I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 118 The Qingdeng Swordsman Group's First Formation! 【5200】

Chapter 118 The Qingdeng Swordsman Group's First Formation! 【5200】

Emergency summons?Lift holiday?Immediately return to the North Fansuo?

The sudden and dense amount of information made Qingdeng stunned for a moment.

After the momentary daze faded away, Qingdeng immediately nodded vigorously subconsciously: "I see, I'm going back to the Beifan Office now."

The conversation between Qingdeng and the young man was completely heard by Yongcang, Saito and others next to him.

Although they didn't quite understand what an "emergency summoning order" was, after they learned that the people who were on vacation were to be canceled immediately and returned to the station, they all instinctively felt: something must have happened!

Harada, who asked Qing Deng in a joking tone just now, "When will there be a big task", blinked vigorously a few times, and laughed a few times:
"It's not really a big task..."



Having to settle the bill for the sushi feast quickly, Qingdeng led Saito and the others and the young man who came to deliver the order hurried to the Beiban Office.

On the way back to Beifansuo, the young man explained to Qingdeng how he found Qingdeng.

He first went to Qingdeng's current residence: the Sanwei Hall.

According to the young man's description, the person who went out to entertain him was Okita.

Knowing from Okita that Qingdeng is not at home now, but has gone to Senjiya in Morning Glory Town, he rushed to Senshiya, but when he arrived at Senshiya, he passed Qingdeng again .

I had no choice but to ask again if he knew where Qingdeng had gone.

Boss Kiryu and Mai Kinoshita, who only knew that Qingdeng seemed to be inviting Yongcang and others to a sushi feast, could only tell the young man this only piece of information.

So, relying on this only piece of information, the young man kept asking passers-by "Have you ever seen a tall young man?" At the same time, he ran all over the sushi restaurants, looking for Qingdeng...

Fortunately, Qingdeng's 1 meter tall man is quite a prominent appearance feature in this era.

Fortunately, the young man asked a passerby who happened to pass by Qingdeng on the street and who could not give directions blindly, and finally managed to find Qingdeng.

The young man had suffered so much in order to find him. Feeling a little bit sorry, Qing Deng took out some copper coins and handed them to the young man, inviting the young man to drink some good tea or sweet water in the teahouse.

The young man accepted Qing Deng's reward with a happy face.

After a lot of rushing, the shadow of Beifansuo finally appeared within the field of vision of Qingdeng and others.

"Master Tachibana, Master Susui has ordered you to rush to his office as soon as you arrive at Beifan Office!" the young man reminded.

Qingdeng nodded vigorously.

After asking Yongcang and others to wait outside the enforcement office, he rushed straight into the Beifan Office and rushed to Susui's office.

Opening the door of Susui's office, the first thing that greets him is the strong smell of sweat.

As the temperature rises, the air in Beifan Station gradually has to smell better.

"Three times" with strength and concentricity, no matter whether you are on vacation today or not, it's all here.

"Ah, Tachibana!" Inotani, who was sitting in a corner of the room with Arima and Ushiyama, waved vigorously at Qingdeng, "This way, this way!"

Qingdeng walked to the side of the seniors and sat down in three steps at a time.

"Tachibana, you're in time." Inotani said with a smile, "If you don't come again, I will leave you and start the meeting."

"Master Arima, Mr. Inotani, Mr. Ushiyama, what happened?" Qingdeng asked, "Why did you call us all of a sudden?"

"I don't know either." Inotani shrugged, "I'm also at a loss right now. Arima-sama seems to know what happened, but Arima-sama refuses to say anything."

"It's not that I don't want to say it." Arima said in a deep voice, "I just think that after the meeting starts, you will know what happened, so I don't think there is any need to do it."

Qingdeng looked at the expressions of the other people in the room - Tongxin basically had a confused look on his face, while Yu Li had a solemn expression... Only Dongcheng was an exception.

Dong Cheng sat down with a calm face, his left hand was grabbing his huge belly, he raised his left hand after grabbing the belly, wiped his oily face, and then stuck the tail finger of his left hand into his nostril...

Since Arima said that he would know exactly what happened when the meeting started, Qingdeng could only wait quietly.

