I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 168 Ouch!Miss Elodie, are you blushing? [Burst update 1W]

Qingdeng staggered slightly.

Harada deliberately lowered his voice.

Under the control of his exquisite voice, only Qingdeng and others who were close to him could hear what he just said clearly.

As soon as Harada's words fell, Yongcang looked at him with a shocked face: "The faces of these barbarians are so strange, looking at such faces, do you still have the mood to do that kind of thing?"

Although the "black ship incident" in which Commodore Perry led the fleet into Edo Bay took place seven years ago in the sixth year of Kayong (7), Japan did not immediately open its doors because of the incident.

The Edo shogunate, who were afraid of the force of the United States, did not dare to refuse the request for the founding of the country, but they were also afraid that the abolition of the national policy of "locking the country" and opening the country would be criticized by the whole country.

Therefore, Masahiro Abe, the chief veteran of the Edo Shogunate at the time, used the excuse that "the emperor's approval is required to accept the treaty" as an excuse, and agreed that Perry would give a reply in the spring of the next year.

Therefore, the visit of the American Fleet this time did not achieve any substantive results. It only succeeded in sending Japan their credentials asking Japan to open a country and trade, and successfully promoted their American military power.

In the sixth year of Kayong (1854) of the following year, Perry arrived as promised, led a larger fleet into Edo Bay, and asked the Edo shogunate "the agreed time has come, please give me an answer."

It was not until this time that the Edo Shogunate finally signed the "Treaty of Kanagawa" with the United States because they could not bear the pressure.

Subsequently, England, France, the Netherlands, Tsarist Russia and other countries rushed forward to sign treaties with Japan like cats smelling fishy.

It wasn't until this time that the Edo shogunate's "Law to Lock the Country" finally existed in name only, and the country's gates were completely opened.

So if you really want to study it carefully, as of now, the total time for Japan to really open its doors is less than 6 years.

Because the time to let go of communication with the outside world is too short, even people who don't have too strong aversion to Westerners find it very difficult to get used to the appearance and culture of Westerners.

Whether it is the height of the Westerners, which is tall even for women, or the white skin, colorful hair and eye colors, the Japanese of this era are very unaccustomed to them, thinking that these Westerners look like monsters.

Because the bridge of the nose of Westerners is generally very high, which is the same as the big monster in Japanese legend: Tengu, so this further strengthens some people's cognition that "Westerners are a bunch of monsters and unclean things".

After questioning Harada sharply, Nagakura lowered his voice and continued with certainty:
"I heard that because we are of a different race from Westerners, if we do that kind of thing with Westerners, we will get sick."

"This kind of pure nonsense." As soon as Yongcang's words fell, Qingdeng couldn't help but refuted in a helpless tone because the remarks were too absurd.

"Don't you guys want to try it?" Harada licked his lips, "Anyway, I really want to try it."

"It's a pity that this place looks... unlikely to have any Western wandering girls."

The Westerners living in this Edo settlement were either businessmen who came to Japan to do business, or public officials in charge of handling Japanese affairs. Some of the lesser status were also the servants and guards of the above two kinds of people.

In a word - the Western residents in this area are either rich or expensive.

In this kind of place, it is really impossible to meet a western girl.

In response to Harada's question "Don't you want to give it a try?", Saito took the lead in giving a short answer that was cold and cool, very in his own style: "Not interested."

Yongcang followed Saito and gave the answer: "I am not used to the appearance of Westerners."

At this moment, a man with brown hair and green eyes who was wearing a starched suit was walking towards Yongcang from afar.

Looking at the man's brown hair and those rather green eyes, Yongcura shrank his neck, then silently took a step sideways, away from the brown-haired man.

Seeing that both Saito and Yongcang had given their answers, Harada turned his gaze to Qingdeng with anticipation.

Harada looked... It seemed that he wanted to find a companion with whom he could go hunting for flowers and willows in the future.

Qingdeng, who noticed Harada's gaze, had a helpless expression: "I'm not very interested in finding sex with prostitutes."

Affected by the education he received in his previous life, Qingdeng has always held an attitude of refusing to "look for prostitutes".

