I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 178 "Miss Sanako, step back, I'm fine!" [Burst update 1W5]

Chapter 178 "Miss Sanako, step back, I'm fine!" [Burst update 1W5]

Restless, anxious?Can't think of the right words to describe it.

All in all, I feel very uneasy since I woke up this morning.

Maybe it's because the surveillance of Natsume Sohachiro has been fruitless, and he couldn't help but feel anxious... Qingdeng explained it this way.

Counting today, Natsume Sohachiro has been under surveillance for several days.

Uninterrupted round-the-clock surveillance was carried out, but until now, Natsume Sohachiro had not been seen in contact with any suspicious person.

There has been no results for a long time... In such a situation, the people in the superiors began to put pressure on Qingdeng.

Originally, these superiors, who did not seek merit but no fault, and only wanted to use the most conservative means to investigate the case, were very opposed to Qingdeng's extremely error-prone thing like "investigating Natsume Sohachiro".

Now that Qingdeng's investigation of Natsume Sohachiro has not yielded any results, it is inevitable that those above him will start to make irresponsible remarks about Qingdeng.

Look, did I say it all?Natsume Sohachiro has nothing to investigate, you won't listen!Look, it was a waste of manpower and precious time—although those superiors didn't tell Qingdeng so clearly, but Qingdeng read such thoughts from the eyes they cast recently.

Qingdeng felt indifferent to the pressure from his superiors.

No matter what the superiors say, Qingdeng still firmly believes that the weird behavior of Natsume Sohachiro is the key breakthrough to find Sanako, so he is unshakable in his thinking, and has no intention of changing his current case-handling method of monitoring Natsume Sohachiro [-]/[-].

While Kinoshita Mai was leaning against the wall of the alley with her eyes closed, Qingdeng, who hid her figure in the shadow of the alley, meticulously continued the task of "monitoring Natsume's house", keeping her eyes on the gate of Natsume's house.

At this time, Kinoshita Mai, who had just closed her eyes to rest, suddenly opened one eye slightly, and then used the opened eye to quietly look at Qing Deng's face beside her.

Seeing Qingdeng's serious face because he was concentrating on monitoring Natsume's house, a... strange emotion emerged between Kinoshita Mai's brows.

Hands folded in front of him, fingers clasped together.Her lovely pink toes, like the sprouts of white lotus root, scratched the flat clogs under her feet.

Qingdeng's investigation of Natsume Sohachiro was approved by the government.

Therefore, since he doesn't need to act secretly, he naturally doesn't need to dress up as a "fox monk".

Similarly, Kinoshita Mai, who came to assist Qingdeng openly and aboveboard at Qingdeng's request, did not need to put on any disguise or change into the clothes of a "cat monk".

In order to cool herself down and move around more conveniently, tonight... no, it should be said that in the past few days in response to Qingdeng's request for assistance, Mai Kinoshita has always been wearing a refreshing and cool bright red thin bathrobe, without socks His white feet were wearing a pair of red Newton clogs.

"Huh? Ms. Kinoshita, what's wrong?"

From the corner of his eye, Qingdeng noticed the gaze cast by Kinoshita Mai.

"Ah, no, nothing..."

Kinoshita Mai hastily withdrew her gaze from looking at Qingdeng.

"It's just... I think Mr. Ju is so serious and responsible."

"Obviously the other officials have an attitude of 'I didn't make a big mistake'."

"Only you take this case so seriously."

When Kinoshita Mai first came to help, Qingdeng had mentioned to Kinoshita Mai his superiors' disgusting case-handling attitude of "as long as no major mistakes can be made".

"It's not a big deal." Qingdeng laughed dumbly, "After all, Ms. Zuo Nazi... can be regarded as my friend for the time being."

"Even if you don't mention the illusory things like 'responsibility of officials'."

"The justification of 'get my friend back' alone is enough to make me do my best on this case."

Miss Sanako... Hearing this name from Qingdeng's mouth, the strange emotion that had just appeared in Kinoshita Mai's eyebrows resurfaced again.

Kinoshita Mai clasped her hands and fingers together again, looked down, and said softly to her toes like white jade petals... with a bit of anxiety:

"Tachibana-kun, are you and that Chiba Sanako...a very good friend?"

"Huh? It's not really a good relationship." Qingdeng, who only regarded the question thrown by Kinoshita Mai as an ordinary chat, replied casually, "Strictly speaking...she and I may not be the same. She's a friend. I've only talked to her for a while since I met her."

"I know her brother Chiba Shigetaro very well."

Hearing Qingdeng's set of answers... Kinoshita Mai pursed her lips slightly.

In the beautiful black crystal-like pupils, the light rippled, revealing a kind of... which should be constrainedly interpreted as "lucky" emotion.

Then, Kinoshita Mai was startled suddenly, then raised her hands, and slapped her tender face vigorously left and right.

"Miss Kinoshita?" Qingdeng hastily cast a puzzled look at Kinoshita Mai.

what are you doing?Qingdeng asked Kinoshita Mai with his eyes.

Kinoshita Mai, who understood Qingdeng's eyes, smiled wryly a few times as if embarrassed.

"I'm punishing myself."

"While Mr. Ju, you were seriously thinking about how to save people, I was thinking about some messy things... It really shouldn't be."

"While punishing myself, I also remind myself by the way: I am here to assist you, Mr. Ju, in order to save people. Compared with human life, all other things are trivial. Concentrate on saving people first, and the rest will wait for them Let’s talk after we’re rescued.”

There was a little guilt in Kinoshita Mai's tone.

have a bee in one's bonnet?Mess?
Qingdeng, who didn't quite understand what Kinoshita Mai was talking about, blinked his eyes.

Just when Qingdeng was still wondering what Kinoshita Mai was talking about just now...Suddenly, from the corner of Qingdeng's eyes, he caught a glimpse of a black shadow moving in the direction of the gate of Natsume's house.

