I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 180 "King Ni" riding a bull is rushing to the battlefield 【Explosion 1W】

Chapter 180 "King Ni" riding a bull is rushing to the battlefield 【Explosion 1W】

"Residence? Battlefield?"

Sanako, who was still hugging Natsume Yue, raised her gaze and cast surprised glances at Qingdeng.

Qingdeng seemed to have expected that Sanako would look at him with such eyes, and smiled lightly.



Back in time not long ago——

Seeing that "Samurai with Acne Scars" still refused to say anything, Qingdeng plunged Wakizawa into the nails of his toes again without the slightest hesitation.

This time, Qingdeng changed to a new stabbing method.

He no longer stabbed the tip of the knife in one breath.

Instead, slowly, slowly... With a rather "gentle" movement, he inserted the tip of Wakizashi's knife into the toenails of the "Samurai with Acne", which greatly increased the "Samurai with Acne". pain.


Sure enough—the screams of the "Pocket Warrior" became more horrific, another toe became bloody, and the whole body convulsed even more violently.

"Apart from Natsume Tsuki, did you also kidnap Chiba Sanako? Where are the people you kidnapped are now being held?"

Like an emotionless robot, Qing Deng repeated his question for the third time, and then moved Wakizashi to aim at the third toe of the "Pocket Warrior".

Under the current situation of being in a hurry and not having any more powerful interrogation tools at hand, "piking the toenails with a knife" is the most painful interrogation method Qingdeng can think of right now.

This was Qingdeng's first time interrogating others... and he still used such cruel interrogation methods.

Therefore, without any relevant experience before, Qingdeng inevitably felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

However, after briefly recalling what he and Mai Kinoshita had just overheard about the conversation between Natsume Sohachiro and the "pox-scarred warrior", the slight discomfort in his heart dissipated quickly, and then turned into firmness and decisiveness.


(I have followed your instructions and handed over the donkey cart containing the sake ordered by Mr. Bright, which is scheduled to be delivered to the reservation today, to your disposal! It's time to return Ah Yue to me!)


What Natsume Sohachiro said to the "Samurai with Acne Scars" just now, Qing Deng still lingered in his ears.

For this Mr. Bright, Qing Deng had heard his name—a few days ago, he had heard it from Elodie.

According to Ai Luodi, this old man who is highly respected in the Edo reservation and is very fond of Japanese sake will hold a very lively dance party on the day of his 60th birthday, including Ai Luodi and his family Most foreigners in the reservation will attend the banquet.

And the day for the dance... is tonight!
Kidnapping others in an organized and disciplined manner and sending people to punish Natsume Sohachiro; such a radical method... Qingdeng couldn't help but think of the organization that had been basically bound to his life in the recent period Name: Disgusting group!
Qingdeng and others captured the orchid doctor Shichiro Hanada and the three archers headed by the "middle-aged bearded man" a few days ago. They have been detained in the prison for the past few days and are undergoing professional interrogation. Team: Interrogation of the prison housekeepers.

Under the harsh interrogation that did not allow them the slightest respite, the three archers quickly confessed—they admitted that they were members of the barbarian group!

The group that has been silent for a long time since the attack on the Fanshu Institute has reappeared...

After a long absence, they finally captured the members of the barbarian group, but unfortunately, these three archers seemed to be only grassroots members of the barbarian group, and they didn't have any useful information.

Whether they asked them "Why do you have frequent contact with Hanada Shichiro" and "Where are your strongholds?", these three people basically didn't know what to ask.

The only information of any value that the three of them disclosed was the one of their three most frequently used strongholds... As Qingdeng predicted before, the stronghold that the three of them revealed was located at the time when he and Not far from the alleyway where the 3 members of the barbarians met.

Except for this stronghold they often use, they all agreed that they really don't know where the other strongholds of the Barbarians are.

The enforcement office quickly organized a team and rushed to the stronghold exposed by the three people. As a result, when they arrived, the building was empty and nothing was found... Presumably they were on the first day immediately after the "bearded middle-aged man" was captured. The stronghold was evacuated for a while, without leaving any useful people or things to the government.

In general—except for knowing that the "middle-aged bearded man" is a member of the barbarian group, no useful information has been collected from the three of them.

