I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 143 One Sword Instantly Kills the Opponent!Shock the audience! [Burst update 1W]

Chapter 143 One Sword Instantly Kills the Opponent!Shock the audience! [Burst update 1W]

The author Jun stayed up almost all night last night.

But it's not that there's something wrong with your physical or mental condition again.

As for the reason, book friends should be able to understand.

Alas... a thousand words turned into a sigh...

At this moment-

A certain corner of the martial arts seats on the east side——

"Wow..." Soujiro raised his head, looked at the sea of ​​people surrounding him, and couldn't help shrinking his neck, "There are more people...I didn't expect so many people to come to this competition... "

Soujiro felt very lucky now - he and Asi specially got up earlier today, otherwise they would definitely not be able to grab a seat in the martial arts seats.

"Ah, Sojiro!" Asi, who was sitting next to Sojiro, tugged at his husband's haori sleeve, "The trial match has begun, look!"

"Oh, oh..." Sojiro withdrew his gaze from looking around, and looked at the field ahead.

Sojiro has never been interested in martial arts competitions.

If it wasn't because his wife persuaded him to watch this Marquis of Aizu Swordsmanship Competition on the grounds that "maybe he can get inspiration for writing", otherwise it would be a question of whether he would go out today.

Forget it... Sojiro let out a silent sigh.

Now that it’s all here, let’s try to see to the end first...



Qingdeng's opponent in the first trial match was a swordsman named Adachi Totaro.

Speaking of this Adachi... This person is also a well-known rising star in the Edo fencing world.

He was born in the martial arts school where Ono Yidao style was taught. It is reported that his sword is both strong and fast. Some seniors who have practiced swords for many years are not his opponents.

In terms of comprehensive strength and reputation, among the younger generation in the Edo fencing world, this Adachi can be said to be second only to Xinzuhiro and others who are known as the "Three Heroes".

When the master of ceremonies sang the names of Qingdeng and Adachi, there were bursts of exclamations in the martial arts viewing seats.

Tachibana Tachibana, who has recently gained fame, is facing off against Adachi Fujitaro, who is second only to the "Three Heroes" in strength and fame... The first trial match of the competition is such a strong contest, how can we not let it go? Spectators getting excited?
"Mr. Ju, come on!" Okita waved his two fists to Qingdeng who had stood up with his sword in hand.

Chiba Shigetaro raised his hand and patted Qingdeng's back: "Come on! Tachibana-kun!"

Sanako didn't directly cheer up Qingdeng like Okita and her brother did, she only nodded slightly to Qingdeng.

Kondo, Hijikata and the others also spoke encouraging words to Qingdeng who was about to play.

"Mr. Ju." At this time, Qingdeng heard Zhou Zhu calling him with a serious face, "Remember what I told you: don't be arrogant and underestimate the enemy."

"Your current strength is indeed not bad, but there are so many strong players in this competition."

"A group of outstanding newcomers headed by 'Three Heroes' all participated in this competition."

"As far as I know, quite a few of the contestants have the strength to put you in a tough fight."

"Hold your breath and concentrate, go all out, don't be careless."

Seeing Zhou Zhu's serious expression, Qingdeng's face involuntarily stiffened.

Qingdeng nodded vigorously, "Yes!"

After nodding with all the friends who encouraged and cheered him up, Qingdeng took several deep breaths, adjusted his state briefly, and strode towards the arena with his head held high.

But at this moment, Qingdeng had a thought, turned his head, frowned and looked at the martial arts seats on his left.

Is it an illusion...Qingdeng felt like someone gave him a vicious stare just now...

I looked around a few times in the direction of the line of sight I felt just now.

As far as he could see, he could only see a vast sea of ​​people. Qingdeng, who had nothing to gain, could only look back and continue to stride towards the arena.

Qingdeng's feeling was actually not wrong - he was indeed given a vicious stare just now.



Affiliated to the training hall, the new wife Hiroshi who is sitting not far behind Saito Yakuro, while looking at Tachibana Qingdeng who has crossed the martial arts seats and entered the arena with gloomy eyes, said that only he can hear Qing volume muttered:

"So he is that Ju Qingdeng..."

The new wife Kuan looked at Qingdeng with unconcealable jealousy.