Seeing this, Qingdeng quickly retracted and focused his eyes on Kinoshita Mai, and stared at the swaying black shadow.

Noticing Qingdeng's strange Kinoshita Mai, she straightened up quickly, and followed Qingdeng to look at the gate of Natsume's house, and then she also spotted the black shadow.

Although tonight is a cloudy day with dim light and extremely poor visibility... But this kind of weather can't have any impact on Qingdeng.

Because Qingdeng has the talent of being able to see clearly at night: "Night Vision".

No matter how dark the space is, it is like daylight to Qingdeng.

After looking at the black shadow that suddenly appeared, Qingdeng immediately saw the whole picture of the black shadow clearly - it was Natsume Sohachiro!

Natsume Sohachiro alone pushed the gate of the mansion to a gap just enough for him to walk through alone, then crept out of the mansion along this gap, then turned around, and went straight to the street entrance on the east side. go on foot.

He looked left and right the whole time, with a nervous expression... as if he was vigilant for passers-by or stalkers around him.

After squatting for so many days... I finally discovered the abnormal behavior of Natsume Sohachiro.

No verbal exchange required... and nothing to communicate.Qingdeng and Kinoshita Wu looked at each other in a very tacit understanding at the same time. After looking at each other, the two walked side by side with silent and light steps, and slowly walked out of the dark alley where they almost lived these days. , followed closely the strange whereabouts of Natsume Sohachiro...



Edo at night is very quiet.

Natsume Sohachiro walked non-stop through dozens of deserted streets, finally entered a deserted street town, and turned into a street surrounded by dense night, even if he screamed inside, no one would hear him. out-of-the-way alleys.

"It's me, Natsume Sohachiro."

When stepping into the deepest part of the alleyway in one breath, Natsume Sohachiro lowered his voice and spoke to the darkness ahead.

"You came much earlier than the scheduled time."

The darkness in front of Natsume Sohachiro "squirmed" for a while... A samurai with an extremely thin figure and many acne scars on his face slowly appeared from the darkness and stood in front of Natsume Sohachiro.

There were no pleasantries... After the appearance of "Samurai with Acne Scars", Natsume Sohachiro quickly said in an anxious tone of suppressing restlessness and fear:

"I have followed your instructions and handed over the donkey cart containing the sake ordered by Mr. Bright to your place of residence today! It's time to return Ah Yue to me!"

When Natsume Sohachiro said this, his waist was so bent that it made him look shrunk.

This "shrunk" body is paired with his begging expression... The word "extremely humble" is the perfect way to describe Natsume Sohachiro's current posture.

Facing Natsume Sohachiro's plea... "Samurai with Acne Scars" remained unmoved and did not change his face.

He lowered his eyebrows, glanced at Natsume Sohachiro with an indifferent look that was not mixed with any emotion, and then showed a faint smile.

"Mr. Natsume Sohachiro, thank you for your cooperation with us these days."

"We greatly appreciate your assistance."

"Don't worry, we will abide by the agreement and let Miss Natsume Tsuki go."

"We never thought of hurting Miss Natsume Tsuki from the very beginning."

The words of "Samurai with Acne Scars" were like sunlight, illuminating Natsume Sohachiro's originally extremely gloomy face.

Natsume Sohachiro's eyes, which were quite cloudy, became much clearer now.

However... the light in Natsume Sohachirou's eyes hadn't appeared for long, and the scene that happened before his eyes made his expression and body hard as a stone.

"Pocket Warrior" suddenly snapped his fingers forcefully.Immediately afterwards, the darkness in front of Natsume Sohachiro "squirmed" again.

Two warriors of different sizes stepped out of the darkness and stood beside the "Samurai with Acne Scars".

At the same instant, Natsume Sohachiro heard footsteps behind him.

Natsume Sohachiro hurriedly turned his head to look behind him, and then saw two more samurai behind him at some point, and these 2 samurai blocked his back with their bodies.

"You, what are you going to do?!" Natsume Sohachiro glared at the "Pocket Warrior" in horror, his voice trembled uncontrollably, and his tone became strange.

"Natsume Sohachiro." The faint smile that had just floated on the face of "Samurai with Acne Scars" dissipated, and he looked at Natsume Sohachiro expressionlessly, "Next, we will execute Tianzhu."

"Wait, wait a minute!"

The blood on Natsume Sohachiro's face was like the ebbing tide, dissipating at a frighteningly fast speed.

"Heaven, Heavenly Punishment?! Why? Why?!"

"Why...do you still need to ask why?" The corner of the "Pocket Warrior"'s mouth turned cold, "The only condition we talked about at the beginning was 'after the matter is done, I will let your daughter go'?"

"When did you have the illusion that we would let your daughter and you go?"

"Do you think we will let you, a national traitor who dares to do business with Yi Di?"

"..." Natsume Sohachiro was dumbfounded.

He opened his mouth vigorously, as if he wanted to say something aloud... But the extreme panic made him forget how to control his tongue and vocal cords for a moment.

"Samurai with Acne Scars" looked at Natsume Sohachiro's current expression with interest, and then sneered blatantly.

"Although you don't need to think about living anymore, you can rest assured about your daughter. We will indeed let your daughter regain her freedom intact. I can guarantee this."

"We're not some yakuza who kill innocents indiscriminately."

"We have always only killed barbarians, national thieves, and some people who had to sacrifice their lives in order to achieve the great cause of eradicating barbarians."

"It's you who does business with Yidi, not your daughter. So we won't treat your daughter as a national thief."

"Okay, I accidentally said too much... die, country thief."


"Samurai with Acne Scars" pulled out the sword from his waist, kicked the wooden clogs under his feet, and rushed straight at Natsume Sohachiro!

The distance between Natsume Takahachiro and this "acne-scarred warrior" was only 6 steps away.

