LOL: Summoner of Goddess Jana

Chapter 340 The 1st and Countless Times

"But—" Master Shen quickly added: "Only this time."

"We are willing to help the Leader to tide over the difficulties and resist Noxus's encirclement and suppression of the Leader. As for the aftermath, the Kinkou Sect will never continue to participate."

"Oh? Why?" Akali, who was about to cheer for the important decision of the head, suddenly fell silent.

She thought this was the beginning of the Kinkou sect's emergence, but she didn't expect Shen to be like testing the water temperature with his hand, taking a step out and then rushing back again.

He violated his ancestors, but not completely.

In this regard, Shen also has his own concerns: "The leader is after all a mortal force, with its own goals and ambitions."

"Maybe it's good for the balance if we help him a time or two—"

"But if we cooperate with it for a long time, in the long run, it may not be a good thing for the balance."

After all, Shen couldn't forget his duty as the Eye of Twilight.

Short-term cooperation, he beat Noxus twice side by side, and he still reluctantly accepted it;
And if he forms a long-term cooperation with the leader, then this is actually using the huge reputation of the Kinkou sect in Ionia to make a public political statement and build momentum for the leader—

The Balance Sect, which has always been transcendent in the mortal world, has in fact become a secular political organization.

By this time, the Balance sect itself has become a force that disrupts the secular world, so how can they talk about maintaining balance?
Not to mention, once involved in the secular world, involved in politics, and entangled in various interest disputes in the world, the gods will be reduced to magic sticks, and the saints will be reduced to ordinary people.

Then how can the Balance Sect continue to maintain the balance of all things in Ionia with a high-dimensional perspective that transcends things?

It's like... If the masters of Wuji all went down the mountain to manage the sect site and start a business, can they still concentrate on practicing swords and cultivating immortals, can they guarantee absolute impartiality and selflessness in supervising village affairs, and create a paradise like Wuji Village?

Definitely not.

After going down the mountain, Jianxin was in a mess.

So this is exactly what is strictly prohibited in the canon tradition, and what the Eyes of Twilight have been trying to avoid throughout the ages.

"The Balance Sect may come out of the mountain, but it must not enter the world." Shen said seriously: "And"

Moreover, to put it bluntly: "I also don't want the power of the Balanced Sect to be used by anyone to achieve their personal ambitions."

"Ambition?" Master Yi was slightly taken aback.

Shen, he realized, didn't trust the leader enough.

"No, we leaders are different." Yi hurriedly persuaded: "We have ideals and beliefs, not ambitions."

"That's what everyone said." Master Shen interrupted decisively: "The Presidian Rebels, the Navoli Brotherhood, the Shadow Stream Sect...everyone says they have ideals for the sake of Ionia of the people."

"Also, it's not that I don't believe in your ideals."

He is willing to believe that everyone really has lofty ideals.

But the problem lies in this "everyone has ideals".

You have your ideals, and I have mine. Our ideals are not in common with each other, and even mutually exclusive in many places.

Then in the end, don't they have to fight each other's brains and make Ionia more and more chaotic!

"That's because none of them are strong enough!" At this moment, Akali couldn't help interjecting.

Kennan has mentioned similar issues before.

And the answer she came up with with her 10-year-old brain is: "As long as the leader can rely on the powerful power of the goddess, defeat other forces as soon as possible, and unite the whole of Ionia as soon as possible—"

"Then the chaos can be ended as soon as possible, and the balance can be restored as soon as possible?"

Shen: "."

He was silent for a moment, and then said helplessly to his junior sister, "That's what I'm worried about, Akali."

Unify Ionia
Coincidentally, the Navoli Brotherhood also said the same.See what they have done?
One fraternity is enough, and throwing another "fraternity" in Ionia will make the situation even more chaotic?
This kind of people who want to be emperors and have the ability to be emperors, in the same era, it is best to have as few people as possible.

Otherwise, if you look at the Darkborn Wars, how many years those god warriors have fought each other, and how much they tormented mortals, you can know what the result will be if there are too many kings in a game.

"I understand." Master Yi finally understood Shen's concerns.

He was no longer in a hurry to persuade Shen to sign a long-term cooperation agreement with the leader now.

Because Shen's worries can't be dispelled by a few words or a few words.

Leaders must use practical actions to let Shen see their pure beliefs and their powerful abilities.

"We will show you that only the leaders can end this chaos and bring everything back into balance!"

"I hope so," Shen replied lukewarmly.

Master Yi was not annoyed by this.

After all, the goal of the task Jie gave him was to "cheat" Shen over.

As long as Shen is willing to come, it will come, and he will slowly accept and recognize the leader.

Leaders have this confidence.

In this way, under the cordial and friendly conversations between the two parties, the leader and the Kinkou sect fully exchanged views, which increased the mutual understanding, and the anti-Noxus empire invasion, Balua humanitarian relief and other issues - both sides share common concerns The topic, signed and approved a short-term military cooperation agreement, and formed a strategic partnership.

