Chapter 333
Li Wei's words resonated a lot at the conference.

Especially those leaders of untouchable background.

At this moment, they suddenly realized that they had been mentally PUAed by the masters, elders and landlords for a long time.Yes, maintaining balance requires sacrifice.The law of nature is so understandable.

But why are the untouchables always sacrificed?

The rich man has thousands of hectares of fertile land and thousands of loads of food, but he tells the down-and-out pariah that the land of Ionia cannot support so many people, and in order to maintain the balance, you need to sacrifice.

"Ridiculous!" The leaders were excited.

After figuring out this logic, everyone immediately completed the pre-requisite ideological preparation and psychological construction necessary for land reform.

They want to redistribute the land of Ionia so that everyone can be a human being on an equal footing, not a pariah.

"But." Riven was more sober.

She has traveled to Piltover and Zaun, and she also understands the theory of the leader, so she knows that this is just the beginning of the future work of the leader.

After the realization of land to the tiller, there will still be many problems that need to be solved by leaders.

For example.
"President Li Wei." Riven asked: "After the land is divided, if the land is privately owned by Ionian farmers, will there be land mergers in the future, and will there be big landlords again?"

Landed farmers are also small property owners.And among the small bourgeoisie there will be a steady stream of big bourgeoisie.This is the law of the market.

If the free market is allowed to function without restraint, then under the effect of the [-]/[-] rule, the polarization between the rich and the poor will happen sooner or later.

"The kind of official farm of the Noxus Empire."

Noxus has a vast territory and mixed civilizations, and the rural landscape naturally presents a variety of rich forms:
There are village communities dominated by landlords, territories controlled by nobles, and plantations run by the Ziben family.
At the same time, there are also farms that are officially run by Noxus.

This kind of farm has a long history in Noxus, and it originated from the military farming system in the early days of the empire.

Later, with the development of time, military officers gradually became local administrators, and military households gradually became farmers.

The land they reclaimed and cultivated also belonged to the public land, and the ownership of the public land belonged to the Noxus Empire, and the output should be directly handed over to the treasury in a certain proportion, and could not be sold freely.

And this kind of official farm in Noxus sounds like what Levi said about the agricultural collectivization enterprise.

"But the two are very different." Levi emphasized: "The official farm of Noxus is more like a product of an absolutely planned economy under the leadership of the Noxus state."

"And the agricultural collectivization enterprise we will build will be a collectively owned company that operates independently and is responsible for its own profits and losses under the condition that the plan and the market play a role together."

State-owned farms and collective enterprises are actually a form of collective production organization in the final analysis, but they have different names.

The real difference is that-

Whether they are in a planning environment or in a market environment.

If an absolute plan is adopted, the collective enterprise is simply a state farm;
If it is in a market environment, the collective farm that emphasizes independent management and is responsible for its own profits and losses is, to put it bluntly, a joint-stock agricultural company owned by collective members.

Every villager is a shareholder of this company.It's just that the equity cannot be freely transferred, bought and sold.

"Then" Riven asked a bit tangled: "President Li Wei, why do you suggest the latter?"

"This requires specific analysis of specific issues." Li Wei said.

If it was in the world without magic, facing such a poor and backward agricultural country, he would definitely choose the collective farm under the plan.

Why?In order to quickly realize the original accumulation of seed benzene and earn the "first pot of gold" to start industrialization.

If a backward agricultural country has neither money nor resources, nor the ability to plunder like advanced countries, then the first pot of gold can only be accumulated slowly by tightening its belt.

The planned collective farm is the fastest way to complete the primitive accumulation of industrialization.

When you are so poor that you have almost nothing, only collective farms can help you raise a large amount of cheap agricultural products in exchange for expensive imported machinery and equipment; only collective farms can help you quickly gather a large amount of free labor for large-scale infrastructure construction.

On the other hand, in the world without demons——

The degree of industrialization and the level of national defense are often closely related.

