I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 123 Qingdeng vs Shenye!Copy Talent【Hair】

Chapter 123 Qingdeng vs Shenye!Copy Talent【Hair】

——Katsu Rintaro?
After discovering that the middle-aged man he rescued in time was actually the Katsu Rintaro he met on the street at noon, Qingdeng's expression couldn't help changing slightly.

In just one day, I ran into this Katsu Rintaro twice. It is really destined... Although the timing and occasion of this second encounter are a little subtle.

There is no time to look at this old man now——Qingdeng quickly withdrew his mind from Katsu Rintaro's body, then shook his hand, and with a "clang" sounded, he parried Shenno's knife away.

At this time, Shenye had turned around from the shock of "there is an extra person in the window".

With a sullen face, he jumped back a few steps, widening the distance from Qingdeng.

And taking advantage of the gap when Kanno voluntarily retreated, Qingdeng floated down from the window sill, and jumped between Kanno and Katsu Rintaro.

"Finally climbed up..." Harada grunted and climbed in from another window next to him.

Saito, Yongcang, Fujido and the others also followed the window and jumped into the corridor one after another, standing behind Qingdeng.

Suddenly, a team of unknown identities appeared, and the members of the barbarian group were all taken aback.

They had already crossed the collapsed third "wall", and were about to chase down the "traitors" who had shrunk to the end of the corridor. They all stopped for the sake of caution, and then retreated a few steps like Kanno did. , pulled out a safe distance from Qingdeng and the others.

Shenye first noticed the seal cage of the enforcing office on Qingdeng's right waist, and the ten hands with red tassels tied on it, and recognized these people as official servants of the enforcing office.

Immediately afterwards, he felt that Qing Deng's face looked familiar.

After briefly looking at Qingdeng's face for a while, Shenye's expression darkened:
"Orange green...?"

Kanno will never forget the face of the humiliation and humiliation that caused their Kobari group to suffer a disastrous defeat.

The man in front of him actually recognized him——Qingdeng didn't show any surprise at this.

After all, he is now considered a half-celebrity in Edo, and many townspeople recognize him when he walks on the road.

But what he heard next made Qingdeng raise his eyebrows.

He heard anxious footsteps and shouts from behind Kanno:
"Mr. Kanno! Mr. Kanno!"

A young samurai broke through the crowd and rushed to the rear of Kanno.

Qing Deng focused his gaze on Shen Ye.

Out of breath, the young samurai ran behind Kanno, and when he was about to say something to Kanno, he suddenly noticed Qingdeng and the others who were "confronting each other" with Kanno, their expressions froze, and they opened their mouths, looking like The appearance of "the words on the lips can't come out".

Although he became hesitant to speak, he finally bit the bullet and said to Kanno in frustration:

"Mr. Kanno... an official from the execution office is here."

"They all wear chain mail, caged hands and other armor, and they are all very skilled."

"We...can't stop them..."

"...You guys are really interesting." Kanno said with a blank expression, no sadness or joy, "The enemy came to me when they killed me, so they came to inform me: there is an enemy coming."

Hearing this, the young samurai lowered his head in shame.

In fact, we can't blame the "encirclement team" responsible for encircling the Fanshu Institute for not fulfilling their duties.

When Qingdeng and the others showed up, they all bravely rushed forward to fight with their knives in hand.

They just misjudged Qingdeng's equipment and strength level. They thought they could quickly eliminate this group of incoming enemies by relying on their superiority in numbers.

In less than 2 minutes, after a bloody battle, only half of the "encirclement team" with a total number of more than [-] people remained.

It wasn't until this time that they realized that Qingdeng and the others were not easy targets for them to deal with, so they decided to report the matter to Shen Ye and ask for reinforcements.

But it was too late.

The encirclement net enclosing Qingdeng and others became extremely thin due to the reduction in the number of people.

The "encirclement team" who had lost their superiority in numbers and morale was no longer a big threat to them—after making such a judgment, Qingdeng simply decided to forcibly break through their blockade, throw off their blockade, and rush forward now On the top floor, there are still screaming and killing sounds of the Tibetan script transfer office.

In order to save the time for climbing the stairs, Qingdeng and the others directly climbed the stairs. The height of each floor of the Fanshu Institute is less than 2 meters, and there are windowsills and other things for grasping and standing on, so it is not difficult to climb. .

