. At the execution level, there may be some big troubles.

"Fortunately, in the past two months we've made it through." Li Wei used the word "very".

It has been two months since the goddess came into the world, and Zaun has finally completed the initial social transformation and gradually entered the right track of development.

The leader's work in Zaun is generally considered a success.

But, the process is not easy.

Can Ionia.
"The volume of Ionia is dozens of times that of Zaun. Zaun is just a city, but Ionia is a continent with hundreds of towns and tens of thousands of villages."

"To completely transform this continent, I am afraid that at least hundreds of thousands of loyal and reliable leaders are needed."

"So what we do here, we must not be as impatient as we are in Zaun."

Li Wei specifically emphasizes the construction of the cadre team here, which is to ask the comrades on the Ionian side to calm down first, and not to be dazzled by excessive fighting enthusiasm.

Before cultivating a team of cadres sufficient to meet the needs of grassroots work, the pace of social transformation must not be too large.

If it is in the non-magic world, to cultivate such a large and reliable grassroots team from scratch, it will take at least ten years of continuous development, fighting and tempering.

In Runeterra, it may be much faster with Janna's help, but Li Wei estimated with the most optimistic attitude:

"It will take us at least three to five years for this."

"So I hope that everyone will not regard it as an urgent task to be completed, but as a great mission for which we need to devote the first half of our lives, and take this cause seriously."

Li Wei reminded with a serious tone.

"Yes!" Riven and the leaders nodded solemnly.

They all deeply remembered Li Wei's words in their hearts.

When Li Wei mentioned the issue of cadre team building here, in addition to cooling down the hot-blooded comrades, he also wanted to put forward some specific suggestions:

"Comrade Riwen, in fact, you have already given a better answer than me in the past month's practice on the issue of strengthening the propaganda of the leaders' beliefs and strengthening the construction of the cadre team."

"I say this to summarize your past experience so that you can continue to promote it in your future struggle work."

"Huh? Riven was suddenly named and praised, and she seemed a little flattered: "President Li Wei, how can I compare to you? "

"No, what I'm talking about is not polite." Li Wei said directly: "You are really much better than me in terms of cultivating believers and cultivating cadres."

As mentioned earlier, it took half a year for the leader to start from scratch, and he has cultivated less than 10 shallow believers.And this was achieved only after Li Wei opened the plug-in, a very excellent result.

Later, when Janna came to the world, it shocked the world, and the enthusiasm of the residents of Shuangcheng to learn Janna's thoughts became unprecedentedly high.

But even so, because of the new settlement in Zu'an and the prosperity of all kinds of wastes, the leader needs to deal with too many grassroots tasks, and can't devote much energy to the propaganda work
So in the two months since the goddess came into the world, the leader has only cultivated 2 more devout believers and 1 shallow believers in Shuangcheng.

Most of the remaining residents of Shuangcheng are living people who don't care much about politics and theory.Their closeness to the leader and their yearning for Janna are still only in the kind of gratitude to the "savior" and worship of the gods.

Of course, as the development of Zaun is gradually on the right track, the belief in Goddess Janna will definitely spread rapidly in the two cities at an exponential rate in the future.

But this is the take-off stage after the start. Everything is difficult at the beginning. It has never been easy to develop believers from scratch.

Ke Ruiwen.
This girl has only been in Ionia for a month, and she has developed thousands of leaders and tens of thousands of shallow followers almost out of nothing.

Li Wei praised her as the "performance champion" of the leader, but it is really not an exaggeration.

"But." Riven was very embarrassed: "This is not my credit."

She really didn't do anything special.

The leader's brochures, originally imported from Zaun, were sold everywhere in Balua.

And the residents of Balua Province are so fanatical to take the initiative to learn Janna's thoughts, and they are all forced by Noxus.

In Zaun, Janna theory is almost a non-compulsory educational curriculum.

Ordinary people, of course, don't like to go to class.Even if there is a teacher to guide you, you will not learn too quickly.

Available in the province of Barua.
To learn Janna's theory is to insure the safety of one's own life.

The Noxus' butcher's knife was on his neck, and he might die if he didn't learn. Naturally, everyone tried their best to learn.

So in the final analysis, the credit for this "persuasion to learn" still has to fall on the heads of the Noxians.

"This kind of experience seems to be useless in summary, right?" Riven said with a strange expression.

"Haha." Li Wei smiled: "The 'successful experience' I mentioned is of course not this."

To develop believers, Riven really relied on Noxus for assists, and didn't use any novel tricks.

But in terms of cultivating grassroots cadres, she has actually embarked on an effective path.

"How did you resettle these tens of thousands of war refugees in a short period of time and from scratch?" Li Wei asked.

"I..." Riven thought for a while, "I didn't use any special tricks either."

"I just use the thread of faith to select reliable candidates to serve as cadres, and then use the military establishment I learned in Noxus to conduct semi-militarized management of these refugees."

"That's right!" Li Wei said encouragingly: "Military and civilian integration, that's why you can quickly pull out a huge team of cadres."

Zaun's Guild of Leaders has never been a military organization.

Before winning the Zaun regime, the system of the Leader Association was more like a giant enterprise;
After the complete capture of Zaun, the Leaders Association directly transformed into a political entity.

It has an army, but not many.National defense tasks mainly rely on the "nuclear deterrence" provided by the goddess Janna.

But the team that Riven pulled out in Ionia is completely different.

From the very beginning, it has been a militarized organization that integrates the military and the civilians, half military and half civilian.

1 refugees, that is the establishment of 1 soldiers, that is, 1 division, 3 brigades, 9 regiments, 27 battalions, 81 companies, 243 platoons, and 729 squads
There can be thousands of officers at all levels.

As long as this shelf stands up and holds up—

Among the 1 refugees, it is equivalent to at least 1000 grassroots cadres who have been tempered by front-line work.

In times of war, they are the officers of the troops.

In peacetime, they can quickly transform into grassroots administrative cadres in the base area.

Get on the horse to manage the army, and get off the horse to manage the people.Although the specific work content is different, the principle is to manage, control and mobilize people.

Officers and cadres can completely transform into each other.

As a result, a large team of grassroots cadres was cultivated in a decent manner from the tens of thousands of refugees at the fastest speed.

"Zuan can't learn from your experience." Levi looked at Riven encouragingly, and said, "But in Ionia, in Noxus, in the countless battles we can foresee in the future , there will still be a lot of room for development.”

"That's why I need you, Comrade Riven—"

"I need you to use your method in Ionia to bring out a larger cadre team!"

 Today’s update, ahem_(:з」∠)_
  Considering the issue of scale, I was a bit entangled in writing, whether to write only administrative measures such as "sustainable development", or to go deep into the institutional level of "changing production relations". I have to think about it before making a decision.

(End of this chapter)

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