Compared with the three "middle-aged bearded men", the powerless Lanfang doctor Hanada Shichiro was unexpectedly persevering.

The "middle-aged bearded man" and others have confessed that they are members of the barbarian group, but he still insists that he is innocent until now.

The reason why Hanada Shichiro is so persistent...it's not hard to figure out why.

At the moment when the Edo shogunate is cracking down on the "radical anti-barbarians", if it is true that he has some ulterior deal with the anti-barbarian group... It is not impossible to directly sentence him to death.

Therefore, for the sake of his own life, under the drive of fluke psychology, Hanada Shichiro probably would not admit that he has anything to do with the Koi group until the time when all plans are really exhausted.

Because he had just been in contact with and fought with people from the barbarian group recently, Qingdeng now has a very sensitive attitude towards matters related to the barbarian group.

Barbarian group and foreigner's residence... just juxtaposing these two words together makes people feel like they can't help but sweat on their backs!

There are too many questions to rush to figure out.

The uneasiness that has been circling in Qingdeng's heart since this morning has rapidly expanded...

Qingdeng couldn't maintain his patience. In order to dispel the cloud of fog in his mind as soon as possible, he had no choice but to use this cruel method to interrogate the "acne scar warriors" and the others.

When Qingdeng pointed the tip of Wakizashi's knife at the toenail of the third toe of the "pox-scarred warrior", the guy's face finally began to show fear and dread.

But his lips closed after a few times... Seeing this, Qing Deng peeled off the toenail of his third toe without thinking.

Qingdeng just kept repeating the action of "questioning - toenail lift".

When all the toes on the right foot of the "Pocket Warrior" were lifted, and Qingdeng was about to take off the sock on his left foot, the "Pocket Warrior" finally said in a hoarse voice, as if his defenses had collapsed:
"I say! I say it all!"

"In addition to that Natsume Tsuki, we also kidnapped 'Chiba Oni Komachi' from the Little Chiba Sword Gym!"

"They were all imprisoned by us at Kaicho [-]-chome..."

Qingdeng silently memorized the string of precise place names quickly reported by the "Pocket Warrior".

The painstaking monitoring of Natsume Sohachiro for several days has finally yielded results...but Qingdeng did not show any joy.

In addition to the whereabouts of Miss Sanako and the others, Qingdeng still had quite a few equally important questions to ask, leaving Qingdeng with no time to make any expressions.

Qingdeng sent out a series of new questions without changing his face:

"You are all members of the barbarian group, right? Why did you kidnap Ms. Sanako and Ms. Natsume?"

Although he was [-]% to [-]% sure in his heart that this group of well-organized, disciplined and aggressive lunatics were members of the Barbarian Group, Qingdeng still asked aloud for now.

And the response of "Samurai with Acne Scars" did not exceed Qing Deng's expectations.

After being tortured by Qingdeng and telling Sanako where they were being held, the "Pocket Warrior" seemed to have completely abandoned himself.

I saw that his face was extremely pale due to the severe pain in his feet, and he nodded gently:

"Well...we are the people from the barbarian group..."

"We don't want to kidnap Chiba Sanako...Our initial goal was only Natsume Tsuki, and we wanted to use Natsume Tsuki to blackmail Natsume Sohachiro...Because when the kidnapping of Natsume Tsuki was officially carried out, Chiba Sana Koko was with Natsume Tsuki, and she also drank our tea with 'sleeping pills'... Kidnapping Chiba Sanako was purely accidental."

Having said that, "Pocket Warrior" paused.

He may have realized that the focus and focus of Qingdeng's question just now was on Zuo Nazi, so he added anxiously:
"Chiba Sanako is the same as Natsume Tsuki, we eat and drink for them."

"Our barbarian team only shows its fangs to national thieves, barbarians, and those who have to let them sacrifice their lives for the great cause of barbarians, so she is as good as Natsume Yue."

As if hearing some funny joke, Qing Deng sneered:
"'Only show your fangs to national thieves, barbarians, and those who have to let them sacrifice their lives for the great cause of barbarians'... It's really lucky that you can say such high-sounding words."

If it were an ordinary moment, Qingdeng might still have the time to refute the self-moving remarks of the barbarian group.

