I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 140 [The Collision of "Potentials"] A new realm! 【7300】

Chapter 140 [The Collision of "Potentials"] A new realm! 【7300】

No, it's not just the palms... A lot of cold sweat broke out on his forehead and back.

Thump tom, tom tom, tom tom, tom tom... The heart rate increased further...

Qingdeng could perceive that it was not because of the further deepening of the "lonely gall" effect that caused the heart rate to increase - but because of the great psychological pressure that caused the body to experience abnormalities such as heart rate increase and body oozing cold sweat .

After Zhou Zhu opened his eyes and exuded the aura of a tiger like a mountain, Qingdeng felt like a big stone had been crushed in his heart.

This feeling... is really like being targeted by a fierce tiger, or confronting a fierce tiger.

This is the first time Qingdeng has seen such a fierce and powerful side of Zhou Zhu, and it is also the first time he has faced off with such a powerful swordsman.

It was really difficult for him to equate the tense-looking swordsman in front of him, who was exuding a fierce aura, with the old comedian he was familiar with from the testing hall.

The current owner of the Examination Hall and the third generation head of the Tianran Lixinliu School—at this moment, for some reason, because Zhou Zhu’s daily performances are so humorous, Qingdeng always unconsciously forgets this string The title Zhou Zhu possessed flashed through Qingdeng's mind.

——Ha, I subconsciously forgot about it...how could it be possible for a head of a swordsmanship school to be just a strict wife.

With the corners of his mouth slightly raised, Qingdeng tightened his palms that were dripping with cold sweat, took a deep breath, and looked solemn.

In the pupils of the eyes, the fighting spirit was burning.

Qingdeng himself didn't realize it at this time——in the face of the fierce and imposing "Tiger" opposite him, he didn't feel the slightest timidity and fear in his heart, but more fighting spirit rose in his heart.

--bring it on!
He stared at Zhou Zhu opposite him without blinking, guarding against his next move.
Just as Qingdeng was waiting in line, thinking seriously about how Zhou Zhu would attack next, Zhou Zhu, who had been in an attacking posture, suddenly breathed out slowly, and then slowly put down the bamboo sword in front of him.

While putting down the sword in his hand, Zhou Zhu lowered his eyelids a little bit.

The eyes changed back to squinting, and the corners of the mouth hung a soft, friendly smile again.

And as Zhou Zhu closed his eyes again, the fierce aura that had been erupting from him since just now dissipated abruptly, and he changed back to the old comedian in the testing hall that Qingdeng was familiar with.

"Okay, let's stop here first..." Zhou Zhu stretched out his hand and rubbed his left shoulder, "Mr. Ju, come, come over to me."

"Huh?" Qing Deng, with a puzzled expression on his face, blinked vigorously at Zhou Zhu.

Suddenly, he couldn't help but hit him, and then suddenly announced "let's hit here first"...Qingdeng felt that he couldn't keep up with Zhou Zhu's overly vigorous rhythm.

Now that Zhou Zhu had already put down his sword, saying "no more fights", Qingdeng could only obediently follow Zhou Zhu to put down the sword in his hand, and then walked quickly to Zhou Zhu's body.

"Mr. Orange, sit down."

Zhou Zhu casually pointed at the floor in front of him, and then he took the lead in sitting cross-legged on the ground.

"Mr. Ju, what do you think about our confrontation just now?" Zhou Zhu paused, and then added, "Just say what comes to mind, and just say what you thought in the contest just now. .”

"How do you feel..." Qingdeng crossed his legs like Zhou Zhu, sat down on the ground, and after thinking for a while, said calmly:

"At the beginning of the sparring, although you are very strong, master, you didn't give me a feeling of 'you are terrible'."

"However, just now, after you opened your eyes wide... your aura suddenly changed."

"It's like changing from a cat to a tiger."

"Following the sudden change in your momentum, I, who was able to fight back and forth with you, was instantly suppressed by you."

"Hmm..." After quietly listening to Qingdeng's explanation of his feelings, he grinned, "From a cat to a tiger... Haha, this evaluation is quite accurate."

Zhou Zhu raised his hand and touched his bare chin again.

"Tachibana-kun, you should know my grandpa...that is, the founder of our natural mental flow: Kondo Neizosuke?"

"Of course I know." Qingdeng replied without hesitation, "When I first joined the test hall, Kondo-kun and Okita-kun told me some stories about our ancestors."