Moreover, in Qingdeng's eyes, looking for sex with prostitutes in this era is a complete gamble in which one's own life is betted.

Because there are no reliable protective measures, and people in this era generally do not have a sound sense of hygiene, the disease has always been prevalent among the people.

In this age before antibiotics were invented, most of the diseases of the willow and willow are terminal illnesses that can only wait for death.

Qingdeng didn't want to die of illness...and this kind of thing happened to him.

Seeing that Lian Qingdeng also made it clear that he was "not interested", Harada's brows were obviously frowning.

"What about you?" Harada looked at the last person who hadn't expressed his opinion, "Todo, what do you say?"

"Ah? Me?" As the youngest person in Qingdeng's small team, Todo, who still had a very obviously childish face, showed a distressed expression of "Well... how should I answer".

Seeing that Fujido didn't know how to answer, Qingdeng was thinking about whether to help Fujido, but Fujido suddenly said:

"I... don't really like these barbarians who have invaded our country."

"But I'm different from the lunatics who want to kill all the barbarians who have entered our country and all the Chinese who have had dealings with these barbarians like the barbarian group."

"Although I don't like the barbarians, I still hope to coexist peacefully with the barbarians, maintain a good relationship with the barbarians, and then learn the advanced technology of the barbarians to strengthen our country's national strength, so that the barbarians will no longer dare to treat people wantonly. humiliate our country."

"I think this is the real 'rejection of barbarians'."

"Oh?" Harada raised his eyebrows forcefully in surprise.

At this moment, Qingdeng, Saito, and Yongcang couldn't help turning their heads to look at Fujido.

Everyone's eyes were focused on him, which made Fujido feel nervous.

"Hold, I'm sorry." Fujido smiled awkwardly, raised his hand and scratched his hair, "I seem to have said something not very interesting... It was just my personal opinion just now, just listen to it and let it go it is good."

"It's nothing." Harada grinned and laughed a few times, "I think what you said just now is very interesting."

"On the topic of 'resisting barbarians', the most common remarks I hear from people around me... are either 'hard work on swordsmanship, and after the war with Western countries in the future, I will be the first to take the lead and split the barbarians with one sword head'."

"Either it is 'Yidi's warships and cannons are not to be feared at all. The most important weapon on the battlefield is human faith and will. As long as you have the determination to win and the will to fight without fear of death, it is not difficult to defeat Yidi'." "

"It's quite rare for someone like Fujido to advocate 'learning from barbarians'."

Fujido smiled naively: "Harada-kun, there are very few people like you who find my proposition very interesting."

Having said that, Fujido's cheeks slowly showed a faint look of helplessness.

"I have also mentioned my idea of ​​'learning from Yidi' to many people."

"But they're basically either apathetic or sniffy."

"Although there are many people who are not as radical as the lunatics like the barbarian group, eager to kill all the barbarians in the country, but they also hate barbarians extremely."

"Either we feel that we can't lower ourselves to have any dealings with Yidi."

"Either they think that Yi and Di are our enemies, and it is a shameful act to learn from them."

"Only the master and some fellow disciples quite agree with my proposition."

The master Fujido mentioned... naturally refers to the master of the Ito Dojo who is well-known in Edo and known for his prowess in both civil and martial arts: Ito Daizo.

Qingdeng had also heard that this Ito Dazo was indeed a kind of open-minded person, and there were rumors that Ito Dazo was learning English and Dutch by himself.

Thinking about it this way, Fujido, who practiced Hokushin Ichidou-ryu in his dojo, was influenced by his master and came up with the idea of ​​"learning from the West", which is considered quite advanced in the current Japanese social environment. Not surprising.

After quietly listening to Fujido's complaint-like words, Harada laughed a few times "hehehe", then shrugged his shoulders forcefully.

"Anyway, to me, as long as it doesn't affect my eating, it doesn't matter whether I want to drive all Yidi out or learn Yidi's skills."

After such a simple chat, Qingdeng and his party stopped talking.

After turning two street corners in silence all the way, Qingdeng and the others finally arrived at the destination of their trip - the place that was reported: a dessert shop specializing in wagashi.

This dim sum shop is a rare Japanese-style building in this settlement.

