I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 12 Okita Souji and Duplicating Talent: 【The Talent of the Sword】

Chapter 12 Okita Souji and Duplicating Talent: 【The Talent of the Sword】

Slender eyelashes, big and bright eyes, delicate nose and mouth, red and small lips, any one of the facial features is impeccable when taken alone, and it looks even more perfect when combined.

His fine and fair skin made his jet-black hair even more beautiful.

There is no such ugly and explosive hairstyle as Yuedai head.The soft blue silk was tied directly behind the head with a purple ribbon into a high ponytail that hung down to the neck, and left some hair on the forehead that hung naturally on the forehead.

He is quite young. According to Qingdeng's visual estimation, this beautiful boy is only about 16 or 7 years old.

He is slender and short, and his height may be only 1 meters according to visual inspection.

Qing Deng felt that it was difficult for him to use precise words to describe the appearance of this beautiful boy in front of him.

To describe it in simple and vulgar language... the beauty of this beautiful boy belongs to the level that makes straight men of steel think: "It doesn't matter if he is a man".

If it wasn't because he was wearing men's clothing, Qingdeng felt that he would have mistaken him for a cute girl.

Qingdeng felt that if this beautiful boy were to dress up in women's clothes, countless men would be willing to be his licking dogs.

Of course—it wasn't just his beauty that shocked Qingdeng.

At this very moment, this beautiful young man was holding a bamboo sword, concentrating on the air in front of him, practicing his sword skills one after another.

Qingdeng doesn't understand swords.

"Yuan Juqingdeng", who is not interested in swordsmanship, does not have much memory related to swordsmanship.

However, although Qingdeng doesn't know swords, Qingdeng knows unarmed combat techniques such as grappling and free fighting, as well as the baton technique he learned in the police academy.

And these skills, like fencing, are martial arts with the ultimate goal of "subduing and knocking down the opponent", and they are common in many aspects such as footwork and stance.

Therefore—thanks to his attainments in hand-to-hand combat and baton techniques, Qingdeng was able to see that the combo of sword skills this beautiful boy was using was not just for fun or just for fun. The "elderly swordsmanship" used for fitness.

There are almost no redundant movements, and every movement of hands and feet is concise and efficient.

Qingdeng couldn't help but become a little fascinated by the beautiful boy's exquisite sword skills.

But before he had time to take a few more glances, he saw that the beautiful young man finally stopped his sword-wielding hand because he spotted Qingdeng and Kondo standing at the entrance of the dojo, turned his little head, and looked towards Kondo who was standing Qingdeng beside him casts curious and puzzled eyes.

And Kondo, who had been standing outside the door of the dojo for fear of disturbing him just now, led Qing Deng to the dojo at once.

"Director, come here. Let me introduce you."

Holding the bamboo sword, the general manager walked up to Kondo and Qingdeng in a "pat-pat-patta" way with his little feet.

"This is Ju Qingdeng, who intends to come to our apprenticeship hall to learn swordsmanship! For some reason, I decided to make an exception and allow him to directly enter today. After the master comes back, I will make up for the apprenticeship ceremony!"

After briefly introducing the situation of Xia Qingdeng to the beautiful boy, the beautiful boy showed understanding, then immediately stood up straight, and respectfully bowed to Qingdeng.

"Meet you for the first time! I'm the chief commander, Shimo Okita! I'm an apprentice in this testing hall, welcome to the testing hall!"

Not only does he have a good-looking face, but his voice is also very pleasant, with a neutral tone, neither rough nor feminine.

"Nice meeting." Qingdeng returned the gift, "I'm Ju Qingdeng."

——Shoji Okita...

Qingdeng chewed the name silently in his heart.

He vaguely felt that this name was familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere.

But after thinking about it for a long time and not remembering when he heard the name, Qingdeng simply stopped thinking about it.

——Such a slender arm can swing the bamboo sword so steadily
Qingdeng couldn't help but glance at Okita's slender wrist a few more times.

Due to the limited level of swordsmanship, Qingdeng couldn't judge what level Okita's swordsmanship level is based on the series of swordsmanship that Okita practiced against the air just now.

But he could roughly predict that the level of swordsmanship of this beautiful boy would not be too bad.

It's just because this beautiful young man can swing the thick and long bamboo sword steadily, accurately and fiercely.

Swinging the bamboo sword firmly and fiercely - this kind of thing sounds easy, but it is difficult to do.

It is really hard to imagine that with such a slender body, he can swing the bamboo sword so smoothly and powerfully
——This person is really amazing...

Qingdeng silently added this emotion in his heart.



The tuition fee of the test health hall is exactly the same as what Kiryu said, 3 silver coins per month.

Because he was already mentally prepared to lose money, Qingdeng handed over the money very readily.

Afterwards, Kondo brought a large book that he said was recording apprentice information, and asked Qingdeng to fill in it.

