I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 134 Qingdeng vs Renzhan Group!Copy the talent [Fraud Master]! 【6800】

Chapter 134 Qingdeng vs Renzhan Group!Copy the talent [Fraud Master]! 【6800】

Is it good luck?After promising to help Kinoshita Mai to investigate the "Tsuji-Zan Incident", Qingdeng was already prepared for a protracted war.

After all, there are only two of them, and they don't have more manpower and resources to mobilize. They just rely on the method of "waiting on the sidelines" to wait for the suspect to show up.

But who knows—on the first night when he promised to help Kinoshita Mai, he ran into a very suspicious suspect...

Qingdeng sometimes feels that his luck is really mysterious.

Some very low probability things often happen to him suddenly.

Just over a month ago, after learning that the red-faced brothers fled from Kansai to Kanto, the Edo Executive Office held a meeting to remind the officials of the "three times" to pay attention to the pair of red-faced brothers when patrolling the streets in the future s meeting.

At this meeting, the presiding official from the Osaka Magistrate in Kansai had some important information specifically mentioning the red-faced brothers.

Qingdeng and Kinoshita Wu silently followed the red-faced brothers and their younger brothers, while silently recalling what he had heard at that meeting.

The brothers belonged to the toughest kind of criminals: random murderers.

Analyzing the various behaviors of the two brothers so far, it is not difficult to infer that the reason why the brothers killed indiscriminately is simply to want to kill.

Not for money or sex, nor for the gender and age of the person killed, as long as it is a human being.

The elder brother, Yoshikawa Ichitaro, is a reckless man who is good at wielding a big sword. He has brute force and no resourcefulness.

The younger brother Yoshikawa Kojiro is the opposite of his elder brother. His personal force is quite average, but his mind is quite good.

It is said that the younger brother Yoshikawa Kojiro is a very flexible and cunning person.

He can tell lies that are completely contrary to reality so sincerely that it is difficult to find any flaws.

A considerable part of the reason why the two brothers have not been arrested and brought to justice now is because of the resourceful younger brother Kojiro who "made suggestions" there. On the way from Kansai to Kanto, he came up with all kinds of damage tricks to avoid danger many times. For safety.

For example: when being chased by officials and there is no way to escape, they use extremely sincere and emotional lies to deceive kind-hearted civilians into lending them housing or meals.

In a word - a gang of vicious thugs.

In line with his current extremely light footsteps, Qingdeng also slowed down his breathing a lot.

There are no masonry roads in the Zeduo settlement area, it is all a pile of muddy ground, which absorbs Qingdeng's footsteps very well.

Qingdeng and Kinoxia Wu seemed to be dancing a grid, just like that, they kept flashing in the shadows of the houses everywhere, keeping a distance of about 7 or 8 meters from the red-faced brothers.

The red-faced brother and others who hadn't noticed that they were being followed for a long time, seemed to be looking for something, and tiptoed towards the deeper part of the Zeduo settlement, looking left and right.

What are they looking for - this question just popped up in Qingdeng's mind, when he suddenly saw the red-faced brother and others in front of him, he suddenly stopped in his tracks.

The red-faced brothers stopped, and Qingdeng and Kinoxia Wu also had to stop together, retracting their bodies behind a certain thatched hut, sticking out only half of their faces to observe the situation.

The red-faced brother and his younger brothers were all focused on a certain place in front of them.

Looking from Qingdeng and Kinoxia Mai's hiding places, they could just see what the red-faced brothers were looking at - they were all looking at a little girl who was curled up on the side of the street.

The little girl was about 14 years old, very thin, and the bones on her limbs seemed to be screwed up, and the screws were not very tight, as if her hands and feet would be separated from her torso at any time.

The clothes on her body were torn and old, covered with disgusting filth, and because the girl was so thin, wearing this rag-like clothes on the girl was like hanging on a dead branch. Made of coat hangers in general.

The girl hugged her legs tightly with her arms and was sleeping soundly on the dirty street.

Apart from this girl, there was no one else on the street.

After the red-faced brother and the others looked at the little girl carefully, you look at me, and I look at you.

Immediately afterwards...Qingdeng saw them all showing such grinning smiles that made people feel uncomfortable just looking at them.

Knife light flickered.

The eight samurai, headed by the red-faced brother, pulled out their sabers in a "gentle" motion that did not make a sound, and then walked towards the girl with the same "gentle" steps, twisting their feet and hands.

