LOL: Summoner of Goddess Jana

Chapter 439 Malzahar's Master

Chapter 439 Malzahar's Master

Tahm disappeared in an instant, leaving only Zaun's words echoing in the valley.

And this loud echo was quickly drowned out by the hurricane-like roar of beasts.

Endless void worms gushed out from the cracks in the ground like a tide.

The clear sky that had just been "cleaned" by the storm was submerged in an instant by the void insect sea that covered the clouds and the sun.

Malzahar floated in the air without a sound, and looked deeply with his purple eyes: "You are. Li Wei?"

"You know me?" Li Wei raised his head and looked at him.

"Yes." In order to destroy the ideal cause of the world, Malzahar, who has been hiding in the southern part of Shurima all the year round, did not ignore the concern about the situation in Runeterra.

"I know you, the president of the Association of Leaders, the chosen one of Goddess Janna."

"I've also read your books." As he said that, Malzaha's tone was a little more appreciative: "You have a thorough understanding of the problems of this world. If we only look at this, we may still be friends."

Li Wei didn't respond in a hurry.

Because he knew that Malzahar was about to say "but":

"But." Malzaha's tone became mocking again: "You clearly see the problem, but you still imagine that human beings can cleanse the world's filth with their own power."

"Li Wei, you overestimate the human species! This world is hopeless! The only thing that can bring eternal happiness to human beings is the void, and only my lord!"

Malzahar roared frantically, but Li Wei remained silent.

He is good at debating and enjoys discussing issues with people of different political views.Whether it is the radicals or conservatives in the meeting, even if there are huge differences in everyone's opinions, he has the patience to communicate with them in detail.

But Malzahar is different.

Whether those radicals or conservatives, no matter how many differences and contradictions there are among them, everyone's starting point is always the same-that is, to make the world a better place.

Everyone wants to get full marks in this test paper, so it is meaningful to discuss the solution plan with them.

But Malzaha didn't want to answer the question at all, he just wanted to completely destroy this world.

Such people are not ordinary dissidents, but outright enemies.

Discussing how to build a better house with an enemy who just wants to burn your house down. It's a complete waste of time.

"I have nothing to talk to you about." So, Li Wei only answered like this.

Rather than a weapon of criticism, what Malzaha needs more is a weapon of criticism: "Stop talking nonsense, let's do it."

As soon as the words fell, the storm swept across the entire world.

In an instant, the clouds and mist churned, the air flow surged, and countless tornadoes condensed out of thin air around Li Wei's body, and then spread out in all directions with him as the center.

These tornadoes are like wheels rolling over the dirt, mercilessly plowing out pieces of clean and clear sky from the dense insect sea that blocks the sky.

"Stupid." Malzaha said coldly: "The end will come, resistance is futile!"

During the conversation, tens of thousands of void insect beasts gushed out from the ground.

Janna's efficiency in killing insects was indeed very high, but she still couldn't kill the seemingly endless number of insects.

The corpses of the Void Spirits crushed by the storm had piled up a thick layer, but the sea of ​​insects recovered in an instant, and once again surrounded everyone aggressively.

"Grasp of Hades!" Malzahar repeated his old trick, coordinating with the charge of the swarm, shooting out a powerful void energy.

And at this critical moment, Nasus chanted in a low voice, gathered powerful magic power with his palm, and pointed at Malzaha from a distance:
"Wither!" Malzaha froze suddenly.

At this moment, his movements were more than twice as slow.The virtual energy beam that should have been launched faster was also half a minute slower.

Li Wei took the opportunity to quickly stir up a gust of wind, soaring into the air to avoid the weird light.

"This guy opened the crack." Nasus quickly flew to Li Wei's side and joined forces with him to fight the enemy: "Kill him, and the bug swarm may end."

"Okay!" Li Wei nodded.

Because Taliyah's investigation team does not need to report to Zaun remotely, and Li Wei, as the highest leader of the association, usually does not care about the real-time movements of this small investigation team.

So Li Wei is too unclear now how this desert god of death appeared here.

But the enemy was in front of him, so he couldn't care less about thinking about this problem.

Anyway, Li Wei can confirm that Nasus must be his ally in front of the common enemy of the void.

"The eye of the storm!" Then, Janna flapped her wings lightly, and confidently blessed Nasus with her blessing.

A cohesive high-speed airflow immediately surrounded Nasus's huge mountain-like body.

This storm is not only a shield to protect him, but also a deadly weapon that can strangle all approaching enemies, and it can also be accelerated by air currents, making the movement of the desert death easier and faster.

"Thank you." Nasus felt Li Wei's strong support.

He immediately raised the giant mountain-splitting ax in his hand, and with the protection and acceleration of the surrounding storm, he flew towards Malzahar who was protected by the surging swarm.

