I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 153 Kinoshita Mai: "Jiang Jun, are you free tonight?" [Burst update 1W]

Chapter 153 Kinoshita Mai: "Jiang Jun, are you free tonight?" [Burst update 1W]

"Aqian, now is the time when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom and the most colorful."

"However, because I have been very busy recently, and it is difficult to squeeze out free time, I have been unable to go to enjoy the cherry blossoms with you for a long time."

"I've always felt quite guilty about that..."

"Aqian, I'm sorry..."

After finishing speaking, Tu Fang bit his lower lip lightly with his teeth, the corners of his mouth drooped slightly, his cheeks were full of self-blame and shame.

"Mr. Hijikata, please don't say that!" Seeing Hijikata's appearance, Aqian quickly said distressedly, "As long as I can talk to you and be with you all the time, I will be satisfied!"

"It doesn't matter to me whether I enjoy cherry blossoms or not!"

"Aqian...thank you..." Tukata pursed his lips and smiled movedly, lowered his head and gently kissed Aqian's forehead, "Although I still have a lot of work to do, it's hard for me to find time to go with you to enjoy cherry."

"But I promise you: before the cherry blossoms fall this year, I will definitely take you to see the gorgeous sea of ​​cherry blossoms!"

"So——I decided to bring this cherry blossom that fell on my shoulder by accident and has a lot of fate with me today."

With extremely gentle movements, Hijikata put the cherry blossom in his hand into A-Chien's delicate palm.

"This cherry blossom that is very close to me, let's take it as a warm-up."

The softness of the smile on Hijikata's face became more intense.

"Now let's take a look at this little cherry blossom with you."

"Afterwards, I'll take you to see one thousand, ten thousand more beautiful cherry blossoms!"

"Mr. Hijikata...!" Aqian raised his head, gazed at Hijikata's handsome face with eyes filled with countless small stars, and then carefully cared for it with both hands as if he was holding some fragile object. Looking at the cherry blossoms that Hijikata handed to her just now.

"How? Is this cherry blossom beautiful?"

"Mmm!" Ah Qian, whose face was filled with emotion early on, nodded her head vigorously, "It's so beautiful...Mr. Hijikata, thank you! I am so happy tonight!"

"Well, I'm also satisfied to see your smiling face." Tufang hugged Aqian in his arms even tighter.

A man and a woman hugged tightly together talked about love for a while, and then Tufang suddenly said:

"Ah, can you do me a favor?"

Without thinking, Aqian cast a firm gaze at Hijikata: "Mr. Hijikata, please tell me!"

"We have recently recruited two new diners in the Sanwei Hall, namely Nagakura Shinpachi and Harada Sanosuke, who shined in the previous 'Change of Fanshu Tiaosuo'."

"Ah Qian, I hope that when you work in the tea house in the future, you can try your best to help me publicize this matter to all the guests who patronize your tea house."

"Is that so?" Aqian blinked suspiciously.

"Well, that's it." Hijikata stroked Aqian's hair lovingly, "I'm sorry... I have to ask you to help me."

"No!" Ah Qian shook his head like a rattle, "I am very happy to be able to help you, Mr. Hijikata!"

When Aqian's head reunited with Hijikata, he had already lost the ability to think due to emotion and love.

She hardly hesitated, nor did she ask why the earthwork asked her to help with this kind of thing, and she immediately agreed to the earthwork's commission.

"Ah Qian, thank you."

After saying "thank you" to Aqian in a slightly nasty tone, Hijikata loosened his arms and slowly released Aqian from his arms.

"Okay, it's almost time, Ah Qian, go back quickly."

"If you go back to the store too late like last time, your boss will scold you again."

"I want to stay with you, Mr. Hijikata, for a while longer..." Aqian pursed her lips.

"Fool." Tufang laughed dumbfounded, stretched out his hand and pinched Aqian's face, "We will have plenty of opportunities to make love in the future. Be good, be obedient, and go back to the store."