There is not much information to fill in, just write basic information such as name, age, and address.

Qingdeng lay on the floor of the dojo, filling in his information in the notebook.

After closing the notebook filled with Qingdeng's information and pinching it under his arm, Kondo laughed enthusiastically:

"Mr. Ju! When the master comes back in the future, after you make up the apprenticeship ceremony to the master, you will be an official disciple of my guard hall!"

"It's still early today, it's not yet four o'clock in the morning (10 o'clock in the morning), how about it? Do you want to start the practice of natural flow of mind today?"

"Of course!" Qingdeng said.

——I came here just to learn swordsmanship and fight with people as soon as possible.

Qingdeng quietly added this sentence in his heart.

"Okay!" Kondo slapped his thigh, "I just like people with high spirits like you!"

"Wait a minute. I'll find a new set of protective gear for you."

After leaving these words, Kondo walked out of the dojo with the "apprentice information book" in his arms.

After Kondo left, only Qingdeng and Okita remained in the dojo.

Just now, Okita has been sitting quietly beside Kondo, without saying a word.

It wasn't until after Kondo left that I heard Okita say the second sentence to Qingdeng since the two met, except for self-introduction:

"Welcome to the testing hall!"

Okita smiled brightly at Aidou.

Most people, when they smile, their smiles are not good-looking because of various reasons such as the creases on the face are crowded together, the teeth are ugly, etc.

But there are also very few people who have very beautiful smiling faces and have a unique charm when they smile.

The Director Okita in front of him happens to belong to this type of person.

Okita's smiling face made Qingdeng think of the warm spring sun.

"We finally have a newcomer in the guard hall."

Okita, who had been kneeling on the ground respectfully just now, now changed his sitting position to sitting cross-legged.

"I almost forgot when was the last time a newcomer joined our 'Taro Dojo'."

"'Taro Dojo'?" Qing Deng wondered.

"Huh? Don't you know the nickname of our test hall?"

Okita raised his pretty eyebrows, then said slowly in a self-deprecating tone.

"It all starts with the school we teach—the natural flow of mind."

"Our natural spiritual flow is widely spread in the Tama area in the north of Edo, and many disciples are farmers in the Tama area."

[Note: Commoners in the Edo period could go to the sword hall to learn swords, but they did not have the right to wear swords]

"Therefore, many boring people ridiculed our natural mind flow as 'peasant swordsmanship', and then ridiculed our testing hall as a 'taro dojo' for teaching 'peasant swordsmanship'."

In the Edo period, the term "taro" was often used to ridicule others for being poor.

For example, in this era, there is a very common term used to mock samurai: "taro samurai". When this word is used to refer to a samurai, it is to mock his poverty.

And "taro dojo" means poor dojo.

——So this dojo has such a nickname... I haven't heard Kiryu-san mention this to me...

After Qingdeng thought secretly, he changed into a smiling face:
"I just saw the series of sword skills you practiced, are those all the moves of the natural heart flow?"

"Oh? You have seen my practice just now, that's right! The sword skills I practiced just now are exactly the tricks of the natural flow of mind!"

"In this way, those who ridicule your museum's natural flow of mind as 'peasant swordsmanship' are either echoing the rumors, or they have no vision."

Qingdeng said in a firm tone.

"If the schools with so many powerful sword skills are all 'peasant swordsmanship', then there are few schools in this world that are not 'peasant swordsmanship'."

"Oh!" Okita's eyes lit up, and then he showed a happy smile, "It's been a long time since anyone praised our natural flow of emotion!"

"You're right! If our natural mental flow is 'peasant swordsmanship', then there are not a few schools left in this world that are not 'peasant swordsmanship'!"

Having said that, Okita paused.

"You can actually see the value of our natural mind flow, have you learned swordsmanship before?"

"I only know a little bit about swordsmanship." Qingdeng shook his head honestly, "I'm only good at hand-to-hand combat and batons... Ah, no, ten operations. So I can vaguely see the extraordinaryness of your school."

"Unarmed combat and ten surgeries?" Okita was taken aback, then quickly sized Qingdeng up and down several times, and finally focused on the seal cage on Qingdeng's right waist, "So you are an official of the execution office!"

——You just found out...

After smiling inwardly, Qingdeng said:

"Well, Tongxin in the town of Shimobeiban."

"Oh! Dingchohui? Is it Dingchohui, one of the 'three chapters'?" Okita's eyes lit up again, "No wonder he is good at hand-to-hand combat and ten operations."

After all, Okita, whose eyes were shining with excitement, said slowly in a tone of anticipation, cautiously:
"Then, that...can you show me your seal cage?"

"Huh? Of course."

Although he was puzzled as to why Okita would be interested in his seal cage, Qingdeng still swiftly removed the delicate seal cage that was hanging on his right waist that only an official like him would have. , and handed it to Okita.