Determined to become a member of the Chiba family and use the Chiba family as a springboard to realize his ambitions, after Chiba Jokichi and others appeared on the field, he cast fiery eyes at Chiba Jokichi and the others, and paid close attention to Every move of the Chiba family.

Therefore... Chiba Shigetaro greeted Qingdeng enthusiastically just now, and took the initiative to take Sanako to sit next to Qingdeng, all of which were fully observed by his new wife.

Seeing Chiba Shigetaro's enthusiastic attitude towards Qingdeng, the new wife's wide brows frowned uncontrollably.

In order to successfully become the son-in-law of the Chiba family, he has always been intentionally taking the initiative to associate with members of the Chiba family... especially with Chiba Shigetaro who is Sanako's older brother, trying to form a good relationship with them.

However...Chiba Shigetaro's attitude towards him has always been extremely cold.

No matter how positive kindness and kindness he releases, Chiba Shigetaro remains unmoved.

I have worked so hard, but I am still not valued by Chiba Shigetaro, but this Tachibana Qingdeng can be treated so warmly by Chiba Shigetaro... While the new wife Kanto was jealous of Qingdeng, he also felt a burst of emotion. A sense of crisis.

Sanako's elder brother has a very good relationship with a certain young man—this is not good news for his new wife Hiroshi.

The new wife Kuan couldn't help shouting in her heart: Why is Chiba Shigetaro treating this Ju Qingdeng so warmly? !Because he looks pretty good?Or is it because of his outstanding strength?

The new wife Kuan has always heard about Qingdeng's name and deeds, but he doesn't care about Qingdeng's strength.

The new wife Kuan is quite confident in her talent and strength.

He admits that Qingdeng, who has successively made great achievements in defeating the "radical anti-barbarian faction" in just three months, has some skills, but his new wife Kuan thinks that putting him in Qingdeng's position, with his ability, he can win peace. Qingdeng was the same... even surpassed Qingdeng's results!

Xinjukuan is not an exception—many young swordsmen have the same idea as Xinwikuan: they think that if they are placed in Qingdeng's position, they can win the match, or win with their own abilities. It directly surpassed Qingdeng's performance.

——I don’t know if I will have a chance to face this Ju Qingdeng in this competition...

The new wife's hands that were placed on her legs were slowly clenched.

If I can defeat Tachibana Qingto in this competition in front of everyone, will Chiba Shigetaro and the others change their attitude towards me... New Wife Hiroshi couldn't help thinking like this.

After glancing at Qingdeng a few more times with eyes full of jealousy, his new wife Kuan turned his gaze to the "VIP Platform" located on the north side of the arena.

Looking at those people on the "VIP platform", the new wife Kuan couldn't help showing fascination.

——I didn’t expect so many big names to come to watch the game this time.

——If you can have an outstanding performance in this competition, you might be able to directly gain the appreciation of a famous name, and then be promised a high position and rich salary...

——If this is the case... there is no need to cling to Chiba's house anymore.

So many famous people come to this competition... This is really beyond the expectation of the new wife.

The reason why he signed up for this competition was that he wanted to take advantage of this rare grand event to show the world... mainly to show his strength and potential to the Chiba family, and pave the way for him to attach himself to the Chiba family in the future.

But now, after seeing so many big names sitting on the "VIP table", the new wife Kuan's mind has changed a little.

If he can do it in one step, and get the appreciation of a famous name directly because of his extraordinary performance in this competition, then there is really no need for him to covet the Qianye family's network resources in the future.

The new wife clasped her hands tightly around her legs and clasped them tighter.

He silently strengthened his determination to shine in this swordsmanship competition!



On the VIP table——

"Oh, Marquis Aizu, there are so many people today." The Utsunomiya domain lord Yoho Asamatsudaira who was sitting on the left of Marquis Aizu laughed.

"Such a huge flow of people... I am afraid that only a few festivals such as the summer fireworks festival and the New Year's visit can compare with it." The lord of the Matsushiro clan on the side echoed.

Matsudaira Rongbao, who was sitting in the center of the VIP table, had been receiving constant greetings and cursing from just now.

Matsudaira Rongbao - this young feudal lord who is only 24 years old this year, has a mature temperament that does not match his age.

