I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 111 About Qingdeng's encounter with the strange man in black at night【7200】

Chapter 111 About Qingdeng's encounter with the strange man in black at night【7200】

"Mr. Hijikata...!"

The girl in the kendo suit who was still full of heroism just now exuded an aura of "women don't let their eyebrows go", the next moment Hijikata pinned a peach blossom on her ear, she suddenly became quite a girl.

With a shy face, she became the third girl who threw herself into Tufang's arms tonight.

And Hijikata also hugged her tenderly - just like he hugged the first two girls just now.

Beside the window, Qingdeng is now dumbfounded...

"... How many partners does Hijikata-kun have?" He couldn't help asking Okita next to him.

After a moment of silence, Okita replied:
"...I don't know. I don't know how many girls Mr. Hijikata has an affair with."

"From time to time, there will be many new people that I have never seen before-for example, this girl in a kendo suit who is hugging Mr. Hijikata now is the first time I have seen it."

"He has this kind of relationship with so many women...isn't he afraid that someday, these girls will find out what he's doing?"

It was not Qingdeng who asked this question.

But Saito.

Saito, who is usually expressionless, showed a very rare expression of dumbfounded at this time, and took the initiative to ask people questions.

"Yes." Okita replied, "There has been such a thing before."

"Two girls who both have a special relationship with Mr. Hijikata visited Mr. Hijikata's house at the same time one morning."

"Mr. Tufang was not chopped into pieces on the spot?" Looking at the complete body of Tufang outside the window, Qingdeng blinked vigorously, his face full of astonishment.

"The two girls had a big fight with Mr. Hijikata on the spot. It is said that they were crying: 'Do you want this woman or me?'."

"Things look completely out of hand."

"But after that, Mr. Hijikata used some means to reconcile with these two girls."

"Not only reconciled with them, but also restored the ambiguous relationship with them."

"Ah, these two girls are the two girls that Mr. Tukata called Ajing and Axiang just now."

Qingdeng: "..."

Qingdeng, who is usually quite eloquent, doesn't know what to say at this moment...

No matter in the previous life or in the present life, this is the first time that Qingdeng has seen this kind of "Sea King" who can step on an unknown number of boats, and can also ensure that each boat will not capsize.

Does reality really exist?This kind of person who can have an affair with several girls at the same time, and can guarantee that he will not be hacked to death by these girls?
From a certain point of view, this is also a kind of talent.

And it's the kind of talent that ordinary people can't learn even if they want to - at least Qingdeng thinks he can't learn this kind of talent.

Qingdeng couldn't imagine what it would be like to be a "Sea King" who wouldn't be torn apart by girls like Tukata.

At this time, Hijikata finally let go of the girl in kendo suit in his arms.

After saying goodbye to the girl in kendo uniform, Hijikata did not immediately prepare to go back to the house like the previous two times.

Instead, he stayed outside the porch for a while.

After waiting for a while and confirming that there would be no more visitors, he folded his hands into his sleeves and returned to the house.

As soon as he returned to the room, he saw Qingdeng, Okita, and Saito who were still lying by the window.

"Mr. Hijikata..." Okita said helplessly, "Where did you hook up with that girl in kendo uniform just now?"

"I think she has the demeanor of a samurai girl. She can't..." Okita hesitated, "Which samurai's daughter is she?"

"Hooking up or something... It's really ugly. We are in love with each other." Hijikata shrugged, "The girl's name is Aya."

"She is indeed the daughter of a samurai. She is the second daughter of a certain banner in Hakomachi."

"Hamoto?!" Okita opened his eyes, "Mr. Hijikata, are you hooking up with Hamoto's second daughter?"

The eyes of Qingdeng and Saito couldn't help but widen at this moment.

Those samurai who directly belonged to the daimyo of a certain feudal country were called "vassals".

The samurai directly under the shogun, the direct ministers of the general army, are divided into two levels: Banner and royal family.

The difference between these two levels lies in whether you have "Royal Eyes".

Banner samurai rank higher than royal family samurai, and have the qualification of "gomemi", that is, they can directly meet the shogun.

The imperial family samurai had no way to directly meet the shogun.

The concentrics who serve the public in the Edo administration are basically lower-level imperial family members, and most of them are bannermen.

Qingdeng is the lower-level royal family, and Arima is the banner.

Generally speaking, warriors and civilians do not intermarry.

Basically, no samurai family would lower their family status and let their children intermarry with civilians.

No commoner would have the guts to wed a samurai, even if doing so would bring prosperity to their family.