Shen said that the gangsters of the Noxus Empire are the common enemy of all Runeterra, and he is willing to work with the leaders to resolutely crack down on all terrorist acts against the civilians of Balua and promote the Kinkou sect in the war against imperialism and aggression in Ionia. play a more active role in
"Okay, okay!" Akali opened her throat, interrupting Shen and Yi who had already entered the stage of talking politely.

"Shen." She yelled to the senior brother in charge: "Did you forget that we still have a battle to fight?"

"War?" Shen was taken aback for a moment.

Then he suddenly remembered
"The Noxians are still outside the mountain, going to Xuannayin Village!" Akali reminded loudly.

Shen originally didn't intend to take care of this matter.

But now, the situation is different:

"Now that you have decided to go out to support the province of Balua, you can't leave Xuannayin Village in front of us alone?"

Shen fell silent for a moment.

That's right, he even wanted to save the civilians in Balua, so he couldn't help the villagers in front of his house, right?

But the problem is that after taking care of the "nonsense" of Xuan Nayin Village, do you care about the affairs of other villages?After saving the civilians in the province of Barua, can you save the civilians in the provinces of Zhiyun, Shangzan, and Navoli?
If one saves the other and is stuck in the mundane world and cannot break free, can the Kinkou sect's foot stepping out of the mountain gate be able to retract as cleanly as Shen expected?
"It's troublesome." Shen realized the problem.

It's like a person cheating, once there is the first time, there will be countless times behind.

After all, what he broke this time was the principle that the Balance Sect has not been easy for thousands of years.

And once the principle has opened its mouth, it is very difficult to close it again.

"No!" Shen realized that he had to close the hole as soon as possible: "We can't go to Xuan Nayin Village."

"Why?!" The little girl's eyes widened, and she was so excited that she wanted to eat people: "Senior brother! You promised to save all the civilians in Balua, and you didn't care about the affairs at your own door?"

"Akali." Shen tried his best to keep his face cool, and put on the majesty of the leader: "Don't forget, we are the Kinkou Sect! The duty of our Kinkou Sect is not to save people, but to"

He was about to make another big argument.

But Akali just said: "Since you still stick to those rules, how can you agree to help the leader?"

Shen: "."

Isn't there a documentary? He really couldn't bear to say that he wouldn't help.

"The people in Xuan Nayin Village are suffering, so you can bear it?" Akali hit the soul crit again and again: "Just because they are not in this 'comic book', you didn't see it with your own eyes?"

Shen: "."

He really couldn't find any other reason to refute, so he had to bite the bullet and say:
"The people in Xuan Nayin Village will be fine."

"What the Noxians want is food. Didn't they kill people indiscriminately when they came here?"

It is true.

Noxus has been operating here as a frontline base since it occupied southern Shanzan.

They came here just to collect food, and they didn't want to drive the villagers to extinction.Even, they will leave enough food for the villagers to live——

After all, everyone has to survive, so they can continue to grow food for the imperial army in the coming year.

After careful observation, Shen also confirmed that the Noxus army did not kill wantonly here, and then slowly gave up intervening, and completely closed the mountain.

"Akali, don't worry"

Shen Zheng persuaded, and suddenly:
"It's not good!" A disciple who was ordered to be stationed outside the mountain hurried over from the mountain gate with superb agility: "Master Shen, the Noxians are not here to collect food this time, but to slaughter from the village!"

"What?" The faces of Shen, Yi, Kenan, Akali, and the Kinkou congregation all changed suddenly.

Shen no longer cared about principles and traditions, and asked eagerly, "The Noxians have arrived at Xuannayin Village?"

According to the information sent back by the mountain patrol disciples, Noxus should still be a long way from Xuan Nayin Village.

Master Yi also specifically asked him this point.

Otherwise, Master Yi would not be in the mood to chat with him here, instead of going down the mountain to save people.

"No, they haven't reached Xuannayin Village yet." The disciple explained, "I just overheard their chief shouting to the soldiers during the march, asking them to 'get ready', 'this time we will completely destroy this place. Razed to the ground'."

Razed to the ground
The purpose of the Noxian trip is almost self-evident.

"Brother!" Akali looked at Shen eagerly.

"Master Shen!" The same was true of the members of the Balanced Church.

"Oh..." Kenan sighed helplessly, but he still firmly took out the shuriken from his pocket.

"Come with me, let me take you flying!" Not to mention Master Yi.He didn't even have time to dent the Jade Sword Immortal's shape, so he picked up the sword and flew into the sky.At the same time, he also stimulated the strong wind to lift Kenan and others up into the air.

"." Shen hesitated for half a second, and finally pulled out the steel sword from behind silently.

There's no way, he told himself.Human life is at stake, principles and so on, let's let it go.

Anyway, just this time.

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