The girl who slept too soundly... her small chest was still rising and falling rhythmically.

Didn't realize that the danger was approaching!

Whether it's Qingdeng or Kinoshita Wu, the expressions of the two of them have changed suddenly.

Whoever it is, now they can see what the Red Face Brothers are trying to do!
The next moment when his pupils shrank slightly, Qingdeng reacted swiftly—with a concentrated expression, he put his right hand toward the orange juice on his left waist, and at the same time, his left foot stuck out behind the house where he was hiding.

Kinoshita Mai beside him moved a little faster than him.

"It's over!" Mai Kinoshita jumped out flexibly, and jumped to the center of the street facing the red-faced brother and others.

Kinoshita Mai's shout, like smashing a mirror, shattered the silence around her.

The red-faced brothers and their younger brothers were startled, then quickly followed the sound and looked at Kinoshita Mai standing behind them.

The girl who was awakened by Kinoshita Mai's shout opened her eyes blankly.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw the red-faced brother and others standing not far in front of her, swaying the sword in their hands.

The little blood on his face faded away from the fright, and while screaming in horror, he fled in a direction away from the red-faced brother and the others.

Kinoshita Mai's shout and the girl's scream completely shattered the surrounding silence.

Those who lived in the houses on both sides of this street, who were already sleeping soundly, were awakened by the sudden noise, and put their heads out of the window or the door in doubt to check what happened.

After catching sight of Qingdeng, the red-faced brother and others who were facing each other, and seeing the knives in their hands and waists, their expressions changed drastically, and then they retracted their heads into the room.

The houses on both sides, which had just become a little noisy, became extremely quiet again.

No one dared to watch, let alone come out.

Suiduo, who has been discriminated against and treated as livestock, basically suffers from extremely serious "anthropophobia".

Ordinary civilians may dare to watch the excitement after seeing the scene of "two groups of warriors confronting each other".

But few dirty people dare to do such a thing.

A life that is not valued by the world... is so humble.

Regarding Kinoshita Wu's action of jumping out from the back of the house and stopping the red-faced brother and the others, Qingdeng didn't say anything—if it wasn't for Kinoshita Wu's movements being a little faster than him, he would have stopped the group with a loud voice. It's him who wants to kill a lunatic.

Qingdeng, who moved a little slower than Mai Kinoshita, stood beside Mai Kinoshita while maintaining the movement of pressing his right hand on the handle of the orange water knife.

The red-faced brother and the others couldn't care about the escaped girl anymore, they all frowned and looked at Qingdeng and Kinoshita Mai with vigilant eyes.

"Who?!" Elder brother Ichitaro asked Qingdeng and Kinoshita Mai loudly with a hoarse voice like rust being rubbed.

You don't need to know——Qingdeng wanted to reply in a false voice.

However... just as he opened his mouth, Kinoshita Mai who was beside him had already responded one step ahead of him——

Kinoshita Mai flattened her palms into a palm shape, raised her arms above her head, palms facing upwards, and bent her right leg high.

"That's right, the cat monk!"

Qingdeng: "..."

The red-faced brothers and their group: "..."

Whether it's the people around Kinoshita Mai or the people standing opposite her, they are silent and staring at Kinoshita Mai who is now standing firmly on one foot.

Kinoshita Mai's demeanor, which was similar to performance art, made the red-faced brothers and his party look puzzled, shocked, dazed, and at a loss.

But the younger brother of the brothers, Kojiro, reacted quickly.

He quickly stabilized his mind, and then frowned: "Little Monk Mao... oh, you are that strange thief who has become famous recently..."

Kojiro pursed his lips thoughtfully.

He didn't ask who Qingdeng, who was standing next to Kinoshita Mai and wearing a black fox mask, was.

After looking at Qing Deng for a few times, he showed a harmless and kind smile.

"Master Mao Xiaoseng, I have admired your name for a long time!"

"I have heard about your deeds and admired them for a long time."

After simply complimenting Kinoshita Mai with a sincere tone and intonation that no one could fault, Kojiro's voice suddenly changed.

"I don't know why you are here?"

"In this kind of place, there shouldn't be any villains who are full of crimes and worth asking you to steal his property."

Kinoshita Mai ignored the question thrown by Kojiro.

Silently lowering her raised arms and right leg, she stared straight at everyone standing opposite her with eyes that did not conceal her disgust.