According to the information provided by the whistleblower, there is a rough man with a beard who sneaks in and out of this pastry shop almost every day with a large bag of things on his back.

After seeing this dim sum shop, the expressions of Qingdeng and others became serious by coincidence.

Under Qingdeng's leadership, they were not in a hurry to get close to the dim sum shop, but first walked around the dim sum shop from a distance to observe the architectural style of the dim sum shop and the surrounding building layout.

According to statistics, this pastry shop only has two doors, the front door and the back door, and there are not many ways for people inside to escape... This is quite beneficial to Qingdeng and the others.

"Mr. Orange." Yongcang leaned his head towards Qingdeng, "What should we do now?"

Qingdeng pondered for a while: "...Look for a place to lurk and observe this pastry shop. See if you can catch the person who the whistleblower said is sneaking in and out of this pastry shop almost every day." Bearded man."

After all, Qingdeng raised his head and looked around, looking for a suitable place to lurk and observe the dim sum shop.

After a while, Qingdeng frowned slightly—the dim sum shop was surrounded by neatly arranged buildings.

There are neither inns that can be easily entered, nor dark alleys that are convenient to hide.

Saito and the others also found that there was no suitable place for them to lurk around, and they all showed embarrassment.

While Qingdeng was thinking about what to do now——

"Huh? Mr. Orange?"

Such an immature, yet beautiful female voice...

The female voice coming from behind made Qingdeng turn around with a surprised expression.

A lovely figure immediately caught Qingdeng's eyes.

"Miss Angoulême?" Qing Deng whispered the name of this beautiful figure subconsciously.

Élodie de Angoulême, whom I hadn't seen for a long time, held a small white parasol in her left hand and pulled her white dress with her right hand. Qingdeng.

The parasol held by Elodie's left hand is too small for an adult, and it is useless except to hold it in his hand for a show, but for this year, he is only 12 years old, and his figure is quite petite It is just right for the Elodie.

Elodie leaned the pole of the parasol against her left shoulder, taking Elodie's waist as the dividing line, her body above the waist was hidden under the shadow of the parasol, and her body below the waist was exposed to the light. middle.

Half of her body is in the shadows, and half of her body is in the sun. The combination of a strong sense of contrast, coupled with Elodie's extremely cute face, casts a layer of hazy color on her figure.

Elodie still had the same hairstyle, her waist-length beautiful blond hair was braided into a neat three-strand braid, hanging forward from her right shoulder, and her thin and slightly curled forehead hair was a bit like the "air bangs" that are very popular in modern times. On her forehead smooth as suet.

The three-strand braid hanging down to her chest continuously jumped up and down in a light arc as she ran.

Compared with this unchanging hairstyle, Elodie changed into a white dress that Qingdeng had never seen before.

Qingdeng didn't know anything about Western clothing in this era, he only knew that the skirt that Elodie was wearing was in the style of tutu.

Judging from the seemingly high-end fabrics and the rather fine stitching details, the price of the white dress worn by Elodie must be so high that Qingdeng couldn't help but slow down his breathing.

The early summer sun was just hanging in the sky in front of Elodie.

Under the bright sunlight and against the background of the high sky, Elodie's petite figure seems to have some magical power, which can naturally make people's eyes focus on her unconsciously.

After discovering Ai Luodi, Qingdeng immediately found two people behind Ai Luodi that he was very familiar with, and they appeared together with Ai Luodi almost every time.

Elodie's brown-haired waitress: Leroy, hurriedly followed behind Elodie, and she kept yelling at Elodie in French that Qingdon couldn't understand.

But judging from Leroy's expression, Qing Deng guessed that she should be telling Alodi not to run too fast.

Behind Leroy is the white and fat KFC grandpa... Ah, no, it's Elodie's grandpa: Anthony.

Anthony grunted and followed closely behind Elodie and Leroy, while casting a surprised look at Qing Deng.

Saito, who was the first to fight side by side with Qingdeng, knew Ai Luodi and others. It was the first time for Yongcang, Harada, and Fujido to meet Ai Luodi and others.

"Mr. Orange." Yongcang turned to Qingdeng and asked, "Do you know this pretty little girl?"

