LOL: Summoner of Goddess Jana

Chapter 78 President... Seraphine?

Chapter 78 President Seraphine?

In short, a mature and efficient organizational hierarchy was built by Li Wei in this way.

The standing council meetings of each branch and ward are the decision-making bodies of organizations at all levels.

Members of the association must obey its resolutions.More than half of the members have objections to the resolution before they can submit their opinions to the superior.

In this way, all kinds of chaos caused by the endless meetings, wrangling, and collective voting and discussion of everything brought about by all voters were avoided.


"Because we're only active in one or two Piltover boroughs at the moment, the significance of having a city chapter isn't obvious yet."

"So let's take factories and schools as units first, and establish branches of each grassroots unit—"

"Like this factory we're in right now."

Levi talked a lot, but finally came back to the personnel management of this Hex audio workshop.

Everyone understands:
In the past, there was only one "leader working group" in the factory, and the working group did not have a leader. Naturally, the group had no leader and was chaotic.

Now it is necessary to change the working group in the factory into a "branch", and to elect the president and permanent director of the branch.

To put it bluntly:
It is to choose the speaker!
"That's right. The president and permanent directors were elected, and they will be the leaders and decision makers of the factory in the future, responsible for managing internal affairs, discipline, appointment and dismissal of cadres, etc."

"Everyone will mix with them in the future and obey the specific work resolutions made by the internal democratic discussions of the permanent council meeting."

When Li Wei said this, everyone understood.

After the chaos of the past week, many of them have also realized the truth that "a soldier can't stand still without a general, and a snake can't do without a head".

Quarreling, holding meetings, wrangling every day, and even fighting because of disagreements, most people feel tired.

Anyone can see that if this continues, the leader's career will fail sooner or later.

Now Li Wei, relying on the prestige of Janna's God's Choice, stood up to criticize and reason, and finally let these students and workers who had been pinching each other for a whole week put aside their differences and unite their thinking.

"Okay, then let's elect the president of this ward now, what other permanent directors are there!"

After the opinions were unified, everyone quickly took action with ease——

To choose a "talker", you have to hold a meeting and vote.

They are all too familiar with meetings and voting.

So without Li Wei's guidance, the workers and students naturally started the meeting.

Not long
Leader's first grassroots branch, "Elvin Hex Audio Workshop Branch", was officially established.

The first branch president in the history of Leader was also voted by everyone.

And this president is.

The corners of Li Wei's mouth twitched as he watched from the audience.

When I saw the more than 160 workers and students here, without any disagreement or suspense, collectively nominated Seraphine after discussion, and let this silly girl be elected as the president of the branch with a high number of votes.
He was all stupid.

"Mr. Li Wei?" Seraphine herself was a little at a loss: "Should I not go up?"

"I" Li Wei wanted to say something, but held back.

No matter how outrageous the result is, it is also a resolution formed by the leader's internal democratic vote.He's not good at interfering.

"Salafini, you can decide for yourself."

Li Wei resisted not expressing his attitude.

Seraphine stared blankly at the cheering crowd around her, as well as everyone's eagerly looking forward to her. She finally mustered up her courage and walked up slowly.

And when Seraphine stood on the stage nervously, hesitantly, and even obviously a little dazed amid the cheers of the crowd, and took over the power of the president voted for by all the members of the ward in a trance.
Everyone also praised the venue very much, giving this immature pink-haired girl more enthusiastic and supportive applause.

Even the few who questioned the choice were lost in the clamor of enthusiasm.

"Hey, what is this?"

Li Wei finally couldn't help complaining:
"How did you choose Seraphine?"

"Is she the material to be the president?"

Although Li Wei and Seraphine have a long personal relationship, they have a very good relationship.

But it was precisely because of this that he understood that Seraphine was suitable to be a star, a musician, and a propagandist... but not a leader.

With her weak temperament that is cheerful and can't bear to offend others, can she control others?
But they still voted her out.

Haven't they met Seraphine, and wondered what she was like?

"Li Wei, why are you so shocked?"

Mr. Erwin on the side sighed to Li Wei in a subtle tone:

"Don't forget, besides being the full-fledged members of Leaders with tickets, these people also have another identity——"

"They are all fans of Seraphine."

Yes.Except for a few resident students who were personally recruited by Li Wei, these Zaun apprentices were almost all newcomers who were attracted and developed by the complaint meeting hosted by Seraphine.

Seraphine's voice told their stories, touched their souls, and soothed their wounded hearts.

Everyone was moved and shed tears for the emotions she conveyed, and they naturally became fans of this soul singer.

"You let these people vote for the chairman, and of course they will choose the person who is most popular with them."

"In terms of popularity, Li Wei, you, the President, may not even be able to compare with my daughter."

"Because almost all the new official members who joined the leader were attracted by Seraphine's singing."

Erwin seemed to have expected this situation long ago, and said leisurely:

"Now, if we want to hold such a general election for the All Leaders Association."

"Maybe your position as president will be given up to my daughter."

Li Wei: "."

Good guy.

He asked everyone to vote for the chairman, but in the end everyone played the election of the chairman as a draft.

If things go on like this, in the future, actors will not be allowed to be the president, and singers will be the directors?
16 and 7-year-old pink-haired girls are all serving as branch presidents, can she be?Can't do it!You don't have the ability to know?
"Do you want to re-elect?" Erwin asked.

He also felt that his daughter was not the material to be a leader.

"No." Li Wei shook his head.

The rules have been set, and the president has already been elected, so of course he can't go back on his word.

Otherwise, his credibility as president will be gone.

"Fortunately, in addition to the president, the ward also set up a permanent director, let Seraphine be the president, and asked the directors to help her organize the leadership of the factory."

"In the future, the ward will still choose this way."

"The grassroots unit has a small number of people, so it is suitable for direct election of all members. Even if the people elected this time are unreliable, because it is only a grassroots branch, the losses it can cause are relatively limited."

Li Wei thought about it seriously.

Some designs, he hadn't been able to understand before.Only now do I know that their existence is justified.

"But the candidates for the general council can no longer be done like this."

"Let ordinary people without political training conduct general elections, and it is easy to cause trouble."

Most ordinary people don't usually care about or study politics.Its political views come from nothing more than hearsay and the news media.

Then whoever controls the news media can manipulate public opinion, output awareness, and influence the political views of the public.

Even singers, actors, and real estate businessmen, no matter whether they are really capable or not, as long as they can have a higher exposure rate in the media and gather more popularity, they can be elected.

To control the news media and increase exposure requires nothing more than money and power.

In the end, it is still a game of capital and power, and it is not the people who make the decisions.

"In the future, each district branch will select representatives according to the population ratio. Then the representatives will hold a meeting to indirectly elect the president of the general assembly and the general council."

Li Wei silently added another patch to the system he designed.

(End of this chapter)

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