If you don’t industrialize quickly, you will have no guns or cannons, and you will be beaten passively, and let robbers rob you of the little money you have just saved time and time again.

If you don't want short-term pain, the result can only be long-term pain.

So you have no choice at all, you can only grit your teeth and accelerate the realization of industrialization, and accelerate the strengthening of the economy and national defense.

"But in Runeterra, we have magic and the goddess Janna." Li Wei said: "In our place, the strength of national defense and the level of industrialization are not completely linked."

Demacia is not industrialized at all, but its military strength is more than a hundred times that of the two cities.

Therefore, even if Ionia does not develop planned farms in the future, there is no need to worry about the lack of national defense being invaded and bullied due to the slow industrialization process.

and most importantly
"Now the most developed industrial country in Runeterra is ourselves, Zaun."

"And the whole world will be integrated in the future. The boundaries between countries will only gradually blur and disappear under the banner of Janna."

"Under such circumstances, it is certainly impossible for Zaun to rely on its own technological hegemony to bully you and take advantage of the Ionians because of Ionia's backward industrialization."

"We will do our best to support the modernization of Ionia in the future - machinery, equipment, and various advanced industrial products can all be supported at preferential prices close to cost."

This greatly reduces the cost of Ionia's modernization, allowing Ionia to achieve primitive accumulation in a gentler and gentler way.

So Levi chose collectivized enterprises instead of planned farms.

"Wait, President Li Wei" At this time, Fei Ya, who was a businessman, also raised a question.

It's just that what Riven struggled with before was that the "enterprise" in this collectivized enterprise was too conservative——

How can the market be achieved through collectivization?

What Fiya is worried about is that the "collective" in this collectivized enterprise is too radical——

How can the market be collectivized?
"If everyone is working on the land of the collective enterprise, will they still have the enthusiasm to work?" Fei Ya asked with concern.

"Haha." Li Wei smiled: "You go to Zaan to see it again, and you will know."

It is said that state-owned enterprises will have a rigid system, but how come large private enterprises do not have the "big company disease"?
When there are too many people, there will be socialism and office politics. Whether your boss is an individual or the whole people, as long as the company managers have selfish intentions, intrigue and factional struggle will be inevitable.

The practice of Leader in Zaan has proved that the state-owned enterprises and joint ventures managed by Leader still have strong vitality even in the market environment of independent operation and self-responsibility for profits and losses.

Even because leaders and cadres participate in the management, internal friction within the company is completely avoided. After accepting the joint venture, many private companies have doubled their efficiency and grown rapidly.

"Collective enterprises managed by leaders are not inferior in market competition."

"If you put this in Ionia, or in the countryside, it will still be the same."

"And, on top of that."

There is another very important reason for promoting agricultural collectivization:
"That's improving agricultural productivity."

The population of Ionia has long been saturated, and the conflict between its people and land has only been greatly eased in recent years thanks to the "unremitting efforts" of the Noxus invaders.

But in general, there are still too many people in Ionia.

If the land is divided equally, only one family of small owner farmers with small land can be separated.

But to improve the efficiency of agricultural production, engage in agricultural production with large farms and large machinery——

Then the only way to collectivize the land from the hands of these small farmers is to collect it again.

"Mechanized production" Riven frowned again, as if she had sensed something wrong: "Mr. Li Wei, if we do large-scale mechanized production in the countryside, then we don't need so many rural laborers, right?"

A Zaun alchemy tractor can be as efficient as 100 Noxian farmers.

In the future, all the rural areas of Ionia will engage in mechanized production, so where should the surplus rural labor be arranged?

Are you going to work in the city?
"But Ionia cannot be highly industrialized. Even if it develops tourism and service industries, the city won't be able to accommodate so many employed people, right?" Riven asked worriedly.

"Is this?" Li Wei was very frank.

He directly spread his hands and said, "Actually, I don't have any solution to the root cause."

Ionia cannot be highly industrialized, it is completely limited by natural conditions.