This is also related to his current life experience. Although Matsudaira Rongbao is young, he inherited the position of Aizu feudal lord as early as 16 years old, and he was exposed to what power and politics are early on.

His face was always tense and expressionless, as if no matter what happened, his expression would not change in the slightest.

No matter who came to him to communicate or to curry favor with him, his reaction was quite flat, basically just nodded lightly in response, occasionally responding with simple words such as "um" and "oh".

"I didn't expect that one of the contestants in the first trial match of this competition would be the recently famous Juqingdeng." Adachi and Qingdeng on the east and west sides of the board, "I've been hearing about various deeds of this Juqingdeng recently. I really came to the right place for this competition. I want to see if there is any rumor about this Juqingdeng so powerful."

The words of the lord of the Ninja domain attracted the attention of some daimyos.

"Ju Qingdeng... Oh, now that I think about it, it's the 'three-time' official of the Beifan Institute who has repeatedly hit the 'radical anti-barbarian faction' recently."

"Which one is Juqingdeng?"

"Huh? So there are such interesting contestants in this competition, so I have to take a good look at this Ju Qingdeng trial match."


Many feudal lords raised their eyes to the arena one after another—including Matsudaira Rongbao as well.

After hearing the surrounding daimyos discussing Qingdeng, Rongbao Matsudaira raised his eyes and glanced at Qingdeng standing on the east side of the arena.

However, his expression was still indifferent, and the emotions in his eyes were neither sad nor happy, as if he was not that interested in Qing Deng.



Chiba Eijiro, who was sitting upright, watched Qingdeng on the field intently.

Suddenly, out of the blue, Chiba Tamashiro, who happened to be sitting next to Chiba Eijiro, said softly:

"Second brother. Are you paying attention to that Ju Qingdeng?"

"After all, it's the person Shigetaro tried to introduce to me last night." Chiba Eijiro smiled, "I'm very interested. How much is the person who is so admired by Shigetaro?"

"...Ju Qingdeng's ability is indeed quite high." Chiba Domon Shiro said quietly, "His performance in the red-white match against Xiao Chiba Sword Hall two months ago was a little bit It doesn't look like a rookie who has only learned swords for a long time."

"Although I don't know exactly what kind of strength that Adachi is...but I guess he should not be the opponent of Ju Qingdeng."

"Tachibana Qingto can probably knock down this Adachi with just a few moves."

After Chiba Eijiro quietly listened to Chiba Tamonshirō's words, he smiled: "Fourth brother, you actually know how to praise people... It's really rare."

"...I'm just stating a fact." Chiba Tamishiro said flatly.

"I didn't expect you, the fourth brother, to have such a high opinion of Ju Qingdeng..." Chiba Eijiro turned his gaze back to the arena, "Then I want to see what this person's abilities are. "



"'Beifansuo Xiaotengu' Tachibana Tachibana faced the long-established rising star Adachi Fujitaro...I didn't expect the first trial match to be so interesting!"

"I don't think it's possible. That Ju Qingdeng has so much experience in actual combat, he has killed countless lunatics from the 'Radical Barbarian Sect'. As for that Adachi... I have never heard of him fighting people with a real sword." experience of."

"Lack of experience in actual combat with others does not mean that his strength must be inferior to others."

"I think Tachibana Qingtou has a better chance of winning, but it should take some effort for him to defeat Adachi. After all, Adachi was already famous for his excellent swordsmanship two years ago."

"Well, I think so too."

"I think Tachibana and Adachi may have a fierce battle, after all, isn't that Adachi also heard to be quite strong?"


The voices of conversations in the martial arts watching seats, one after another, inevitably reached the ears of the group in the Weiwei Pavilion and Xiaoqianye Sword Pavilion.

Chiba Shigetaro couldn't help showing a dumbfounding expression when he heard some audience members say "Seidengkai and Adachi will fight each other".

Their Xiaoqianye Sword Gym had a fierce fight with the Trial Guard Gym in the red and white battle held at the "Plum Blossom Festival" two months ago.

Therefore, regarding Qingdeng's strength... Chiba Shigetaro and the others are much clearer than these ignorant onlookers.

Chiba Shigetaro put his arms around his chest, grinning and said:
"Enter the Dragon... How could it be Enter the Dragon..."

"There must be no suspense for Tachibana-kun to defeat Adachi."