Because Qingdeng was late, he didn't wait too long, and saw Susui entering the room with his white and fat body.

Susui pursed his lips tightly and walked to the upper seat in the room without saying a word.

Without any pleasantries - he glanced at the people in the room, and after confirming that everyone was present, Susui directly started talking about why the "urgent summoning order" was suddenly issued.

His first words lifted the spirits of everyone in the room.

"Just this morning, we received information: the barbarian group intends to attack Ryogoku Hirokoji tonight to steal money from Ryogoku Hirokoro!"



This morning, an uninvited guest came to the Beifan Institute: a very young samurai.

The young samurai called himself Kosaburo Hirota, and he came to cast aside the darkness and turn to the light—he was a member of the anti-barbarian group. After learning about the operation that the anti-barbarian group was planning to launch tonight, he felt that it was too cruel and ridiculous. After a painful thought struggle, he finally decided to carry out the atrocities that the anti-barbarian group planned to launch tonight.

In the castle towns of the Edo period, in order to prevent fires, large roads with extremely wide streets were built at various important points.

This kind of main road for fire prevention is called "Hirokoji".

Because the streets of Hirokoji are very wide, Hirokoji is often developed into a commercial avenue with extremely developed businesses.

In Edo, there are 7 most famous and prosperous Hirokoji: Ryogoku Hirokoji, Jinbi Bridge Mimon Nei Hirokoji, Asakusa Mimon Nei Hirokoji, Yongdai Bridge East and West Hirokoji, Shinohashi West Fanghirokoji , Nakahashi Hirokoji, Yokkaichi Hirokoji.

In terms of prosperity and excitement, among the 7 Guangxiao Roads, the Guangxiao Road in Ryogoku is the most.

On both sides of the street, there are row upon row of merchants, many of whom are well-known and famous all over the country.

A large number of street performers on the street showed their special abilities and performed various wonderful performances for the passers-by.

To give an analogy... Ryogokuhiro Koji is the Champs Elysees in Edo.

In such a bustling street, the merchants on the street naturally store huge amounts of money.

The barbarian group is planning to attack this commercial avenue tonight, robbing the money of every merchant on Ryogoku Guangxiao Road, and using it as military expenses for fighting barbarians in the future!

After hearing that the barbarian team planned to carry out such a crazy plan tonight, everyone in the room... including Qing Deng, couldn't help but feel chills.

Directly robbing Ryogoku Hirokoji...it's crazy!
But such a crazy plan just happens to be like what these extremely radical-minded "people with lofty ideals" would do...

Hirota Kosaburo didn't learn about the crazy plan of the barbarian group until last night from a small leader in charge of him.

According to the little leader in charge of him, Hirota was sent to participate in the "logistics" of this plan.

After the comrades in charge of the "frontline combat" successfully completed the looting mission on Ryogoku Hirokoji, they "logistics" people were responsible for transporting away the money looted from Ryogoku Hirokoji in batches.

Hirota, whose thinking is not as radical as the rest of the group, thinks it is ridiculous to rob innocent people of their money for military expenses no matter how they think about it.

After a sleepless night, he thought hard all night, and finally decided to rush to the execution office to report the atrocities committed by the barbarian group at dawn.

Kosaburo Hirota said that his rank in the barbarian group is not high.

He didn't know anything about the fixed bases of the barbarian group, the residences of important personnel... these high-value information.

Usually, when any meeting is held under the order of the leader of the barbarian group, Kanno, the meeting will not be held at any fixed location.

The place where the meeting is held is either in a deserted wilderness, or in a deserted house where no one lives.

So, naturally, he didn't know any more details about this crazy plan.

I don't know where the barbarian group is planning to gather troops to attack Hirokoji of the two countries, how they plan to evacuate after the event is completed, and the specific attack time...


After quietly listening to Susui's statement, the room fell into a deathly silence.

Everyone with different expressions, you look at me, I look at you...

"...Master Feng Xing." A secretive Tongxin broke the silence of the room in a hesitant tone, "This Hirota Kosaburo... is he trustworthy?"

"You ask me this question, who am I to ask? That Hirota just came to my Beifan office this morning, how could I know everything about him!" Susui gave a slightly irritable look at Tongxin who asked this question.

