LOL: Summoner of Goddess Jana

Chapter 485 Half Human Half Ghost Jhin

Jie and Shen rode against the wind, and soon flew over the Nanmu Village.

Looking down from the sky, it is as peaceful as ever.The villagers shuttled through the fields, plowing the land and spreading fertilizer in a busy and orderly manner.

"Where is the target?" Jie didn't see anything strange from this peaceful scene.

"It's here." Shen carefully felt it, and then looked down solemnly, the group of villagers walking through the fields: "It's here."

"What?" Jie was stunned.

The difference between a living person and a spirit body should be visible to the naked eye.

If the evil spirit didn't hide, but appeared here majestically, then why does the village look so peaceful?
"Because." Shen's voice was also filled with shock.

This was a situation he had never encountered in his past life of exorcising spirits.

But his eyes remained firm, locked on a figure on the field path: "That evil spirit mingled among the villagers with its human body!"

"Or in this living person's soul, there is an aura that only belongs to the undead!"

Then Shen was surprised to find that what he perceived was not an evil spirit, but a living being with the power of the undead.

"Transform the soul of the living into an evil spirit-like existence, and let the living have the forbidden power that only belongs to the dead." Jie's expression also became serious in an instant.

This kind of evil and powerful undead magic that pollutes the material realm with the power of the underworld is absolutely impossible to be born in the nascent soil that has followed the way of balance for thousands of years.

And most of the people who use this kind of magic will not be kind people.

Who is he?What is the purpose of sneaking in here?
With so many doubts, Jie follows Shen's gaze and looks warily at the half-human, half-ghost mysterious man.

It was a man with an iron staff and unusually bulging shoulders.

At this moment, he was pretending to be a foreign tourist, and accompanied by the village cadres, he was walking out of the village along the field path.

Jie originally thought that he would meet a strange foreigner.

However, he only took a few careful glances at the man, and his face changed drastically just like Shen who had reacted.

"It's him?!" Jie and Shen unconsciously clenched their fists.

"He's not dead?" They all knew this person.

This guy is a perverted murderer who once ran rampant in Zhiyun Province, committed hundreds of indiscriminate killings, and disturbed half of Ionia.

They used to follow Master Kushuo, who was still an upright master at that time, and pursued this cunning demon for four years.

After this pursuit, the other party's various and extremely cruel killing methods and twisted and crazy ideas have caused a huge impact on Jie and Shen, who were still young at the time.

After that, the physical features of this man entered into their minds deeply.

"Gold Demon." Shen recalled the demon's nickname.

Jie called out his name: "Kada Jhin."

Kada Jhin, also known as the Joker, was the most insane and ruthless criminal in the history of Ionia.

In this land of advocating peace, no one has ever been so perverted and twisted like him, taking pleasure in creating massacres in different ways.

Jie, Shen, and Kushuo master and apprentice spent four full years before catching this demon.

Jie and Shen both believed that this kind of evil person should be sentenced to death.

However, Master Kushuo strictly abided by the tradition of the way of balance, and only sent Kada Jin to the prison in Tulaeng, where he was guarded and educated by the local elder monks in Tulaeng.

This incident had a huge impact on Jie's psychology, and it was also the beginning of his questioning the way of balance.

And Master Kushuo followed the way of balance so rigidly that Kada Jhin, who did many evil things, was able to survive.

As a result, later he himself...
"." Both Shen and Jie recalled this complicated past.

They locked their eyes firmly on this old man they didn't want to see again: "How did this guy escape?"

"He's not dead yet?"

Although Ionians believe in balance and advocate peace, they will not execute criminals.Even a perverted killer like Kada Jhin can live comfortably in prison and spend the rest of his life smoothly.

But leaders don't play this game.

As soon as the leader came, he unceremoniously exposed the hypocrisy of this balanced approach.

If it is for balance, for harmony, one cannot kill.

Then why are there countless untouchables like Zed in Ionia, abandoned babies like Sona, and so many poor people dying silently?

So many poor people died "naturally" without seeing a single tear from the masters.

Facing a murderer like Kada Jhin, they refused to be executed anyway.

Isn't this hypocrisy?
Except for true masters like Master Kushuo, the vast majority of country gentry advocated balance and harmony in order to use this set of theoretical tools to maintain their position in the old order.