"Although that Adachi is indeed very strong, he should only be able to fight Qingdeng for a few rounds."

"Sanako, what do you think?" Chiba Shigetaro turned his head and asked Sanako beside him.

Chiba Shigetaro suddenly spoke to him——Sanako said indifferently without hesitation:

"There should be no suspense for Mr. Ju to win."

"But I don't think that Adachi can only last a few rounds like my brother."

"I've seen Adachi compete with someone else before. This Adachi is no ordinary person."

"His strength may not be as strong as Mr. Ju, but he is definitely not weak."

"Mr. Ju will have to work hard to defeat him."

"If Tachibana-kun makes a careless move, or carelessly underestimates the enemy, maybe Adachi may turn defeat into victory."

Okita, Sanako, Chiba Shigetaro and the others are separated by only one seat...that is, the seat of Qingdeng, which is now vacant.

Because the distance is very close, Okita listened to the conversation of the siblings just now without missing a word.

When he first heard the conversation between Sanako and the others, Okita pursed his lips tightly.

Immediately afterwards... the corners of Okita's mouth slowly curled up into a weird smile.



"'Quite a few of the contestants have the strength to put you in a tough fight'..." Kondo, who was sitting on the right left of Zhou Zhu, smiled wryly, and repeated in a low voice what Zhou Zhu said to him just now at a volume that only he and Zhou Zhu could hear clearly. This is what Qing Deng said.

After opening his lips slightly and letting out a soundless sigh, Kondo turned his head in the direction of Shusuke, and continued to use a volume that only he and Zhousuke could hear clearly:
"In order to prevent Mr. Ju from being arrogant, we worked together to deceive Mr. Ju's lie... Today we are finally going to reveal the truth."

As if he didn't hear Kondo's words, Zhou Zhu scratched his back with his left hand, Mosuo's bare chin with his right hand, and looked at the field ahead with great interest.

There is an intriguing smile on his face.



Serving as match referees were two Aizu feudal vassals, both of whom had mostly gray hair.

After putting on the protective gear, Qingdeng walked to the center of the arena with his bamboo sword, which had been inspected by the referees and had no problems, and separated from Adachi on the east and west sides of the arena.

A fencing competition like this must follow such a set of etiquette before the official start of the fight. The contestants on both sides first pin the bamboo swords around their left waists, squat on the ground, bow to each other and imitate the action of drawing their swords. Slowly drew out the bamboo sword pinned to his left waist and stood up.

After completing this whole set of simple etiquette, you can start playing.

Taking advantage of the gap between saluting each other with Adachi who was facing him, Qingdeng half closed his eyes and took several deep breaths.

——This Adachi is said to be quite strong... The fame and strength seem to be second only to that so-called "Three Heroes".

——Maybe he is one of the "players with my strength" that the master told me many times...

——Unexpectedly, my first battle in this competition is to face such a master.

During this period of time, Zhou Zhu, Kondo, Okita and the others would emphasize to Qingdeng almost every day: this Aizu Marquis Swordsmanship Contest is a gathering of talents, and there are many masters who are as powerful as you. Remember not to underestimate the enemy during the competition .

Qingdeng also doesn't know much about the level of apprentices in other sword gyms. Every time he hears Zhou Zhu and others' warning of "don't underestimate the enemy", Qingdeng will feel a chill in his heart.

Sure enough, there are still many masters in this world... I didn't expect that there are so many people in the younger generation who are as strong as him in Edo alone!

After experiencing the sparring with Zhou Zhu last night, Qingdeng became even more convinced: This world really does not lack masters of hidden dragons and crouching tigers!

Since there are so many masters in this competition... then I can't have any arrogance or carelessness.

Qingdeng decided to try out the teaching Zhou Zhu gave him last night—every time he faced a battle, he had to hold on to the high fighting spirit of "I will win no matter what".

I have to say that these psychological hints are quite useful.

After holding on to the determination to "win", Qingdeng felt that his strength seemed to have become stronger.

Qingdeng and Adachi on the opposite side bowed and saluted, and after standing up holding the bamboo sword, louder shouts and sighs erupted from the surrounding martial arts seats—the long-awaited first trial. Hey, it's finally time to start!