Such a small distance... It's all there in the blink of an eye!

In the blink of an eye, "Samurai with Acne Scars" has come to Natsume Sohachiro, holding his sword high in the upper right posture, the sharp edge of the blade shines with a breathtaking cold light.

Stimulated by the cold light of the blade, Sohachiro Natsume finally regained control of his body.

But it's too late... The knife of "Pocket Warrior" has been cut!

However, at this critical moment, as if a piece of the black wall had fallen, a tall black shadow leaped down from the top of the alley next to Natsume Sohachiro and the "Pocket Warrior" without a sound, steadily It fell firmly between Natsume Sohachiro and "Samurai with Acne Scars".

This black shadow is exactly Qingdeng!
The clanging of the blade unsheathed dominated the narrow alleyway.

Qingdeng drew the knife quickly, and the Ding Guishen that popped out of the sheath accurately hit the knife that was chopped down by the "Pocket Warrior" in mid-air.

For Qingdeng's sudden appearance, everyone in the alley did not expect it.

The "acne-scar warrior" who was unprepared could only feel a huge force that Pei Mo couldn't resist spread all over his body along the blade.

Then in the next instant, his knife was directly sent flying.

Cutting off the sword of the "Pocket Warrior"...Qingdeng quickly changed his moves.

He turned the blade of Dingguishen, switched to the back of the sword to face the enemy, and at the same time, placed the blade horizontally on his right waist, and then rushed towards the armpit of the "Samurai with Acne Scars"!

When he passed under the armpit of the "Warrior with Acne Scars" and was about to pass him by, Qing Deng slashed across the belly of the "Warrior with Acne Scars", and pulled it from Cong Yuan to the end.

If Qingdeng had slashed with a blade, the "Pockmarked Warrior" would have been cut in half, and his intestines had already flowed all over the floor.

But because Qingdeng is now fighting the enemy with the back of a sword, the "pox-scarred warrior" did not receive any fatal injuries... only the pain was so painful that he almost lost consciousness.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..."" the "pox-scarred warrior" who had been hit hard in the stomach vomited the dinner he ate tonight all over the floor, covering himself like a soft-legged shrimp He fell on his stomach, trying to make himself feel better.

Killing the "Samurai with Acne Scars" in one blow, Qingdeng didn't say a word... He silently stomped on his hind feet, and rushed towards the other two warriors standing in front of him and Sohachiro Natsume!
The figures of his enemies who were approaching rapidly in front of him were like an arrow leaving the string.

Seeing Qing Deng rushing over, the two warriors hastily raised their hands to touch the saber at their waists.

One successfully pulled out the knife.The other person was too flustered with his hands and feet, until Qingdeng rushed in front of them, this guy couldn't pull out the knife smoothly.

The person who successfully pulled out the saber raised the saber in his hand hastily and slashed at Qingdeng.

With a wrong footstep, Qingdeng easily dodged behind the man's saber, dodged to the side of the enemy, aimed at the man's side and swung the saber vigorously... This man also followed in the footsteps of the "pox-scarred warrior", Clutching his stomach, he vomited hard and fell to the ground.

The guy who failed to pull out the knife at the first time just now managed to pull out the knife... but it was useless.

Qingdeng lowered his waist, raised his left hand and grabbed his right wrist that had just drawn out the saber, and at the same time he threw him heavily to the ground with one arm using the technique of grabbing, and at the same time removed the saber from his hand.

The man who was thrown to the ground by Qingdeng fell on his face... He watched helplessly as the dark, dusty ground got closer and closer to him, and then a burst of pain spread across his face All over his body, countless gold stars are flying in front of his eyes.

The three "pox-scarred warriors" blocking Natsume Sohachiro's front were all subdued by Qingdeng at lightning speed... The only enemies left standing still were the two samurai who blocked Natsume Sohachiro's back path.

After the two saw that Qingdeng killed the "Pocket Warrior", Ben hurriedly drew his sword and strode forward, wanting to support their companions.

However... all three of the "Pocket Warriors" were knocked down in Qingdeng, and neither of them had yet rushed to Qingdeng...

In just the time of talking, the companions were almost wiped out, and the only ones left standing were the two of them... The two people stopped in their tracks quickly, and then looked at each other.

Despite the unwillingness on their faces, they still made a 180-degree turn and fled out of the alley.

However, when they just turned around, they didn't even see the scenery behind them clearly, and they felt a blur in front of their eyes - a bright bright red floated in their eyes.

The two felt a sharp pain in their knees as if they had been whipped by some powerful whip.The two of them, whose center of gravity was destroyed by the sharp pain in their knees, both fell to the ground.

There was an intimate contact between the back and the ground under the feet.

It wasn't until they fell to the ground that the two finally saw clearly who knocked them to the ground—a girl in a bright red bathrobe, a pair of delicate bare feet and a pair of red clogs.

It was Kinoshita Mai.

These two guys were in a hurry to escape just now, they didn't care about their heads, they didn't notice Kinoshita Mai who sneaked up behind them.

The attack on Kinoshita Mai was unexpected.So Kinoshita Mai kicked the two of them to the ground almost effortlessly and without much effort.

At this time...Qingdeng arrived.

Qing Deng used the back of a knife to make up for the stomachs of the two people who fell to the ground.

Then the two also joined the "vomiting army", feeling the pain of their intestines being twisted together, which made them unable to straighten up.

Finally, all the enemies in the alley were brought down... Qingdeng heaved a sigh of relief, and then held the ghosts and gods in this way, and turned to look at Natsume Sohachiro who was still standing there.

"Tachibana, Mr. Tangerine...?"

Natsume Sohachiro blinked vigorously, seeing the appearance of the samurai who suddenly appeared and rescued him.

"..." Qingdeng ignored Natsume Sohachiro.