Their natural master of the Shinto style: Kondo Neizosuke, originally a swordsman of the Katori Shinto style.

After practicing Katori Shinto-ryu to great success, he added his own understanding on the basis of Katori Shinto-ryu, and created the natural Rishin-ryu 70 years ago during the Kansei period.

When creating the natural mind flow, Kondo Neizosuke was still just a young man who had not even reached the age of 30—this shows that Qingdeng's master was not an ordinary person with ordinary talent and strength.

"Yeah." Zhou Zhu nodded, "Then have you ever heard the story of our master and his master from Yong and Zongsi?"

"Uh..." Qing Deng was taken aback, "I'm really not sure about this..."

The story of master Kondo Naizosuke and his master... This is the first time Qingdeng has heard of it.

"Director Yonghe hasn't told you about it... well then, I'll give you a brief introduction now."

Zhou Zhu cleared his throat.

"Our ancestor Kondo Naizosuke had a particularly mysterious master."

"According to the anecdote handed down from our Kondo family, the mysterious master of the master didn't give any specific instructions on sword skills, but only taught him a word—"

"'When you start a life-and-death fight with others, as long as you can win. As long as you can win, it doesn't matter even if you use a short gun to attack your opponent and other despicable methods that are completely heresy in the eyes of outsiders'."

When Qingdeng heard this, he couldn't help but shudder.

This teaching... suits his appetite very much!

If it wasn't for the fact that he didn't have a way to get a gun, he would have wanted to equip himself with a gun a long time ago!
Right now, almost all feudal states, including the shogunate, are still using arquebuses that have been outdated for nearly 200 years on a large scale...even most of the feudal states are unable to get themselves a Western musket , let alone Qingdeng, who is currently only a "catchment in the capital".

If he could get a pistol and enough bullets... When those lunatics from the "Big Barbarians" came out to trouble him again, he would just take out his pistol and blast their dog heads one by one, how fun it would be!
Qingdeng is still very confident in his marksmanship. When he was studying in school in his previous life, his marksmanship was always at a top-notch level compared to other students of the same level.

When Qingdeng silently praised the teachings of this mysterious master of his master, Zhou Zhu continued to talk:
"After receiving this teaching from this mysterious master, the master, based on this teaching, created the secret meaning of our natural flow of mind - when fighting people, we must hold on to the 'I As long as you have the firm belief that you must win no matter what, you will not lose your momentum.”

Having said that, Zhou Zhu changed into a more serious and serious tone.

"Whether it's swordsmanship or spearmanship, no matter what kind of martial art it is, momentum is the most important thing when fighting with others."

"You may not have a strong enough physique, you may not have enough superb skills, but you must not lose the aura of daring to fight with others and dare to defeat your opponent!"

Qingdeng nodded lightly - Qingdeng quite agrees with what Zhou Zhu said just now.

One courage, two strengths and three kung fu... This sentence is common no matter what kind of martial art is put into it.

When practicing martial arts, the most important thing is to have enough courage to confront the opponent in front of you.

If you are afraid of hands and feet when fighting, afraid of this and that, [-]% of your strength may not be able to exert [-]% of your strength.

The second most important thing after courage is physical fitness.

Martial arts skills are the third most important thing.

"This kind of momentum of daring to fight and win is especially important for our natural Xinxin flow, which focuses on attacking."

"You don't even have the courage to fight and defeat your opponent, so how can the sword you swing be sharp enough?"

Zhou Zhu stretched out two fingers at this moment.

"So, to put it simply - the secret meaning of the natural flow of mind created by the master requires us to do the following two things."

"One: When fighting with people, you can do whatever it takes to win."

"There is nothing wrong with talking about martial arts in friendly martial arts exchanges. But talking about martial arts in a life-and-death fight with the enemy is foolish."

"Two: No matter what, you must not lose the momentum of daring to fight and win."

Zhou Zhu lowered the two fingers he extended.

"Mr. Ju, in the battle just now, you should also have a deep understanding of the importance of momentum, right?"

Qingdeng's expression froze slightly.

"Mr. Ju, think about it carefully now—in the battle just now, did my strength and speed remain the same from the beginning to the end? But after I released my momentum, my moves suddenly changed. Be sharp."

Qing Deng half-closed his eyes, recalled the details of the battle just now, and then nodded.