"Tachibana-kun, come on!" Adachi raised his upper body and shouted aggressively, "I've long wanted to fight with you, known as the 'Little Tengu of Kitabanso'!"

"Let's have a good fight!"

"Please enlighten me!"

——This man... has such a high fighting spirit.

Looking at the majestic opponent opposite, Qing Deng couldn't help feeling awe-inspiring.

——In short, let's make a tentative attack first, to find out his reality.

With this thought in mind, Qing Deng set up the bamboo sword in his hand, and then——

The bamboo sword splits the wind and the air.

Move forward!

Out of the sword!

All in one go!
At the moment when Qingdeng drew his sword, Adachi, who was smiling excitedly just now, froze instantly.

Suddenly, for no reason, Adachi remembered the idiom he often heard from storytellers when he was listening to books: a little cold light comes first, and then a spear shoots out like a dragon—even though Qingdeng was using a bamboo knife, there was no cold light at all.

The tip of the bamboo sword magnified rapidly in front of his eyes.

The speed was so fast and the timing was so good that even though his brain could react, his body didn't have time to react.

The moment before Qingdeng's bamboo sword hit his helmet, a thought flashed through Adachi's head——

Is this... a slash that a swordsman of our level can make with less than 3 years of sword training?
The sword tip hit Nakaadachi's helmet heavily, and the huge impact made Adachi's head dizzy.

Adachi took a few steps back, then leaned back, fell heavily to the ground, and fell to the ground.




The martial arts seats, which were noisy just now, became a lot quieter now.

After a few breaths of silence, bursts of exclamation, exclamation, and applause erupted from all directions.

Those spectators in the martial arts watching seats who just said "Qingdeng will fight Adachi with dragons and tigers" and "Qingdeng should spend a few moves to defeat Adachi", their expressions became very exciting at this moment .

Many people speculated that Qingdeng should be able to defeat Adachi.

But they didn't expect that Qingdeng could win his first victory so easily!Adachi was instantly killed with just one blow, and Adachi didn't even have the slightest strength to fight back.

Chiba Shigetaro and Chiba Tamonshiro who said "Qingdeng should take a few tricks to defeat Adachi" just now, their eyes widened and their expressions changed drastically.

Sanako, who said to Chiba Shigetaro in a firm tone, "Adachi is not weak, and it should take some effort for Qingdeng to defeat him", now lost his usual aloofness.

She clenched her bare hands that were folded and placed on her legs, her seductive red lips were slightly parted into a cute "O" shape, her expression became dull, and her beautiful eyes shone with astonishment.

Those who have a crush on Sanako and always pay attention to Sanako, will be quite surprised to see Sanako's appearance now - it turns out that this man, apart from his family, loves every man The flower of Gaoling, who has a rather indifferent attitude, will also show such an expression.

Chiba Eijiro was startled for a moment, then lowered his eyelids slightly, and cast a thoughtful gaze mixed with surprise into the arena.

Compared with ordinary people who don't understand swordsmanship, Chiba Eijiro, Chiba Shigetaro, and Sanako, who have certain attainments in swordsmanship, can see the extraordinaryness of Qingdeng's sword just now.

This is not at all like the slash that a "novice who has learned swordsmanship for less than 3 years" can unleash!

Chiba Shigetaro and Sanako, the two brothers and sisters, are the most shocking - because they have all seen Qingdeng's strength in the red and white battle two months ago.

Qingdeng's current strength, compared to him two months ago... is completely different!
In just 2 months, his strength has improved so much?This, this... Chiba Shigetaro couldn't stop the astonishment from his cheeks.

Compared with Sanako and others... Zhou Zhu, Okita and the others are much calmer.

They watched the short game calmly, without even moving their eyebrows - but this is of course, they have long expected that this "Qingdeng vs Adachi" game will end soon.

"Hohohoho..." Zhou Zhu let out a low laugh.

Kondo nodded in satisfaction.

Earthwork grinned.

Papapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapa... Okita, who held his hands in front of his chest, clapped vigorously like a seal for Qingto, who had won his first victory beautifully.

While clapping his hands, his eyes slanted, the corners of his mouth curled into a smirk, and he proudly glanced at the Chiba brothers and sisters next to him.