"Hmm..." Aqian reluctantly pecked her head a few times, then took the cherry blossom that Dojikata gave her, returned along the original road, and quickly left the dark alley.

Ah Qian's figure had just disappeared from his field of vision, and Tu Yili immediately grabbed the clothes on his chest, lowered his head and sniffed vigorously at his clothes.

After confirming that he didn't smell like a woman, he calmly adjusted his clothes, turned around, and left the place from another direction.

Hijikata passed through several cities and towns non-stop, and finally... went straight into an izakaya.

"Welcome... Ah! Mr. Hijikata!" The female owner of the izakaya who was busy behind the counter—a woman in her 30s, showed the same expression as Aqian just now when she saw Hijikata. Expression: Surprised.

"Azao, long time no see." Tufang leaned on the counter and scanned the shop, "Is there no customer in the shop now?"

"Yes." Ah Zao said with a wry smile, "The business is not very good these days."

After briefly bringing up the topic of no customers in the store, Ah Zao cleared his throat, put his hands on his hips, and glanced at Tufang with reproachful eyes.

"Hmph, you guy, you finally know to come and see me?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Tufang clasped his hands together, and apologized to Ah Zao with Chen Kendi, "I've been really busy recently."

"Hmph..." Ah Zao let out a shy "hum" sound with her nose, "Really... I don't know what I'm busy with all day long."

"Many things in the test hall need my help to take care of them." Tufang said casually.

A Zao curled her lips: "You are not related to those people in the test hall, why bother to work so hard for the test hall?"

"Hahaha." Tufang looked up to the sky and laughed a few times, "Who said that I am not related to the test guard hall?"

"Although I have no blood relationship with Ah Sheng and the general manager, my relationship with them has already surpassed the general brotherhood."

"To me, the two of them are just like my elder brother and... my younger brother."

"As for Master and Uncle Yuan, they are also elders whom I rely on very much."

Having said that, the earthwork changed into a half-joking tone:
"For the sake of everyone in the test hall, I have the resolution to become a 'ghost of hell'."

"'Ghost of Hell'... Hahaha, Mr. Hijikata, you occasionally say something very interesting. Come, please drink." Azao handed a glass of freshly warmed sake to Hijikata, "Then——this gentleman who is willing to become a 'ghost of hell' for everyone in the test hall, suddenly visited our shop, why?"

The corners of Hijikata's mouth curled up charmingly, he grabbed the glass of wine that Azao gave him and drank it down, then reached into his bosom and took out a delicate cherry blossom.

"Azao, this is for you."

"Huh? Why did you suddenly send me a cherry blossom?"

"This is a cherry blossom that accidentally fell on my shoulder when I was outing in Kanagawa yesterday."


It was like rewinding a video of a movie, and the scenes that were almost exactly the same as what happened in the dark alley where Hijikata and Aqian met just now were repeated again...


"Because I've been very busy recently and it's hard to squeeze out free time, I haven't been able to go to cherry blossom viewing with you for a long time."


"Mr. Hijikata, please don't say that!"


"I decided to bring this cherry blossom that fell on my shoulder by accident and has a lot of fate with me today."


"Afterwards, I'll take you to see one thousand, ten thousand more beautiful cherry blossoms!"


Holding the cherry blossom that Tufang gave her, Ah Zao shyly flung herself across the counter into Tufang's arms like an ignorant girl.

"Really..." Ah Zao, with flushed cheeks, pouted her lips, staring affectionately at the cherry blossoms in her palm, "You always come to tease me, an old woman..."

"Then are you willing to let me continue to tease you like this?" With a slightly domineering gesture and movement, Tufang hugged Azao into his arms with one hand.

"..." Ah Zao, who was silent, pecked lightly on the head.

Tufang embraced A-Zao, and after talking with A-Zao for a long time, he suddenly said to A-Zao as if inadvertently:

"Azao, I need your help with something."

"We have recently recruited two new diners in the Sanwei Hall, namely Nagakura Shinpachi and Harada Sanosuke, who shined in the previous 'Change of Fanshu Tiaosuo'."