In this way, Qingdeng quickly climbed to the top of the floor, appeared from the window in time, and rescued Katsu Rintaro who was almost killed.

"Okay." Shen Ye said coldly to the young samurai, "Get lost."

"...Kano..." Qingdeng chewed the surname "Kano" lightly, "Are you the leader of the barbarian group: Tatsugoro Kanno?"

The name of the leader of the barbarian group is Kanno Tatsugoro—this is one of the few and only known pieces of information related to Feng Xing.

"That's right." Kano admitted generously, "This should be the first official meeting between the two of us, Ju Qingdeng."

Kanno bit down the pronunciation of Qingdeng's name extremely hard.

"You bastard...you really love to fight against us."

"Two months ago, it was you who caused us to suffer unprecedented humiliation."

"And now, you suddenly appeared in front of us to hinder us."

"Did you say the opposite?" Qingdeng said lightly, "It's because you really love to oppose me, right?"

"It was you who sent people to assassinate me over and over again with the absurd reason of 'you used to work in the US embassy for a while, so you are a criminal national thief'."

"A fire burned my home behind."

"Everything I did to you before was purely for self-protection."

"Hmph." Shenye snorted coldly, "You are quite eloquent."

"Never mind!"

Kano's expression gradually became ferocious.

"It doesn't matter if you pop up out of nowhere, I'll kill you, a hateful fellow, tonight!"

"Sawai, Yushima..."

Kanno called out a few names.

"Follow me! Kill them!"

With the sword in hand, Shenye took the lead!
The corridor that had finally become quieter suddenly became noisy again.

Kanno's goal was quite clear - he rushed straight to Qingdeng!
He quickly switched the saber in his hand to the upper stance, and with the momentum of the forward charge, he swung the saber towards Qingdeng's forehead as if he wanted to chop the opponent into pieces in an instant.

When Shenye rushed towards him, Qingdeng's eyes narrowed, he spread his feet, held the knife in both hands, and raised Ding Guishen horizontally above his head.

The bluish-white flames burst into the air, and there was also the shrill sound of sharp metal colliding with each other.

Shenye's saber and Qingdeng's Dingguishen collided heavily.

Saito, who was standing behind Qingdeng on the left, stepped forward at this moment, wanting to support Qingdeng.

But Kanno's companions are not decorations.

Kanno's confidant - the one-armed samurai yelled, raised his sword and charged at Saito, blocking Saito.

On the other side, Yongcang and others also faced the same situation. They were all held back by the members of the barbarian team who accompanied Shenye to kill them.

It can be seen that the opponents this time are much stronger than the members of the "encirclement team" that Qingdeng and the others dealt with just now.

Shenye should have assigned a group of stronger people to attack the Tibetan Book Institute.

Although this corridor is not narrow, it is definitely not wide, and it cannot accommodate too many people fighting here.

Harada, who wields a spear, is now in a state of being blinded.

This kind of field is not empty, so that his strength cannot be fully utilized.

Noticing the limited width of the battlefield, Qingdeng shouted to Harada, who was unable to show his full strength, and Todo, who still had little actual combat experience:

"Harada! Fujido! You protect the people of the Bookstore and retreat to the end of the corridor!"

"Ah? Oh, good!" Harada's reaction was quick. Hearing Qingdeng's order, he responded "OK" almost without thinking, and then put the spear in his hand behind his back, freeing his left hand to pull He recalled Katsu Rintaro behind him.

"Hey, uncle, don't be dazed. Hurry up and retreat to the rear, it's a little dangerous to stay here."

It seems that Katsu Rintaro's mind has not yet escaped from the sense of astonishment of the rest of his life after the catastrophe. He stared at Qingdeng and the others with his eyes wide open and his mouth slightly open.

Fujido held the knife, froze in place, looked at Qingdeng, and then at Harada who had followed Qingdeng's order to retreat, with a hesitant expression on his face - he seemed to want to rush forward Go, help Qingdeng and the others.

Harada noticed that Todo did not retreat with him.

"...Todo, don't just stand there."

Harada, who always had a naive smile on his face, said to Fujido expressionlessly.

"You are Mr. Tachibana's Okabiki now, right? Follow the order."

Harada's words finally made Fujido make up his mind.

After hesitating for a while, Fujido finally stopped being frozen in place, and he and Harada backed to the end of the corridor to protect the people at the Fanshu Institute.