Li Wei also followed closely behind, using the strong spiral airflow like a mountain cone to open a passage for Nasus in the vast insect sea.

"What?" Malzahar sensed the danger.

It is impossible for the chosen one to have such power.

It was Goddess Janna who made the move!

"It's her?" Malzaha noticed the blue bird on Li Wei's shoulder.

However, even so, the power of Goddess Janna was much stronger than he thought.

Malzahar backed up extremely quickly, and summoned more void worms to block in front of him as his shield.

But this still can't stop Janna and Nasus from joining forces.

Tens of thousands of void worms flooded in, and tens of thousands of void worms were strangled into mud in the storm, unable to fall.

"Soul Flame!" Nasus' great ax was entwined with flames and storms, condensing powerful and suffocating magical energy.

He struck with the axe—

"Soul-draining blow!"

With just one axe, hundreds of thousands of Void Worm Beasts were chopped into pieces.

The dense insect sea blocked in front of Malzaha was actually split open a huge gap.

"Run with the wind!" Li Wei quickly stirred up the strong wind and accelerated for Nasus with all his strength.

Nasus raised the mountain-splitting ax high, and with the momentum of taking the head of a general among millions of troops, he swung at Malzahar with one axe.

"Ah—" The void barrier condensed around Malzaha's body instantly burst.

His body also completely lost control under this axe, falling into the abyss like a cannonball.

The void swarm became quiet for an instant, and did not move again.

"This..." Li Wei frowned.

He flew quickly to Nasus, looking down into the chasm.

Malzahar lost just like that?
Is it that simple?

"Taliyah!" Li Wei suddenly thought of something.

He turned to Taliyah and asked, "Taliyah, why did you meet Malzahar here? What is this guy doing here?"

The situation was urgent, and Taliyah hadn't included any of these secondary messages in her prayers.

"He" Taliyah didn't know why, but he replied in time: "He came here to hold a sacrificial ceremony. Comrade Kassadin's home is nearby. To ensure the safety of his family, we rushed to coming."

"It's just that we didn't expect all of this to be related to the void."

"Sacrifice?" Li Wei frowned, and then his heart sank: "Oops!"

Who is the sacrificial ceremony for?
Needless to ask, it must be Malzahar's master—the Empress of the Void hiding in Icacia, Bilves.

For Bilves, cannibalism is like eating.The so-called sacrificial ceremony is that Malzaha is feeding her rations.

And if a person wants to eat, she always has to go to the restaurant herself.

That is
"Run!" Reminiscing that this place is not far from Icacia, Li Wei suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Without saying a word, he turned the direction of the wind, sweeping Sivir, Taliyah and others into the distance.

"This..." Nasus froze for a moment.

Then he also quickly believed in Li Wei's judgment, and then flew into the distance.

"Stop! Kesha is my lord's property, you can't take it away!" Malzaha's roar sounded behind him.

But there was nothing he could do.

Li Wei and Nasus may not be able to kill the endless swarm of void worms, but if they want to escape, Malzahar and those void worms alone cannot stop them.

So in just a few breaths, Li Wei and his party used the storm as a spear to kill a bloody path in the sea of ​​insects.

The swarm couldn't stop them.

"Wait!" Little Kaisha fluttered her immature wings and flew over anxiously for help: "My mother is still at the bottom of the mountain. There are still many people living in that village!"

"No problem!" Li Wei didn't have the confidence to stay and fight, but escaped with ease.

He quickly flew out of the valley with a group of people and flew over the village.

Then the storm broke out, and the villagers were blown off their roofs by the strong wind, and then swept up into the sky by the air current.

"Let's go!" Li Wei took one last look at the swarm of insects chasing after him, and led everyone to speed up and run away.

Not long after Li Wei and others fled, the swarm of insects completely submerged the land.

Villages, roads, hills, and deserts in the distance have all turned into a desperate land full of cracks and no grass.

But gradually, the insect swarm dissipated, and the ethereals escaped into the earth again.Only the torn rock formation that seems to have experienced a major earthquake is still telling the tragic war that just happened here.

"My lord, please forgive my incompetence." Malzaha knelt on the ground piously, prostrating towards the abyss fissure: "I failed to keep Kaisha, and those foolish people who resisted integration."

His voice wafts across the wilderness.

Soon, a fish emitting a strange lavender light quietly flew into the sky from the crack.

Then, the second and third
Ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, ten million, ten million
The endless luminous flying fish soared up from the gap in a strange and beautiful posture.

They take up the whole sky.The sky is also brightly illuminated by the light emitted by these void flying fish. From a distance, it looks like a gorgeous sea of ​​lavender.