"Azao, I hope you can try your best to help me spread the word to all the guests who visit your izakaya."


About 5 minutes later, Hijikata strutted out of Azao's izakaya.

As soon as he left, Tubian smelled his clothes to make sure that he didn't smell a woman's scent, and at the same time strode towards Japan's embankment.

Nippon Embankment——When hearing this place name, most Edo men will smile knowingly.

Because in this place, there is the largest red light district in Edo and the number one red light district in Japan: Yoshihara.

Because of the extreme solidification of classes and the lack of mobility between classes, Japanese society in the Edo period has always been quite oppressive.

In order to put pressure on the society and prevent the samurai with excess energy from messing around, as soon as the Edo Shogunate was established, it clearly stipulated the existence of brothels, and Yoshihara, the largest red-light district in Edo, was born.

In the Edo period, it was customary for people to refer to brothels as "younvya" and prostitutes as "younv".

In Yoshiwara, there are many houses of wandering girls. In the heyday, Edo claimed to have "three thousand wandering girls", but in fact the number of wandering girls in Yoshiwara has always exceeded [-].

As if returning to his hometown, Hijikata walked into Yoshiwara with ease, and went straight into a certain house of a traveling girl...

After a while, Tufang sat cross-legged in a certain room of the traveling girl's house.

Wow——A traveling girl who was at most 20 years old, wearing heavy makeup and well-dressed, opened the door of the room.

"Mr. Hijikata!"

The first thing the wandering girl did after opening the door was to fly into Hijikata's arms while shouting Hijikata's name.

"I miss you so much..."

"Ozuki, I miss you too." Hijikata smiled and raised his hand, using gentle movements to straighten the hair that fell from Ozuki's temples.


"This is a cherry blossom that accidentally fell on my shoulder when I was outing in Kanagawa yesterday."


"Although I still have too much work to do, it's hard for me to find time to enjoy the cherry blossoms with you. But I promise you: before the cherry blossoms end this year, I will definitely take you to see the gorgeous sea of ​​cherry blossoms! ""


"This cherry blossom that is very close to me, let's take it as a warm-up."


"Afterwards, I'll take you to see one thousand, ten thousand more beautiful cherry blossoms!"


"Ozuki, I have something I want to ask you for your help. We recently recruited two new diners in the Weiwei Hall, namely Yongcang Shinpachi and Harada Zuo, who shined in the previous "Fanshu Tiaosuo Change" no help."


After staying in Yoshiwara for about an hour, Hijikata quickly walked out of Yoshihara while arranging his clothes, and rushed to the next place without any rest.

The new place that Hijikata rushed to was the settlement of Banner warriors.

After walking to the house of a certain Banner Samurai, Hijikata scanned the surrounding area, and after confirming that there were no outsiders around, he swiftly and skillfully climbed over the wall of this Samurai House...

A moment later, a strange noise came from the bedroom of the youngest daughter of the warrior...


When dawn was approaching, Dojikata successfully delivered the 9 cherry blossoms he broke off from the cherry blossom tree.



Yongcura and Harada didn't have any luggage, so after promising Kondo that he would join the testing hall as a diner, the two of them took their luggage that could be packed with a Furoshiki overnight and officially checked in. Test hall.

After Yongcang and Harada lived in the test health hall, the population of the test health hall became more prosperous, and it suddenly became much more lively.

Except for Abi who is still struggling with the problem of "I don't want to spend money to support two people who may not be able to help the development of their sword gym", the rest of the trial guards welcome the joining of Yongcang and Harada manner.

Qingdeng is naturally happy to see Yongcang and Yuantian live in the test hall.

After all, after eating and living with the two of them, Qingdeng no longer has to worry about the two of them being late for work.

After Saito, there are two more people who will accompany Qingdeng to and from get off work between the Beifan Institute and the Sanwei Museum.

In the early morning of the next day, Qingdeng led his much-strengthened "attendance team" to the Beifan Office majestically.