After he only glanced at Natsume Sohachiro, he walked straight to the "acne scar warrior" who was still retching.

Just now, he and Kinoshita Mai have been lurking on the side alley wall.Natsume Sohachiro and the "Samurai with Acne Scars" just had a conversation, and they heard everything verbatim.

As Qingdeng expected... Xia Muyue was also kidnapped.

In addition to knowing that Natsume Yue had disappeared, Qingdeng also heard many words that he couldn't ignore.

Reservation, Mr. Bright, Sake...

These words made the questions he wanted to ask Natsume Sohachiro and the "Samurai with Acne Scars" that were piling up in Qingdeng's mind suddenly pile up like a mountain.

Things are prioritized.

Although there are many questions I want to ask, I have to ask them one by one in order of importance.

Qingdeng decided to ask the "Pocket Warrior" the question he wanted to ask the most right now.

The reason why he only used the back of his sword to face the enemy the whole time was to save the "pox-scarred warriors" and the others alive to answer his answer.

Qingdeng put Ding Guishen back into the scabbard, then pulled out Wakizawa, then squatted down and pulled out the cloth sock on the right foot of "Samurai with Acne Scars".

"If you don't want to suffer, just answer my question."

"Apart from Natsume Tsuki, did you also kidnap Chiba Sanako? Where are the people you kidnapped are now being held?"

Without any mood or leisure time to chat with these guys or make an opening remark, Qingdeng directly threw out questions in a tone without sadness or joy, and at the same time put the tip of Wakizasa's knife close to the toenail of the "Pocket Warrior"'s big toe.

"..." "Samurai with Acne Scars" didn't utter a word.

With his stomach still hurting badly, he barely stopped the desire to vomit, raised his head vigorously, and looked at Qingdeng.

Although he didn't say a word, Qingdeng already understood what he meant from the eyes of "Samurai with Acne Scars".

Don't want me to say a word—he said to Qing Deng with his eyes.

Since everyone has said so...Qingdeng mercilessly gave him the response he had prepared earlier in the morning.

Qingdeng pushed hard at the gap between the toenail of the big toe of the "Pocket Warrior" right foot, and the sharp point of the knife penetrated directly into the gap between the toenail and the flesh, and the toenail was completely pushed open.


A shrill scream spewed out from the mouth of the "Pocket Warrior".

The blood flowed profusely, a large amount of blood dripped from the toe with the toenail pushed open, and flowed all over the floor.

Fortunately, the area they are now in is an almost uninhabited area, and no one lives here, otherwise the sharp and miserable wailing of the "pox-scarred warrior" would have attracted many "spectators" in the first place.

The extremely intense pain caused the entire body of the "Pocket Warrior" to convulse uncontrollably.

When using a toenail clipper to trim a toenail, accidentally cutting the flesh inside the toenail can cause pain to death.The entire toenail was directly peeled off with a knife...the pain in it, just imagining it makes people feel scalp numb.

Facing the "pox-scarred warrior" who was screaming like he was about to tear his entire voice apart, different people showed different expressions.

The remaining companions of the "Pocket Warrior" who were still lying on the ground, unable to get up, were pale, with cold sweat on their foreheads.

Natsume Sohachiro showed a dumbfounded expression.

Kinoshita Mai who was standing beside Qingdeng couldn't help shrinking her swan neck.

On the other hand, Qingdeng...he was unmoved.

"Apart from Natsume Tsuki, did you also kidnap Chiba Sanako? Where are the people you kidnapped are now being held?"

After repeating his question in a tone without sadness or joy, Qingdeng pointed the tip of Wakizasa's knife at the toenail crevice of the next toe of "Samurai with Acne Scars".



Edo, somewhere——

A cockroach crawled past Sanako's feet.

Sanako slightly raised her eyelids, glanced at the skinny cockroach crawling past her feet, then closed her eyes halfway again,

Before half-closing her eyes again, Sanako glanced at Natsume Tsuki next to her... Natsume Tsuki was drooping her head, her small chin pressed against her collarbone, her eyes were lifeless and empty.

These days, she and Natsume Yue have been locked in this cellar.

It is not allowed to move at will, and can only be tied to the wooden post by the hemp rope.

I have hardly seen any living people. The most common person I see is a woman with thin lips. This woman seems to be responsible for taking care of the eating and drinking of the two of them.

Although this woman often met with Sanako and the others, she hardly had any communication with Sanako and the others. Every time, she hurriedly took care of Sanako and Natsume Tsuki before leaving
I can't do anything, I can only sit like this all the time; I don't even know what time it is now; I don't know why I was tied here; I don't know if I will be free again... Strong Feeling powerless, suffocating atmosphere.

Xia Muyue, who was tortured physically and mentally because of this, could no longer even cry, but kept staring at a pair of godless eyes.

Compared to Natsume Tsuki, Sanako's spirit is undoubtedly much better.

Since waking up, Sanako has been doing one thing persistently.

One thing that can keep Sanako in a positive spirit until now.

One thing that could be their hope of escape.

The sudden soreness in the thumb of his right hand made Sanako almost cry out.

She quickly bit her lower lip to stop the urge to cry out in pain.

After the soreness of her right thumb subsided a little, Zuo Nazi used her right thumb and middle finger to hold firmly the iron nail she had pulled out from the wooden post, and continued to cut and bind her hands with the slightly blunt tip of the nail. twine.

Sanako has been using this iron nail to cut the hemp rope in her hand... Except for sleeping and occasional rest, there is basically no interruption.

The hemp rope that binds her and Natsume's hands is basically nearly two fingers thick, and the iron nail that Sanako pulled out by luck has a long history, and the rusty tip of the nail is very blunt.

Using such a blunt nail tip to cut such a thick hemp rope... Sanako's fingers cramped countless times because of this.

Just like just now—the thumb cramped again, if Zonazi hadn't reacted quickly and bit his lip in time, otherwise he would have almost cried out.