Hijikata, a native of the peasantry, hooked up with the daughter of the samurai family... and she was also the daughter of Banner...

Even if it is the lowest-ranking Banner with the meager family salary and can't even afford food, it is still an imperial family, a direct minister of a general with "imperial sight", not something that ordinary people can climb up to.

Qingdeng didn't know whether to judge Tufang's bravery or recklessness...

"Mr. Hijikata, what are you doing?" After a long while, Okita regained his composure, "I forgot that you hooked up with the daughter of a feudal official of the Owari domain and the younger sister of a royal family last time, and you were almost caught by that Owari feudal clan. Did Zhang Fan and the royal family get hacked to death?"

So this is not the first time he has hooked up with a Wu family girl? !

Qingdeng, who had been showing a look of astonishment since just now, felt a little numb now...

"Don't worry, nothing will happen." Tufang stretched vigorously, and then said lightly, "I have learned the lesson from last time, and I know it well."

Let Qingdeng and Saito, two people whom I have only met today, witness the scene of him stepping on multiple boats - Hijikata does not seem to be ashamed or embarrassed by this.

As if... he was used to it, after stretching vigorously, he smiled at Qingdeng:

"Tachibana, how are you? Have you rested enough? Can you have a good discussion with me?"

No matter what, the relationship between Tufang and how many girls are unclear is Tufang's own private matter, and Qingdeng has no right to meddle in other people's private affairs.

What's more, he doesn't know Tufang very well now, and he only met him this morning, so Qingdeng is even less qualified to dictate his private affairs.

All Qingdeng can do to the earthwork who cast the net widely is to pray for his own blessing...

Having just watched a wonderful "big show", Qingdeng now feels that his stomach is not so full.

After stroking his belly, which was no longer full, Qingdeng nodded to Tufang.

"Ah, before going to the dojo..." Hijikata stretched his hand into his bosom, "Let's take out these flowers for now..."

Tufang grabbed a large handful of peach blossoms from his bosom, counted them carefully, and felt that there were at least 20 peach blossoms...



Tufang and Qingdeng came to the dojo of the test guard hall one after the other.

Okita, who had nothing to do, followed along, wanting to be a spectator to pass the time.

After simply exercising his muscles and bones, Tu moved away from Qingdeng.

"Come on!" Tufang raised his mouth and waved to Qingdeng.

Qingdeng, who also finished warming up, let out a long breath, and then punched Hijikata in the chest, launching the first attack first.

With a push with both palms, Tufang blocked Qingdeng's punch, and at the same time countered Qingdeng's blow with his backhand.

At dinner just now, the request made by the earth side to Qingdeng was to "use the trick he used to subdue him today again".

Since the earth made such a request, then Qingdeng did not refuse.

After dodging another right hook from Tufang, Qingdeng seized the opportunity to grab Tufang's right arm, and then used the grappling technique he used this morning to twist Tufang's right arm behind him, making him The earth side lost the ability to fight back again.

"So it's like this..." Hijikata turned his head, looked at his right arm that was twisted behind him, and muttered in a volume that only he could hear clearly, "Do you want to turn it from this direction and this angle..."

After mumbling, Tufang asked Qingdeng to let him go and compete with him again.

"Do you want me to use that trick again?" Qingdeng asked.

"No need." Tufang grinned, "From now on, you can fight casually."

Qing Deng nodded.

The two entangled together again, fisting and kicking.

——Does he... want to learn my moves?
At the dinner just now, he suddenly asked Qingdeng how he used the move that subdued him this morning, and at the same time asked Qingdeng to compete with him after the meal, and to use this move against him again...Qingdeng is the only one The reason why the earthworker did these things that can be thought of is that the earthworker wants to learn his technique of using this move.

Suddenly, just when Qingdeng was thinking about it, an unexpected surprise suddenly appeared that made Qingdeng unable to bear the surprise and his expression remained unchanged.

The punch he swung at the earth square was dodged by the earth square sideways.

And just when he was about to take back his fist that was swung out, Earth Fang's arms wrapped around his right arm like two agile poisonous snakes, and then he twisted his right arm behind him .

Although the technique is still quite rough... but it is undoubtedly the trick that Qing Deng used to subdue Hijikata this morning!

Qingdeng, whose expression changed slightly due to surprise, hastily used the technique of unloading force, broke free from the entanglement of the earthwork, resolved his rough grasping moves, and stepped back.

"Ah..." Tufang lowered his head and looked at the hands that were grasping vigorously, "This trick is much more difficult than I imagined..."