I have to say—the black facecloth on Kinoshita Mai's face is really useful.

After using it to cover most of her face, Kinoshita Mai no longer had the introverted and shy appearance of the past.

With the infinite sense of security given by this face scarf, Mai Kinoshita confronted Kojiro and the others in a dignified manner:

"Recently, poor people who were killed by Tsuji frequently appeared here... Are those people killed by you?"

"I didn't expect you red-faced brothers to come to Kanto to do evil after harming Kanxi."

Kojiro remained calm.

But after hearing Kinoshita Mai accurately call out his name, the kind smile that had been hanging on his face was restrained at a speed visible to the naked eye.

They were caught walking towards the little girl with a knife just now. Mai Kinoshita accurately stated the recent frequent Tsuji-slash incidents here. There is no need to pretend to be stupid.

His little brothers, as well as his elder brother Ichitaro, all trusted their "brain tank". Now, while continuing to maintain the posture of holding the knife tightly, they all focused their eyes on Xiaojirou.

"...Master Mao Xiaoseng, what we want to do and what we want to do should have nothing to do with you, right?"

Kojiro smiled in spite of himself.

"You are a thief who steals people's money, and you are a fellow traveler with us."

"For the sake of fellow travelers, let's go our separate ways."

"Just pretend you didn't see us tonight, and we'll leave immediately."

As soon as Kojiro finished speaking, Mai Kinoshita, whose eyes grew more disgusted, said loudly:

"What is a fellow traveler? Don't compare me with you scum!"

"Get caught! We came here specially to catch you!"

Kojiro stared at Kinoshita Mai blankly, then sneered: "...I just heard about it recently - that cat monk is a weirdo who can help officials catch thieves."

"I didn't expect this rumor to be true."

"It's hard to understand. Although you only steal the money of those wicked people, in the end, you are just a thief."

"As a thief, he even helped Feng Xing catch the thief...without any reward, at most he only gained some illusory reputation..."

After finishing speaking, Kojiro sneered disdainfully, then tilted his head and looked around.

"Facing the cat monk who is famous for his speed and good at flying over eaves and walls... It is not so difficult for us to escape under your nose..." After muttering in a tone like talking to himself... Kojiro His eyes turned cold, and he winked at Ichitaro and others beside him.

Ichitaro grinned grinningly, and then took the lead in raising the Odachi in his hand above his head.

The shadow of the knife swayed—the red-faced brothers and their group raised their knives one after another, and cast vicious glances at Qingdeng and Mao Xiaoseng.

It is worthy of being a group of people who have killed countless people... After deciding to kill them and kill them, there was no hesitation or hesitation.

Seeing the group of perverted murderers who had already raised their knives with obvious intentions, Qingdeng silently stretched out the thumb of his left hand, which had been holding the scabbard just now, against the scabbard, and pulled the sheath away with a "click". mouth.

There are 8 opponents, and there are only 2 people on my side. The enemy who has the superiority in numbers still has no idea of ​​their strength—but the strange thing is... and led Saito and others to attack the area surrounded by the Kobari group. The same feeling as Fanshu Tiao's came out.Is it because I have fought too many enemies with superior numbers so far, so I am used to this kind of scene?
Qingdeng didn't feel scared at all.

Worried that the opponent's strength is far stronger than they expected, and it will be difficult for him and Kinoshita Mai to compete?Worried that something will happen to me and Kinoshita Mai?
In Qingdeng's heart, there is no such emotion at all.

At this moment, Qingdeng only felt that his mood was extraordinarily peaceful.

In my heart... there was still a bit of anticipation vaguely.

With a sound of "噗", Qingdeng pulled out the orange juice, and held the orange juice in front of him in the posture of a Xia frame, pointing at the red-faced brother with the tip of the knife gleaming with cold light.

"Hahaha! I have always heard that the cat monk is a female ninja!" Brother Ichitaro laughed excitedly, "I want to see if the rumor is true!"

Ichitaro carried his Odachi on his shoulders, stepped on the ground with his hind feet, and rushed towards Qingdeng and Kinoshita Mai at the head of the horse.

"Brother!" Xiaozhirou hurriedly said, "Get rid of the one wearing the fox mask and holding the knife first!"