During the brief confrontation just now, Qingdeng could see very clearly that before and after the sudden change in Zhou Zhu's aura, his strength and speed had not changed from the beginning to the end. It was always the same strength and the same speed.

"That's what momentum does."

Zhou Zhu smiled lightly.

"If I remember correctly, it should be 60 years ago that a certain great swordsman whose name and identity are no longer testable integrated a brand new concept of martial arts on the basis of his predecessors."

"That's 'momentum', or 'momentum' for short."

"And that's what I just said about the 'next stage' that you're now qualified to learn."

Zhou Zhu changed to a more comfortable sitting position.

"Didn't we often say this in our daily life? Some people who have been in high positions for a long time will gradually develop a kind of 'aura of a high-ranking person' unconsciously."

"People with this 'superior aura' can put a lot of pressure on people even if they just stare at people, and even make people cry with just one look."

"That's a kind of momentum."

"In our martial arts world, those strong men who have achieved something in their respective fields and are determined enough, will gradually develop their own 'potential' as their strength continues to improve."

"Whether there is a strong enough 'potential' in the body - this is an extremely important watershed."

"If you can cross this watershed, it means that you will stand on a brand new level in the journey of martial arts."

"The presence or absence of 'shi'...although it cannot be said that there is a world of difference, but the difference is still very big."

"The opponent doesn't have any 'momentum' at all, but you can release a very powerful 'momentum'-there is no doubt that in this battle, it will be easier for you to gain the upper hand."

"Because of the powerful 'potential', it can cause great psychological pressure on the opponent."

"The contest between the two of us just now is a good example."

"My strength and speed have not changed from the beginning to the end, but it is because I showed my true skills and released my 'power' in the middle, which caused a certain amount of psychological pressure on you, which made you feel It gave me the illusion that my moves have become stronger."

"The stronger your 'potential', the more shocking your opponent will be."

"As for the strength of 'potential', it is linked to a person's strength and aspirations."

"Those warriors who first touched the field of 'Position' are basically unable to control their 'Position' freely."

"Only after a long period of hard training can I reach the state of my free retraction."

"Of course - there are also some special people who have special talents in refining 'potential', and they have cultivated and can freely release their own 'potential' when their own strength is not strong enough."

After finishing speaking, Zhou Zhu's voice stopped for a while, and then changed to a half-joking tone.

"It is said that some strong men whose strength has reached the 'extreme martial arts', their 'power' is so strong that after they are released, just glaring at someone can make a person so flustered that he can't even grasp the rhythm of breathing, or even directly Passed out - of course, this is just a legend, I have grown up so much, I have never seen anyone with such a strong 'power', neither Chiba Shusaku nor Chiba Sakakichi has reached this level. "

Zhou Zhu tilted his body and changed to a more comfortable sitting position.

"'Position' is not something everyone has to practice."

"First of all, it must be strong enough."

"Secondly, you must have the 'strong mind'."

"I have practiced swords all my life, and I have seen countless people. According to my observations - those warriors who don't have the 'strong will', no matter how strong they are, they don't have 'power'."

"This 'powerful mind' is a word I have summed up myself. It has various meanings... To put it simply, it means that you have a certain aggressiveness in martial arts, and you will not be afraid of facing strong enemies. Don't be discouraged by defeat."

"Only a person with this kind of determination can develop a 'power' that can frighten others."

"'Saito of Power' Saito Yakuro's second son, Saito Kannosuke, known as 'Ghost Huan', is a typical example of not being strong enough and not having a 'powerful mind'."

"A few years ago, after he had no power to fight against Chiba Eijiro, who was the same age as him, he was depressed all day long, and he no longer had the same vigor as before."

"If Saito Kanosuke can't get out of the shadow of this disastrous defeat to 'Technique Chiba', then his martial arts achievements in this life should come to an end."

"A martial artist who has lost his vigor, let alone cultivate his own 'potential', whether his own strength can make further progress is a question."

"So, from this, it can be derived that this secret meaning of our natural flow of mind is such an important maxim."

"Mr. Ju, it's too early for you to practice 'potential' or something."

While talking, Zhou Zhu grinned and smiled.

"According to your current strength... you should have to practice hard for another one or two years, and you will have the chance to touch the field of 'power' after you reach the level of Director Yonghe."

"You start now by implementing the secret meaning of our natural flow of mind."

"From now on, whenever there is a war, you must have a strong determination to 'win no matter what'."