Sentencing criminals to death does not conform to the spirit of harmony advocated by this set of theoretical tools.

The silent death of the poor is a normal natural cycle in this theory.

That's why the masters can watch the untouchables die of poverty, disease, and starvation with peace of mind, while hesitantly dare not sentence a serial killer to death.

Now that the leader is here, the rules have changed.

As a new generation of balance masters, Shen did not object.

After all, the war killed countless people in Ionia, so what if a few more criminals died?
So, after the Leaders took over parts of Ionia, they began to retry and sentence the hardened prisoners in the prison.

A pervert like Kada Jhin who pollutes the air while alive is usually executed immediately, dragged out and shot.

"Why is he still alive?" After Jin was imprisoned, Shen and Jie hadn't paid attention to his situation for many years.

They thought Jhin had been imprisoned in Tuleng's prison all along, and was then sentenced to death under the retrial of the leader.

But now, this guy is standing here perfectly.

Not only did he regain his freedom, but he also appeared in the leader's pilot village in a strange state of half-human, half-ghost, not knowing what he wanted to do.

"Shen?" Jie tentatively looked at Shen, the new generation of balance master.

Shen drew out his weapon earlier than him: "Jie, let's go!"

"Mr. Raj." The accompanying village cadres called Jhin's pseudonym to cover up his identity in a warm tone of hospitality.

"Are you from Zhiyun?" He chatted with him as he walked.

"Yes, that's my home." Jhin grinned playfully, "I was born, grew up, studied art there, and then lived in Tulen Prison in Zhiyun Province for many years."

"Eh? Prison? Aren't you a traveling painter?"

"No way." Jhin resolved the suddenly subtle atmosphere with a smile: "You also know what Ionia was like in the past."

"Those masters and elders who control the right to speak like moralists can't tolerate my avant-garde artistic style."

"They accused my works of being immoral, violent and bloody, and destroyed the balance of Ionia, so they asked someone to arrest me and send me to the prison of Tulen."

"My God." The young village cadre couldn't help complaining: "This is really too much."

"Then how did you finally get free?"

"It's nothing." Jhin smiled and said, "After the invasion of Noxus and the arrival of your leaders, the cultural atmosphere of Ionia also changed a little bit. My art style began to be popular, Even fanatical pursuit."

"And the master who sent me to prison with his own hands back then also changed his mind."

"He managed to get me out of Talane just to use my art to secretly generate income for him."

"This," the young cadre commented: "This master is really a hypocrite."

"That's right." Jhin said with a smile: "He was also punished very quickly, and unfortunately died tragically before the war ended."

"I lost my employer because of this, and for various reasons, I began to be silent for a while."

"Until not long ago, by chance, I met a big benefactor who really understands art and really appreciates me."

"With the support of that adult, I have a deeper understanding and attainment of art, and only then did I start this journey."

"I see." The young cadre nodded secretly.

He wanted to say something more, but when he saw Nanmu Village, which had been left far behind by the two of them, he stopped quietly.

"Mr. Raj, the main road to Weili City is ahead, so I won't continue to see you off."

While speaking, the eyes of the young village cadre collided with Jhin's eyes inadvertently.

He saw Jhin's naturally ugly face that had lost its mask and seemed to have a fear effect.

This gaze only stayed for a moment, then quietly moved away.

"." A trace of undetectable coldness flashed in Jin's eyes.

But he still responded to the young cadre's enthusiasm with that harmless smile: "Thank you, comrade."

"Without you showing me around Nanmu Village, I really didn't know that we could live such a good life by running a collective enterprise in partnership."

"Haha. You are welcome, this is what I should do." The young cadre smiled sincerely: "As long as you go back, use your brush to describe what you have seen and heard here, and share your experience with the world truly , our work has not been in vain.”

"Well, I will definitely." Jhin said.

He did not rush to bid farewell to leave, but passed his eyes lightly over the face of the young cadre, and then turned to look at Nanmu Village in the distance.

"I will use my art to paint this place into the most beautiful and moving picture scroll."

"Then please." The young cadre said gratefully.

"This is also my job." Jhin smiled.

