LOL: Summoner of Goddess Jana

Chapter 48 The Social Practice of Leaders

Chapter 48 The Social Practice of Leaders

After the business was negotiated, Li Wei went "offline" to work on his business.

And on this side:
Janna began to study magic with Seraphine, teaching her to master the talent initially.

After waiting for a long time, the Erwins met their No. [-] business partner, Professor Victor from Piltover University.

Victor is gentle and elegant, with an extraordinary bearing, and he has a strong scholarly temperament in his speech and demeanor.So as soon as he showed up, he was liked by the Erwins, two technology entrepreneurs.

And after having an in-depth exchange with Victor on related technical issues, confirming and admiring his identity background and academic ability, Erwin finally let go of his last ounce of vigilance:
"Professor Victor, we can sign a contract with you now. I hope we can have a happy cooperation!"

Erwin showed his sincerity.

But Victor shook his head: "Don't worry, the contract can be signed later."

"Why?" Erwin was puzzled.

Victor took a deep look at him:
Because of signing this contract, this guy was officially kidnapped into a thief ship.

If something happens to the leader in the future, the Erwin family will definitely be implicated.

The leader is not a hero in Bilgewater, and he should not use this kind of trickery to make money out of people.

Otherwise, once Erwin finds out the truth, the trust that the two sides have built with great difficulty will be completely broken.

At that time, it is hard to say whether he will make the mistake of staying on the mountain and sit in the top spot, or find a chance to surrender and be recruited by the court.

In short, what leaders need is like-minded companions, not time bombs with different dreams in the same bed.

"Mr. Erwin, I hope we can get to know each other better first, and then formally confirm the cooperation relationship with your full consent." Victor explained sincerely.

"This..." Erwin thought it was Victor, and wanted to visit his family's factory for a while longer: "That's good. Both parties can have more time to think about it."

"Professor Victor, do you want me to accompany you to the factory now?"

"I was just about to tell you about this." Victor smiled: "I hope the factory can temporarily suspend operations for a day. Let me and my students go to the front line of the factory to understand the situation on the ground."

"You and your students?" Erwin was a little curious: "Students from Piltover University are also involved in this project?"

"Yes, and quite a few. This is a kind of social practice in our college, right?"

"Okay." Erwin thought for a while: "Then I will stop the factory now and let the workers go back to rest."

"No, you just need to get the local workers in Piltover back."

"What about the Zaun apprentices?"

"They need to stay. My students and I are here for them."

Hearing this answer, a strange color flashed in Erwin's eyes.

In fact, he already smelled something wrong.

Because he already believed in the existence of Janna, and believed that Li Wei was the Goddess Janna's chosen one.

On that desperate night 20 years ago, his tears, his helpless prayers. Apart from himself, I am afraid that only the goddess knows.

Then just think about it:
The goddess Janna came to the mortal world again after hundreds of years, is it just to open a factory in Piltover, make music, and earn a pocket money for herself?
Li Wei and Victor, as well as the goddess Janna behind them, definitely still have a grand goal.

Students, workers, professors...these will all be united under the banner of the Goddess.What do they want to do?
Erwin didn't dare to think deeply.

But after hesitating, he still reached out to Victor:

"No problem, Professor Victor."

"Although I don't know what you and your students want to 'practice' here, but if this is what Goddess Janna means." Goddess Janna is the patron saint of Zaun, a symbol of goodness and mercy: "I would like to believe that .”

"This factory is temporarily handed over to you."

"Thank you!" Victor shook his hand gratefully.

Then, he took out two more booklets from his pocket.

One volume was written by Li Wei yesterday, and he compiled and printed it this morning, "Zuan, where did you come from?" ".

The other volume was compiled by Victor based on Levi's speech this morning, "Zuan, where should we go?" ".

The first volume is about what and why, and the second volume is about how to do it.

The content of the latter is obviously somewhat sensitive.

Victor thought for a while, and temporarily only handed the first booklet to Erwin:

"Mr. Erwin, maybe you can read this article."