Today is another very stable and peaceful day.

Nothing major happened, and there was no troublesome official business.

In this calm, the quietly flowing time makes the morning glow in the sky slowly turn into the sunset.

When the golden sunset light dyed the ground with the color of sunset, Qingdeng and Fujido, who did not choose to stay in the test hall, said "see you tomorrow", and then led Saito, Yongcang, Harada three People, ready to embark on the road back to the examination hall.

As soon as he stepped out of the gate of Beifan Institute, the slightly sultry twilight that hit his face made Qingdeng couldn't help but lower his eyelids, and used his slender eyelashes to filter the slightly harsh light.

After a few breaths passed and his eyes got used to the light, Qingdeng raised his eyelids.

"Huh?" As soon as his vision recovered with the opening of his eyelids, Qingdeng saw a familiar figure outside the gate of the Beifan Institute.

Looking at this familiar figure, Qingdeng couldn't help being slightly startled, and let out a surprised "hmm".

This beautiful figure that is quite familiar to Qingdeng is none other than Kinoshita Mai.

As always, Kinoshita Mai, wearing a bright red kimono and red clogs, sat on a stone step outside the gate of Beibansuo.

Judging from Kinoshita Wu's current behavior, it is not difficult to see that Kinoshita Wu should be bored now.

Due to the hot weather, she didn't wear cloth socks on her white and tender feet.

She used her right big toe and second toe to clamp the red button of the wooden clogs under her feet, lifted and shook the clogs...

She just drooped her head like this, looking bored at the wooden clogs that were constantly shaking in mid-air under the fiddle of her toes.

At this moment, out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of Qingdeng coming out of Beifan Office.

Afterwards, she was seen jumping up from the stone steps with a happy face, tightened her clogs, and quickly walked towards Qingdeng: "Mr. Ju!"

Kinoshita Mai smiled and greeted Qingdeng in a vigorous voice.

But after turning her attention to Saito, Yongcang, and Fujido standing behind Qingdeng, she returned to her shy and shy nature.With a blushing face, he said "Hello" to Saito and the others in a voice as thin as a mosquito's moan.

"Miss Kinoshita, hello." Qingdeng smiled and responded enthusiastically to Kinoshita Mai.

Qingdeng and the others are still standing outside the gate of the Beifan Institute.

Standing in this place and chatting, it is easy to hinder other people's entry and exit in the Beifan Office, so Qingdeng also cut to the chase, and directly asked Kinoshita Mai with doubts:

"Miss Kinoshita, why are you here?"

"I've been waiting here for you."

After hearing Qingdeng's voice, Kinoshita Mai quickly cut out from the "scared" state, smiled and folded her hands with crossed fingers in front of her body.

"Mr. Tachibana, Mr. Kiryu has something to look for you, and he hopes that you can go to the Qianshiya alone as soon as possible."

"Boss Kiryu?" Qingdeng frowned vigorously.

"Hmm." Mai Kinoshita nodded her head vigorously.

——You want me to go to the House of Thousand Things by myself right now?

Qing Deng frowned puzzled.

"Miss Kinoshita, did Boss Kiryu tell you what happened?"

"He didn't say."

"...I see." Qingdeng nodded solemnly, "I'm going now."

Since he was asked to go to Qianshiya right now... then it must not be a trivial matter—— Qingdeng, with such an idea, turned his eyes and let Saito, Yongcang, and Harada behind him take a step forward .

Yongcang, the upright Tie Hanhan, and Harada, the brainless fool, nodded without thinking, saying "Got it".

On the contrary, Saito, a reliable man who doesn't talk too much, asked back, "Don't you need my escort?"

Because Mr. Kiryu made it clear that he wanted Qingdeng to go to the Senshiya alone, so Qingdeng declined Saito's proposal as an escort, and asked Saito to go back to the sword gym with Yongcang and Harada directly without worrying about him.

Since the employer has asked for this, Saito can only comply.