Elodie's appearance is significantly different from that of ordinary Western girls.

Although she also has deep facial features full of Caucasian features, the lines of her facial features are much softer than that of ordinary Western girls, and her frame is much smaller than that of ordinary Western girls.

This combination of western beauty and oriental beauty makes Yongcang, who is not used to the looks of Westerners, have to agree that the little girl who just called Qingdeng "Mr. Orange" is very beautiful.

"Yeah." Qingdeng nodded, "These people are all people I know."

At this moment, Ai Luodi finally rushed to Qingdeng.

"Mr. Orange, long time no see!" Elodie raised her little head, flashing her beautiful sky blue eyes towards Qingdeng, "Why are you here?"

Before Qingdeng could answer Alotti's question, Anthony and Leroy came to Alotti's left and right sides one after another.

"Long time no see, Mr. Orange. What a coincidence, I can meet you here. Why are you here?" Anthony asked the same question as his granddaughter.

Qing Deng smiled slightly, and greeted Elodie and the others politely: "Mr. Angoulême, Miss Angoulême, Miss Leroy, long time no see."

"My companions and I are here to attend to some business."

After briefly bringing up the topic of why he appeared here, Qingdeng asked rhetorically:
"Monsieur Angoulême, are you... walking around here?"

Qingdeng originally wanted to ask "Why are you here", but when he was about to say something, Qingdeng suddenly realized that this was a rather stupid question, so he abruptly gave the question that had already come to his lips. Swallowing it back, the question was changed to "Are you walking around here?"

Elodie and the others are French, and they are living in this foreigner-inhabited settlement. It is not surprising to meet them here.

Anthony laughed "hahaha" a few times: "Yeah, I rarely have time today, so I went out for a walk with Elodie."

"What a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet you at the door of the house when I came home from a walk."

"At the door of the house?" Qingdeng keenly discovered the word that he could not ignore from Anthony's words just now, "Mr. Angoulême, do you live near here?"

"Huh? Yes." Anthony nodded, then pointed out, "That's our home."

Qingdeng looked in the direction Anthony pointed at.

What Anthony was referring to was a very brand new, 3-story western-style mansion.

After seeing the mansion, Qingdeng narrowed his eyes immediately, his expression became a little weird.

Yongcang and Harada, the two upright people who are out of their heads and people who don't like to use their brains, look as usual.

On the other hand, Saito and Todo, after seeing the house Anthony pointed out, their faces remained unchanged like Qingdeng, showing thoughtful expressions.

The reason why Qingdeng and the others did this was not because of the special appearance of Anthony's house.

It's because——Anthony's house is just across from the pastry shop they want to monitor...

If you stand on the top floor of Anthony's house, you should be able to see everything in that dim sum house.

"...Mr. Anthony." Qingdeng turned his gaze from Anthony's home to Anthony's body, and said solemnly, "I have a kind request..."



After a while—

"Mr. Orange, welcome to my house!"

As soon as she led Qingdeng and others into the entrance, Ai Luodi shouted to Qingdeng and the others in a cheerful tone.

After passing through the exquisite gate and filing into Ai Luodi's house, Yongcang and the others looked around with wide eyes like Grandma Liu who had entered the Grand View Garden.

Every part of this house, which is completely decorated in French style, whether it is the appearance or the interior decoration, is a huge cultural shock to Yongcang and the others.

After entering the house, Qingdeng also opened his eyes in surprise like Yongcang and the others, but it was not because he was shocked by the culture shock. As a time traveler, it is naturally impossible for him to suffer any culture shock. I was amazed by the exquisite and beautiful decoration of this house.

After entering the house, the first thing you can see is the gray carpeted floor, the high coffered ceiling with diamond-shaped arches, and the white velvet walls. There are quite a few oil paintings on the walls, which are basically exquisite. landscape painting.

Led by Anthony, Elodie, and Leroy, Qing Deng and the others passed a spacious room that looked like a dining room when they headed for the stairs leading to the upper floor.

2 chandeliers hang low above the long table in the dining room.

On the table covered with a white tablecloth, there are several candlesticks mainly for decoration, and at the same time, a few flowers that Qingdeng can't name are dotted - there are exquisitely arranged things and places like this long table. There are many in this house.

