LOL: Summoner of Goddess Jana

Chapter 353 Irelia: I Hang Up

Chapter 353 Irelia: I Hang Up

"The leader of the Navoli Brotherhood, is the master of bitter talk??"

Everyone present, except Master Yi who already knew the inside story, the rest...
Irelia looked desperate.

Brother Yasuo Yongen was too shocked to speak.

Xia and Luo couldn't believe it even more, the Navoli Brotherhood, which has been adhering to the principle of extreme Ionia and targeting the vastayas everywhere, is actually led by the master of bitter talk!
He is a master of balance that even those vastayas who hate humans respect!

"Master Kushuo, wasn't he killed by Jie long ago?" Xia murmured.

Then everyone saw Jie in a blink of an eye:
The traitor Jie, who was rumored to have killed Master Ku Shuo, now respectfully follows Master Ku Shuo like a loyal minister and dutiful son.

So, the truth is about to come out.

"Master Kushui." Xia asked, "Even you gave up the way of balance and chose the way of Noxus?"

"Give up the way of balance?" Master Ku said with a smile: "No, I didn't give up the way of balance. I just chose a new path suitable for this new era."

"To restore balance, we need to end the chaos."

"If you want to end the troubled times, you need to unify the Quartet."

"If you want to unify the four directions, you need to conform to the people's hearts."

"The current situation is changing and people's minds are changing. Everyone hopes to follow the example of Noxus. I just follow the trend."

His tone was very strange, with a strange fanaticism.

It is completely invisible to people that he is the master of balance with a calm mind.

But Irelia was powerless to question it.

Who is Kushuo Master?

He is the Eye of Twilight, the leader of the Kinkou sect.

It can be said that no one in the world understands balance better than him.

Even Master Kushuo chose the "way of new balance", so how could the old path that Irelia was thinking of be right?

"Irelia." The bitter master seemed to see through her wavering heart: "If you really want to restore Ionia's balance, then make a decent exit here!"

"After you die, the Navoli Brotherhood can successfully merge with the Rebels to form a super powerful political force."

"We will subdue the heroes with absolute strength, quickly end the troubled times, and bring Ionia back to peace and balance!"

Hard to say every word of the master's words.

Irelia is the sinner who stands in the way of peace.As long as she dies, peace can return to this land.

And Arelia.
"I hope you can do it, Master Kushuo." She just sighed.

Her ideals have been shattered, and she can no longer find a reason to fight on.

So Irelia gave up her resistance.The row of blades floating around her also fell to her feet in pieces in her despair.

"Hey, hey!" Xia cursed angrily, "Cheer up, human!"

It's bad enough to be caught in a trap for no reason.

Well now, the game hasn't even started yet, the teammate with the highest rank is overwhelmed by the enemy's mouth, and hangs up.

How is this played?
"I'm sorry." Irelia remembered that she had implicated innocent people.

Yi, Yone, Yasuo, Xayah and Rak, and those vastaya warriors.

She humbly begged Master Kushuo: "I can die. But you, can you let them live?"

"No." Master Ku Shuo coldly refused: "Equilibrium needs sacrifices, and they are the necessary sacrifices."

"You?!" Irelia's eyes widened.She never imagined that Master Kushuo would become so cruel and ruthless.

But the bitter master laughed at her: "Irelia, you are so naive."

"Did you just discover now that the way of balance in Ionia has always been based on 'necessary sacrifice'?"

"Do you think that if Ionia returns to tradition, there will be no sacrifices and no one will suffer?"

"No!" Master Ku Shuo asked murderously: "Ms. Zan Family, have you never thought that there are poor people and pariahs in Ionia?"

"Don't talk about anything else, just talk about your home"

Before being destroyed by Noxus, Irelia was also a child of a family, and her family was also powerful.

"Do you know how many untouchables who were kicked out of the clan by your ancestors because of losing their land and starved to death outside? How many of those landless tenant farmers who farmed for your family even had food If you don't run, you can only throw the child into the mountain to feed the wolf?"

Irelia: "."

"Yes, you don't know." She was only 13 years old when her family was ruined. Of course, she didn't know what kind of filth was hidden behind her glamorous and great family.

The old era that she wanted to go back to was nothing more than an era of cannibalism.

"Those untouchables who died silently, they are the necessary sacrifices to maintain the balance!" Master Ku Shuo sneered.

"You can't see the sacrifices of thousands of people, but you shout for the sacrifices of the few people in front of you. Don't you think you are hypocritical?"

Irelia was speechless.

At this time, Master Qing Xia also spoke: "Don't blame Master."

"If everything is out of balance, everyone will die; it is what a master of balance should do to sacrifice some people in order to protect all living beings."

"I'm sorry, but in order for the majority of people in Ionia to survive, I ask you to die."

Master Qing Xia said calmly.

"Shameless!" Xia couldn't help cursing at his seemingly righteous expression, "Open your mouth to balance, shut your mouth to sacrifice, since you have to sacrifice, why don't you sacrifice yourself?"

"I will." Master Qing Xia actually replied: "I swear to everyone with the soul of Ionia as evidence—as long as Ionia returns to peace, I will kill myself immediately to apologize to everyone."

"Since balance requires sacrifice, then count me in."

Xia: "You"

Madman, this is a madman!

"What about you?" Xia looked sarcastically at Ku Shuo, La Wei and the others: "Do you dare to swear?"

"Ahem." Master Ravi suddenly showed embarrassment.

The rest of the masters couldn't help but glared at Qing Xia, this misfit.