Okita carefully held Qingdeng's seal cage in his hand as if he was holding something fragile, and carefully looked at it over and over again.

"Are you interested in the seal cage of the monastery?" Qingdeng asked curiously.

"No, I'm very interested in the 'three times' of the enforcing office." Okita, who looked at Qingdeng's seal cage carefully, returned the seal cage to Qingdeng with a gesture of reluctance, "I was a child when I was a child. Since then, I have been looking forward to the 'three times' warriors in the execution institute."

"I think they are amazing. They have been running and working hard to maintain the law and order of the city."

"If there is a chance in the future, I also want to join the 'Three Times'! To protect the common people, and kill those small and evil thieves!"

After saying that, Okita, with a firm expression on his face, raised his hand and patted his flat chest vigorously.

"Running around to protect the people...it's exhausting." Qingdeng responded in a half-joking tone.

"If I can kill Xiaoxiao and protect the common people, even if I suffer a little, I think it will be worth it." After finishing speaking, Okita once again showed a bright smile to Qingdeng.

Okita seemed to be particularly interested in Qingdeng's identity as a "policeman", only to hear him follow up and ask Qingdeng:

"I've always been interested in the 'rope catching technique' circulated in 'Three Backs'!"

As Okita said, he swung his arms in a weird way as if he was doing it.

"I once had the good fortune to watch a certain Samurai of the 'Three Times' catch a thief in the street using rope-catching."

"The thief came over with a punch, and the 'three-time' samurai raised his hand and grabbed the fist of the thief, and then twisted the thief's hands back with a 'swish swish', and used the rope to catch the thief. His hands are bound."

"It's really amazing, it can tie people's hands at such a fast speed."

Rope catching - a technique of quickly tying up thieves with a rope that was passed down from generation to generation in the government of the Edo period.

This can be regarded as one of the compulsory skills of the "three times" samurai who are responsible for maintaining law and order.

"Original Ju Qingdeng" was quite good at rope catching, so after inheriting his memory, Qingdeng was good at hand-to-hand combat.

"I've always wanted to find a chance to ask you—how did you instantly bind the person who was punching at you the last moment?"

After asking, Okita blinked curiously.

"Ah, this...how should I put it..." Qingdeng raised his hand and touched his chin, "I can't explain it clearly just by talking like this."

"How about this—you punch me and attack me, and I'll show you how we tied up the person who was attacking us in one breath."

Standing up, Qingdeng took out a cuff from his bosom.

[Note: Sleeves: The two sleeves of the Japanese kimono are very wide, and such wide sleeves are very inconvenient no matter what you do.Therefore, before working, people often tie up the sleeves on both sides of the kimono with cuffs.The cuff belt became one of the items that people in the Edo period always had on their bodies when they went out.]

Seeing that Qingdeng said that he would actually demonstrate, the look of anticipation in Okita's eyes grew a little bit stronger.

"Is it okay if I just punch him directly?" Okita stood up straight.

"Well, just call over here." After saying this, Qingdeng changed into a half-joking tone, "but don't hit too hard, my level of rope catching skills is not very high, if you hit too much If it's too aggressive, I might not be able to take it."

"Then... I'll try to pretend to be a weak old woman!" Chong Tian grinned.

"You don't have to pretend to be too weak. Well, you can fight here."

"Okay! Then—here I come!"

Okita took a deep breath, and then punched Qing Deng's chest with a slightly lighter straight right fist.

Qingdeng did not launch a counterattack against Okita immediately, but took a step to the side first, dodging Okita's attack.

He is waiting.

Waiting for the best opportunity to tie Okita firmly in one breath.

Seeing that the blow was missed, Okita hurriedly withdrew the fist he had struck just now, and then punched Qingdeng again, but was dodged by Qingdeng again.

According to Okita's actions, it is not difficult to see that he is completely playful.The fist didn't do its best at all.

But I don't know if it's because he has learned swordsmanship, Okita's stance and attack angle are very good, and Qing Deng can't find the best time to counterattack for a while.

It wasn't until Okita threw his fifth punch that Qingdeng finally had the best chance to counterattack——

When Okita's small fist was about to imprint on Qingdeng's chest, Qingdeng quickly dodged to the side following the rope-catching technique that "Hara Tachibana Kiyoto" remembered.Immediately afterwards, he swung his right fist and his left hand behind Okita, and quickly tied Okita's hands firmly with the cuffs.

how?How does it feel to be arrested by the "three times" samurai—— Aoto wanted to say this to Okita in a joking tone.

But just when he opened his mouth, the system sounds in his head made Qingdeng stunned on the spot as if struck by lightning.

【Ding!Scan to talent]

[Successfully copied the talent: "The Talent of the Sword"]

[Talent introduction: The increase in swordsmanship talent is 50 times the average level of ordinary people]

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(End of this chapter)

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