The layout of this mansion gave Qingdeng the feeling that it was "just right".

Everything is so "just right", it neither looks too luxurious nor reveals the slightest shabby atmosphere.

——As expected of a businessman who can engage in international business in this era...

Qingdeng silently praised Anthony in his heart for owning such a beautiful house.

Anthony, who was registered as a businessman, specialized in some kind of business—reselling Japanese specialties back to the West.

To be able to conduct transnational business across oceans in this era is naturally not a small businessman who lacks money, so it is reasonable for Anthony to sit in such a house.

"Mr. Angoulême." Qing Deng couldn't help asking when he followed Anthony and the others up the stairs, "Did you not hire any other servants?"

Qingdeng found that since he entered Anthony's house, he hadn't seen anyone else.

"I don't have any other family members." Anthony joked, "The family members of this family are only me, Elodie and Leroy. In a short time, I have no plan to add new members ,"

"Leroy is very capable. By herself, she can keep this house and our clothes clean every day, and let Alodie and I eat very delicious food every day. meals."

After hearing this, Qing Deng couldn't help clicking his tongue, and then secretly cast a look of admiration at the taciturn maid who rarely showed any expression on her face.

Maintaining the daily normal operation of this large house with a total area of ​​at least 300 square meters by himself, and also taking care of Anthony and Alodi's clothing and food management... This ability really has to be admired.

After climbing to the top floor of the house, Anthony took Qing Deng into a room with two bookshelves filled with various books.

"Mr. Orange, this is our study room. Do you think this room is okay?"

Qing Deng walked to the window of the study in three steps at a time, and looked out - the dim sum shop diagonally opposite happened to be able to see everything in sight.

"En." Qing Deng nodded in satisfaction, "This place is just right. Mr. Angoulême, thank you very much for your help."

"Hahahaha." Anthony waved his hand, "No thanks, no thanks, it's just a small favor. Just use this room."

Just now, after discovering that Anthony and his family happened to be diagonally opposite the dim sum shop, Qingdeng sent a request to Anthony: Can you let them borrow a room on the top floor of your house so that we can monitor the dim sum shop.

After briefly summarizing the general reasons for the incident with Anthony, Anthony said very readily, "No problem!".

Anthony was a man of great affection. Facing this not particularly difficult request from Qingdeng, who had saved their grandparents and grandchildren's life, he almost nodded without any hesitation.

After thanking Anthony, Qing Deng turned his gaze back to the pastry shop outside the window.

At this time, Qingdeng suddenly heard Fujido's surprised sigh from behind him:
"Huh? There is actually a Ukiyo-e hanging here."

Attracted by Fujido's words, Qingdeng and his party turned around.

I saw a pair of A4 size ukiyo-e hanging on the east wall of the study.

This ukiyo-e is a landscape painting.

The background is the city of Edo at night.

Two men in black, one tall and one short, were galloping across the densely packed buildings.

Of the two men in black, the shorter one wore a face scarf, revealing only a pair of eyes, while the taller one wore a black fox mask.

Seeing the two men in black in the painting, the expression on Qingdeng's face suddenly became very strange.

"Oh, this." Anthony glanced at the painting hanging on the wall, and smiled helplessly, "This is the painting that Elodie bought a few days ago."

Qingdeng stood a little closer to this Ukiyo-e, and carefully looked at the two figures drawn in the painting: "The two people in the painting...are they Mao Xiaoseng and Hu Xiaoseng?"

As soon as Qingdeng finished speaking, Ai Luodi took two quick steps and stood beside Qingdeng.

"Yes! It's the cat monk and the fox monk!"

After all, Elodie raised her head and looked at the painting on the wall excitedly. There was a ruddy luster on her delicate face, and the skin on her entire face had a rosy white color. .

Qingdeng's expression became a little weirder, but he quickly controlled the change of expression by relying on his own self-control.

"Miss Alodie." Qingdeng shifted his gaze from the painting of the fox monk and the cat monk...that is, the painting of him and Kinoshita Mai, to Alodie beside him, "You... very Do you like the cat monk and the fox monk?"