Soon, the facts proved that Qingdeng was right to leave only himself, Yongcang, and Saito to fight against Kanno and others head-on.

The width of the corridor was just enough to accommodate the three of Qingdeng and the others to swing their swords in a more comfortable space.

After a missed hit, Kanno quickly took a step back, and then switched to a mid-section stance with swift but graceful movements.

Seeing Kanno's graceful movement of holding the knife, Saito, who was being held back by the one-armed samurai, warned Qingdeng in a deep voice:
"Tachibana, this person uses Jingxin Zhiliu."

Jingxin Zhiliu - Hearing this word, Qingdeng narrowed his eyes slightly.

——It’s a well-deserved name... It really is a genre with quite elegant movements...

This was the first time that Qingdeng faced a swordsman who used Jingxin Zhiliu.

There are currently three major schools of swordsmanship in Japan: Beichen Yidao Style, Shinto Wunian Style, and Jingxin Zhizhi Style, each with its own characteristics.

Beichen's Yidao style focuses on "skill", Shinto's no-mind style focuses on "force", and Jingxinzhi's style focuses on "position".

Jingxin Zhiliu pursues the "position" of movement, that is, posture and form, and is a genre with quite elegant movements.

But this does not mean that Jingxin Zhiliu is just a useless show. If it is a useless show, then it will not be listed among the three major schools of swordsmanship in Japan.

Jingxin Zhiliu pays equal attention to artistry and practicality, and it has gained fame little by little by virtue of its sturdy record.

Yongcang and Saito, who were standing on the left and right sides of Qingdeng, were temporarily unable to spare Qingdeng to support him.

The people on the Barbarian group were not fools, and they also knew that this kind of field that was not considered open could not be swarmed up, so Shenye only called out the names of a few people just now, and only led the small number of elites to attack.

The strength of these people who were named by Shenye and followed him to attack is quite good.

The strength of the one-armed samurai who blocked Saito was not as strong as Saito's with the naked eye, but holding Saito was not a problem.

And Yongcang is now in the midst of a fierce battle with a strong man.

In other words, Qingdeng is now facing the same situation as in the "Snowy Night Chaos" two months ago - his companions were all dragged down, and he had to fight against the enemy general alone.

But because of the relevant experience, and since he has been through all kinds of heart-breaking events since time travel, Qingdeng's current state of mind has been greatly tempered... so facing the current situation that must be overcome. In the one-on-one situation with Kanno, he didn't feel panic or shrink back.

Shenye's strength is far higher than that of Qingdeng who has just learned swordsmanship for a few months. Through the knife that Shenye slashed at his head just now, Qingdeng has already felt that Shenno's strength is far superior to him.

So——Qingdeng's "Lonely Gallbladder" has entered the activation state as early as just now!
The heart is beating fast and the adrenaline is soaring.

Qingdeng leaned sideways and protruded his left shoulder calmly, and stood in the lower right position holding a sword, facing Kanno motionlessly.

It was Kanno who broke the deadlock first.

He saw the distance between him and Qingdeng, and stabbed Qingdeng's throat vigorously, his movements were full of the style of Jingxin Mingliu-elegant and full of murderousness at the same time.

The "Eagle Eye" with "enhanced dynamic vision" and the "See Through" with "a stronger sense of space" make Qingdeng quite good at dodging now.

Qingdeng took half a step back, calmly dodging Shenye's blow, and took advantage of the situation to slash at the neck of Shenye who had just stood still.

Qingdeng's strike was also full of murderous intent, if it wasn't because Shenye raised the blade in time to block Qingdeng's strike, then his head would definitely move.

Probably because he discovered that Qingdeng's strength was far stronger than he imagined, Shenye's pupils shrank slightly, then he let out a low drink, and pushed away Qingdeng's fixed spirit.

Take half a step back, adjust your posture, the middle section becomes the upper section, and the blade cuts from the top to Qingdeng's head.

Kanto kept in mind the information provided by the young samurai just now—Qingdeng and the others were wearing chain mail, so Shenno listed Qingdeng's head, neck, etc. as his main attack direction.

Raising his eyes to glance at the knife that was slashing from top to bottom, Qingdeng quickly adjusted his stance to the lower section, not to be outdone, with the blade facing upwards, and slashed out from bottom to top.