No matter how much a leader pays attention to fighting against heaven and earth, he must abide by the law of balance here.Otherwise, if the natural resources are taken too much, Ionia will become unbalanced and full of evil spirits.

Moreover, this "evil spirit cluster" cannot be completely solved by asking the goddess to come over and kill the evil spirit.

In fact, those so-called evil spirits are more like a kind of "chaotic corruption"?
In other words, it is something similar to "nuclear pollution".

The distorted evil spirits will completely pollute this land, making it as dead as the Shadow Isles, and as barren as Icacia. It will take hundreds or thousands of years to purify it.

Many lands that the Noxus Empire once ravaged have become this kind of horrific death.

"So, Ionia is destined not to be highly industrialized, and it is destined not to be built into a super-large-scale industrial city that can accommodate enough rural migrants."

This leader can't solve it.

So what should I do?

In fact, Li Wei does not engage in planned farms, and allows or even encourages the free migration of villagers, for this reason——

"Actually... I just want to let the Ionian people move out of Ionia as much as possible and move to other places."

Li Wei previously emphasized that education and transportation in Ionia must be done well.

This is not to allow Ionians to stay in their hometown comfortably, but to give them better conditions and encourage them to find jobs and settle in other places.

For example, if an Ionian majored in alchemical engineering at the future Presidency University—

After he graduates, it is almost impossible to find a job in Ionia, so he can only go to Zaun and other places to seek opportunities.

And at this time, if the Hexgate technology has been developed cheaply and conveniently enough, the round trip between Zaun and Ionia is only a matter of days and nights.
Then the Ionian would naturally be very happy and move to work and settle in Zaun.

A good education here is more like a resettlement fund, in order to make it easier for Ionians to settle down in other places.

The convenient transportation here is more like a straw, in order to suck the unemployed local population to the big cities outside.

"In the final analysis, there are too few exploitable resources in Ionia, and the population here is too much."

"If everyone stays here to farm, then everyone can only suffer together."

Therefore, the solution Li Wei gave in desperation is:
Run as long as you can, don't stay here if you can.

In this way, those who stay in their hometown can become "big farmers" engaged in mechanized production, and those who move outside can become urban workers with guaranteed benefits.
We all have a bright future ahead of us.

"Although this move treats the symptoms but not the root cause, it is already the best solution I can come up with." Li Wei admitted the shortcomings pessimistically.

But at the same time, he said optimistically: "But you don't have to be discouraged."

"Don't forget, whether it's the goddess Janna or Nagakaporos, they all tell us that everything is changing and the world is developing forever."

"Problems that we can't solve now may not necessarily be unsolvable in the future."

"As long as our beliefs remain unchanged, our direction remains unchanged, and our pace continues, we will surely win the final victory, and let the people of Ionia and the whole world live a better life!"

Outside Wuji Village, on a rock.

Li Wei's impassioned voice also reached here, and reached Jie and Yi's ears.

"Do you understand what he said?" Jie asked thoughtfully of Master Yi beside him.

Master Yi said.
"???" He couldn't understand at all.

As a young man in a mountain village who has never been to the mountains all his life and has never even seen feudal society, it is really difficult for him to understand these modernization construction problems mentioned by Li Wei.

"I didn't understand too well." Jie smiled.

"But I understand a little bit." Jie's eyes became extremely deep:
"They, these leaders, have been thinking and working hard for a better life for the Ionians."

This is something that all the previous forces in Ionia could not do.

Irelia only knew how to fight Noxus, but didn't know what to do after driving away the Noxus.

The Navoli Brotherhood knew what to do after the war, but they only said to make "Ionia great again", but never thought about how to make Ionia, especially the poor peasants and pariahs of Ionia Let's be great together.

Only leaders.

Only they are concerned about the thousands of people in Ionia, the thousands of "natural pariahs" who are like robbers.

"Yi, I seem..." Jie's expression gradually became firm: "I know how to choose."

(End of this chapter)

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