I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 147 Another instant kill again!Final opponent: New Wife Kuan【8100】

Chapter 147 Another instant kill again!Final opponent: New Wife Kuan【8100】

Edo, somewhere, the mansion of Shinjuhiro——

The new wife Kuan, who had laid out the quilt in the bedroom early and lay in the quilt, tossed and turned.

As long as he closes his eyes, the scenes he saw at the swordsmanship competition today will flash before his eyes.

Qingtou, who originally thought that his strength was no more than equal to his brother, unexpectedly showed a powerful sword skill far above him. Adachi, Morishita and Oisaki, who are as famous as his new wife Hiroshi, are not Qingtou's match. The enemies were all killed by Qingdeng with a single sword...

Qingdeng, who has the most outstanding performance today, every time he plays a match, there will be bursts of excitement and commotion in the martial arts seats...

Chiba Shigetaro, who was very indifferent to him on weekdays, and Chiba Eijiro, who had never had a chance to hide his face before, showed a warm attitude towards Qingdeng that he had never shown to him...

Every time he thought about the scenes he had seen today, his new wife Kuan's teeth would clenched unconsciously, feeling that the big stone that was blocking his chest was a little heavier.

Although he was very reluctant to admit it...but he confirmed that he felt extremely jealous towards Qingdeng.

Since he started learning swords, people around him have always evaluated him as "genius" and "outstanding talent"...

And with his outstanding talent, he never slack off in his swordsmanship training.

He practiced his sword diligently every day, and he had no less self-confidence than anyone else in the effort he had put in on the way of swordsmanship.

Both talented and hardworking, this made Shinwikuhiro the most outstanding swordsman among the swordsmen who practiced swords at the same time in Edo. His strength is slightly inferior to his.

In the same period, I have never met anyone stronger than him—until today...

Qingdeng's three swords that instantly killed Adachi, Morishita, and Oisaki today... Every time Hiroshi Shinwife thinks about it, there will be a creepy feeling in his heart.

He couldn't help thinking - what would happen to him if he was the one to receive the three swords from Qingdeng?

No matter how much he deceived himself and others, the new wife Kuan could only painfully admit that the gap in strength between him and Qingdeng was too great, even if he took the first sword, he probably couldn't take Qingdeng's second and third sword...

--Oh shit!Oh shit!Oh shit!
The new wife turned violently in the bed again, then kicked off the quilt covering her body, and kept uttering all the dirty words in Japanese in her heart to vent her distress.

No matter what...he doesn't want to lose in this swordsmanship competition!
With the Chiba family and so many vassals coming to watch such a grand competition...under the current national conditions, it is already rare!

Since the gate of the country was opened under the threat of the gunboats of the great powers, the political situation of the entire Japan has been in a state of rapid change.

In order to concentrate energy and financial resources to meet a series of possible challenges and political changes in the future, many great feudal states no longer fund large-scale martial arts competitions.

In other words, I missed this swordsmanship competition held by the Marquis of Aizu this time. If I want to encounter a competition of this scale next time, I really don’t know when I will have to wait.

The new wife Hiromoto participated in the competition with the goal of "showing his strength to the Chiba family and the world".

Before the official start of today's competition, after seeing so many vassal names sitting on the "VIP Platform", he became even more determined about his goal.

No matter what, he didn't want to miss this extremely rare stage where he could show his strength to the Chiba family and everyone.

However... because of Ju Qingdeng's appearance, his goal has now become extremely distant.

Except for Qingdeng, his new wife Kuanhe is not afraid of all the remaining contestants, so as long as there are no accidents, he will definitely have a fight with Qingdeng tomorrow.

His new wife, Kuan, he could already imagine what tomorrow's match would be like.

There must be many spectators at the martial arts seats discussing with great interest "how many swords will Qingdeng need to kill him", there must be many people who are purely for fun and want to see his new wife Kuan will be Qingdeng. Deng watched the contest between him and Qing Deng with the mentality of how to kill him.

Regardless of the extremely practical and utilitarian reasons of "wanting to show strength to the Chiba family", just because of the strong self-esteem cultivated by his new wife Kanta who has never met an opponent during the same period, it is really difficult for him to accept that he is in front of everyone. Under the defeat to Qingdeng.