"Yeah!" Elodie nodded vigorously, her intensely rippling eyes were like twinkling little stars, and her face became more rosy, "I adore the two of them very much! I think they are really amazing! How dare you confront those villains and maintain the peace of this city!"

Worship... Hearing this word, Qingdeng's expression became weird again, and he couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth. He quickly raised his hand to pretend to wipe the sweat off his lips, but in essence, he regained his almost out-of-control expression.

A few days ago, Qingdeng just found out that the peripheral products of him and Kinoshita Mai began to be circulated in the market in Edo recently...

After he and Mai Kinoshita, like Batman in Gotham City, have continuously attacked the villains in Edo, on the basis of Mai Kinoshita's original popularity, the current popularity of "Cat Monk and Fox Monk" has already It was so high that many very business-minded people began to make related peripheral products...

His mask of the same style, the ukiyo-e painting of him and Kinoshita Mai... As far as Qingdeng knows, these products have sold very well.

Originally, Qingdeng didn't pay much attention to this matter.

It is also impossible for him to swagger and say to those merchants, "I am a fox monk, give me the copyright fee quickly."

In addition to being displeased with these unscrupulous merchants who used his and Kinoshita Mai's name to make money, Qingdeng also had no ability to control the peripheral products of him and Kinoshita Mai on the market.

Qingdeng never expected... He actually found the portraits of him and Kinoshita Mai at the home of Ai Luodi, who is Kinoshita Mai's best friend, and heard Ai Luodi say that she admired them both...

At this moment, Qingdeng didn't know what expression to put on.

For a while, Qingdeng suddenly wanted to know if Wu Kinoshita knew about this, and what kind of expression she showed when she heard about it for the first time...

"Sorry, Mr. Orange, I made you laugh."

Perhaps it was because he was worried about the bad influence that would be caused by loudly expressing his admiration for the two phantom thieves who had recently been in the limelight in Edo in front of a "magistrate" like Qingdeng. Anthony quickly apologized with a smile as he walked away. Arrived at Qingdeng's side.

"I don't know if it's because I've read too much "Robin Hood the Grand Thefter". Elodie likes these two strange thieves very much."

"Although the recent deeds of Mao Xiaoseng and Hu Xiaoseng are indeed admirable, but..."

Anthony paused, and after conceiving his words, he went on to say:

"Monk Mao has a fairly detailed record of theft. He is an annoying big thief who has stolen many people's money. He is not an object worthy of worship at all."

"The little monk Hu who just came out recently, although there is no record of 'he participated in the theft with the little monk Mao', but he is the companion of the little monk Mao after all. I guess that in the previous series of thefts by the little monk Mao, the fox Xiaoseng must have also carried out a lot of support work for Mao Xiaoseng behind the scenes."

As soon as Anthony's words fell, Elodie, who had been staring at little stars just now, immediately showed a sullen expression.

And when Anthony said Kinoshita Mai was "a nasty big thief", Qingdeng's eyes also flashed a little imperceptible at the same moment, let alone the people around him, even Qingdeng himself didn't realize it. displeasure.

Qingdeng pursed his lips, then moved his lips, and when he was about to say something to Anthony, Alodi took a step ahead of Qingdeng and said:
"Grandpa, what Mao Xiaoseng and the others stole is the money of the wicked!"

Probably considering that it would be impolite to speak French that they don't understand in front of Qingdeng and others, Alodie didn't use French to communicate with her grandfather, but used a standard language or a fluency language, which is the same as French. Can't fault the Japanese.

"Stealing the money of the wicked is not stealing?" Anthony frowned slightly, "No matter what, stealing something is stealing something, no matter what the thing is stolen or who the object of the theft is, theft is always theft. "

In Anthony's words, every word revealed his dislike for Mao Xiaoseng.

"It's different!" Alodi confronted Anthony without giving in, "The cat monk and the fox monk all dare to attack those villains who can't even move the government, dare to let those villains eat a big Bitter. This alone is enough to make us respect them!"

"Okay. Let's talk about this later."

"Grandpa Kentucky Fried Chicken" frowned, and quietly glanced at Qingdeng and the others... He probably worried that it would be indecent to make noise and argue in front of Qingdeng and his guests, so Anthony wanted to end the topic.