Relying on her tenacious willpower, Zenazi has endured countless pains these days... and now, the rich fruits made up of these pains are finally about to bloom.

After cutting the hemp rope on her wrist with the hemp rope in her hand for a moment, Sanako twisted her hands vigorously.

The hemp rope that was tied extremely tightly was now very loose because she had cut several ropes with iron nails.

Zuo Nazi took a deep breath, exerted enough energy, and pulled her bound hands to the sides——the hemp rope snapped, and her hands were finally free again.

In the dark, Sanako touched her wrists that were sore and swollen from being strangled by the hemp rope. Although she was happy in her heart, her face remained calm.

Freeing your hands... This is just the first step in whether you can escape successfully.

Sanako vigorously rubbed the wrists of both hands that were still behind her back, while raising her eyes to look at the wooden stairs leading to the cellar not far ahead...

She clenched her right fist silently, letting the sharp nail head protrude from between the index finger and middle finger, and then...

"Uh...! Uh...! Uh...! Uh...!"

Sanako closed her eyes tightly, locked her eyes tightly, twisted her body crazily while showing a painful expression, and screamed with all her strength.

Shocked by Sanako's abnormal behavior, Natsume Yue quickly turned to look at Sanako.

Miss Sanako, what's wrong with you?Is it because you are not feeling well? Natsume Tsuki asked Sanako anxiously with his eyes.

Sanako turned a blind eye to Natsume Tsuki's gaze, and continued to writhe her delicate body while screaming.

The mouth is tied with a cloth strip, so it cannot make a loud noise...but it is more than enough to make a sound that can be heard by the guards outside the cellar.

After a while, the sound of hurried footsteps came from the stairs connecting the cellar room and the cellar outside.

"What's wrong? What are you doing?"

A dwarf with a garawaki on his waist impatiently walked up the stairs to Sanako.

"Smelly woman! What the hell are you screaming about? Do you want to shit?"

Sanako raised his head towards the dwarf, stretched his neck, opened and closed his red lips bound by cloth strips, as if he wanted to say something.

"Tsk... What a hassle...!" The dwarf twitched the corners of his mouth, and leaned down angrily, trying to untie the cloth strip on Sanazi's mouth, and listen to what Sanazi wanted to say.

At the moment when the dwarf's body bent down, Sanako's eyes froze suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, she stretched out her newly freed hands from behind with lightning-like speed, covered the dwarf's mouth with her left hand, and smashed the aorta at the dwarf's neck with her right fist.

The dwarf's eyes bulged forward like goldfish, and countless red blood threads climbed up the whites of his eyes.

When Zuo Nazi retracted his right fist, the nail heads between his fingers were covered with blood.

Punching, punching, punching, punching... Zuo Nazi kept repeating this set of movements.

Her left palm tightly covered the dwarf's mouth, preventing him from making any sound.

After punching the dwarf's neck dozens of times in a row, Sanako finally felt that the dwarf's body was "softening".

The dwarf whose vitality was constantly leaking out from the dozen or so blood holes in his neck rolled his eyes upwards... he collapsed to the ground like noodles, without any life.

"Hoo... ph... ph... ph... ph..."

For a moment, the sound of Sanazi's heavy breathing dominated the entire cellar.

Xia Muyue on the side now has a look of "Damn it", eyes widened, looking dumbfounded at Sanako who has a lot of blood on her body now...

—I killed someone...

This is Sanako's first murder.

Seeing the dwarf's unrepentant expression, a strong sense of nausea gushed out from Sanako's throat.

——Now is not the time to feel sick...!
After reprimanding herself in her heart in a stern tone, Sanako swallowed hard, resisting the desire to vomit.

When she regained her composure, Sanako stretched out her right arm and pulled the wakizaru from the waist of the dwarf lying at her feet, cutting off the hemp ropes on her and Natsume Tsuki.

"Miss Sanako..."

As soon as Sanako tore off the cloth from Natsume Yue's face, Xia Muyue stared at Sanako in a daze, while whispering Sanako's name softly.

Her eyes, which were originally lifeless, regained the light of bits and pieces.

"If you have anything to say, wait until you escape." Zuo Nazi squatted down and groped the dwarf's body, looking for other weapons or other useful things.

The wakizashi that Sanako is holding in his right hand now seems to be the only weapon that the dwarf is carrying... I touched the dwarf from head to toe, but found nothing but air.

——Is this the only weapon that can be used...

Sanako lowered her eyes and glanced at the not-so-sharp Wakizashi in her hand.

The two of them now only have Wakizashi as a usable weapon... But Sanako didn't show any signs of discouragement or frustration.

"Ah Yue."

Sanako took a deep breath, raised his eyes and stared at the stairs leading out of the cellar in front of him.

"Follow me, I'll take you home."

Sanako vigorously wiped off some dirt on Wakizashi's blade with her own clothes.

The wiped blade reflected a dazzling cold light.

Also shining brightly was Sanako's pupils, which were now full of firmness.



Sanako and Natsume Tsukimao walked out of the underground cellar where they were imprisoned for several days, one after the other, with their waists bent and their bodies bent.

The long-lost breath of air came blowing... Ling Sanako couldn't help taking several deep breaths.

She pressed her back against the wall next to her, poked her head out and looked towards the left and right corridors outside the wall.

The empty corridor was empty, only thick darkness.

After confirming that it was safe outside, Sanako waved to Natsume Tsuki behind her buttocks,
Sanako's goal is clear - a door or window leading to the outside of the house.

This is a task that is difficult to say, but not easy to say.

The reason why it is said to be "difficult to say" is because the first floor of the house is naturally connected to the underground cellar.

So now that the second daughter has just left the cellar and is on the first floor of the house, if she wants to find a door and window that can go outside, it is not a particularly difficult thing.

As for why it is said to be "simple and not simple"...the reason is also very simple.