In his mind, he uncontrollably fantasized that he would be killed by Qingdeng with a sword like Morishita, Oisaki and the others... New Wife Hiroshi felt that the boredom accumulated in his chest had aggravated a lot.

At the same time that the boredom was getting worse, another emotion rose in the heart of the new wife Kuan——hatred.

Hatred of Qing Deng.

--Oh shit……!It would be great if this Ju Qingdeng didn't participate in this competition!
——As long as he didn't participate, the winner of this competition must be him!
--Oh shit!Oh shit!

The new wife Kuan turned over in the bed angrily, and then kicked the quilt that had been kicked to the feet farther away.

——Is there no... is there any way to defeat that Tachibana...?
Don't want to lose.

Whether it's for utilitarian reasons or for his own self-esteem, the new wife Kuan doesn't want to lose to this guy who came from a little-known dojo and didn't suddenly become famous until the past two months!

At this time, the new wife Kuan suddenly heard a "click" sound of the window being pushed open.

Immediately after the new wife asked him to feel the cold night wind blowing on his exposed skin.

Was the window blown open by the wind... The new wife Kuan turned around, opened his eyes, and looked at the window beside him.

The next moment after his eyes swept to the direction of the window, the bride's wide eyes suddenly widened, and a layer of cold sweat quickly broke out on her back.

He saw a young man sitting on the window sill of his bedroom window.

Tonight is a clear full moon night.

The bright moonlight shone into the room like light dust through the open windows at this moment.

The night wind blowing into the room from time to time caused the young man's hair and the hem of his clothes to shake slightly.

On the left waist of the young man, there is no wakizashi, but only a red-handled Dao.

Because his back was facing the moonlight, his new wife Kuan could only vaguely see the young man's face—he was very young, with a faint smile on his face.

After being shocked by the young man who suddenly appeared in his room for about a second, the new wife Kuan immediately grabbed the knife placed beside his bed like a conditioned reflex, and sat up like a carp rolling over.

"Who?" While staring at the young man with eyes full of vigilance, Xin Wife Kuan put his right hand on the handle of the knife and pulled the knife out an inch.

"Oh..." The young man propped his right elbow on his right leg, propped his right arm up, propped his face with his right palm, moved his eyes with interest, and looked at his new wife a few times, "You are more beautiful than I imagined." You need to calm down a lot, I thought you would yell in fright after seeing me suddenly."

"But that's fine, I don't like people yelling in front of me."

Seeing the young man's look of composure, the new wife Kuan's complexion became a little more gloomy, and the hand that grabbed the knife gripped the handle even harder.

"Who are you? Do you know that this is the mansion of Banner's new wife's family?"

"Of course I know this is the mansion of Banner's new wife's family." The young man shrugged, "After all, I came here just for you."

Before the new wife, Kanto, had time to express doubts about the young man's words "coming for you", the young man straightened up, and then went on to say:

"Anyway, let me introduce myself first."

"You can call me... Rakshasa. The 'Rakshasa' of the Rakshasa ghost who specializes in cannibalism."

"It's pretty cool sitting by the window, so I'll just cut to the chase."

The corners of Luo Sha's mouth slowly opened, revealing a mouthful of silvery white teeth, and the vague smile on his face turned into an intriguing smile that perfectly matched the blue and white moonlight around him.

"My new wife, I have a way to give you a chance to defeat Ju Qingdeng in tomorrow's competition. Are you interested in knowing more about it?"

"What?" The new wife's wide pupils narrowed slightly, and the palm that was gripped on the handle of the knife loosened slightly uncontrollably.

Rakshasa then continued:

"You must really don't want to lose to Ju Qingdeng in tomorrow's competition, right? So I think it is very necessary for you to listen carefully to my deal."

After a short period of shock, the new wife wide clenched the handle of the knife again, and cast a more alert look at Luo Sha.

"...I don't remember ever telling anyone that I wanted to beat Juqingden in a major tournament."

Luo Sha chuckled a few times: "It's true that you haven't mentioned this matter to anyone."