Why are the Chiba brothers and sisters so shocked by the sight Qingdeng is currently showing, and why are Okita and the others so calm... The reason is also quite simple-the Chiba brothers and sisters have all the information they know about Qingdeng. It's lagging a lot.

The Chiba brothers and sisters' impression of Qingdeng's strength is still stuck in the red and white battle two months ago.

Although the brothers and sisters had expected that Qingdeng, who was exceptionally talented, would surely make a new breakthrough in his strength within these two months, but they underestimated the speed at which Qingdeng's strength would break through!

In fact, to be more precise, everyone except the people in the test guard hall lagged behind in their understanding of Qingdeng's strength!

People in the world only know that Qingdeng made another great contribution a while ago, protecting the Tibetan Book Institute and further attacking the Barbarian Group, but the people in the world seldom know that after this war, Qingdeng's strength has grown again. Made leaps and bounds!

Qingdeng, who now has the two god-level talents of "Sword Talent" and "Ghost Heart", his speed of progress can only be described with shocking and terrifying words.

The actual combat with swords and swords is the best way to improve a person's level of strength-so after the fierce battle to rescue the Fanshu Institute, Qingdeng's strength once again ushered in an extremely exaggerated soaring and breakthrough !
Underestimating the breakthrough speed of Qingdeng's strength, everyone's eyes were wide open and their faces were full of shock.

However, Zhou Zhu, Okita and the others did not have the trouble of "not knowing Qingdeng's current real strength" - after all, they lived with Qingdeng, and they could see with their own eyes how Qingdeng's strength increased rapidly every day!
They already knew that with Qingdeng's current strength, which has been improving at an extremely exaggerated speed... killing Adachi in seconds is only a matter of course.

Looking at the entire martial arts auditorium, there are still many people who are surprised by Qingdeng's display of strength, and there are many famous people among them, such as "Saito of Power" Saito Yakuro, "Momoi of Position" "Momoi Haruno.

Of course - there are only a small number of people who know swordsmanship and will be amazed by Qingdeng's sword that far surpassed the level of his peers just now.

Most of the spectators at the martial arts seats are ordinary people who just want to watch the fun and have fun, and some of them don't even know who is Qingdeng and which is Adachi.

One of the contestants directly knocked over the other contestant with a sword—they just thought this scene was so cool and enjoyable to watch, so they cheered and applauded vigorously.

On the VIP platform, there was also a small commotion at this time.

"Oh? That Ju Qingdeng is much stronger than I imagined..." The lord of the Utsunomiya Domain blinked in surprise.

"This strength... is no longer like a rookie who has practiced sword for less than 3 years..." The Lord of Ninja Fan echoed.

"...It's a pity that this person has already served in the Beifan Institute." The lord of the Matsushiro Domain pulled the beard on his chin with regret, "Otherwise, I would really like to give this young man with such potential to him." Recruit into my house."

The daimyos whispered to each other, discussing Qingdeng, who has not yet come off the field, with various emotions and expressions in a low voice.

Matsudaira did not participate in their discussion.

However, his eyes, which were neither sad nor happy, and Gujing's calm, wavered slightly after seeing Qingdeng showing strength far beyond the level of his peers and killing Adachi with a single sword.



It's not just the Chiba brothers and sisters who have "rich" expressions now.

On the field, Qingdeng, who is still maintaining his sword-stretching posture, has a very exciting expression at this time.

--what's the situation……?
Looking at Adachi who was struggling to get up from the ground in front of him, Qingdeng blinked with a dazed look on his face.

He recalled what happened just now.

Because I wanted to try out the reality of this Adachi, I decided to make a preemptive attack and make a tentative attack.

Take a step forward, draw your sword, and then... there is no more...

This Adachi, who is said to be second only to the "Three Heroes" in strength, couldn't even defend against or dodge his probing attacks, and didn't even have enough time to copy the talent for 10 seconds... This is really amazing. Qingdeng was unexpected.

——Isn't this Adachi one of the few people whose strength the master and the others said are comparable to mine?
While Qingdeng was still at a loss, the referees on the side had already made a verdict.

The two referees standing on the left and right sides of Qingdeng and Adachi probably didn't expect this first trial match to end so quickly.

After they stood there for a moment in astonishment, they finally came back to their senses, and stretched their arms in the direction of Qingdeng together:
"Winner——Natural Lixin Flow, try the health hall, orange green board!"