There are many guards in this house.

Sanako suddenly heard voices coming from a certain room ahead.

She quickly turned her head to signal Xia Muyue behind her to keep silent.

Xia Muyue nodded vigorously, and at the same time raised her two small hands to cover her mouth and nose vigorously, and tried her best to calm down the movement of her breathing.

The corridor adjoining the room where voices were constantly coming out was the only way for Sanako and the others to pass...

Can't go around... I can only walk through it so boldly!

Zuo Nazi let out a long breath soundlessly, then gathered his mind and tiptoed forward.

As it got closer to that room, the sound from that room became clearer.

"Damn... so annoying, why were we sent to guard those two women?"

"Oh, I'm also very depressed. Others can do a lot of work in the residence tonight, but the few of us can only stare here."

"The reason why I joined the barbarian group was to fight those barbarians... I didn't come here to guard two stinky women."

"Okay, don't mention these depressing things. Speaking of which, is it time to change shifts? Whose turn is it to stand guard at the door of the cellar?"

"I, damn it, the more I think about it, the more irritable I become... I really want to go to the residence to witness with my own eyes how those hateful barbarians were burned to death..."


Tonight, the settlement, the barbarian group, burning people dry... the combination of these words made Sanako's eyes widen little by little, and his footsteps slowed down uncontrollably.

Natsume Tsuki who was behind Sanako had a similar expression at this time, she was still covering her mouth and nose tightly, and looked at the next room with a lot of people chatting in shock.

Horrible conjectures one after another, as if they had a life of their own, emerged from Sanako's mind uncontrollably one by one.

At this moment, a sudden change left Sanako with no time to think about the frantic and terrifying conjectures in his mind—there were suddenly two groups of footsteps coming from the corner ahead!

Rao Yisanazi's will and heart, could not help but be shocked by the unexpected footsteps and his expression changed slightly.

She looked around quickly, looking for a place to hide.

The position she and Natsume Tsuki were in was awkward...they were right in the middle of the hallway.

Empty corridors with nowhere to hide.

The 2 strings of footsteps were moving very fast... It was too late to go back the same way!

The anxiety in his mind caused a drop of cold sweat to ooze from Sanako's smooth forehead.

Suddenly, at this very moment—Sanako suddenly discovered that there was a large hole in the ceiling that was two steps away in front of her, which had been in disrepair.

And this big hole is just big enough for petite girls like Sanazi and the others to get in and out...

If you continue to stand here like this, you will only be discovered... So, Sanako gritted his teeth, leaned his head back, and whispered something to Natsume Tsuki...



"I've pulled a lot. I feel like I've lost weight."

"Why are you so good at pooping? You can poop five times a day, and every time you poop out a big pile."

"Maybe my digestion is better."

The owners of these two sudden sound of footsteps, which made Sanako's expression change slightly, were a pair of fat man and thin man.

Listening to the footsteps and voices coming from below... Sanako feels his heart beating so fast now.

At this moment, she and Natsume Tsuki are hiding on the ceiling of this corridor.

There is no other hiding place except to climb into the ceiling along that big hole.

Therefore, Sanako could only take a risk. After a brief discussion with Natsume Tsuki, he used the method of "climbing to the ceiling on Natsume Tsuki's shoulders, and then pulling Natsume Tsuki up". Before the fat man and the thin man turned into this corridor, they managed to climb into the ceiling.

The top of the ceiling...it was extremely dirty, and the dust was so thick that it couldn't even be blown up.

Sanako resisted the strong itching deep in his nose caused by the flying dust, while quietly waiting for the fat and thin people under the ceiling to leave.

This pair of "fat and thin combination" didn't make a sound after chatting about shitting for a while.

Just when Sanako thought that hiding in the ceiling would be safe, a situation happened.

Because he was hiding on the ceiling, Sanako didn't see it now—under the ceiling, the thin man suddenly frowned.

The thin man frowning abruptly was looking down at the floor of the corridor ahead.

To be precise, it was looking at the clusters of dust clusters as thick as wool on the ground.

This was the dust that Sanako and the others unavoidably kicked down when they climbed up to the ceiling.

The thin man stared thoughtfully at the clusters of dust on the ground, then slowly raised his eyes, looked at the ceiling, and looked at the big hole that was on the same vertical line as these clusters of dust...


Sanako suddenly heard the footsteps below stop.

Feelings of doubt haven't formed yet...

A knife that suddenly stabbed into the ceiling from bottom to top made the unformed doubt in Sanako's heart turn into consternation at a lightning speed!
The knife didn't hit Sanako...but it hit Natsume Tsuki!
The sharp blade directly cut through the flesh on Natsume Yue's right shoulder.


Out of an instinctive reaction, Natsume Tsuki cried out in pain.

Her cry of pain was very low...but it was enough for the fat man below and the thin man who was stabbing the ceiling with a knife to clearly hear her sound, and their expressions changed suddenly.

The unexpected change made Sanako forget how to breathe for a moment.

When his body recalled how to breathe again, Sanako quickly stabilized his mind, and a decisive light flashed in his eyes.

I saw her delicate body rolled, followed the big hole, and fell back to the ground below the ceiling. While falling, she used the potential energy of her body to quickly swing her body vertically, and the sharp blade hit the thin man's head, smashing the thin man He fell to the ground with one blow, and before the fat man could react, he drove the blade into his chest.

Although Sanako was already attacking at the fastest speed...but her action was still half a step late.

"There are thieves!" - the moment before her blade fell, the thin man yelled this sentence in a clear and bright voice in time.

The room next to it, where voices had always been heard, became commotion in an instant.

"Ah Yue! Let's go!"

Now that the whereabouts have been exposed, there is no need to hide any more.

After Sanako quickly called Natsume Tsuki to come down from the ceiling, she took Natsume Tsuki's hand and fled outside.