"As long as you have such an aspiration and learn not to be arrogant in victory and not discouraged in defeat, you will have the opening bricks to open the field of 'potential'."

"..." From just now, Qing Deng's face was full of shock.

Zhou Zhu kept throwing out one after another new martial arts concepts that he had never heard of before.

After carefully listening to every word Zhou Zhu said just now, Qingdeng only felt that a door to a new world was opened to him.

Qingdeng pondered, and after a long while, he finally digested Zhou Zhu's teaching.

After opening his mouth and letting out a long breath, Qingdeng asked Zhou Zhu curiously:

"'Shi'...then master, who is the most powerful warrior of 'shi' you have seen so far?"

"Of course it's Chiba Shusaku." Zhou Zhu replied without thinking, "Chiba Shusaku is the most powerful swordsman I've ever seen."

Between Zhou Zhu's brows, a look of nostalgia slowly floated up.

"A long time ago, I was fortunate enough to witness the contest between two brothers, Chiba Shusaku and Chiba Sadakichi."

"These two brothers are worthy of being great swordsmen born in the world. Both brothers bear the 'momentum' of windy masts and thundering tides."

"Before the battle started, the 'power' of the two of them started to confront each other!"

"The scene at that time is still fresh in my memory."

"The 'power' of the two colliding together... seems to stop the surrounding wind and the clouds in the sky!"

"Hohohoho, according to the words of the novelist, this is probably the so-called 'before the sword is unsheathed, the sword energy is already permeating all directions, making those who see it convinced, and those who hear it tremble'."


On Zhou Zhu's cheeks, a rich and shocking color slowly gushed out.

"Chiba Shusaku has passed away."

"Chiba Dingkichi is also covered with injuries, and his strength has been greatly reduced..."

"The current strength is probably less than [-]% to [-]% of that of Chiba Singkichi in his heyday, and he should not be able to release the kind of 'momentum' that even the wind and clouds seemed to be able to stop abruptly when he competed with his brother back then. "

"In the rest of my life, I probably won't have the chance to see this level of 'big swordsman duel' again."

"Force the wind and the cloud to stop..." Qingdeng couldn't help showing a dumbfounded expression.

The aura on his body is so strong that it can give the spectators the illusion that the surrounding wind and clouds have stopped... The scene, the realm, Qingdeng can't even imagine...

Qingdeng felt that another door to a new world was opened to him.

While feeling shocked in my heart... I also felt a little bit fascinated.

——If I practice at my current speed... When will I have to practice to reach the realm of Chiba Zhouzuo and Chiba Singkichi?
After teasing himself in a half-joking tone in his heart, Qingdeng sat up straighter and corrected a bit, and respectfully saluted Zhou Zhu who had opened a new door in martial arts for him tonight.

"Master, thank you for your enlightenment."

"Hohohoho." Zhou Zhu waved his hand lightly, "You don't have to be so polite, you are a disciple of our test guard hall, and I am the master of the test guard hall, teaching you these things is a matter of course."

At Zhou Zhu's request, Qingdeng slowly straightened his waist, which was bent due to bowing to Zhou Zhu.

And at this moment, Qing Deng suddenly thought of another question.

"Master, what's the name of the mysterious master who inspired the master to create the secret meaning of the natural flow of mind?"

Qingdeng suddenly recalled—Zhou Zhu seemed to have never mentioned to him what the name of the mysterious master Kondo Uchisuke was, and he had always used the nickname "Mysterious Master" as a nickname.

Hearing Qingdeng's question, Zhou Zhu fell silent immediately.

After a long silence, Zhou Zhu shook his head slowly:

"……do not know."

"...Huh?" Qingdeng blinked in confusion, "I don't know?"

"All kinds of information about the master's mysterious master... It feels as if someone has deliberately erased it." Zhou Zhu sighed softly, "Name, age, identity... all these basic information have not been handed down."

"Besides being sure that there was such a No. [-] person, I don't know anything about this person."

"So, I guessed."

Zhou Zhu stroked his chin and joked.

"Master, his mysterious master...could it be some big man who would cause trouble to our Kondo family and the natural flow of mind after letting others know his name, so all his information was erased specially. "



At this moment-

Edo, Genbukan——

"Brother Rong, did you actually enter the legendary 'Selfless Realm' when you were fighting that black bear?" Chiba Shigetaro cast a surprised look at Chiba Eijiro who was sitting on the main seat.

