LOL: Summoner of Goddess Jana

Chapter 359 Agent LeBlanc

Chapter 359 Agent LeBlanc

"Yes, General." The adjutant led the order to retreat, and before leaving, he respectfully lowered the tent curtain for Du Kecao.

Only General Du Kecao was left in the camp.

He sat back at his desk alone, but he was not busy processing the documents on the desk, he just looked up at the air in front of him, as if quietly waiting for someone to appear.

"General Kekao."

Soon, a voice appeared in Du Kecao's ear without warning.

Immediately afterwards, like a chameleon whose protective color had faded, a figure slowly emerged from the "empty" air in front of him.

It was a woman with a pretty face but a pale complexion, and her gestures and gestures were full of mystery and elegance.

Such a woman is unavoidably memorable.

But Du Cocao knew that it was meaningless to remember this woman's face.

Because he had been lucky enough to meet this woman several times in the past, and every time the woman came, she always had a completely different and strange face on her face.

Sometimes she is coquettish, sometimes mediocre, sometimes she is a country girl, sometimes she is an aristocratic lady, and sometimes she is not a woman at all, but appears as a man.

It's like opening a skinning plugin.

To her, her appearance seems to be just a painted skin that can be changed at will, and her transformation tricks, even a master assassin like Du Kecao, can't see the flaws at all.

This woman is full of mysteries.

Du Kecao knew her better than Li Wei.

If Levi was here, he'd be able to guess her name was LeBlanc—although that name might be fake, too.

But Du Kecao didn't even know her name, he only knew that she was the messenger of the black rose and the confidant of His Majesty Darkwill.

As for what role the woman played in the Black Rose organization, and what the relationship between Darkwill and this woman was, Du Kecao didn't know at all.

But what he knew was that this woman was very powerful.

As for how powerful she was, that was a question that he didn't dare to probe.

"General Kekao." LeBlanc appeared in front of him, and asked impolitely as soon as he appeared: "The empire has entrusted you with the task of destroying the leader of Balua, what can you do? Isn’t it the only way to defeat the enemy at this level?”

Her tone was calm yet stern, and she seemed to regard Du Kecao, the dignified commander of the Ionian front army, as a subordinate she could order arrogantly.

Du Caucao was not offended.

He knows how powerful the black rose is, and how terrifying its influence in the old aristocratic faction is.

The Kekao family may have been secretly serving the Black Rose since ten generations ago.

Although he is now an extremely human minister and commands thousands of troops, in the final analysis, he is just a pawn in the hands of Black Rose.

Therefore, Du Kecao was not in a hurry to defend himself, but just quietly listened to the woman's criticism.

I only heard LeBlanc say, "I know how exquisite your disciples' assassination skills are, and how brilliant their past achievements are."

"But General Du Cocao, don't forget that what we are facing now is the combined forces of the Leader and the Ionians."

The leader's anti-espionage and counter-espionage work is at its peak, and even the war masons of the empire, who are all-hands-on-hand, can't penetrate it at all.

And the Ionian masters headed by Irelia are all top masters with explosive personal force and almost no fear of assassination.

In the face of such a powerful enemy with both intelligence and force, how much effect can assassination, a tactic that cannot be put on the table, play?
"With your fledgling daughter and one of your students, who can you assassinate?" LeBlanc asked mockingly.

"I believe in the strength of Katerina and Tyrone." That's all Du Kecao replied.

"It's just an assassin, even if you have strength, you can't change the overall situation."

Latent assassination and special operations have always been the ingredients of war, and confrontation on the battlefield is the main course that determines the direction of war.LeBlanc obviously didn't approve of Du Kecao's decision of putting priorities in reverse.

"As a manager, you should think about something more effective," she said.

"You mean, Urgot's method?" Du Kecao also showed his edge a little: "Using the lives of the Baruans as a bargaining chip, threatening the leader to go down the mountain for a decisive battle?"

"Oh." LeBlanc smiled back: "Why, General, do you care about these civilians?"

"No." Du Kecao replied coldly: "I refuse, because doing so will not solve the problem."

"What is the real problem we are facing now? Is the leader hiding in the mountains and not coming out? No, the real problem we are facing now is the imbalance of combat power between the enemy and ourselves."

According to the initial thinking of the high command, the [-] elite of the Ionian front army alone is enough to crush the leader.

But now?

With only one suicide drone, the leader almost filled the disadvantage in numbers.

To make matters worse, the leader is also hooked up with Irelia and the Presidian rebels.

"You have to know that our [-] troops were originally drawn from the Navoli battlefield."

"As for the situation on the Navoli battlefield in the past two years, you must be aware of it."

It is very difficult for the [-] troops to deal with the rebel army led by Irelia alone.

They originally thought of leaving Navoli for the time being, first coming to Baroue to bully the "kids", and then returning to Navoli to continue to compete with the rebels after defeating the leaders.

it's good now
The rebels have also come to Balua, and they have formed an alliance with the leaders.

