LOL: Summoner of Goddess Jana

Chapter 95 I just want to make money now

Chapter 95 I just want to make money now

How to make money, make quick money?

Everyone, including Li Wei, was almost driven crazy by this question.

"Why don't you go and rob the bank?" Someone really suggested that.

"Or become a pirate?" Someone went further: "Just grab the colonial gold ship of Noxus, once we succeed, we will send it!"

"Yeah!" Everyone still thought it was a good idea: "Jana can control the storm, isn't it a good idea to be a pirate?"

Janna: "."

The blue bird frantically flapped its wings to express its opposition.

She is a goddess born for protection, how can she use her divine power to rob?

"Okay, okay." Li Wei interrupted everyone helplessly: "Let's think of something serious."

To solve financial problems, there are no more than two ways: increase revenue and reduce expenditure.

It is impossible to open source for a while, so I can only think about saving money.

"My strategy of closing brothels, casinos and twilight shops remains unchanged, but the bonded labor business, we still have to continue in a short time."

Li Wei sighed and decided to compromise with reality.

He originally planned to liberate all the slave workers controlled by the Iron Fist Gang in one go after defeating the Iron Fist Gang.

This is more than 4000 people.If they do not enter the factory as bonded workers, they will have no work to do.

Leaders simply cannot provide so many jobs for a while, nor do they have so much money to support idlers.

"That's good. We will destroy all the debts and bondage of the bonded workers as originally planned, and let them restore their status as free people."

"If they are still willing to work in the factory, they can work in the factory just like before."

"We don't charge any handling fees from the middle, but just provide them with an opportunity to be hired to work in the factory."

"This can at least temporarily solve the employment and survival problems of more than 4000 people."

Levi spoke his mind.Victor couldn't help but frown:

"But in this way, the improvement of the living conditions of the bonded workers is limited, right?"

Yes, after the leader came, the bonded workers were free.

But free people also have to eat.

And these private workers happened to be black households without legal status in Picheng.

After they were free, they had no food to eat, so they could only work in factories?

The factory where the workers are brought in is not the factory managed and transformed by the leader, but the factory owned by the private entrepreneur in Piltover.

Their treatment in those private factories is not much better than that of pigs.

According to Li Wei's method, the life of the bonded workers is compared to before, that is, they no longer need to hand over their income to the Iron Fist Gang.

But their income is still very meager, and life will still be very difficult.

"We can come forward and try our best to fight for the treatment from the manufacturers."

"But" all the leaders can do at present is to "strive for it as much as possible".

In order not to attract the attention of the Piltover Council, Li Wei could not use force to coerce those business owners to make greater concessions.

At most, the method of "non-violent non-cooperation" is adopted, and the leader's force is used as a deterrent to make business owners stop beating, scolding and abusing bonded workers, and force them to pay a little more salary.

"In a short period of time, we really can't provide better employment opportunities and better treatment for bonded workers."

"I can't help it." Li Wei still made this difficult decision.

Victor and others reluctantly agreed.

But Erwin felt that what he had done was not enough:
"Only introduce jobs, no commission. You are equivalent to serving as a labor intermediary for those bonded workers for free, and you won't earn a dime."

"Although it has the effect of relieving employment pressure and financial pressure, don't forget that we are taking over an entire Zaun community, and there are still many places to spend money."

"Then what do you mean?" Li Wei didn't know what the old business owner was talking about.

Sure enough, I only heard Erwin say: "Salary cut!"

There is also a reason for him to say this: "You and Victor slapped their heads and made random decisions before, and gave the apprentices in the Hex Audio Workshop ten times the salary in one go."

"We can hold on now, but what about after that?"

"If the Hex Audio Workshop is to expand its production to 1000 people in the future, will the apprentices we recruit later have to be paid such a high salary?"

"Have you calculated the accounts, what a high cost of employment this is?"

The cost of employment is still a small matter.

The point is: "You give the apprentices of the Hex Audio Workshop such a high salary, but you make more than 4000 bonded workers live a bad life that is not much better than the original one."

"Isn't this equivalent to artificially creating a group of 'nobles' among the workers?"

Do not suffer from widowhood but suffer from inequity.

The 148 apprentices in the sound workshop have already received a salary equivalent to that of the locals in Piltover.

However, the newly liberated more than 4000 bonded workers can only live a life that is slightly worse than that of ordinary apprentices.

If the two sides look up and see each other, sooner or later there will be disagreements.

"Either mention the welfare package together, or don't mention it at all."

"According to the current situation, it is equivalent to splitting into another twin city."

Erwin's words instantly awakened everyone.

"Indeed." Li Wei sighed deeply.

Only now did he understand what it meant to say that it is easy to conquer the country and difficult to sit on the country.

At first, he thought that when he came, Qingtian would be there.

But the reality told him that money will not fall from the sky, and the cake will not grow bigger by itself.

Even, because of destroying the black industry chain of the Iron Fist Gang, the "cake" that Li Wei took over has been made smaller.

No matter how fair he divided the cake, everyone would still be hungry together.

"Okay." Li Wei solemnly decided: "Salary reduction—but not only the apprentices, but also our leaders!"

"Including me, the salary will be paid according to one-third of the previous one. First suffer everyone, and I will bear the infamy!"

This decision did not arouse everyone's opposition.

Because the people sitting here are all Janna's devotees, they are pure idealists.

They are willing to work for nothing without a salary, let alone cut wages and benefits with the workers.

"But. It still doesn't seem to be enough." Erwin quickly calculated in his mind: "The Walkman project has not yet started to make a profit, and our money is almost exhausted."

"In order to get through this crisis, we must find ways to make money again, and get a quick sum of money."

"This..." Li Wei's head was as big as a bucket.

You don't really want him to rob a bank, do you?

"That." Finally, Levi looked at Caitlin with some embarrassment.

Caitlin is not yet a permanent member of the Leaders Association.

The reason why she appeared at this meeting is because she is the big financial backer of the current leader.

"Miss Caitlin, can your family provide more support?"

Caitlin was also very helpless: "Sorry, I really can't ask for more."

Her mother is not a wild monster that will automatically refresh, and a bag of gold coins will pop out every once in a while.

In Mrs. Gilaman's opinion, she had given her daughter enough money to "practice".

If this shrewd businesswoman found out that her daughter had given away the huge sum of money to Huo Huo in less than two weeks, she might not only not invest more, but would withdraw the capital decisively.

"However." Caitlin hesitated for a long time and said, "Besides my mother, there are still people who are willing to invest in us. She contacted me through my mother and hoped that I would convey her request for cooperation."

"Who?" Levi asked.

"Mel, Mel Myrdalda."

"Mydarda?" Everyone was very vigilant: "That member from Noxus?"

What does Piltover MP Investment Leader do?
That is their worst enemy!
"It doesn't matter that much." Li Wei didn't hesitate.

The leaders are almost crazy about poverty, and if someone wants to send money to their door, of course they can't stop them.

Whether it is fishy or smelly, it is meat in the mouth.

"How much does she want to invest?" Li Wei asked straight to the point.

"I don't know." Caitlin said hesitantly: "Member Mel has a request—"

"She wants to visit our territory and factory in person, and meet with you, Mr. Li Wei."

"The specific amount of investment will be discussed later."

(End of this chapter)

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