"But I saw in my eyes that you hate Juqingdeng very much, and your desire not to lose to Juqingden."

Luo Sha stretched out his hand and pointed to his eyes.

"I watched the whole process of today's Marquis of Aizu's swordsmanship competition."

"Just in the first round this morning, when you left after defeating your opponent, I noticed that you glanced at Ju Qingdeng on the martial arts stand with jealous and resentful eyes."

"Although this little movement of yours is very subtle, I was lucky enough to catch it."

"After that, I have been paying attention to your status."

"The whole day today, you kept secretly looking at Ju Qingdeng with jealous and resentful eyes."

"Although I don't know if you and Ju Qingdeng have any feuds, but you will frequently scan Ju Qingdeng with such eyes... Then this means that you must be quite disgusted with Ju Qingdeng?"

"You who hate Ju Qingdeng so much, don't you want to be easily defeated by Ju Qingdeng like those few people today?"

From just now, the astonishment on the new wife's face couldn't stop coming out.

"...Oh. You are really interesting." After a moment of silence, the new wife pulled the corners of her mouth wide and sneered, "Just by noticing a few looks in my eyes, you can conclude that I hate Ju Qingdeng?"

The smile on Rakshasa's face became meaningful.

"My new wife, the world is so big that there are no surprises."

"I am a person who not only has very good eyesight, but also is quite good at observing words and emotions."

"My childhood experience allowed me to develop the ability to be particularly good at observing words and emotions."

After finishing speaking, Luo Sha bent his upper body again, put his right elbow on his right leg, propped his right arm up to support his head, and the meaningful smile on his face became a bit stronger.

"I came from a poor family of low-ranking samurai."

"In order to save food rations, he was abandoned by his parents in the mountains when he was 5 years old."

"Just when he was about to starve to death, he was picked up by a dojo master who taught Iaido."

"The reason why the dojo master picked me up was not because he wanted to adopt me, but because he wanted to bring back a free slave."

"Forcing me to do all kinds of chores every day, and every night I was forced into his room by the master of the dojo, and used as a tool for him to vent his desire."

"The other apprentices in the dojo also treat me like a slave, beating and scolding me wantonly when they are in a bad mood, and the master of the dojo also ignores this."

"In order to live a more relaxed life, I can only be forced to learn to distinguish changes in people's expressions, and how to judge people's current emotions from changes in people's expressions."

"When you find that the dojo master and apprentices are in a bad mood, try to stay as far away from them as possible."

"When you find that they are in a good mood, you can try to go over to please them, maybe you can get some delicious food."

"In this way, unconsciously, I developed the ability to be sensitive to the changes in other people's expressions, and to judge his current emotions based on the changes in his expressions."

"So don't doubt it."

"I really do have the ability to tell that you hate Ju Qingdeng just by noticing a few eyes of yours."

"..." The new wife pursed her lips tightly, and looked up and down Raksha carefully with eyes full of surprise.

After being silent for a while, the new wife Kuan slightly relaxed his grip on the knife, and said in a low voice:
"...What do you mean by 'there is a way to give you a chance to beat Juqingdeng in tomorrow's competition'?"

"Hehehe..." Luosha let out a laugh that shook his shoulders slightly, then reached into his bosom, and took out a small medicine box from it.

"It's very simple. As long as you take this medicine from me, you can hope to defeat Juqingdeng tomorrow."

"Medicine?" The new wife fixed her broad eyes on the medicine box in Luo Sha's hand, and her brows that had just been relaxed frowned again.

"The effect of this medicine... Simply put, it can make your mind highly concentrated."

"Let your state of mind enter a state similar to 'no distracting thoughts', thereby improving reaction speed and thinking ability."

"According to my estimation... after taking my medicine, although you can't say that you can defeat Ju Qingdeng [-]% of the time, you should at least be able to fight him [-]-[-]."

The face of the new wife Kuan turns green and pale: "Highly concentrated... Such a powerful medicine must have side effects, right?"

"Of course." Luo Sha nodded without thinking, "I'm notoriously honest."

"I never do things that only tell people the good and not the bad."