In the end, a tall and slender female figure with the characteristics of both the spirit and the human, slowly descended in the surrounding of the spirit.

"My lord!" Malzaha buried his head deeper.

"Get up, it's not your fault." The woman said coldly: "The leader of the wind has never appeared in southern Shurima before. No one could have expected that we would meet Janna here."

"Yes!" Malzaha nodded excitedly, "Master Bilves."

Void Empress Bilves, the most special existence among void creatures.

Unlike other void creatures from the void plane, Bilves was born in Icacia in the material realm——

After a port city and its surrounding seas were swallowed by the void, the memories, emotions, and experiences of everyone in it gave birth to her.

Belvis was originally the name of this city.

It can be said that she is not only a collection of human consciousness, but also the queen of void creatures.

Desperately hungry for new experiences, memories, and cognitions, she devoured cities and residents, turning them into concepts and knowledge.

So, unlike the Void Monitor who only wants to annihilate everything——

Bilves' purpose is to devour and fuse the entire Runeterra, and finally transform Runeterra into his own world.

In a sense, this is indeed a "symbiosis" between the void and the material realm.

Because of this, the void and humans can cooperate against common sense.

Malzahar deeply believed that only by allowing Bilves to merge all things and make all human beings a part of the Empress of the Void, can the problems of human beings be truly solved.

"Master." Having just suffered a dark loss at the hands of Li Wei and Nasus, Malzahar couldn't wait to make up for his mistakes: "Please let me chase them and bring back our daughter of the void for you." Bar!"

He knew that Bilves was very interested in Keisha.

This human girl who has achieved symbiosis with void creatures is an unprecedented and special existence.

"It was the void beetle I summoned that fused with that child."

"I can sense its location." Malzaha challenged, "Master, I can find Kaisha for you right now! This time, I promise not to let her escape!"

"." Bilves groaned for a while upon hearing this.

She didn't reply in a hurry, because she knew that Keisha still had an ascender and a goddess to protect her.

Malzahar alone cannot deal with Nasus and Janna teaming up.

At critical moments, she still had to be summoned to play in person.

However, it is different from what Levi is worried about:
The current Bilves is actually not as powerful as her title "Empress of the Void" sounds.

In fact, as long as Li Wei stops and thinks carefully, he can also think of——

If Belvis was truly unstoppable, she would have killed Icacia to devour the world long ago. Why would Malzaha, the leading party, take painstaking efforts to collect sacrifices for her?
Wouldn't it be better to wait for Malzaha to feed him slowly, eat enough to eat, and upgrade faster if he took a bite of a city by himself?
Don't say it now.

Even in the "future" 10 years later, Bilves was still hiding in southern Shurima and did not expand outside.

This shows that either Bilves' strength is limited, or due to certain restrictions, he cannot expand externally as he wants.

The correct answer is, both factors.

But the latter is more of a factor.

Bilves was born in Icacia, and her body was initially fused from the cities of Icacia.

In a sense, the current Empress of the Void is Icacia, and Icacia is the Empress of the Void.

This means that only in Icacia, at her own home court, can she exert her most powerful strength.

The farther away he was, the weaker Bolves' power became.

If it is in Icacia, then she can definitely crush Levi and Nasus easily, making them never return.

But out of Icacia, the farther north she goes, the farther away she is from her body, the more limited the divine power she can display.

That's why she needs Malzahar to help her erode Shurima step by step, and expand her "Void Corruption" to the north step by step, and even the entire Runeterra.

But now, Li Wei has escaped with Kesha and others.

If he used the ultra-long-range space magic to bring Kaisa back to Zaun like he did when he came here
Nazuan and Icacia are separated by thousands of miles, and Belvis may be out of reach.

"Please rest assured, my lord." Malzahar said, "I can sense that Keisha is still in Shurima—she's not far to the north of us, and she hasn't teleported away."

"I'll catch up with them and bring Keisha back."

"." Bilves pondered for a moment.

"Malzahar." She finally agreed: "Take me to Keisha."

"Also." Compared to Kesha, Li Wei, or Janna's performance also made Bilves very concerned.

"The growth speed of Goddess Janna has exceeded my understanding."

Belvis has fused the souls of countless people, and she knows a lot about Janna.

The current goddess Janna is stronger than she was in her heyday thousands of years ago.

But the Association of Leaders has only been established for about a year and a half. In this short period of one and a half years, for Bilves, who has a long life span, it is as fast as a doze.

However, during the "sleep" effort, the fringe role that she didn't care about at all, unexpectedly evolved from a rookie to a tyrannosaurus rex inexplicably.

"Janna's existence has already threatened our career." Bilves made a decision: "It seems that I have to take action."

"Malzahar, let's go—"

"Follow them and get rid of that goddess."

(End of this chapter)

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