However, there are still some important questions that I am eager to continue asking this "acne-scarred youth", so Qingdeng is too bad to care about this guy's ridiculous statement just now.

"The content of your threat to Mr. Natsume Sohachiro is to let him hand over all the sake that Bright ordered and is scheduled to be delivered to the residence today? What are you going to do with the sake that Bright ordered?"

When this question was asked, Qingdeng's tone and expression became uncontrollably serious.

Because it was a matter related to the settlement, Mai Kinoshita, who was standing next to Qingdeng, also had a serious expression at the same time.

My best friend: Elodie lives in the settlement...so Mai Kinoshita has always paid a lot of attention to the settlement in Edo.

Hearing Qingdeng's new question, the "Pocket Warrior", who had just given up on himself, once again showed hesitation.

Qingdeng keenly noticed the change in the facial expression of the "Pocket Warrior"... He didn't say much, but silently made another movement to take off the left sock of the "Pocket Warrior".

This action of Qingdeng directly frightened the "Pocket Warrior" so much that his face changed drastically, and he kept saying "I say! I say!", "I can say anything!".

After another brief psychological struggle, the "Pocket Warrior" closed his eyes as if resigned to his fate.

"Me too... I didn't know the whole picture of Mr. Kanno's plan until near the evening of today..."

"Tonight, in order to celebrate his 60th birthday, the barbarian Brett of the settlement will hold a dance in his home... most of the barbarians in the settlement will participate in this ball."

"All the barbarians gather together...it will be very convenient to kill."

"We disguised a large amount of kerosene as the sake ordered by Natsume Sohachiro from Natsume Sohachiro, and transported the kerosene into the residence openly, and then prepared to wipe out all the Yidi who participated in the Yiren Bright's dance tonight. They killed and burned them all, and then burned the entire settlement to nothing..."

"Pocket Warrior" is over.

A deadly silence instantly surrounded the alley where everyone was in...


--what did he say?

Although the voice of "Samurai with Acne Scars" was very low just now, his enunciation was quite clear. At least Kinoshita Wu could hear what he was saying just now... But even so, Kinoshita Wu couldn't help asking herself in a daze. "what did he say?"

Regardless of the size, eye shape, or proportion to the face, a pair of beautiful eyes stared round and round. The pupils, which were as beautiful as black jewels, lost their original crystal brilliance because the line of sight suddenly became unfocusable.

Kinoshita Mai only felt the feeling that the back of her head was being hooked by a silk thread... She clearly heard and understood all the words of "Samurai with Acne Scars" just now, but her head couldn't understand... No, it was because of "Acne Scars" The content of what the warrior just said was too terrifying. Under the influence of fear, her brain subconsciously refused to think deeply.

The shock was slow and long.

A strange feeling of paralysis spread throughout the body, as if the soul had lost control of the body, unable to speak, unable to move even a single finger.

Thump tom, tom tom, tom tom, tom tom... The heart seemed to be heavily oppressed from the outside, beating so fast and hard.

It was clearly the heart in her body, but Kinoshita Mai felt that her heartbeat sounded like it was coming from outside her body.

The soul really seems to have lost control of the body and started to go out of the body. Mai Kinoshita has the illusion that her vision has become a bird's-eye view, as if she can see herself standing on the ground and beside Qingdeng .

After what seemed to be a short but also a long time, Mai Kinoshita felt that her soul had returned to her body.

It wasn't until this time that Kinoshita Mai realized that her back was covered with cold sweat that wet the entire back of her bathrobe.

My eyes are dry because I forgot to blink just now.

Scene after scene of terrible scenes emerged in Kinoshita Mai's mind without Kinoshita Wu's control, and then passed by Kinoshita Wu's eyes one by one.

The monstrous fire engulfed the settlement...

Countless people screamed and fled in all directions...

Like hunters hunting prey, the members of the barbarian group grinned grinningly while chasing and killing the fleeing people with knives...

Elodie... her best friend watched in horror as the fire surrounded her and her family...


--don't want……

The too horrific picture made Kinoshita Mai's delicate rosy face and alluring red lips fade at a speed visible to the naked eye.

She wanted her brain to stop these horrible imaginations, but the horrible scenes were still spinning and entwining in her mind.