"Let me just tell you frankly - the reason why I intentionally gave you this medicine is to use you as an experiment."

While speaking, Luo Sha put the medicine box on the window sill beside him.

"My medicine is still a trial product."

"Although it has significant effects, it also has strong side effects-this state of high concentration can only last for 1 stick of incense. After this state passes, the user will have a very high fever."

"If you can survive this high fever, you will be fine."

"If you can't survive, then..."

Luo Sha smiled and stretched out his right index finger, and stroked it horizontally on his neck.

"Because my medicine is related to people's spirit, so I want to experiment now—after a person who has a strong desire for victory takes this medicine in battle, whether his strong attachment to victory will be What impact will it have on the efficacy of the drug?"

"By the way, let's further test how much this medicine can strengthen people's combat power."

"So... do you understand why I came to you?"

"...Hmph, what you said just now are all just your one-sided words." The new wife Kuan whose expression changed several times, his voice was still low, "How do I know if what you just said is true?"

"You can choose not to believe it." Luo Sha shrugged vigorously, "I will not force you to take this medicine, and I will not ask you for any reward."

"I just put the medicine here."

"Eat or not, the choice is entirely in your hands, I will not interfere."

"If you don't want to believe me and dare not take my medicine, then you can just throw it into the stinky ditch outside your house, and I won't have any objections."

After finishing speaking, Raksha turned his body backwards and stood on the eaves outside the window.

"I've said everything I need to say and want to say."

"There will be a period later."

Before the lingering sound fell, Luo Sha leaned back and fell from the eaves outside the window.

The new wife ran to the window three steps wide and two steps at a time, and looked out of the window—as far as she could see, there was no sign of Rakshasa.

After scanning the window back and forth several times, the new wife Kuan turned his gaze to the medicine box that Luo Sha placed on the window sill.

With a stretch of his hand, he grabbed the medicine box and opened it. There was only one white pill the size of an adult's thumb inside.

Smelling the refreshing fragrance of the medicine escaping from the box, the new wife's hand holding the medicine box wide-opened was tight and tight, and the emotions on her face became extremely complicated at a speed visible to the naked eye, making it difficult to see through his current situation. what you think.



After Luo Sha dodged and turned into a certain dark alley, the short middle-aged man who had been waiting here hastily came up to him.

"Master Luosha, have you given the 'No Thought Medicine' to that new wife?"

Luo Sha smiled and nodded: "Now, just wait and see if he will take that medicine tomorrow."

The short, middle-aged man showed a wry smile: "Master Luosha, do you think he will take the 'No Thought Medicine'?"

"I don't know about that. After all, I'm not that new wife Kuan's roundworm. Anyway, whether he eats it or not, we won't suffer."

"...Master Luosha. Please forgive me." After pursing his lips, the short middle-aged man sighed, "Is it really okay for you to do this? Just put a precious 'nothing' Read the medicine' and give it to the new wife."

"'Mindless Medicine' is indeed still in the experimental stage, and a large number of experimenters are urgently needed to do the experiment."

"If that new wife Kuan really has the strong desire to defeat Ju Qingdeng as you said, Mr. Luosha... Then I don't deny that he is indeed a tester to test whether the 'firm fighting will' can strengthen the efficacy of the medicine, and to further confirm the 'no Medicinal medicine is an excellent test body that can increase personal combat power."

"But I still don't think it's necessary to find someone who I didn't know at all before and didn't know the details of it to do the experiment."

"If you want a good enough test subject, don't we have everything?"

"Hehehe..." As soon as the short middle-aged man finished his question, Raksha let out a weird "hehehehe" laugh, "Yes, as you said, if you want to do an experiment, you don't need to look for it at all. That new wife is wide."

"No matter what type of experiment you want to do, there are easier and simpler channels."

"But ah—"

Luo Sha suddenly changed the topic, and then tilted his head towards the short middle-aged man, with a sunny smile on his face that reminds people of a warm spring day.

His sunny smile seemed to make the surrounding darkness a little warmer.

"It's fun to do that!"

"That person must be very troubled now?"

"Do you want to believe me? Do you want to take this medicine? Is the side effect of this medicine really just a high fever afterwards?"