After reminding his elder brother loudly, Xiaozhirou turned his head and shouted at the rest of the younger brothers behind him:

"Kametaro, Tsurugasaburo, Toragoro! The three of you go to deal with the cat monk! It doesn't matter if you kill it! The others and I and my brother deal with the man wearing the fox mask!"

Qingdeng has a knife in his hand, while Mao Xiaoseng is unarmed——Xiaozhirou subconsciously identified Qingdeng as "the one who needs to be killed first"!
Odachi——As the name suggests, it is a Taidao that is farther in length and width than a normal Taidao.

The length of the big sword used by Ichitaro is about 1 meters.

The biggest advantage of Odachi is naturally its length and weight.

Only the kind of swordsmanship with a strong wrist can move the amazingly heavy Odachi.

Swordsmen who use the Odachi as their weapons basically hold the upper stance—because only by using the upper stance can the advantage of the length of the Odachi be brought into full play, and the power of the Odachi can be fully displayed.

This was Qingdeng's first confrontation with a swordsman wielding a large sword. After seeing Ichitaro charging towards him with the sword on his right shoulder, he silently concentrated his mind.

Huh——Ichitaro's big sword slashed heavily at Qingdeng's forehead with an aura that seemed to crush Qingdeng.

Although the strength of Ichitaro's blow was very strong...but the speed was average.

Qingdeng, who saw through Ichitaro's movements with his "hawk eyes", quickly jumped to the side and dodged Ichitaro's blow.

Xiaozhirou and their three younger brothers were killed at this time.

Because Ichitaro needs a certain amount of space to swing his sword, they left the "front" to Ichitaro, and the rest stood on the side of Qingdeng and other directions, intending to pinch Qingdeng from different directions.

Their idea of ​​concentrating on the number advantage and killing Qingdeng first is actually very good.

However... after seeing Xiaozhirou and the others approaching, a faint smile flashed across Qingdeng's face.

Group fights... What Qingdeng is most afraid of is group fights!

In the system list, the "lonely" talent began to shine golden light due to the activation of the effect!
The gang of perverted killers who tried to gang up on Qingdeng directly triggered Qingdeng's most powerful "combat talent"!
The beating speed of the heart began to increase.

A large amount of adrenaline is secreted.

The senses become clear.

Power continuously poured out from the limbs and bones.

An ugly man with pimples and pimples on his face standing behind Qingdeng's left side held a lower-level knife in his hand, and slashed at Qingdeng from bottom to top.

Ugly Man's sword path is very unstable - one can tell that the level of swordsmanship is quite average.

In addition to this ugly man, Xiaozhirou who was standing in front of Qingdeng's left also launched an attack at the same time. He held a knife in his upper section, and the blade approached from the upper road.

He was the same as that ugly man, just by looking at the posture of holding the knife and the movement of swinging the knife, he knew that he was more than fierce and lacking in skill, and at a glance he knew that the level of swordsmanship was quite average. It seemed that the information about the pair of red-faced brothers was not wrong. Jiro's personal force is not outstanding.

In addition, a tall man standing side by side with Xiaozhirou also slashed the knife horizontally at this time.

3 knives came from 3 different directions.

There were attacks from three different directions—the three people headed by Kojiro seemed to think that they could see Qingdeng being chopped to death by random knives due to his inability to fight three against one, so a look began to appear on his face. A smug, ferocious smile.

In this flash of light, Qing Deng quickly glanced at the positions of these three people and confirmed their attack direction.

These 3 slashes coming from different directions are very scary at first glance, but in fact they are all slashed separately, and there is no coordination between them!

And this gave Qingdeng an opportunity to take advantage of.

I saw Qing Deng made a wrong step, and easily dodged the thrust of the ugly man on the left rear.

While dodging the ugly man's attack, Qingdeng swung the orange water horizontally, and with a "clang" he parried the tall man's horizontal cut.

The two knives collided, and the huge reaction force was transmitted along the blade to Qingdeng's arms. Qingdeng directly used this reaction force that bounced back his orange juice, and quickly slashed the orange juice across an arc. The horizontal end of the line is above the head, blocking Xiaojiro's downward chop.

Just like Tang Woxue, Qingdeng defuses the attack of these three people.

Standing directly in front of Qingdeng, Ichitaro yelled again, and slashed at Qingdeng as if it could crush people, but his attack with more than enough strength and insufficient speed was easily dodged by Qingdeng again. .