— These lunatics must be stopped!

Kinoshita Mai finally uttered a clear cry in her heart.

But her panic has not been slowed down or controlled.

After all, she is just a 15-year-old girl who has not experienced any major storms.

The "energy" of the plan that the Kobari Group intends to implement tonight has exceeded Mai Kinoshita's psychological endurance.

She knew exactly what she was going to do now, but all the thoughts in her mind were in a mess.

There are so many things I want to say... There are many things I want to do urgently... But my brain, which has been unable to resume normal operation for a long time, just can't sort out these chaotic thoughts.

Kinoshita Mai was at a loss due to panic and panic... Natsume Shohachiro on the side also opened his eyes wide at this time, with an expression of disbelief.

When he was threatened to hand over the sake that Brett ordered, Natsume Sohachiro had already vaguely guessed that this group of people must be preparing to do something terrible.

But he didn't expect that the boldness of this group of people was far beyond the limit of his imagination...

The silent atmosphere gradually became solid, and then became dignified, and the air in the entire alleyway was extraordinarily heavy as if it had solidified into a liquid.

However, at this moment, someone's voice shattered the dead silence and heaviness at this moment.

"...When do you plan to start burning the settlement?"

Qingdeng's tone was very flat... Kinoshita Mai couldn't help but turn her gaze to Qingdeng in surprise, and then she saw Qingdeng's unchanging, extraordinarily calm face.

——Tachibana-kun... did you hear what this man said just now?
Because Qingdeng was so calm, Kinoshita Mai couldn't help whispering in her heart in an unbelievable tone.

"Twi-twilight at five o'clock..." "The Pockmarked Warrior," he said.

Five o'clock in the evening... Converted to modern time, it is 22 o'clock in the evening.

The current time is about 20:30...that is to say, there is still about an hour and a half before the attack by the barbarians.

"You'd better make sure that everything you just said is true. If I find out even half a lie later..."

Before Qingdeng finished speaking, the "Pocket Scar Warrior" began to speak in a hurry:
"Everything I just said! Everything is true! I will never lie to you!"

After loudly emphasizing his "honesty", the "Pocket Warrior" suddenly pursed his lips in a complicated expression.

Immediately afterwards, he was seen cautiously saying to Qing Deng in a pleading tone:

"I... I provided so much information..."

"Afterwards... can I be given... a light sentence...?"

This man who had been yelling domineeringly about "Heavenly Punishment", "National Traitors" and "only baring his fangs to national thieves, barbarians, and those who have to let them sacrifice their lives for the great cause of barbarians" is now begging the Qingdeng Gang pitifully. Help him and give him a light sentence.

Qingdeng ignored this guy.

After he glanced at this guy with neither sorrow nor joy, he stood up with his hands on his legs.

"Miss Kinoshita."

Hearing Qingdeng calling her, Kinoshita Wu hastily focused her eyes and attention on Qingdeng.

"Take these two things of mine and go to the Beiban office, and tell Tongxin, who is currently on the night shift at the Beiban office, Hanjiro Inotani: Tachibana Qingdeng has discovered a new trend of the exiled group, and the exiled group plans to Set fire to the reservation tonight."

"In short, it is to tell all the details of the barbarian group's plan to attack the residence, so that the government can quickly organize people to go to the residence."

Qingdeng took off the seal cage and ten hands from his right waist, and handed them to Kinoshita Mai.

"If they ask who you are, show them these two things and say you're my friend. Once you say that and show them these two things, they'll believe you."

Kinoshita Wu embraced the Ten Hands and Seal Cage that Qingdeng handed over, and blinked... A look of surprise hung between her brows.

Speaking of why... Kinoshita Wu now only feels the panic and fear that filled her heart just now, melting away as quickly as snow.

Seeing Qingdeng's calm appearance, listening to Qingdeng's calm voice... a strange sense of stability surged in Kinoshita Mai's heart.

The brain begins to function normally, and the thoughts are no longer chaotic.

"Mr. Ju." She asked, "I'm going to the Beifan Office...then where are you going?"

Qingdeng's direction was quite clear just now, and he only asked Kinoshita Wu to go to the Beifan Station to move and rescue him alone, without mentioning what he himself was going to do.