"Whirring whirring……"

The weird laughter that wanted to laugh out loud but was suppressed desperately escaped from between Luo Sha's lips and teeth.

"I really want to hurry up to tomorrow...Look at the troubled face of the new wife Kuan in the martial arts watching seats."



Edo, Barrel Town, the second floor of the Little Chiba Sword Museum, Chiba Singkichi's bedroom——

"Father, how is it? Is the strength okay?"

Chiba Shigetaro sat cross-legged beside Chiba Singkichi who was pulling his coat to his chest, exposing his back, and laying prone on the tatami mat. on the back.

Zuo Nazi knelt beside her brother and helped her brother. The two brothers and sisters worked together to give medicine to Chiba Dingji, who had been suffering from recurring back problems recently.

"Yeah." Chiba Dingkichi nodded, "The strength is just right. Thank you, brothers and sisters."

"Father, what are you talking about?" Chiba Shigetaro chuckled, "Isn't this what we children should do?"

Chiba Shigetaro gave Chiba Singkichi medicine while chatting with Chiba Singkichi and Sanako.

While chatting, Chiba Shigetaro suddenly glanced secretly at Sanako who was beside him, and then suddenly brought up the topic of Qingdeng who was shining in today's competition.

"I thought I had already rated Mr. Ju's talent very highly."

"As a result, I didn't find out until today——I still underestimated Mr. Ju's talent."

Chiba Shigetaro showed an expression filled with emotion.

"It's unbelievable. Mr. Ju was just an ordinary person with no foundation in swordsmanship more than three months ago."

"Such a talent...Even Brother Rong probably can't match it."

"Hmm... Mr. Ju's talent is really outstanding. Among all the swordsmen I've seen in my life, there are less than five fingers of people whose talent can be compared with Mr. Ju's." Qianye Dingji nodded lightly , and then echoed in a half-joking tone, "I'm a little envious of Zhou Zhu. After Okita-kun, I got another genius disciple with such outstanding talent."

"Sanako and I had a joke today." Chiba Shigetaro sighed silently, "This morning, Sanako and I were seriously discussing Tachibana-kun, he should spend a certain amount of effort to defeat that Adachi , In the end, Mr. Ju ended the match with only one sword."

Hearing her brother suddenly mention the embarrassing thing this morning, a bit of embarrassment appeared on the face of Zuo Nazi, but she quickly regained her expression and suppressed the embarrassment on her face. She returned to her aloof and indifferent look, and then she saw her red lips parted slightly:
"...Ju-Jun's talent is indeed very powerful for both of us to misjudge his current strength."


Sanako changed the topic.

"Brother, you said that Mr. Ju's talent is better than that of your second cousin... This is a bit too flattering and praising Mr. Ju."

"I personally think that in terms of talent, Mr. Ju is still worse than his second cousin."

"It only took the second cousin a little over a year from the time he started practicing swordsmanship to releasing his 'power' for the first time—regardless of anything else, this alone, I think, is enough for Mr. Ju to hold his own."

Before the words were finished, a bit of admiration and envy rose between the beautiful brows of Sanako.

As the sons and daughters of the great swordsman Chiba Sadakichi, Sanako and the others naturally knew the concept of "power" early on.

"Potential"... She and her elder brother have practiced swords for so many years, and until now they have not been able to touch this high-level realm that only the lucky ones with talent, hard work and opportunity can have the opportunity to touch...

"Hahahaha." After hearing Sanako's words just now, Chiba Shigetaro laughed a few times, "Well...I said that Tachibana-kun's talent surpassed Brother Rong...Maybe it is indeed too exaggerated .”

"But even so, Mr. Ju's talent is still worthy of our praise."

"If it weren't for the immorality of poaching people, I would have kind of wanted to poach Mr. Ju to our Little Chiba Sword Gym, hahaha."

"Father, I think we can have more contacts with Mr. Ju in the future."

"Even if it's only from a utilitarian point of view, it's important for our sword hall and our Chiba family to have a good relationship with this kind of young swordsman who is both talented and good-natured. It's all about gain and nothing harm."