"We will attack Hirokoji Ryogoku tonight...the time is too tight..." Nishino, who was sitting opposite Qingdeng, frowned, "I don't even have time to verify the authenticity of this information... !"

"Also, the information provided by Kosaburo Hirota is too little."

"Except for knowing that the barbarian group may attack Ryogoku Hirokoji tonight, I don't know any other information."

When saying this sentence, Nishino specially emphasized the tone of the word "possible".

"We cannot rule out the possibility that Kosaburo Hirota was sent by the Barbarians to convey false information to us."

"Deliberately give us false information to trick us into focusing our attention on the wide and small roads between the two countries."

"Actually, their target is not Ryogoku Koro, but somewhere else!"

Nishino's remarks made the atmosphere in the room even heavier...

At a time when information is extremely lacking and there is also a lack of time to verify the authenticity of the information, the information provided by Kosaburo Hirota... is really hard to believe.

Deliberately releasing false information can deceive the enemy and interfere with the enemy's judgment-this is a tried and tested strategy throughout the ages.

"Nishino-kun, how can I not know what you said?" Susukina sighed, "But I'd rather believe it than nothing."

"If the barbarian group really attacks Ryogoku Hirokoji...we cannot afford the consequences!"

"I have reported the matter to the veterans together with Hou Chuan."

"The veterans have issued strict orders to our Southern and Northern Fans: Do everything possible to prevent all atrocities that may be launched by the barbarian group."

Speaking of this, Susukino sighed.

"We can't believe everything...but we can't completely ignore the information provided by Kosaburo Hirota."

"So, Hou Chuan and I decided after discussion - we will cooperate with the Nanfan Office tonight and divide our troops into two groups!"

Thusui's face was stern, and his voice raised.

"The 'Three Backs' of the Nanfan Office are in charge of guarding Ryogoku Hiroko Road tonight! Prevent the barbarian group from really launching an attack on Ryogoku Hiroko Road!"

"And the 'Three Returns' of our Beifan Office are stationed in various places in Edo, and are responsible for monitoring various areas of Edo. Beware that 'attacking Ryogoku Hirokoji' is just a tactic deliberately released by the Kobari group!"

After finishing speaking, Susui picked up a large rolled-up paper placed beside him, got up and left his seat, walked quickly to the center of the room, and put the rolled-up large paper on the tatami mat in the middle of the room. shop.

This large rolled up paper turned out to be a map of Edo.

"This is the defense map for tonight that I drew together with everyone and power this morning!" Susukei said loudly, "On this map, everyone's respective defense zone for tonight is marked!"

The people sitting on the left and right sides of the room moved closer one after another.

Qingdeng quickly scanned the map, and quickly found his name - his name was marked in the northwest corner of the map.

"The content of your mission tonight is quite simple - keep an eye on the defense zone you are responsible for! Once you find traces of the extermination team in the defense zone you are responsible for, report it immediately!"

Having said that, Susui paused, raised his gaze, and scanned the faces of the people around him.

I saw that the vast majority of people... now looked like they hadn't recovered from their sleep.

It is not difficult for them to show such appearance.

After all, before the start of this emergency meeting, they were either on vacation, or they were dealing with today's work step by step.

They were suddenly told that an extremely important operation was going to take place tonight... Without any corresponding psychological preparations, they all showed uncontrollably dazed and unbelievable expressions.

Susui, who had a full view of the changes in the expressions of his subordinates at this time, sighed heavily.

"...I know that this mission came very suddenly and urgently." Susui's voice was slightly tired, "but we can only bite the bullet."

"The Nanfan Station, which is in charge of guarding Guangxiao Road in Ryogoku tonight, has a heavy burden on their shoulders...the burden on our Beifan Station is also heavy."

"If the real target of the barbarian group is really elsewhere, the 'looting of Ryogoku Hirokoji' is just a fake news deliberately released by the barbarian group to distract our combat power and attention... Can we successfully detect, Finding the real attack target of the Barbarian Group depends on whether we, who are in charge of defending all parts of Edo, can do our best!"