But Elodie was unrelenting, completely ignoring Anthony's "speak slowly later" that he just mentioned.

I saw Elodie's two small hands overlapping each other and placed in front of the navel were slightly clenched, and the light in the sky blue pupils like a sunny summer day suddenly became much sharper.

"Grandpa, your remarks... are really annoying."

"I like to use the standard of perfection to demand those brave and noble people who are willing to fight against the wicked."

"It is required that their conduct, style of life, and means of doing things must be upright, in line with the law, and without any mistakes."

"Once there are flaws that don't suit your wishes on them, just say they are mediocre with a superior attitude."

"Then he often spared those wicked people."

"If Lucullus had made any frugal moves, it would seem that he was not so bad."

"If Apagon in Molière's works let go of the money bag he is holding tightly in his hand, and give a little money to the poor, you may think that he is actually a kind-hearted philanthropist. Bar."

"As long as these bad guys do a little bit of kindness, they can get your applause and applause."

"This way of treating the brave and the wicked differently is really absurd and disgusting."

"It's because there are too many people who have ideas like you, Grandpa, that everyone likes to be a villain more and more!"

Anthony was refuted by Elotti, his mouth was slightly opened, and he was speechless.

Not to mention Anthony.

Qingdeng and the others... even Saito, who seldom fluctuated in emotion and expression, was all dumbfounded at this moment and focused on what he just said, which didn't look like a 12-year-old little loli could say. Elodie who spoke.

Although Qingdeng and the others don't know much about Western allusions such as Lucullus and Molière's Aragon, they can roughly understand its meaning.

Everyone's astonished gazes were focused on her... Elodie did not show any stage fright, she continued to look at Anthony with unyielding firm eyes.

"...Well, I admit that what I said just now was indeed a little too much." Anthony sighed softly, "Elodie, let's discuss the merits and demerits of the cat monk and the fox monk slowly, let's Let's go out temporarily now, staying here will affect Mr. Orange's work."

Elodie was stunned, and then seemed to realize that this place is indeed not a suitable occasion for a fierce argument with Anthony.

"Sorry, Mr. Orange." Elodie turned around, slightly raised the corners of the white tutu skirt with both hands, and bowed to Qingdeng and the others apologetically, "I let you see a very indecent look scene."

"It's all right." Qingdeng smiled and waved his hands quickly, "We don't mind."

"Mr. Orange, let's go out first." Anthony smiled at Qingdeng again, "If you need anything, such as food or drink, please feel free to come to us. If we can help, we will do our best to help .”

After finishing what he was supposed to say, Anthony led Elodie and Leroy out of the study room under the watchful eyes of Qingdeng and the others whose expressions of astonishment had not completely dissipated.

As soon as Ai Luodi and others left, Yongcang grinned and said to himself:
"What a wonderful little girl..."

Yongcang's mumbled words expressed the aspirations of everyone at the scene, including Qingdeng.



It didn't take too many people to monitor the pastry shop through the window of the study, so Qingdeng set up "two shifts".

He and Todo took the first shift.

Saito, Yongcang, and Harada round the second shift.

Two groups of people took turns to monitor the pastry shop for half an hour.

Leaning against the wall by the window, Qingdeng and Fujitang spent the first surveillance peacefully. Nothing unusual happened at the pastry shop, and they didn't find the sneaky beard that the informant said.

After changing shifts with Saito and the others, Qingdeng suddenly felt a little thirsty.

After briefly asking his companions if they wanted to drink water, Qingdeng left the study alone, planning to ask Anthony and the others for some water.

The third floor where the study was located was quiet, and there was no one there, so Qingdeng had to go down the stairs to explore.

After reaching the bottom floor, Qingdeng finally saw someone.

"Ah, Mr. Orange."

In the dining room, Elodie jumped off her chair, and ran towards Qingdeng in three steps in two steps with joy on her face.

Thanks to the lord [The Home I Love, I'm Actually 12] the 2 lords from the day before yesterday gave rewards!
The author's current debt has risen again after a long absence, from 12 to 14.

Today's 12s .

The author still owes 13 thousand-character chapters.

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