After watching the three of Saito leave, Qingdeng said to Kinoshita Mai seriously: "Miss Kinoshita, let's go."

Now it is the "rush hour", and the flow of people on the street has increased significantly.

Qingdeng and Kinoshita Mai walking side by side carefully dodged those dense crowds and streams of people, while heading towards the direction of Qianshiwu.

Pulling the red-button wooden clogs under his feet, Kinoshita Wu, who was on the left and right of Qingdeng, followed closely in step, constantly raised his eyes, and secretly looked at Qingdeng beside him.

After peeking at Qingdeng for more than a dozen times, Wu Shita finally summoned up her courage, took a deep breath, and said:

"Mr. Tangerine."

Qingdeng: "Huh?"

"I've heard about it." Kinoshita Wu raised her head and smiled at Qing Deng, "You won the swordsmanship competition the day before yesterday! Congratulations!"

"Ah, thank you." Qing Deng hastily smiled modestly.

"Mr. Ju, you are awesome. I have heard that there are many masters participating in this competition. You can still win the championship in such a competition where masters gather." Speaking of this, Mai Kinoshita's beautiful eyebrows darted With a look of regret, "It's a pity... If only I could see this competition..."

Qingdeng raised his eyebrows: "Huh? Boss Kiryu won't allow you to watch the game?"

"Yes." Mai Kinoshita pursed her red lips slightly, and a dissatisfaction visible to the naked eye floated on her face, "Mr. Kiryu happened to go out the day before yesterday and the day before yesterday, and he needed me to stay and look after the store, so I am not allowed fake..."

"That's it..." Qingdeng smiled helplessly, "That's really a pity..."

Kinoshita Mai opened her red lips slightly, and after letting out a helpless sigh, the smile returned to her face:
"Forget it, it's over anyway, let's not talk about it."

"Did you meet any tough opponents in this competition?" Kinoshita Wu further questioned Qingdeng on the topic of "Swordsmanship Competition".

"Hmm... the opponent in the final did cause me some trouble."

Regarding the various questions Kinoshita Mai asked, Qingdeng took the attitude of "knowing everything without saying nothing".

After Qingdeng and Kinoshita Wu chatted about the topic of "Swordsmanship Contest" for a while, the two of them turned into a street with few people and a rather deserted atmosphere without knowing it.

Kinoshita Mai turned her gaze, and after scanning the sparse crowd around the circle, she suddenly stopped in her tracks.

Qingdeng, who was not expecting Kinoshita Wu's sudden stop, took two steps forward according to his inertia, and then stopped immediately, "Miss Kinoshita, what's wrong? Why did you stop suddenly?"

"...Tachibana-kun, I'm sorry." Kinoshita Mai showed an apologetic smile to Qingdeng, "I actually lied to you...Mr. Kiryu didn't ask for you."

"Huh?" Qingdeng couldn't help being taken aback.

In a timely manner, Kinoshita Mai immediately handed over an explanation in a helpless tone:
"I lied to you just to drive Saito-kun and the others away."

"If you don't try to distract them, there is no way to talk to you about business."

After finishing speaking, Kinoshita Mai took two steps forward, walked up to Qingdeng, then tiptoed her delicate and delicate toes, and put her red lips as close to Qingdeng's ears as possible, with a touch that only the two of them could The clear voice whispered:
"Mr. Orange, are you free tonight?"

"I found another target who needs the help of Little Monk Hu."

Hearing Kinoshita Wu's succinct words... To be precise, after hearing the word "Fox Monk" mentioned by Kinoshita Wu, Qingdeng's expression froze slightly.

He lowered his head and gaze, and cast a serious and serious gaze at Kinoshita Mai who was still a lot shorter than him even though he stood on tiptoe.

"...Miss Kinoshita." Qingdeng lowered his voice, just like Kinoshita Mai just now, using a volume that only the two of them could hear clearly, "What target have you found again?"

"Hmm..." Kinoshita Mai looked warily at the surrounding area where there were still passers-by passing by in twos and threes, "It's not convenient to talk about it here."