Just a rebel army is fighting so hard, now add the Balance Sect, the Shadow Stream Sect, and the leader.
"Are you sure, as long as we force the leader down the mountain, this [-] army will be able to win in a head-to-head war?"

"You know, in an all-out war, the most powerful thing about the leaders is not their suicide drones, but their ability to transport personnel and materials quickly and on a large scale regardless of the terrain."

"It only takes half a day for them to transport the main force of the rebel army from the province of Navoli to the province of Barua, and then to our heads by 'air transport'."

Following Du Kecao's description, LeBlanc seemed to have seen such a scene:
The [-] troops of Noxus threatened to massacre the city, and they were waiting in full force in the plains, waiting for the leaders to come and die.

As a result, they waited for the suicide drones flying all over the sky, the Ionian heroes headed by Irelia, and the main force of the rebel army transported by the leader from Navoli.
At that time, it will be difficult to say who will surround who, and who will wait for whom to die.

Even if the leader does not have a geographical advantage, and the two sides fight head-to-head, the result may not be that Noxus wins.

"Instead of risking everything to fight an uncertain decisive battle, it is better to try my method first." Du Kecao said: "Although the way of assassination is not on the table, it can sometimes produce miraculous results, can't it? "

"This..." LeBlanc frowned slightly.

What Du Kecao didn't even know was that she actually planned this war just to test the true strength of Goddess Janna.

What she hopes is to use Du Kecao and Swain as pawns to throw stones and ask for directions, and force the goddess to come out.

But now that the Ionians have joined in one after another, the [-] army of Noxus can't even gnaw at the leader's conventional combat power.

It is impossible to crush the enemy on the conventional battlefield, so how can the leader sacrifice the "nuclear weapon" Janna?

"Ma'am, if you want me to win a big battle with dignity, then I need the help of more superpowers." Du Kecao paused, and then said: "The black rose has a deep foundation, and at this time It's time to show up, right?"

LeBlanc could hear that Du Cucao was expressing his dissatisfaction with her.

Black Rose has a profound background, and there is no shortage of masters, but they always like to hide behind the scenes to manipulate others, and rarely go into battle in person.

"Okay." LeBlanc thought for a moment: "I will explain the situation to the Immortal Bastion and invite reinforcements for you as soon as possible."

"Thank you for your understanding, but." Du Kecao looked at her and said pointedly: "Actually, you can help me now."

"Me?" LeBlanc mused.

"Yes." Du Kecao narrowed his eyes, looking at LeBlanc's pale face that even he couldn't see through: "Ma'am, what you said before is correct."

"The leader is well-defended, and the rebel army is full of experts. With my ineffective daughter and disciple alone, even if I successfully infiltrate the enemy camp, I am afraid that I will not be able to achieve any decisive results."

"But what if you were added?"

"I see." LeBlanc smiled, "Katrina and Tyrone are just assistants you prepared for me."

"You want me to be one of your pawns too, right?"

Du Kecao was noncommittal: "All this is for the great cause of the empire."

"So... what do you mean?"

"No problem." LeBlanc agreed with great interest: "It just so happens that I'm also interested in leaders."

Moments later, Katarina and Tyrone arrived.

"Father." Katerina was a young girl with beautiful wine-red hair.

Her skin is fair and tender, and her face is pretty. She is at the most delicate and lovely age for a girl.But there was a sharpness in her eyes that didn't match her age, making it impossible to see the frailty and pitifulness of a young girl.

She is like a sharp knife out of its sheath, sharp and cold, beautiful and dangerous.

"Teacher." Tai Long was a teenager.

Although he also has a good face, he is also an assassin taught by Du Kecao.But his temperament is completely different from Katerina's.

There was no sharpness in his eyes, and his expression and posture seemed mediocre and natural.Although he has an eye-catching face, he still looks like an inconspicuous ordinary person.

"Talon." Du Kecao obviously favored this disciple more than his own daughter.

He looked at Tyrone and said, "I have an important task that needs to be handed over to you, Katerina, and Lan Fu."

"Lanfu?" Tai Long was slightly taken aback.

Who is that?

"You'll know right away." As soon as Du Kecao finished speaking, a strange girl with a cute face and lively temperament appeared beside him like a ghost.

Tyrone and Katerina were shocked immediately.

As one of the top assassins in Noxus, they didn't realize the existence of this girl from the beginning to the end.

Who the hell is she, that she has such profound attainments in the way of stealth and assassination?

"Lanfu, she is my secretly accepted disciple, your senior." Du Kecao looked at his daughter and disciple, and explained casually, "You can follow her command for this operation."

 Today is still an update_(:з」∠)_
  No way, it’s an old problem. Once there are too many characters that need to be described, my mobile phone with too many applications will be stuck.

  Counting yesterday, it will be considered that I have asked for another day off.

  If you count the day before yesterday, it's a weekend break for me, cough cough
(End of this chapter)

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