"...awesome." Qingdeng glanced at his right arm that was almost twisted behind by Tufang just now, and praised him sincerely, "After listening to me explain it once and experiencing this move twice, I will Can reproduce my move to this level..."

"Hahaha." Tufang smiled, "I have a pretty good mind, and I can learn things quickly—this is one of my only strengths."

Seeing Tufang who was humbled, Qingdeng smiled.

In this world, Qingdeng is probably the only one who knows why Hijikata has such a terrifying ability to learn—because he possesses a god-level talent called "Ghost Heart".

Through the discussion with Tufang just now, Qingdeng discovered that the innate effect of "ghost heart" is much stronger than he imagined.

Although his catching move is not a profound skill, it is not so easy to learn.

And it took him such a short time to reproduce his move in a decent way...

While being greatly moved by the strength of the "ghost heart", Qingdeng was also secretly excited and looking forward to it - he now possesses the same talent as Hijikata.

Qingdeng couldn't help thinking: Can this "ghost heart" and the effect of "sword talent" superimpose each other?
If the effects of these two talents can superimpose each other... then Qingdeng's current speed of practicing swordsmanship will be further improved!

Thinking of this, Qingdeng couldn't help but feel excited.

"Tachibana, shall we have another game?" At this time, Hijikata, who moved his shoulders and pulled back his stance, interrupted Qingdeng's thoughts, "If you don't understand thoroughly today that you have defeated me The trick...then I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep tonight."

Seeing Tufang who still wanted to continue to compete with him, Qingdeng was stunned for a moment, and then laughed heartily.

"Okay, come again!"

Qingdeng is in a good mood now.

Driven by this good mood, Qingdeng accepted almost without hesitation when faced with the invitation from the earthworker.

The two big men exchanged fists again...

Okita, who was sitting on the sidelines of the dojo watching the battle, was not particularly interested in boxing kung fu sparring. If he hadn't been idle and had nothing to do, he wouldn't have come here to watch.

After Qingdeng and Tukata fought again, Okita yawned vigorously, then sat cross-legged, with his left elbow resting on his left knee, his left palm resting on his face, and his right hand stretched behind his head, brushing the ponytail at the back of his head In front of him, he was bored playing with the ends of his braided hair...



The next morning, early in the morning—

"Young master, Mr. Saito, be careful on the road."

Kubei stood outside the entrance of the test hall as usual, bowing to see Qingdeng and Saito off, because Kondo and the others got up a little later today, so the people who came to see Qingdeng and Saito off this morning Only Kubei.

"Did you bring the bento and blanket?" Jiubingwei asked.

"Yeah." Qingdeng showed Jiubingwei the bento and blanket in his hand, "I brought them all."

Saito on the side also silently showed the bento and blanket in his hand to Kubei.

Compared with every morning when they went to "work" in the past, Qing and Zhai had one more thing on their hands - a thick blanket.

This blanket is what Qingdeng and the others are planning to use tonight.

Today, it was Qingdeng's turn to work the night shift at the Enforcement Office, and he had to stay in the Enforcement Office until dawn.

The weather is still very cold now, and it will be surprisingly cold at night. If you don't prepare a thick enough blanket, the night shift will be quite difficult tonight.

After confirming that both Qingdeng and Saito had brought everything, Kubei showed a relieved expression.

After Qingdeng reminded Jiubingwei, "Remember to remind his wife not to cook his and Saito's dinner tonight", he and Saito strode away under the watchful eyes of Jiubingwei.

Qingdeng was so familiar with the route from the Test Guard Hall to the Beifan Institute that he would leave even if he closed his eyes—however, something unexpected happened to this route that he had walked countless times.

"What's going on?" After reaching a certain intersection, Qingdeng suddenly found that the road ahead was blocked by a thick crowd.

He stretched his neck and took advantage of his height to look at the front of the crowd—it turned out that there was a huge team of horses and horses in front of him.

This should be the caravan of a wealthy businessman buying goods. Bullock carts and horse-drawn carts blocked the narrow road. Only on the far right side of the street was a small opening for two people to pass side by side.

So many people lined up in front of Qingdeng and the others, waiting to pass through this small opening... If you choose to take this small opening, you don't know when you will be able to pass through this street.

So Qingdeng thought for a moment and decided to take a detour.

He led Saito and turned onto a nearby street that was seldom traveled.

Just when Qing Deng was concentrating on his journey, suddenly—a beautiful female voice that he hadn't heard for some time came from behind him:
"Huh? Mr. Tangerine?"

Qingdeng, who was stunned, stopped and turned around.

"Miss Kinoshita?"