"Mr. Ju, do you have time tonight? If I have time, I want to wait until tonight to talk to you in detail."

Qingdeng pondered for less than two breaths, then nodded solemnly: "I understand. I have time after eight o'clock in the evening (2 o'clock in the morning), can we meet again after eight o'clock in the evening?"

2 o'clock in the morning is the time Qingdeng gets up every day.

"Of course." Kinoshita Mai replied almost without hesitation, "Then tonight at [-] o'clock in the evening, I was in the dark alley behind the ramen restaurant next to the testing hall...that is the one we have been to before. That place is waiting for you."

Qingdeng nodded in agreement.

Then, he showed a helpless smile.

"Miss Kinoshita, you are very clever. You actually know how to dismiss Saito and the others with the excuse that 'Boss Kiryu needs to find me'."

At this moment, Qingdeng suddenly realized that this girl who loves to wear red clothes and red button clogs in front of her is far more eccentric than she looks.

When Kinoshita Mai told him solemnly, "Boss Kiryu needs to find him for something", everything was normal in terms of expression, words and deeds, and Qingdeng didn't find any abnormality in Kinoshita Mai, so just now Qingdeng really thought that Boss Kiryu was there. Something urgent needs to be seen with him immediately alone.

But if you think about it carefully, it’s true—how can a girl who is not as big as a little ghost become a big monster thief at such an age that can cause headaches for the Edo prefectural office and the villains in Edo to this day?
"I'm sorry..." Mai Kinoshita, with an apologetic look on her face again, folded her hands in front of her and twisted her fingers together, and apologized to Qingdeng again, "I really can't think of anything other than moving Mr. Kiryu out. How can we get the two of us to be alone..."

"It's all right." Qing Deng waved his hand, "I don't mean to blame you."

"It's better to say, I still want to praise you, you know how to use such a clever method to distract Saito and the others, and bring me to this kind of place where there are few people."

"Then we'll see you tonight."

After all, Qingdeng secretly sighed in his heart.

He never expected—after solving the "human beheading incident", the strange thief Mao Xiaoseng sent him a new commission so quickly!


Since "Boss Kiryu is looking for him for something" is completely fabricated by Kinoshita Mai, then Qingdeng naturally doesn't need to go to Senshiya again.

After walking for a while with Kinoshita Mai, the two separated at a fork in the road and went back to their respective homes.

Walking through the familiar streets and alleys that I have walked countless times in the past few months, Qingdeng soon returned to Koishichuan Kohinata Yanagi.

After climbing up the high slope where the test hall is located, after a while, the shadow of the test hall came into Qingdeng's eyes.

Having lived in the testing hall with Okita, Kondo and the others lively for such a long time, Qingdeng has already developed a feeling of "home" for the testing hall.

After seeing the huge shadow of the testing hall from a distance, a strange sense of peace of mind flooded Qingdeng's heart, making Qingdeng feel less tired from his body.

But at this moment, Qing Deng suddenly and vaguely saw some people gathering outside the gate of the testing hall.

It's already past the closing time of the testing hall.

It's already this time, why are there so many people gathered outside the gate of the test hall... Qingdeng frowned slightly, and quickened his pace a little.

After getting closer to the testing hall, two voices of conversation reached Qingdeng's ears——

"Excuse me, is Juqingdeng there?"

"Huh? Who are you? Why are you looking for Mr. Ju?"

The last voice was that of Okita.

And the previous voice...Qingdeng sounded familiar.

After simply recalling it in his mind, Qingdeng remembered whose voice it was.

Qingdeng's complexion quickly sank, and he further accelerated his pace towards the testing hall.

After a while, the scene outside the gate of the test hall was clearly and completely displayed in front of Qingdeng's eyes.

I saw Okita standing weakly behind the gate of the test hall, holding the door with one hand, and with the other hand on his hips, under his frowning brows, a pair of vigilant eyes scanned back and forth who was standing in the test hall. The 8 youths in front of the gate.