"If the information we have received so far is all false information, the barbarian group has no plan to launch any action tonight, or the barbarian group has retreated before the battle, knowing that our enforcement office has prepared to meet them tonight After the preparations, I was timid and canceled tonight's plan, and Edo can be calm tonight, which is naturally the best."

"But we can't take it for granted. We have to prepare for the worst in everything."

"It's no surprise no matter what these lunatics do."

Susui raised his solemn gaze.

He said word by word in an undeniable tone:
"Tonight, everyone must be absent!"

"And... everyone is ready to fight tonight!"



That evening——

Whenever there is a big task or operation that requires real swords and guns with the enemy, the enforcement office will distribute life-saving chain mail, cage hands and other protective equipment to those involved in the operation.

The Beifan Office was set as the general base of this big operation tonight.

At this moment, the "Three Backs" from the Southern and Northern Institutes gathered in a certain room in the Northern Institute, each with their own armor.

Noisy, one after another.


"The armor is here! Come and get the armor!"

"Don't squeeze! Don't squeeze! Line up for me!"

"Hey, my set of chain mail seems to be rusted, change it for me."

"There is no need to change it, just use it later."

"How can such life-saving armor be used as it is?! Get me a new set!"


"Oh, is this a chain mail? Tsk tsk tsk, my set is still brand new..." Harada looked curiously at the protective gear that was distributed to him just now.

Harada threw up his chain mail and caught it again: "Tsk, it's quite heavy."

"Okay, stop playing." Standing next to Harada, Qingdeng urged Harada not to play with the precious armor in a helpless tone, then turned to look at Saito, Yongcang and others beside him, "Take all the armor." Have you reached the armor?"

"Yeah!" Fujido nodded vigorously, "We got them all!"

"Check the protective equipment in each hand for any damage. If there is any damage, replace it immediately."

Qingdeng said seriously.

"These are life-saving gadgets, so don't be too sloppy."

"Hmm..." Harada scratched his head with his hands, and said with a naive smile, "Mr. Orange, this is the first time I've seen chain mail. What kind of chain mail is considered intact?"

"Mr. Orange... It's also the first time I've seen chain mail..." Fujido laughed awkwardly.

It's normal not to recognize chain mail, after all, only the government will always have such protective equipment as chain mail.

After waving to Harada and Fujido, who didn't know how to tell whether the chain mail was good or bad, Qingdeng patiently explained to them how to check whether the chain mail was damaged, and taught them how to wear it. protective gear.

With the help of Qingdeng, after putting on a series of armor such as chain mail, cage hands, and leggings, Harada raised his hand and patted his hard chest.

"Tsk tsk... I understand why all the generals in the Warring States Period were able to charge left and right on the battlefield, and they were able to ride like a thousand." Harada smiled innocently, "Wearing such hard protective gear, ordinary The sword of the sword can't break the defense at all, if it is me, I can be a thousand with one ride!"

After vigorously moving his shoulders and confirming that the protective gear on his body was not too tight or too loose, Harada turned his head expectantly and asked Qingdeng:
"Mr. Orange, what is our mission tonight?"

"We are going to monitor the anti-barbarian team in the area we are in charge of tonight..."

Qingdeng's explanation just started, Harada frowned, raised his hand to support his head: "Forget it, forget it, Mr. Ju, stop talking."

"I don't like to use my brain. These complicated tasks make me feel dizzy."

"Anyway, just follow you and follow your command!"

After all, Harada raised his spear, his face full of excitement and anticipation.

"Haha! I didn't expect that I would be able to participate in such a big task just after joining your command today!"

"Mr. Orange, when will we officially start the mission? I can't wait!"

happy Birthday to me!

Today is the author's 23rd birthday!clap clap clap clap clap (applause)

In a blink of an eye, I am 23 years old, so fast.

It’s the annual birthday, the author has nothing to ask for, I just hope that everyone can vote more monthly tickets for this book today, and allow me to ask for a day off tomorrow (Leopard Head Crying.jpg)

As early as yesterday, the author was celebrating his birthday with his friends, so today's updates will be less. I probably don't have much time to write today, so there will probably be no updates tomorrow.

Please allow me to ask for a day off tomorrow and have a good birthday today! (Leopard Head Cries.JPG)

(End of this chapter)

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