With a faint smile on his face, Kinoshita Mai kicked the red clogs on his feet, holding a wooden bowl with unknown content, and walked quickly to Qingdeng and Saito in three steps at a time. in front of.

She first bowed to Saito and said hello, then she focused all her eyes on Qingdeng.

"Jiang Jun, long time no see!" Kinoshita Mai's rosy cheeks showed more joyful smiles
Qingdeng hadn't seen Kinoshita Mai since the celebration banquet celebrating the victory over Little Chiba Sword Hall.

Looking at the girl who hadn't seen him for more than half a month and who was smiling happily, Qingdeng smiled slightly:
"Miss Kinoshita, long time no see. What a coincidence, I ran into you here."

While greeting Kinoshita Mai, Qingdeng thought to himself:

——Miss Kinoshita seems to be getting closer to me...

Qingdeng clearly felt that Kinoshita Wu's attitude towards him now was obviously much warmer than before.

Back in the day, when Qingdeng met this girl for the first time, she didn't even dare to look him straight in the face, and her volume was so low when she talked to him that she seemed to be reciting a spell.

But now, Kinoshita Mai can look directly at Qingdeng openly, and can also show a natural and bright smile to Qingdeng. When encountering Qingdeng on the street, she can take the initiative to stop him, greet him, and talk to him. It will not come as thin as a mosquito.

Qingdeng speculates that this is probably because since he got acquainted with Kinoshita Wu, he has frequently interacted with Kinoshita Wu in various ways.

Facing him as a big acquaintance, Kinoshita Mai will not be so restrained naturally.

As soon as Qingdeng finished speaking, Kinoshita Mai nodded vigorously.

"Hmm! What a coincidence! Mr. Ju, are you going to the execution office?"

"That's right." Qing Deng said with a wry smile, "In this special season, the previous vacation rule of 'do two days off and one day off' has been temporarily abolished. When you can take a vacation now, it all depends on luck."

"What about you? Ms. Kinoshita, are you...going to buy tofu?"

After Kinoshita Wu approached, Qingdeng saw that the wooden bowl she was holding contained two pieces of extremely fresh tofu.

"Hmm." Mai Kinoshita pecked her head obediently twice, "Mr. Kiryu promised me yesterday that he would make me my favorite tofu soup today."

"So I got up early today and went to the market to buy two pieces of the freshest tofu."

Hearing what Kinoshita Wu said, Qingdeng remembered: just opposite this street that he rarely comes to, there is a very popular vegetable market.

In this way, I can explain why I ran into Kinoshita Mai on the way to work today.

At this moment, Mai Kinoshita turned her gaze, looked at the blanket in Qingdeng and Saito's hands, and blinked suspiciously.

"Mr. Ju, why are you holding blankets in your hands?"

"Oh, this one..." Qingdeng raised the blanket in Yang's hand, and then explained to Kinoshita Wu that he was going to be on the night shift today.

"On the night shift..." Kinoshita Mai's eyes flashed with worry, "Will it be very hard?"

"Fortunately, it's not too hard. After all, I'm still young." Qingdeng replied in a half-joking tone, "Even if I don't sleep for a night or two, I won't have any serious health problems."

Qingdeng would also be happy to chat more with his friend whom he hasn't seen for a while.

But he is still rushing to work now, and he has no time to chat with Kinoshita Mai slowly.

So after chatting with Kinoshita Mai for a few more words, Qingdeng waved to her, telling her that he had to hurry up and go to the execution office now.

"Yeah." Kinoshita danced her right hand and waved goodbye to Qingdeng vigorously, "Mr. Ju, go to the execution office, I won't bother you anymore, see you later!"

Qingdeng also waved to Kinoshita Wu, said goodbye to Kinoshita Wu, and led Saito to speed up the pace to the execution office.



Today is a fairly peaceful day.

I didn't encounter any emergencies while patrolling the streets, and there were no emergencies that suddenly appeared.

Qingdeng ushered in today's night so peacefully.

After Edo entered a "state of emergency" due to the riots of "striders against barbarians", the South and North Enforcement Offices would leave two "Three Backs" Tongxin on night shift every night.

After today's night covered the sky, all the officials in the prison had left, and only Qingdeng and Tongxin, who was on night shift with him tonight, remained among the officials who remained in the prison.


After yesterday, Qingdeng once again formed a "partner" with Nishino.

The person on the night shift with Qingdeng today is none other than Nishino.

Just like Qingdeng brought Saito, Nishino also brought some of his subordinates, Oka Yinlai, to accompany him on duty.