These 8 youths were all wearing simple clothes, and there were no weapons on their bodies.

At first glance, it seems that these 8 young people are just ordinary young people who can be seen everywhere on the street.

But after a closer look, it can be found that the necks, forearms, ankles and other places where the clothes cannot cover the necks, forearms, and ankles of these eight young people are basically tattooed with hideous tattoos.

In the Edo period... no, it should be said that in Japan, regardless of the past and present, except for a few weirdos, there was only one type of people who would tattoo dragons and phoenixes on their bodies-Yakuza!

The leader of this group of Yakuza who suddenly visited the test hall was a very young youth.

This young man has a fairly handsome face, but a huge scar on his face stretching from the root of his left ear to the root of his right ear destroyed the beauty of his face.

Qingdeng was very familiar with this scarred face—it was a member of the "Qingshui Clan" who came here to collect his father Takashi Tachibana's gambling debts from him!

Thinking back to the first night when Qingdeng traveled to this era, he ran into this scar-faced leader who came to collect debts from him.

"Mr. Ju?" Seeing Qingdeng who had returned, Chongtian was startled, and then cast a more vigilant look at the group of Yakuza in front of him who had just threatened to find Qingdeng.

Immediately afterwards, I saw Okita taking advantage of the gap when Scarface and others were focusing on Qingdeng, and quietly dodged back to the testing room...

Scarface and the others, who were focusing their eyes on Qingdeng, did not notice that Okita had left, and because of the angle of sight, Qingdeng also did not notice that Okita was no longer standing behind the gate of the testing hall.

"Oh, Mr. Orange." The corners of the mouth of Dao Scar's face turned up, showing a kind smile to Qingdeng, and warmly greeted Qingdeng, "Mr. Orange, long time no see! You just came from Beifan Return there?"

Qingdeng didn't even bother to answer Scarface's greeting.

"...It's really rare." Qing Deng said in a deep voice, "In the past, you all came to collect debts when it was dark."

"And now that the sky is still bright, you have come to the door."

After finishing speaking, Qing Deng subconsciously glanced at the sky where there was still a little twilight.

Scarface led a large group of people to gamble outside the gate of the testing hall... Apart from coming to him to ask for the huge gambling debt owed by his father Takashi Tachibana, Qingdeng really couldn't think of anything else There is a reason why this gang of scum who commits all kinds of crimes can suddenly appear here!

"Mr. Orange, you misunderstood." Dao Scar raised his hands towards Qingdeng, "We are not here to collect debts from you."

They didn't come here to collect debts... Qingdeng couldn't help but a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Just when Qingdeng was about to question Scarface, the sound of footsteps suddenly came from the test hall.

Qingdeng, Dao Scarlian and others followed the sound to look around, and then they saw one tall figure after another appearing behind the gate of the testing hall.

After seeing the appearance of these tall figures clearly, Qingdeng couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and a slight smile emerged from the corners of his slightly raised mouth.

Okita, who sneaked back to the test hall just now, was actually going to shake people.

Today's test hall is very full of people.Not only did Zhou Zhu not go out due to business, even the earthworker was there.

Okita brought everyone here.

Shusuke, Kondo, Hijikata, Saito, Nagakura, and Harada who just came back one step ahead of Qingdeng.

After Okita came back with this large group of people, Scarface and the others suddenly changed slightly.

There is no other reason—except for Zhou Zhu and Okita, the height of the rest of the trial guards far exceeds the average adult male of this era.

Kondo and Yongcura are similar in height, almost 178cm.

Earthwork is exactly 10 centimeters shorter than Kondo, 168cm.

As for Saito, he is the tallest one, exactly 180cm.

Although Harada's height of 160cm is far inferior to the above four people, he is also much taller than most adult men of this era.

In comparison, Okita, who is only 155cm, stands in the middle of Kondo and the others, and looks extraordinarily inconspicuous...