As Chiba Shigetaro spoke, he once again sneaked a glance at his sister beside him with unobtrusive small movements...



The next day—

wow wow wow...

As soon as the sky dawned, the bustling flow of people in Asakusa never stopped.

The scene of the swordsmanship competition...was much more popular than yesterday.

It may be because many people heard about the excitement of this competition last night, so many people came here after hearing the news, which caused a large increase in the number of spectators in the martial arts seats, and many people couldn't get in. After watching the martial arts seats and not being able to see the scene on the field, they can only stay outside the martial arts seats and sigh.

In order to prevent the situation of not being able to find a good location, Qingdeng and his party also set off for Asakusa early today.

As soon as they arrived at the arena, they saw the group of Xuanwu Hall and Xiaoqianye Sword Hall who were sitting on the martial arts viewing seats one step ahead of them today.

All the members of the Chiba family are here again today.

As a matter of course, Qingdeng and the others sat together with the Chiba family.

There are only about [-] players left in the competition, because there are not many people, so it only takes less than one morning to complete all the remaining competitions.

In other words - this morning, you can see who is lucky enough to wear the crown of the winner of this competition!
The situation was exactly the same as yesterday: after the martial arts viewing seats were filled with spectators, the vassal daimyos headed by Marquis Aizu finally arrived late, followed by the old samurai who acted as the master of ceremonies yesterday. Standing in the very center of the arena again, loudly announced to everyone in the martial arts seats that today's competition has officially started!
The method of selecting contestants is still drawing lots.

Qing Deng, who achieved the feat of "defeating three enemies with three swords" yesterday, is an undoubted star today.

Whenever Qingdeng's name was sung, whenever Qingdeng entered the arena with his sword in hand, there would be much stronger cheers erupting from the martial arts seats than when the others entered the arena.

Many spectators were discussing enthusiastically there: whether those unfortunate players who played against Qingdeng could withstand Qingdeng's sword.

Compared with yesterday, today's game is obviously much more boring for Qingdeng.

Except for Hiroshi Shinjue, the rest of these players are far inferior to Morishita and Oisaki whom Qingdeng met yesterday.

Even Morishita and Oisaki, known as the "Three Heroes", are not Qingdeng's all-in-one enemies, let alone the rest?
Therefore, in the fourth round of the knockout round, Qingdeng easily defeated his opponent with a sword, and successfully advanced to the fifth round of the knockout round.

After entering the fifth knockout round, the scene was still the same: Qingdeng's name was sung, he raised his sword to enter the stage, killed his opponent with a single blow, and returned to the martial arts stand.

Whether it was the fourth round or the fifth round, Qing Deng failed to copy any talent from his opponents in these two games.

This further strengthened Qingdeng's idea: In this world, no matter whether it is learning or martial arts, there are only a handful of truly talented people, and the vast majority of people are just ordinary people.

Those who can participate in this competition are all the best among the younger generation in various sword gyms.

But so far, Qingdeng has only copied the talent of "swordsmanship talent increase" from Morishita and Oisaki.

Even in such a grand event where outstanding people gather, no one has a talent of "swordsmanship talent increase". This only shows that people who can be called "geniuses" are still quite rare. Many people who are called geniuses by others are actually There is no talent at all, it is purely enough hard work plus a scientific learning method.

Today Qingdeng reproduced yesterday's actions, defeating all the opponents he encountered today with one sword, and it's no surprise that the martial arts audience became extremely commotion.

After the fifth knockout round, the game advances to the sixth round... and it is also the last round!

Contestants, only the last two remain.

Qingdeng and his new wife Kuan!
Although there is no W word today, there are 8100 words, which is quite a lot. Please ask for a monthly ticket!Ask for a recommendation ticket!Ask for collection! (Leopard Head Crying.jpg)

The author wants to fight this month to see if he can make this book into the top 100 of the monthly ticket list, so this month the author will do his best to release updates, and I hope that book friends can help the author (Leopard Head Crying.jpg)

The author will try his best to write 1W+ tomorrow, and finish the battle between Qingdeng and his new wife Kuan in one go.

(End of this chapter)

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