"If you see it, you will know what we are doing."

An afternoon passed, and night fell quietly.

Erwin's Hex Audio factory was still brightly lit and bustling.But it is not the workers who are busy here today, but the group of Zaun students brought by Victor.

They are trying to face and solve a problem:
How should the leaders work?

no one knows.

It is the first time for everyone, and we have to rely on practice to accumulate experience.

Fortunately, these students are from hard backgrounds, and they can get along well with the apprentices.

They are also future scientists who know how to investigate scientifically.

And those Zaun apprentices saw that today they could get a free salary without going to work, and these students were all introduced by Boss Erwin, so they were also willing to chat with them.

For these immature students, this is undoubtedly the best starting point for their future work.

And after this afternoon's communication and investigation, everyone finally got to know the specific situation of this factory.

"Professor Victor!" Lina took everyone's summed up opinions and found Victor, who is in charge here.

She reported everyone's investigation results this afternoon in detail:
"The investigation shows that this Elvin Hex Technology audio factory has a total of 51 local employees in Piltover and 148 apprentices in Zaun."

"Wait." As soon as the report started, Victor heard something strange: "Why are there so many Zaun apprentices?"

"Isn't there a regulation in Piltover that the ratio of local employees to foreign workers must not be less than 50%?"

In order to give priority to ensuring the employment of local people, Piltover does have such regulations.

"But that's all on paper."

When Viktor was a teenager in Zaun, he had a teacher.So he didn't have to suffer too much from the factory, and he passed the exam in Piltover.

After coming to Picheng, he has not walked out of the school gate for more than ten years, and he has never seen what the factory looks like.

Compared with Victor, who has been in the ivory tower for a long time, Lena, a poor girl from Zuan, understands the social reality of Piltover better:

"Zuan people are cheap and work hard."

"Who wouldn't want to recruit less pampered Piltungers and more hardworking Zaunites?"

"So even though Piltover has such regulations, these business owners can secretly increase the proportion of foreign workers in the factory through various methods such as concealment, affiliation, and contract labor."

"This concealment? Affiliation? Contract labor?" Victor was at a loss.

He has been a scholar for a long time, and he really doesn't know what these operations are all about.

"Concealing the report is the easiest." Lina explained: "It is to hide those smugglers who have no legal apprenticeship qualifications at all, and hire them to do illegal work in the factory at twice the price of normal apprentices."

"Mr. Irwin may be timid and didn't dare to do this."

"But of the 148 Zaun apprentices in his factory, 32 are 'attendants'—"

"They are nominally attached to Mr. Irwin's house and the 'domestic servants' of several of his acquaintances' homes, but in fact they are working as apprentices in Mr. Irwin's factory."

"Another 65 people are 'bonkers'—"

"That is to sign a contract with the contractors in the society, and those contractors with power and background will send their workers to work in the factory."

"These people are also not considered as formal Zaun apprentices, and do not occupy the factory staff."

"So after careful calculation, there are only 51 formal apprentices in this factory in name - exactly 1:1 with local workers in Piltover, accounting for 50%, and there is no violation of Piltover's local employment protection regulations."

"This" I don't know if I don't check it, and I'm shocked when I check it.

Victor really didn't expect that Mr. Erwin, who looks kind and honest on the surface, can actually play so many tricks behind his back.

Fortunately, when he mentioned the goddess Janna, his expression was so sincere.

Oh no, he won't send the pamphlet to the wrong person, will he?
"No, I really can't blame Mr. Irwin." Lena shook her head helplessly: "All the business owners in Piltover do this, and he is already considered honest."

"Is this called honesty?"

"In Piltover, yes."


Victor was silent for a long time, and sighed:

"I thought that in this practice, I was the teacher."

Great professors and great intellectuals should be the leaders of everyone and the enlighteners of the people at first glance.

Even the gentle and humble Victor instinctively believed that he stood taller, saw farther, and was wiser than those students and workers.

But now, when he really walked out of the campus and into the factory, Victor discovered:

"It turns out that I am that student."

(End of this chapter)

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