In the hall on the first floor of the Beifan Office, Nishino, who was holding a lantern, said to Qingdeng lightly:

"Tachibana, let you take a nap first."

"I will be on duty in the first half of the night. It will be your turn in the second half of the night."

The reason why the Enforcement Institute designed the total number of people on the night shift to be two people every day is to make it easier for those on the night shift to take turns to rest.

Who will watch the first half of the night and who will watch the second half of the night - this kind of thing is not important at all, so Qing Deng nodded readily.

When Qingdeng hugged his blanket and was about to say goodbye to Nishino and find a comfortable place to take a nap with Saito, he suddenly heard Nishino yawn.


Because the yawn was really loud, Qingdeng couldn't help turning his head to look at Nishino behind him.

Only then did he realize—Nishino's face was heavy with fatigue.

There are conspicuous dark circles around the eye sockets.

Although Nishino tried to cheer himself up by blinking vigorously, his pupils still kept emitting a tired light.

Looking at Hui Nishino's exhausted appearance, Qingdeng couldn't help asking:

"Are you okay? You look tired."

"It's okay." Nishino replied quickly without thinking, "It's just that I have to track down Mao Xiaoseng recently and help fight against the mobs of the 'Billing Barbarians', so I just didn't get enough sleep. It's nothing serious."

It is very important to put down all kinds of turmoil caused by the "anti-barbarian sect"...but it is also very important to catch the cat monk who specializes in attacking black and evil people.

Therefore, under the instruction of Susui, Nishino continued to focus on the case of "Cat Monk" which he is currently in charge of.

However... Nishino is the "No. [-] master in solving crimes" of their Beifan Institute, so how could they simply "let go" of this precious combat power with both civil and military skills...

In the current situation where manpower is extremely scarce, Nishino will be pulled in from time to time to help deal with the "Big Barbarians"... For example, yesterday, he was pulled in to partner with Qingdeng to arrest Kin'emon.

While dealing with the big case of "Little Cat Monk", he also had to take into account the crusade against the "Dispossessing Barbarians"...Qingdeng couldn't help but feel a little sympathy for Xi Ye.

"...Why don't I keep watch until midnight? You go to rest for a while now."

"No need!" Nishino frowned slightly, "Have I already said that? I'm fine."

After all, Nishino didn't leave Qingdeng any room to refute, and just left with the lantern.

Since Nishino is so persistent...then Qingdeng doesn't have much to say.

He went to Saito, found a good place that would not be blown by the night wind, wrapped the blanket around his body, and fell asleep on the floor.

Under the blessing of the "God of Sleep", Qingdeng fell asleep as soon as he closed his eyes.



After falling asleep for about half an hour, Qing Deng was awakened by the urge to urinate.

He opened his eyes and looked around - Saito, who was sleeping next to him, was sleeping soundly.

Qing Deng was about to go to the bathroom, in order not to disturb Saito, he lightly lifted the blanket wrapped around his body.

His gentle movements were actually of no use at all.

Saito, who has a very high bodyguard quality, opened his eyes just as Qingdeng lifted the blanket and stood up.

"Why are you awake?" Saito asked.

"I want to go to the toilet."

"Do you need me to follow?"

"No need. The toilet is very close here, so you can continue to sleep."

Since Saito had already been woken up by him, Qingdeng didn't bother to tiptoe around anymore.

He grabbed his two sabers and hung them around his waist, yawning as he walked towards the toilet not far away.

Awakened abruptly by the urge to urinate—Qingdeng, who was still a little sleepy, felt his mind was a little muddled.

It doesn't feel like walking on a wooden corridor, but more like walking on soft clouds.

Qingdeng, who only wanted to quickly solve his physical problems and then go back to sleep, quickened his pace a little.

Turning a corner according to his memory, the toilet has appeared within his field of vision.

But, suddenly—


Qingdeng suddenly heard a very subtle footsteps behind him.

Qingdeng opened his eyes slightly.The next moment, he quickly turned his head and looked back.

The surrounding light is very dim...but Qingdeng has "cat's eyes" that can see clearly even in the dark.

As soon as his eyes turned to the back, he happened to catch a glimpse of a figure dressed in black from head to toe, flashing past the corner of the corridor behind him.

Dressed in black, running away in a hurry after Qingdeng found him... Qingdeng's drowsiness dissipated suddenly.

"There are thieves—!"

Qingdeng roared with all his strength, and then, holding the knife at his waist, he chased after the fleeing man in black.

Everyone, come and guess who the man in black is~
Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a recommendation ticket! 【Leopard Head Crying.jpg】

(End of this chapter)

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