The blades of the two collided directly above Qingdeng's head, sparking sparks.

Qingdeng felt a little bit sorry for his new knife—after this battle, his ghost-fixing knife should be sent for repair.

This is also the fate of the knife.

The fate of the knife is to repeat the process of "cutting, sending for repair, cutting again, sending for repair".

The armor on Qingdeng played a big role, because there are too few positions for Shenno to attack effectively, and it is useless to cut Qingdeng's upper body, forearm and other positions, so Shenno's movements are a bit tricky, and there are many powerful moves Can't make it work.

However, despite the strength bonus of "Lonely Dan" and the protection of the armor on his body, Qingdeng still can't really compete with Kanno in general, and he and Kanno are currently only four or six.

But—even though he was obviously on the disadvantaged side, Qingdeng fought extraordinarily fiercely.

The natural Lixin flow is a forceful school that focuses on attacking. Only by attacking violently can the natural Lixin flow's proper power be brought into play.

Therefore, in order to maximize the advantages of the natural flow of mind, Qingdeng galloped forward like a raging wave, quickly slashed at ghosts and gods, and continued to launch fierce attacks on Shenye with one knife, one knife, and another knife.

His Dingguishen and Shenye's saber pulled out two beams of light, which collided one after another on the wooden corridor, sparks constantly splashing out, repeatedly illuminating the faces of Qingdeng and Shenno.

The two flickering lights of the knife... In comparison, the night wind that kept leaking in from the window next to it seemed a bit sluggish.

Kanno didn't know what kind of swordsmanship Qingdeng used, but he could tell that Qingdeng's swordsmanship was a school that focused on attacking.

Letting Qingdeng continue to attack like this will gradually allow Qingdeng to grasp the most comfortable fighting rhythm for him.

In order to disrupt Qingdeng's rhythm, Kanno began to actively launch a counterattack.

With a wrong footstep, the murderous intent was evident, and with a flash of the white blade, Shenye saw the gap between Qingdeng's attacks, and slashed obliquely towards Qingdeng's left thigh.

Qingdeng's pace slowed down by half a minute, and Shenye's blade pulled out a 4 cm long gash on his left leg. Fortunately, the wound was not deep. Although it was painful, it would not have a great impact on Qingdeng's display of strength.

Qingdeng didn't even look at his injured thigh, adjusted his posture and breathing, and then attacked Shenye again.

Although judging from the battle situation, it was Kanno who had the upper hand, but there was no relief or joy on his face.

——Look at me beheading you in one breath!
At the beginning of the battle, Kanno's expression implied such a meaning.

However, as the battle with Qingdeng continued, his eyes gradually filled with shock.

In the past two months or so, Shenye has carefully studied this opponent who caused a great loss to their barbarian group.

He earnestly asked the survivors of "Snowy Night Chaos" to find out about Qingdeng's strength.

According to his investigation, Qingdeng, who could barely win against Suehiro Moritoyo, should be far inferior to him!

But why is this Ju Qingdeng able to fight back and forth with him now, only slightly losing the upper hand? !
Although Qingdeng was able to fight him to four or six times, thanks to his armor, the strength Qingdeng showed far exceeded Kanno's expectations.

It's normal for Shenye to be shocked by Qingdeng's current strength. After all, who would have thought that Qingdeng's growth in strength could not be treated as a normal person?

"Sword of Talent" and "Ghost Heart" made Qingdeng's daily strength increase significantly.

In the past two months, a bunch of new talents such as "strong muscle", "cat turn around", "steel bone" and so on have also become Qingdeng's new help.

Compared with himself two months ago, Qingdeng's growth in strength can almost be described as "reborn".

However, in essence——compared with Qingdeng's current strength, the "speed of progress" he has shown now shocked Kanno even more.

——This guy is very good at using footwork to confuse the enemy...

——Then... I need to put more pressure on this guy's foot, and suppress his footsteps...

Qingdeng lowered the center of gravity a little lower, and at the same time lowered the blade a little lower.

"Swordsmanship talent increases 50 times that of ordinary people" [Sword Talent] and "Ghost Heart" which "increases the ability to understand knowledge and martial arts" is activated!

"Ghost Heart" lived up to Qingdeng's expectations.