And now Okita happens to be standing between the two tallest people, Saito and Yongcang, which makes him even shorter!
Okita also noticed that his stance was slightly subtle.

After looking at Saito and Nagakura standing on the left and right, he tiptoed silently, took a deep breath, raised his shoulders, and tried to make himself look taller when he was sandwiched between Nagakura and Saito Some……

On the other hand, Scarface and others, they are all of ordinary height in this era—that is, they only fluctuate around the figure of 1 meters...

Compared with Kondo and the others, a large number of "giants", Scarface and others are like "little people".

Looking at Kondo and the others who were taller than each other, except for Scarface who had to be calmer, the rest of the people standing behind Scarface all turned pale due to the strong psychological pressure.

As Master Qingdeng and the owner of the guarding hall, Zhou Zhu took two steps forward with a blank face, and stood in front of Kondo and the others, and then took the lead in questioning Scarface and the others in a tone without sadness or joy:
"I don't know why you came to visit my guarding hall suddenly, so what's the matter?"

The upright Tiehanhan Yongcang, who spoke whenever he had something to say and never held back his words, said coldly following Zhou Zhu, "Are you from the 'Qingshui Clan'?"

As soon as Yongcang finished speaking, the eyes of everyone around Scarface and the others suddenly became more hostile.

Even Harada, who usually wears a heartless and naive smile, now has a serious face.

Because of their father's gambling, their Ju family owed a huge debt to the "Qingshui Clan"—this matter has never been a secret in the test hall.

"Ah, don't be nervous." Scarface cleaned up his expression, spread his hands, and smiled at everyone, "We're not here to make trouble."

"I'm here to say a good deed to Mr. Orange."

As Scarface spoke, he turned his gaze back to Qingdeng.

"Mr. Orange, the gambling debts your father owed will be canceled from now on, and you don't need to pay them back."

Before Qingdeng had time to show a surprised expression, Scarface put his hand into his bosom first, took out a piece of paper from his bosom and handed it to Qingdeng.

"This is your father's IOU."

"This IOU will belong to you from now on."

With his pupils shrunk slightly, Qingdeng snatched the neatly folded paper from Scarface, unfolded it and scanned it at a glance—it was indeed his father Takayuki Tachibana's gambling debt IOU.

Whether it is the numbers written on it, or the signatures and handprints signed, pressed on it, there is no problem.

Looking at the IOU in his hand, no joy appeared on Qingdeng's face, but his expression became more dignified.

"...What are you doing?" Qingdeng raised his eyes from the IOU in his hand, stared at Scarface, "Why did you cancel our family's debt for no reason?"

The imperfection of the legal system and the lack of law enforcement forces make the Yakuza of this era more brutal than the modern gangsters.

This group of scum who would do all sorts of dirty things for money and power suddenly told him that "there is no need to repay the debt"... It's not normal to think anything!

Qingdeng would rather believe that the sun came out from the west than that the always inhuman Yakuzas would suddenly find out their consciences!
"Mr. Orange." Scarface ignored Qingdeng's fierce gaze, and smiled calmly, "Our leader: Shimizu Eiichi, has always valued heroes the most."

"Recently, you performed extraordinary feats and dealt severe blows to the 'radical anti-barbarians' faction with the sword in your hand, which made the leader admire you very much."

"In order to show respect for you, the leader personally ordered that all the gambling debts owed by your father be written off."

"At the same time, return all the repayments you have made before."

After finishing speaking, Dao Scar looked at a subordinate behind him.

After noticing the look in the eyes from the scarred face, the subordinate quickly handed over a cloth bag in his hand.

Crash... When Scarface took the cloth bag from his subordinate, there was a crisp sound of "crash la la" from the cloth bag - it was the sound of coins colliding with each other.

"Mr. Orange, please count." Scarface lowered his head, and presented the bag of money to Qingdeng respectfully with both hands.

1W burst today!

Today's explosive update is to repay the owed 5th leader: [Book Friends 20180122225820265] explosive update!

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(End of this chapter)

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