Tonight's Xuanwu Hall is extremely lively.

In order to welcome and celebrate the pride of their Chiba family: Chiba Eijiro returned to Edo after a long absence, and Chiba Sakakichi and others held a grand reception banquet at Xuanwukan tonight.

Chiba Shusaku's widow,

Chiba Eijiro's two younger brothers: Chiba Michizaburo and Chiba Tamon Shiro,

Chiba Sadakichi and his wife,

Chiba Shigetaro and Sanako.

In short, all the current members of the Chiba family are here.

The whole family gathered together after a long time to celebrate the return of Eijiro Chiba.

Chiba Shigetaro, Sanako and their mother sat on the left side of the banquet, while Chiba Michizaburo and the others sat on the right side of the banquet.

Chiba Singkichi and the protagonist of tonight's welcome banquet: Chiba Eijiro sat on the main seat without a doubt.

Seven years ago, Chiba Eijiro, who was determined to enter the official career, accepted the invitation of the Mito Domain to serve as an official in the Mito Domain.

After becoming an official in the Mito Domain, Chiba Eijiro seldom returned to Edo, and he only communicated with his family by letters on weekdays.

Chiba Shigetaro himself can't remember exactly when he saw his favorite cousin last time.

Chiba Shigetaro has always been interested in Chiba Eijiro's career.

So at the beginning of tonight's reception banquet, Chiba Shigetaro pestered Chiba Eijiro and asked him to tell him if he had encountered any new and interesting things in the officialdom of the Mito clan recently.

Chiba Eijiro is also willing to share his various experiences with his family members, so tonight's reception banquet slowly unfolded in Chiba Eijiro's storytelling.

He unhurriedly told his family all the stories he encountered recently that were worth telling—including the fact that he accidentally entered the "state of no self" when he was fighting a black bear in the wild recently. one thing.

After hearing that Eijiro Chiba had actually entered the legendary realm of martial arts, everyone except Chiba Sakakichi who had already heard about it in the afternoon showed shocked expressions.

In addition to showing shocked expressions, they also showed a look of "well, this is a matter of course" - Chiba Shigetaro and the others have long been used to hearing all kinds of incredible news from this brother.

"Ha..." Chiba Shigetaro, whose cheeks had turned blush due to drunkenness, slowly revealed an undisguised envy in his pupils, "The state of selflessness... I don't know that in my lifetime, Do you have a chance to touch this legendary realm..."

Chiba Shigetaro murmured enviously, picked up the wine bottle placed by his lap, and poured another full glass into his wine glass.

Just when he was about to put the wine bottle in his hand back to its original position, Zuo Nazi who was sitting beside him snatched the wine bottle.

"Brother, you can't drink any more." Sanako said calmly, "Tomorrow is the Marquis of Aijin's swordsmanship competition. If you drink any more, you won't be able to get up tomorrow morning."

As soon as Sanako finished speaking, Chiba Eijiro immediately cast a curious look at his cousin: "Marquis Aizu's swordsmanship competition?"

"Ah, yes, I seem to have forgotten to tell you." At this time, Chiba Domonshiro, who had been silent and didn't talk much, said slowly, "Second brother, you just returned to Edo this morning, so You probably don’t know—tomorrow, Marquis Aizu will hold a swordsmanship competition in Asakusa that is only open to newcomers from various sword gyms in Edo.”

Chiba Domonshiro told Chiba Eijiro concisely and concisely all the information about the competition.

"The Marquis of Aizu, who has never held any martial arts competitions before, is going to hold a swordsmanship competition..." Chiba Eijiro nodded slightly after hearing this, "This is really rare..."

"Brother Rong, it's been a long time since a daimyo held a swordsmanship competition in Edo... Do you want to watch the competition together tomorrow?" Chiba Shigetaro asked with a smile.

"...Let me see the situation." Chiba Eijiro shrugged with a wry smile, "To be honest, I'm not that interested in this kind of competition that is only for new swordsmen."

"Watching a game at this level...is no different to watching a cricket fight for me."

"Brother Rong, you don't know about this." Chiba Shigetaro shook his head, "This time, there are contestants worthy of attention."

Having said that, Chiba Shigetaro paused, and then quickly asked Chiba Eijiro.

"Brother Rong, do you know Juqingdeng?"

After asking, Chiba Shigetaro glanced at Sanako next to him indiscriminately.

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(End of this chapter)

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