After copying the "Demon Heart" from Hijikata Toshizo, after many practice sessions, Qingdeng discovered that the effects of the "Demon Heart" and "Sword Mastery" can be superimposed on each other!
After copying to "Ghost Heart", Qingdeng obviously felt that his swordsmanship training speed was faster.

When competing with others, "ghost heart" can also help him to understand and master the enemy's tactics, martial arts skills and counterattack methods to counter it faster!
After Qingdeng lowered the blade and the center of gravity of his body, and targeted Kanno's footwork, Kanno obviously felt that his movements were not so handy.

Kanno took half a step to the left with his left foot.

Qingdeng's white blade swung quickly across the floor as if being pulled by an invisible thread.

As soon as Shenye's foot stopped, Qingdeng's samadhi just stayed at the position he moved away from.

Qingdeng's ever-pressing blade forced Shenye to take half a step back with his right foot, preparing to slightly increase the distance between him and Qingdeng, but Dingguishen's blade followed his pace closely again and swung it.

That is to say, Qingdeng is more and more able to adapt to Kanno's attack rhythm, and has begun to keep up with Kanno's footwork, forcing Kanno's movements to become awkward.

This guy was able to make such significant progress in such a short period of time in battle!
Kanno, who had difficulty facing this fact, stared like copper bells.

He can't believe...

He knows that there are super geniuses in this world who are gifted and can make rapid progress while fighting against the enemy.

But he couldn't believe that the mortal enemy of their Koi group belonged to this kind of dragon among men...

The violent emotional fluctuations gradually cast a layer of impetuousness on Shenye's actions.

He gritted his teeth and launched a frenzied attack on Qingdeng, every hit contained a fierce murderous aura of "go to death".

Kanno shouldn't have swung his sword with emotion.

Swinging with emotion...will only give your opponent a chance!

I saw Shenye stepping forward and slashing Qingdeng's neck.

The knife swung out with anxiety... the angle was a little skewed!

Seeing this great opportunity, Qingdeng's eyes lit up, and he slammed Ding Guishen from bottom to top, the saber was unstoppable!
This swift and violent blow broke apart Shenye's knife that was slashing from top to bottom with a skewed angle, and then slashed straight at Shenno's face without losing momentum!
Kanno's pupils shrank suddenly, and he hurriedly turned his head to the side.


There was the sound of a small piece of flesh being cut open.

As if being bounced away, the two quickly staggered away.

Tick, tick...

A few drops of blood ran down Kano's cheek, down to his chin, and then dripped from his chin to the ground.

Shenye dodged in time just now, and successfully avoided Qingdeng's fatal blow, only allowing Dingguishen's blade to rub against the corner of his forehead, leaving a small wound 2 cm long.

He didn't suffer any serious injuries...but Kanye's expression at this time was as if he had been beheaded.

He squinted his eyes and looked at Qing Deng.

His expression was blank at first, and then this blankness quickly turned into anger, hatred, and... a touch of fear.

At this time, Yongcang defeated the strong man who had been wrestling with him just now.

With his violent sword skills, he chopped the strong man's head with one blow, and hurried towards Qingdeng, trying to help Qingdeng, but was stopped by a new member of the barbarian team who sprang out.

The barbarian group has many members, so they can start a wheel battle with Qingdeng and the others.

But they no longer have the opportunity and time to use wheel warfare.

A dwarf rushed out of the darkness behind Kanno in great haste:
"God, Mr. Kanno! No, it's not good! The large force of the prison is here! There are so many people! There are so many people!"

"Tsk!" Kano's expression changed suddenly.

"Is it finally here..." Qingdeng murmured softly.

He was actually injured by Qingdeng... Shenye really wanted to kill this hateful guy right now.

But his sanity has not completely collapsed.

The large force from the execution office has arrived...Kano can still tell which is the most urgent matter now.

"Sawai! You lead the people to stay behind!"

"Others evacuate with me!"

After the shout fell, Shenye voluntarily withdrew from the confrontation with Qingdeng, and led the large army to withdraw from this corridor.

Ten team members stayed behind to intercept Qingdeng and others.

【Ding!Scan to talent]

[Successfully copied talent: "Hair"]

[Talent introduction: Not easy to lose hair]

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 Compared with group battles, I am still better at writing one-on-one.

  Group battles are too difficult to write.Because there is no such thing as a battle where one fights ten in reality, it is difficult to make up.

(End of this chapter)

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