At this moment, Qingdeng couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

After the first round of confrontation with the red-faced brothers and others, Qingdeng found that these people were much weaker than he expected...

Even for this Ichitaro who was said to be quite good at wielding the odachi, Qingdeng didn't feel any sense of threat.

Since the time of crossing, Qingdeng has been frequently engaged in life-and-death real sword confrontations with various powerful enemies. There was Suehiro Moritoyo in the front, and Kanno, the leader of the Kobari group, in the back.

Because he often faces powerful enemies, now it is a rare opportunity to encounter waves of "abuse". Qingdeng still feels a little unaccustomed to it.

Since the enemy in front of him was far weaker than he had expected... Jushui's blade suddenly became sharp!
Qingdeng took aim at the fighter plane, spotted the gap in front of him where the tall man who had been stabbed by him just now had not had time to recover his posture, and galloped forward like a raging wave!The orange juice in his hand turned into a silver-white knife light, falling from left to right towards the tall man's neck like a meteor!

Qingdeng's horizontal slash was much faster than the tall man's horizontal slash on Qingdeng just now!
Before the tall man could react, the main artery in his neck was cut open, and blood spurted out instantly. He subconsciously raised his hand to cover the blood-spraying neck, wanting to stop the blood from splashing, and let out a "ho ho ho" After a few meaningless roars, he collapsed to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, Qingdeng's offensive continued, and he pounced on one of the five people who were also responsible for attacking Qingdeng, but until now he had not been able to see the opportunity to swing even a knife at Qingdeng.

This guy didn't expect that Qingdeng would kill him suddenly, the little man who was unexpected to Qingdeng's pounce, could only straighten out the sword in his hand in a hurry, and stab at Qingdeng.

Coincidentally - the sword skill that Qingdeng used against this guy happened to be a stabbing skill: the ignorance sword of the natural mind flow.

The swords of the two stabbed towards each other almost at the same time.

However—Qingdeng's sword directly pierced the guy's throat, and the guy's sword was more than a fist away from Qingdeng's body.

- What a classic rookie mistake...

Qingdeng thought to himself.

This little guy made the most classic and easiest mistake for a novice swordsman - not knowing the range of his own attack.

The height of this little man is just over 1.5 meters.

He was 25 centimeters different from Qingdeng's height, and his arm length was naturally far less than Qingdeng's.

There is such a big difference in body size between the two, and the knives in their hands are also ordinary-length knives, so it is inevitable that Qingdeng's orange water can stab this guy first.

In the blink of an eye, Qingdeng, who was one against five, was under the watchful eyes of the crowd, and even killed their two companions—whether they were red-faced brothers, or the younger brothers who could still stand upright, all of them stared wide-eyed now. , looking terrified.

Not good—— Kojirou screamed in his heart.

This guy wearing a fox mask is a master!
After realizing that they had an advantage in numbers, they couldn't help Qingdeng's Xiaozhirou at all, so they made a decisive decision: "Withdraw! Don't worry about these two..."

Kojiro shouted the order to retreat.

But just halfway through his speech, he had no time to say the rest of the words.

Due to the emotional shock and emotional turmoil, Kojiro's posture became a little unstable.

This fleeting flaw is clearly reflected in Qing Deng's eyes.

Qingdeng saw it right, and made a lunge like a spring!Without hesitation, he swung his sword at Kojiro and slashed!

The orange juice in Qingdeng's hand drew a bright light in the air, following Qingdeng's body, it flicked towards Xiaozhirou vigorously.

Looking at Qingdeng who jumped in front of him, Xiaozhirou's pupils shrank suddenly, and he subconsciously raised his knife and slashed at Qingdeng, trying to force Qingdeng back.

But—Qingdeng neither dodged nor defended.

Kojiro's sword and body collided heavily with Qingdeng's sword and body rushing towards him.


There was a piercing scream.

The screamer is Kojiro too.

Kojiro held his abdomen that was oozing blood, stepped back a few steps, and then lay on his back.

On the other hand, Qing Deng, who was still maintaining the knife-stretching posture, was unscathed.

【Ding!Scan to talent]

[Successfully copied talent: "Fraudster"]

[Talent introduction: You can lie without blushing and heartbeat, making it difficult for people to notice any abnormalities]

The long-lost chapter of nearly 7000 words!Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a recommendation ticket! (Leopard Head Crying.jpg)

(End of this chapter)

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