At this time, the door of the room where many people were chatting opened with a bang.

"Hey! Those two stinky bitches escaped!"

"What? How did they escape?"

"Leave it alone! Go after it!"


The sound of oppressive footsteps like waves came from behind Sanako and the others.

Sanako's running speed is not at all slow compared to men.

However... Natsume Tsuki does not have the physical fitness of Sanako.

Even though she was running with all her strength, her slow footsteps still hurt Sanako, slowing down the speed of the two of them as a whole.

In just a moment, the dark warriors caught up with the second daughter!In desperation, Sanako had no choice but to switch places with Natsume Yue, and she personally came to the rear to meet the pursuers!
"Be careful! Mr. Kanno has an order not to kill this woman! Use the back of a knife!"

Suddenly a white blade flashed in the darkness, and a sword with the back of the knife facing her slashed towards Sanazi's shoulder, and Sanazi swung the knife to parry.Without taking a breath, the second white blade struck.

Sanako took his time and held his breath.She lowered her body, parried the second white blade that struck, and then retaliated fiercely, forcing the opponent to take a hurried step back.

At this time, a person suddenly turned to the front of Zuo Nazi, and came towards him with the back of a knife.

The coming knife made a sound in the wind, fierce and powerful.

Not to be outdone, Sanako fought back fiercely.Sanako's counterattack knife hides skilled moves and superb unloading skills.

The samurai who was pushed away by the attack only felt numbness in his palms, and his body was wide open. Grasping the opening of this moment, Sanako swiftly took a step forward and stabbed the opponent's shoulder soundlessly.

The feeling of the blade piercing into the flesh was sufficient, the opponent yelled and staggered back, Sanako took Wakizashi back.

Sanako is worthy of being a female swordsman with the reputation of "genius female swordsman".

Holding a short wakizashi in her hand, she fought with multiple warriors in this narrow corridor at the same time, and she fought and retreated without losing the wind.

But no matter how powerful Sanako is, it is difficult to parry the accidents that come one after another.


There was a scream from Natsume Tsuki...

Sanako hurriedly followed the sound and saw a samurai appearing in front of Natsume Yue with a knife at some unknown time and place!

Seeing this, Sanako didn't hesitate at all—she returned to defend Natsume Tsuki as fast as she could, and raised her knife to block the attack of the warrior who was slashing at Natsume Tsuki.

Sanako's reincarnation defense... is quite reluctant.

Rushing back from a place 7 steps away and parrying the enemy's heavy attack... So reluctantly, his body, which had become rather stiff after being imprisoned for several days, made Sanako's posture uncontrollable due to Flaws appeared due to the instability of the bottom plate.

A certain samurai keenly caught the flaw that Sanako had accidentally exposed.It was the "Samurai with Slack Eyes" who was solely responsible for guarding Sanako and Natsume Tsuki.

I saw the "Warrior with Angled Eyes" striding forward, swiping his knife and slashing at Zanako who hadn't adjusted his posture yet!
Sanako's pupils shrank slightly, knowing that it was too late to parry this move, she could only retreat and dodge.But it was still half a beat too late, and the back of the "Samurai with Angled Eyes" hit Sanako's left thigh.

The broad back of the knife was no different from the iron whip, and the severe pain instantly spread throughout Sanako's entire left thigh, and then spread throughout Sanako's whole body.

——This person... is a master...

Whether it is the awareness of being able to keenly see the opponent's flaws, or the sharp sword technique, all of them declare that this "Samurai with angled eyes" is a very high-level swordsman.

Sanako endured the severe pain in her thigh, swung a knife to force the "Samurai with Slack Eyes" back, and then continued to escort Natsume Yue to escape.

At this time, Sanako saw an old shelf with a height of one person leaning against the wall of the corridor ahead.

Sanako, who had a flash of inspiration in his mind, pushed the old shelf to the ground, and the pushed shelf had a certain blocking effect. The shelf was blocked, Sanako took the opportunity to hold Natsume Tsuki's hand, and fled outside as soon as possible.

After experiencing so many accidents and setbacks, the two girls finally found the door to the outside world.

Pushing open the door and coming to the outside world, there is a completely unfamiliar neighborhood outside the house, Sanako can only find a random direction to escape.

"Is there anyone?! Is there anyone?!"

While fleeing, Sanako shouted, trying to call the surrounding residents, as long as he could call a large number of passers-by, the "Samurai with Angled Eyes" and others would surely throw their hands at him.

However, no matter how much Sana yelled, the surroundings were quiet... No one responded to her yelling, and there seemed to be no residents here.

Sanako, who didn't even dare to breathe, led Natsume Tsuki across the 2 streets, suddenly - Sanako staggered suddenly, and then fell to the ground.

"Miss Sanako?" Natsume Yue exclaimed and lifted Sanako up, "What's wrong with you?"

"It's okay..." Zuo Nazi looked at his left leg with a sullen face, which was cut by the back of the "Samurai's sword", "It's just... I can't walk anymore..."

Sanako thought that the injury on his left leg could be tolerated, but after dragging this leg to escape, the pain in his leg did not ease at all, but continued to intensify.

After struggling until now, Sanako couldn't bear it any longer... Her left leg hurts so much that even if she slightly stretches the muscles there, the severe pain can make her clench her teeth.

Sanako guessed that the bone in his left leg should be injured.

The series of oppressive footsteps... came.

Boom, boom, boom... like a heavy thunder.

Natsume Tsuki looked back in despair, and looked at the "Samurai with Angled Eyes" and others who appeared behind them again.

"Miss Sanako, hurry up! I'll help you up!"

Sanako, who was supported by Natsume Tsuki, looked at her legs solemnly, and then looked at the "Samurai with Angled Eyes" and others behind her.

"...Ah Yue, I can't run anymore. Run away first, call someone over. I'll buy you time to escape."