He himself made a name for himself by martyrdom, but he dragged all his colleagues to the moral high ground.

"Okay!" Still bitterly saying that the master is capable.

He said: "Who is sacrificed and who is sacrificed? Everything depends on the current situation and the needs of the righteous. In the future, Ionia will still need your strength. Why should you think about this meaningless sacrifice?"

"High opinion, leader!" The masters agreed one after another.

So this only effective moral offensive was easily resolved in the name of righteousness.

Master Kushuo has mastered the principle of balance, but Irelia has completely lost in the contest of beliefs.

Her path doesn't work.

Her sacrifice was necessary.

So why is she still fighting?

Irelia fell into confusion again.And at this moment, confusion is fatal.

Ku said that the master has destroyed her faith, and the next step is to completely destroy her body.

And at the critical moment:

"Irelia!" Master Yi's voice resounded throughout the audience: "Cheer up—your battle is not over yet!"

"I" Irelia was like a drowning person grasping at straws, a gleam of light lit up in her eyes.

She suddenly remembered that she was not alone.

She still has supporters and comrades
Irelia was thinking this way, but unexpectedly, Master Yi gave her another blow in the face with the next sentence:
"Actually, what Master Qingxia said is correct, your path will not work at all."

Irelia: "."

Even the only comrade-in-arms said so.Now she doesn't just want to hang up and wait to die, but wants to kill herself by wiping her neck.

"Your path is wrong, but—" Fortunately, Master Yi came to a turning point in time: "Your soul is pure, and your original intention is not wrong!"

"As long as someone can point you to the right path, then you can realize your ideals and make the life of Ionians better!"

"The right way?" Irelia was slightly taken aback.

What is the right path?
The master of bitterness says his approach to the new equilibrium is the right one.

What about Master Yi's view of the correct path?

"Is it the plan for dividing the land?" Irelia thought of Master Yi's phrase "Let the tiller have the land".

This is a plan that does not need to sacrifice the majority of the untouchables, but only a small number of vested interests.

"No, it can't be done." Irelia sighed.

Yesterday she was naive and couldn't understand it, but now, she figured it out.

Doing anything requires power, and power is in the hands of extraordinary powers.

So if you want to succeed, you must satisfy the demands of the superpowers, give them land and privileges, and make them willing to serve you.

That's why the master who speaks bitterly can win the hearts of the masters, and she will lose the hearts of the people.

Master Yi
"Yi, you are more naive than me." Irelia murmured, "Unfortunately, there are too few naive people like us."

"No." Master Yi solemnly shook his head.

"Short?" A whirlwind condensed in his palm.

"No, not less." The air flow turned into a blue bird.Then, Master Yi said to Jade Bird: "You can do it, everyone."

You must know that the Gale Wind Sword School has no tricks that can turn air currents into blue birds.

Irelia was puzzled, but Master Kushuo suddenly constricted his pupils: "That, that is."

"The blue bird incarnation of the leader?!"

"You—" He looked at Master Yi vigilantly: "You are the leader?!"

"Yes, we are the leaders." A voice answered.

But it was not Master Yi who answered him, but Master Yi.
"Jie?!" Master Ku Shuo's eyes widened.

His face showed the same expression as Irelia, the expression of being abandoned and betrayed by someone he trusted.

But Jie didn't have a trace of nostalgia in his eyes, and soon, Yufeng flew to Master Yi with the shadow stream assassins behind him.

"You, you" Ku said that the master was angry and puzzled.

But Jie just replied calmly: "Master, you have found your new way of balance."

"And I have also found my 'new way of balance' - this way is the way of balance under the guidance of Janna's thought!"

"You bastard! You bastard!" Master Ku Shuo was surrounded by black mist, and amidst the shadows, he completely lost his previous guru posture: "Jie, don't forget who raised you!"

"You unwanted bastard, humble servant, outcast of the poor peasants, it's no wonder that you believe in the nonsense of those leaders, and in the illusion that everyone is equal!"

Master Ku Shuo cursed hysterically as if he had gone mad.

And at this moment.
"Father." A sigh.

"Master." Two sighs.

"Bitter talk." Three sighs.

"Talk about Master!" There was a voice of shock and disappointment.

At some point, another group of uninvited guests quietly appeared in the valley.

Master Ku Shuo looked back in disbelief.

He saw a strange puddle that appeared on the ground out of thin air, and many people who appeared quietly from the puddle.

He is very familiar with these people.

That was his son, Shen.

His predecessor, Kenan.

His junior sister, Meimu.

There are also Akali and other descendants of the Balance Sect.

They were all staring at him with an angry gaze of collapsed faith.

"I" bitterly said that the black mist around Master's body had dissipated, and his eyes had temporarily regained clarity: "You, why are you here?"

At this moment, Master Kushuo died again.

Last time it was suspended animation, this time it was social death.

And among the group of uninvited guests, there was another person who thought he was really dead, or rather, Toad.

"Fallen soul corrupted by shadow magic. Not bad, it tastes great!"

Mr. Tam was drooling, and rushed up with bright eyes:

"The table is open, my little snacks!"

 Brothers, it's really not that I deliberately broke the chapter. The main reason is that there are really too many characters, and they all need pen and ink to shape.

  Let me mention Master Kushuo’s ideas, write about Irelia’s mentality, express Master Qingxia’s character, then write about the reactions brought about by Yi and Jie’s revealing their identities, and then write about the appearance of everyone in the Balance Sect
  This is already a chapter of more than 3000 words, ahem._(:з」∠)_
(End of this chapter)

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