LOL: Summoner of Goddess Jana

Chapter 68 From Picheng Policewoman to Picheng Big Sister

Chapter 68 From Piltover Policewoman to Piltover Big Sister (please recommend tickets~)

A university professor wants to be the big brother of the underworld.The younger thugs in the gang are all the proud sons of Piltover University.

This is magical enough.

And this "professor of the underworld" actually came over and asked her, a just law enforcement officer, and the daughter of a Piltover councilman, if she wanted to join the group as their umbrella.

"Are you kidding me?" Caitlin couldn't believe it.

"Of course not." Victor explained: "Miss Caitlin. By now, you should have understood that the existence of the Iron Fists and other Zaun gangs is actually part of the Piltover order."

"So the law enforcement officer can't beat them, and the congressman's daughter can't beat them."

"The one who can defeat the Iron Fists can only be another Zaun gang recognized by Piltover."

Caitlin fell into deep thought for a moment.

It occurred to her that her mother had said something similar.The Iron Fists are unstoppable.Even if it is defeated, there will soon be new gangs to fill the power vacuum it left.

Because of Piltover, the existence of these Zaunite gangsters is needed.

"Professor Victor, what do you mean?" What did Caitlin realize: "Since the existence of gangsters is unavoidable, you should be the 'gangsters' yourself and replace the Iron Fists to control the order of the Zaun community?"

"That's right." Victor nodded seriously.

He hid the leader's real purpose and explained to Caitlin: "Jess may have mentioned to you that I am actually from Zaun. Not only am I from Zaun, but the children you see are all from Zaun .”

"I'm already a professor, a native of Piltover, and I can live in a safe and wealthy area; but these children are still poor, Zaunites, and they can only live in a Zaunite community controlled by gangsters."

"The residents of the Zaun community have been forced to endure the exploitation and oppression of these gangs. Protection fees, usury, shimmer potions... Those gangs will do everything possible to squeeze another layer from the poor Zaun people Here comes the oil."

"So, we're not going to take it any longer."

Looking at the Hex mechanical arm hanging on his shoulder, Victor's eyes became more determined:
"We will take up arms, replace them, and become the new order of the Zaun community!"

This explains their motives.

But Caitlin still couldn't accept it: "You are all college students Iron Fist, don't you even dare to provoke students from Piltover University?"

"Of course they dare!" Lina couldn't help laughing at this chaebol lady who seemed to be shrewd and capable but was actually extremely naive:
"Even if we wear Piltover University uniforms, we are still Zaunites. Since the law enforcement officers will never uphold justice for Zaunites, why don't the Iron Fist gang bully us?"

If her brother hadn't suddenly become Janna's God's Choice, she would probably be kidnapped by the Iron Fist Gang and sold as a rare commodity because of the usury owed by her family:

"Heh, in the kiln run by the Iron Fist Gang, college students can still sell it at a higher price."

"." Caitlin was silent.

She had always been used to looking at Zaun from the perspective of a law enforcement officer, seeing the Zaun people as born bad, the source of crime, and the initiators of breaking the law and order of Piltover.

It's as if this group is genetically inferior and born bad.

But after these two short days of tempering, Caitlin discovered:

Zaun has never been a source of crime.

Poverty is.

Like Lina, there are many more ordinary Zaunites who are themselves victims of poverty and crime.But she used to follow her colleagues so naively, discriminating against them and despising them.
The more "I" Caitlin thought about it, the more ashamed and painful it became.

What should she do?Continue to be a law enforcement officer, pretending that you have not seen the truth, and maintaining this unfair order.

still is
"Join us, let's change this order together!"

Victor held out his palm to Caitlin.

Caitlin's arm trembled slightly, subconsciously raised halfway, but then stopped hesitantly.

Her dream is to be a policewoman in Piltover!
How can you be the umbrella of the gang and the head of the eldest sister of Piltover?

Didn't this completely abandon her original beliefs, trample on the law like rubbish, and use family privileges to commit crimes for profit and act recklessly?How different is this from the bad guys she hates?

"No" Caitlin thought of the crux of the matter: "It was the poverty of the Zaun people that created crime, which led to the existence of the Iron Fist."

"Professor Victor, even if you and your students succeed in the end, replace the original 'bad gang' with a 'good gang'."

"But the root of the problem has still not been addressed."

Where there is poverty, there is crime, and where there are criminal gangs, they are naturally black, and it is impossible to become white.

The so-called "good gang" simply cannot exist.

"It's impossible for you to succeed." Caitlin murmured.

"Why don't you try it?" Victor manipulated his Hex mechanical arm to rotate slowly: "Our method has never been tried before, has it?"

"Well" Caitlin still hesitated.

"How about this, Miss Caitlin, maybe you can stay with us for a few days first, and give your judgment after carefully understanding what kind of organization we are."