As he said that, he asked again in a casual tone: "By the way, comrade, I hear your accent, it seems that you are not from Ionia, right?"

"Yes." The young cadre knew everything: "I am from Zaun."

"Sure enough, I think you are like a cadre supported by Zaun." Jhin asked casually: "Other staff in the village, including the professors and students I met doing research, should also be from Shuangcheng. come here?

"Yes." The situation in Nanmu Village is quite special.

This is not only a pilot rural collective enterprise, but also an important research base in Ionia for the newly established Agricultural College of Piltover University.

The Twin Cities scientific community has also done research on agriculture before.After all, Shuangcheng's major customers are all agricultural countries, and there is a great demand for agricultural products.

But that doesn't include Ionia.

Ionia has been traveling on the fringes of the world trade system in the past, but was brutally opened by Noxus, and then followed the leader to join the big family of globalization.

Therefore, in the face of this nascent land that urgently needs further development, in order to study the impact of the special environment infiltrated by the magical power of Ionia on agricultural production, many scientists and students of the Agricultural College of Shuangcheng came here all the way. here.

Therefore, there are a large number of foreigners from Shuangcheng gathered in Nanmu Village, and they are not just the grassroots cadres of the leaders.

"But we have been here for more than a year, and we are considered half Ionians. Haha." The young cadre laughed.

"Half Ionian?" Jhin also smiled: "Then after you die, will you go to our Ionian spirit world, or your Valoran's Mitna Lachen?"

"Ah." The young cadre was stunned: "I really haven't thought about it."

"It seems that you are not Ionian yet." Jhin smiled brighter: "You are from Zaun."

Ionians only go to the spirit world after death, and do not open the planar rift to Mitna Lachen.But Gentiles will.

It will be up to these men to open the way to Mitnarachen in Ionia.

Jhin thought to himself.

The young cadres couldn't figure out Jin's thoughts.

Seeing Jhin's inexplicably palpitating short silence, he couldn't help asking a little bit concerned: "Mr. Raj, what are you asking?"

"It's nothing." Jhin made up an excuse calmly: "I'm just curious. There are so many Shuangcheng people in the village, why don't you see how many machines there are? Aren't those tractors and harvesters all made by your Shuangcheng?"

After finishing speaking, Jhin looked away indifferently, while the young cadre replied seriously without noticing: "Well, it's not that the organization has no money, it only supports people and not machines."

"The main reason is that what we are doing in Nanmu Village is a pilot."

"Pilot pilots, of course, are based on the common real conditions of the most vast villages in Ionia, so that we can truly test the advanced nature of rural collective enterprises."

"We Zaun people will provide management support and agricultural technical guidance at most, and will not directly support agricultural materials."

"Otherwise, it is supporting both agricultural machinery and fuel oil, and throwing away a bunch of agricultural supplies that other villages can't afford regardless of the cost. Can the production efficiency of Nanmu Village be low?"

"If you try this way, you can only try out a man-made model of success. How can you try out real results in a realistic way?"

The social experiment results of leaders will not be interfered by external forces because of the political orientation and personal interests of project managers.

The grassroots dare to report problems truthfully when they find problems, and the middle-level will not make false reports layer by layer for the sake of political achievements when they receive feedback.

All kinds of problems in the experiment can be truly and effectively fed back to the center, so that the leaders of the leader can make the most correct judgment and decision based on the actual situation.

The young cadres spoke enthusiastically.

Seeing that Jhin hadn't continued, he said with a little embarrassment: "Mr. Raj, I delayed your departure."

"No, I am very interested in what you said." Jhin smiled gracefully: "Thank you for your hospitality."

"You're welcome. I wish you the best of luck and we hope to see you again."

"Yeah." A hint of amusement flashed in Jhin's eyes: "We will definitely meet again, definitely."

"Hey?" The young cadre looked puzzled: "Are you planning to come again later?"

"of course."

"When?" The young cadre wanted to ask again.

Jhin, however, was already leaning on the iron staff, and slowly took steps.

He only left one sentence: "Sooner than you think."

After he said that, the young cadre didn't ask any more questions.

Jhin walked farther and farther, and was about to disappear at the end of the road.

However, at this point:

"Stop, you can't go!" Two figures descended from the sky and stopped in front of him.

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