Sanako gently pushed Natsume Yue who was supporting her, and then faced the pursuers, placing Wakizashi in front of her.

"What...?" Xia Muyue stared blankly at Sanako, "Miss Sanako, what are you talking about! We want to..."


Before Natsume Yue finished speaking, Sanako interrupted her in an impatient tone.

"Don't be mother-in-law! It's annoying!"

"I am your master, and it is my duty to protect my disciples!"

"I can't move my legs! If the two of us run away together, we're both going to die!"

"Come on!"

After all, Sanako pushed Natsume Tsuki behind her with a slightly rough movement, and then stood with a knife, facing the pursuers who had rushed towards her like waves hitting the shore.

Due to the different speeds, the chasing team of the "Samurai with Angled Eyes" and others was a very long line.The one who rushed to the front because he was the fastest runner was a rather tall and strong man.

—two, four, six...twelve...

After carefully counting the number of pursuers, Sanako's already unattractive expression became a little more dignified.

If it was uninjured, Sanako still had the confidence to fight the twelve warriors alone with a wakizashi.

However, her left thigh is now injured... single-handedly fighting twelve samurai without a leg... No matter how optimistic Sanako is, how much she deceives herself, she can't think of any positive words.

Gritting her teeth, Sanako spread her legs and took a stance.The movement of the left leg caused a piercing pain to spread throughout Sanako's body.

Feeling the pain in his left leg... For no reason, a thought floated in Sanako's mind:
——If my martial arts could be more refined, then I should be able to dodge the attack just now...

In the next moment, a fragment of memory that Sanako had buried in the depths of her mind flashed quickly in front of her eyes...


(Miss Sanako, unless you are a person who is favored by the gods, no matter how hard a woman practices martial arts, it is difficult for a woman to achieve great achievements. Let me just say that your current strength is too weak, and it will be difficult for you to do it again in the future. How strong is it, the road I will take next is undoubtedly a road of thorns, and it will make me very difficult to bring you on the road like this.)

——I should be in danger tonight...

A strange sadness appeared between Sanako's brows uncontrollably.

If someone could observe Sanako's expression now... they would be very surprised.

The eldest lady of the Chiba family who was usually as cold as ice... at this time, she actually showed a sad expression that seemed to be about to cry, which made people feel pitiful.

——What a pity...I haven't proved to that bastard that even a daughter can be powerful...

Boom boom boom!
Footsteps... approaching!

The strong man who rushed to the front had already rushed to the front of Zuo Nazi, and had already raised the knife in his palm!

Sanako half-closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

Sanako, who forcibly suppressed the uncontrollable sorrow surging out of her heart with her willpower, once again burst into sharp light from under her eyelids.

——At least it is the master's responsibility to let Ah Yue escape safely...!
Sanako clenched her teeth, and while yelling full of arrogance, holding on to the decisive will to "perish together", she threw herself at the strong man who was slashing at her with a knife.

Just at this time.

in the next instant.

From the corner of Sanazi's eyes, she suddenly caught a glimpse of a silver light flashing by her right side.

As the daughter of a samurai family, Sanako is very familiar with this type of silver light.

This is the light of the white blade!
Sanako witnessed this incredible scene from the corner of her eyes - a silver light jumped high from the roof of the house next to her, jumped to the highest point in the air, and fell in a beautiful parabola, straight Falling towards the strong man in front of Sanako!
The silver light that was pulled into an almost straight line crossed the strong man's body, cutting the strong man's body in half from the left shoulder to the right abdomen!

The strong man opened his eyes and glanced at the lower body that had been separated from his upper body with a horrified gaze.

Holding the silver light was a tall figure.

The tall figure landed steadily with the silver light in his hand, and landed between Sanako and the strong man who had been cut in half.

Sanako, who was pounced on the strong man, her beautiful eyes widened in surprise. She wanted to stop the pounce, but due to the influence of inertia, she couldn't move her pounced forward body in time. stop.

But fortunately—this tall figure that suddenly appeared, stretched out his arms to hug her who was rushing forward, and saved Sanako from falling.

"Miss Sanako, I finally found you."

A familiar male voice...

Sanazi parted her red lips slightly, raised her head, and stared blankly at this familiar face who was so close to her with a look of lost soul.

"Miss Sanako, step back."

The man let go of Zanako, then turned around, holding the knife that was still dripping blood, facing the rest of the pursuers.

"It's all right."

"Mr. Tangerine...?"

Sanako softly recited the man's name.

It’s really not that the author deliberately broke the chapter. The author originally wanted to write a super chapter of 2W words, so that everyone can enjoy it, and finish Qingdeng’s battle, but unfortunately failed.

I have been writing until 3 o'clock in the morning today, and my waist is so painful that I can hardly stand up straight... Because my body can't bear it anymore, I can only write here temporarily (leopard headache crying.jpg)

Today's chapter update is used to make up for the owed update to Baiyinmeng [Handsome Is My Handsome]. I still owe this book friend 9 chapter updates.

The author still owes 11 thousand-character chapters.

If you don’t give a monthly pass in today’s chapter, it’s really too much (Leopard headache crying.jpg)

Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a recommendation ticket!

Now the number of monthly tickets for this book is 528, as long as today's monthly tickets can reach 630 votes, I will continue to blow my mind today, and I will come back with a 1W+ chapter tomorrow!
 Blind guessing: There must be another group of people writing "Shui Shuishui" and "Writing more than 1W words, the plot has not advanced at all".

  Alas, I can hardly figure out what these people's definition of "plot advancement" is.

  The plot of these 2 chapters is clearly developing rapidly like a raging storm, are you still not satisfied...

  [Qingdeng keeps getting stronger, and finally became the "King of Ren"]——I have finished the entire plot of this book in one sentence, how about it?Is the plot advancing quickly?Are you satisfied?

(End of this chapter)

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