"We would have you believe that we are different from all gangs - we have the power to change this injustice!"

Victor's tone was very generous.But Lina on the side, and other Zaun students, showed a hint of worry:
After all, Caitlin is the daughter of a councilor and their theoretical enemy number one.

Let her act together with the leader, and get to know her in depth?
Then if she finds out that the real purpose of their "gang" is not just to eradicate the Iron Fist, but to overthrow and wipe out her mother and her family. Can Caitlin still be so friendly?

This young lady is the leader's greatest help if she uses it well, but she is the gravedigger of the leader if she doesn't use it well.

Everyone is worried.

But Victor didn't have such worries.

Not only was he not worried, he also generously took out a photocopied handwritten booklet from his arms and handed it to Caitlin:

"You can read these articles when you have time."

"Then after you've read it, thought about it, and are interested in learning more about our business, you can come to us at any time."

"." Caitlin hesitated for a moment.

But she finally took the booklet curiously, and solemnly nodded to Victor: "Professor Victor, I will seriously consider your proposal."

"I will also read these articles seriously."

Said, Caitlin also sighed and said goodbye: "I'll go back first. What you are doing now. I. I just pretend I didn't see it."

She couldn't easily agree to Victor's proposal and do something that completely violated the law and principles.

But she agreed anyway and would think about it again.

"That's enough." Victor said goodbye to her expectantly: "Miss Caitlin, we will wait for your reply."

"Hmm." Caitlin turned and left with a complicated expression.

As soon as she walked out of the laboratory, the students surrounded her worriedly:

"Professor Victor, why did you give her all the pamphlets?"

That is the booklet that records the complete thoughts of Janna!

"Where did Zuan come from" and "Where should Zuan go" are in it.

Especially the latter, the article directly mentioned that the short-term goal of the leader is to overthrow the colonial rule of Piltover and achieve the victory of Zaun.

This is a clear "anti-text", how can the congressman's daughter take it to read?

"Professor Victor, isn't this too risky?"

"Miss Caitlin is, after all, the daughter of a big chaebol, the daughter of a member of Piltover. Let her know now that we are going to rebel against Lord Piltover, won't this cause trouble?"

Lina asked worriedly.

She was really afraid that Caitlin would open the booklet, and then turn around and bring a group of fully armed law enforcement officers over to "suppress the bandits".

But Victor was prepared to take out another booklet and handed it to Lena and the students:

"No, you don't have to worry."

"The brochure I gave to Miss Caitlin is somewhat different from what Levi told you yesterday."

"This pamphlet was handed over to me by Mr. Li Wei through Janna's avatar today, and asked me to help photocopy and distribute it for the pre-publicity work of the leader."

"Oh?" Everyone was curious.

Chairman Li Wei actually quietly compiled an official brochure of the leader?

This manual is actually different from what he said yesterday?

The students opened the booklet curiously, browsed briefly, and quickly discovered something strange:

There is not much difference between the part about the history of Zaun and the theory of Janna.

The what and why questions are explained almost the same as before.

But when it comes to how, when it comes to the question of "how to do it", Li Wei's writing has undergone a 180-degree reversal.

He told everyone yesterday that leaders can only win through armed struggle.

But in today's brochure, Li Wei didn't mention armed struggle at all, and only said that the people of Zaun want "peaceful struggle", "moderate struggle", and "bloodless struggle".
They don't even write the word "struggle", only "non-violent non-cooperation".

"This, isn't this what my brother criticized severely yesterday, moderates and reformers?" Lina couldn't help but question loudly: "Won't using this kind of brochure to promote it will make everyone go down the wrong path of moderate reforms?" ?”

"No way." Victor sighed.

"Don't forget, this is Piltover, the base camp of the enemy."

The lawmen of Piltover, and the family spies of the great plutocrats, were not blind.

If the leader unabashedly takes yesterday's article and goes out to publicize it, shouting "Zuan Independence" and "Down with Parliament" on the streets of Piltover. It is estimated that within a few days, they will have to meet thousands of people Jue.

"Using the current 'soft-toned' articles can still promote Janna's beliefs."

No matter what route you take, as long as you adhere to the ultimate ideal of the world, you are a believer in Janna.

"When everyone has such beliefs, we can further screen out Zaun people with reliable origins among them, formally absorb them into the leader's organization, and publicize to them the route we really want to take."

Victor explained earnestly.

"But is it that easy?" Lina still questioned, "If they already believed in the idea of ​​moderate improvement, how could they turn to follow us in armed struggle?"

"They will." Victor smiled: "Your brother said—"

"Even if we don't promote it like this, there are bound to be many people who believe in reformism. Instead of convincing them with theory, it is better to let them wake up themselves."

"After all, the bourgeoisie are always the best 'teachers'."

"They're going to use their fists wake everyone up."

(End of this chapter)

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