Adachi, who had already got up from the ground, touched the helmet that was stabbed by Qingdeng just now, and looked at Qingdeng blankly, with complicated eyes and expressions.

"Thank you for your enlightenment..." Adachi took several deep breaths, then suppressed the complicated expression on his face, and bowed to Qingdeng.

Qingdeng hurriedly returned the salute, then hurriedly took off his protective gear under the referee's instructions to make room for the next group of contestants, and returned to his seat with his bamboo sword in hand.

When he returned to Okita, Sanako and the others, Qingdeng still felt dazed, he hadn't fully recovered from the big victory that was far smoother than he had imagined.

"Mr. Ju! Congratulations! We won the first battle!" After Qingdeng returned, Okita was still clapping vigorously like a seal.

"Thank you." Qingdeng smiled slightly after being amused by Okita's "seal applauding".

"Mr. Tangerine..."

At this time, Chiba Shigetaro's voice came over.

Following the sound, I saw Chiba Shigetaro cast a surprised and inexplicable gaze at him.

Sanako, who was seated next to Qingdeng, had recovered from the state of astonishment just now, and she had returned to her old appearance of elegant Kaolin flower.

But——after Qingdeng came back from the field, she still couldn't help but cast her surprised gaze on Qingdeng like her brother did.

Chiba Shigetaro just remained silent, staring straight at Qingdeng, as if he wanted to say something to Qingdeng, but he didn't know how to speak.

After a long while, he finally choked out a sentence: "You... your strength has become so much stronger..."

Facing this compliment from Chiba Shigetaro, Qingdeng didn't know how to respond for a while, so he could only laugh a few times, and then softly replied, "Thank you..."

Qingdeng instantly killed his opponent with a single sword. It is undoubtedly because many people's impressions of Qingdeng and their assessment of Qingdeng's strength have changed instantly.

Those who thought that their strength was no worse than Qingdeng's and put him in Qingdeng's position and could achieve better results in a series of actions against the "rejecting barbarians" now seem to have a guilty conscience. His head was blown, cold sweat was breaking out on his forehead, his eyes were on his nose, his nose was on his heart.

On the seat in the military training hall, the new wife Kan opened his mouth wide at this moment, staring blankly at Qingdeng who had already sat back between Okita and Sanako.

I saw the blood on his face fading rapidly, and the whole person seemed to have lost his soul.



This competition adopts a "one-round decision" competition system.

As long as the head, chest and other vital parts are directly hit, it will be directly sentenced to lose and out, so the pace of the game is quite fast, and basically a game can be finished in less than a minute.

One player after another was eliminated, and one player after another qualified for the second round of competition.

Qingdeng returned to his seat and watched the other contestants' games seriously.

The more he looked, the weirder his expression became...

Although it may be a bit straightforward to say this... Qingdeng always feels that the strength of these contestants is a bit too bad.

Basically, in Qingdeng's eyes, almost every player is poor in offense, weak in defense, loose in footsteps, and unresponsive.

With Qingdeng on him, he felt that against every player so far, he could easily kill them with a single blow.

——Is this the competition that the master told me that there are many newcomers with strong strengths participating...

Qing Deng frequently looked at Zhou Zhu who was sitting not far in front of him with a strange expression on his face...

Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a monthly pass! (Leopard Head Crying.jpg)

Today's chapter has 9300 words, so let's count it as 1 words!I will make up the remaining 700 words tomorrow, and I will try to explode 1.1W tomorrow!

Explosive update 2W for the second consecutive day!

Today's explosive update is to repay the owed third leader: [L3? ? 】The owe more.

The author still owes 15 chapters of [-]-word explosive updates.

Tomorrow, I will continue to try Wanchang to see if I can keep doing Wanchang until the end of the swordsmanship competition.

For the sake of the author's diligence, please vote more for this book!
 The first character popularity poll has successfully ended in the book friend group!

  The result was not what I expected——

  【It's Miss Sanako's big victory】!
  A total of 339 people in the book group, a total of 100 people participated in the voting.

  Among them, Miss Sanako alone took nearly a quarter of the votes: 23 votes.

  No.2 Okita 20 votes.

  No.3 Kinoshita Mai 19 votes.

(End of this chapter)

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