"The two of us act separately." Qingdeng looked up at the sky, "There is still some time before the barbarian group officially launches an attack..."

"The barbarian group's attack on the settlement tonight is bound to dispatch a large number of people, and may even dispatch all of them."

"Whether it's evacuating the residents of the settlement, or repelling the incoming barbarians, it's not a task that I can do alone now."

"Even if I hurried to the place of residence now and told the people inside to 'run away', I'm a soft-spoken person, and no one would care about me."

"Most of the residents in the reserved area don't know how to meet people seriously."

The face of Elodie's tutor whom I saw a few days ago...that is, the face of Gerald who often cast contemptuous glances at Qingdeng, emerged in Qingdeng's mind.

"In short, if you want to stop the attack of those lunatics, you must let the government come forward in person."

"So, Ms. Kinoshita, can I give you the task of 'notifying the government to send someone to rescue'? Your speed is much faster than mine. Compared to me, this task is more suitable for you."

"I'm going to rescue Miss Sanako and the others now."

Qingdeng turned his gaze, and looked in the direction of the place where "Samurai with Acne Scars" said just now that Sanako and others were being held.

"Although these lunatics keep claiming that they 'can't wield butcher knives', you can't believe everything the lunatics say."

"Miss Sanako and the others still have to be rescued as soon as possible, otherwise things may change later."

"After I rescue Miss Sanako and the others, I will rush to the reservation area to join the government's large army, and repel all the incoming barbarians!"

Qingdeng's words are full of order...and strength!

Kinoshita Wu blinked at Qingdeng in a daze, then nodded vigorously with a serious face.

There was a firm light in his eyes.

"Mr. Orange, leave it to me!"

Kinoshita Mai clutched the Ten Hands and Seal Cage tightly in her arms.

"I will rush to the Beifan Office as quickly as possible, and let the government send people to help the reservation as soon as possible!"

"Yeah." Qingdeng grinned, "Please!"

"Ah, that's right. Mr. Ju, what should we do with these people now?" Mai Kinoshita suddenly thought of "Samurai with Acne Scars" and others.

Qingdeng frowned and looked at the "Pocket Warrior" and the others on the ground.

Qingdeng's hand just now was indeed quite heavy, and these guys have not recovered the strength to stand up until now.

Both of them are in a rush right now...they don't have time to deal with these people slowly.

So...Qingdeng raised his eyes and looked at Natsume Sohachiro who was at the side.

Feeling Qingdeng's gaze, Natsume Sohachiro shook his body a few times.

Natsume Sohachiro, who understood the meaning of Qingdeng's eyes, gritted his teeth after hesitating for a moment.

"...I understand! Mr. Orange, I will try to detain these people for you first! I will ask my servants to come over with ropes and tie them all up!"

After finishing speaking, Natsume Sohachiro changed into a pleading tone, and looked at Qingdeng who had just threatened to rescue Sanako and the others with red eyes.

"Mr. Orange, please save my daughter!"



After briefly talking to Sanako about the crisis facing the residence, Qingdeng ignored the stunned expressions of Sanako and Natsume Tsuki, and raised his head to look at the sky above his head.

"Miss Sanako, you can go all the way north along this street, and you will reach a place with a lot of people if you keep going north."

"When you get to a crowded place, you should be safe."

"I have to go first."

Qingdeng put away his gaze from looking at the sky, turned his eyes back to Zuo Nazi, and smiled at Zuo Nazi.

"See you later."

Qingdeng didn't say any lengthy farewell to Sanako and the others.

He just said coolly, "See you later," and supported Ding Guishen on his waist, and ran towards the east, towards the direction of the residence!

Sanako, who was still hugging Natsume Tsuki lightly, stood there silently.

She watched Qingdeng, whose figure was getting smaller and smaller within her field of vision, without blinking.

The complex thoughts and emotions that make one wonder what she is thinking, and what words to use to describe them, flicker back and forth in her pupils.



——I'm so tired...

Since traveling to this era, Qingdeng has been exercising unremittingly.

After his persistent and hard training, Qingdeng's muscular strength and physical strength have been greatly improved compared to when he just crossed over.

However, no matter how good his physical strength was, he couldn't hold back Qingdeng's tossing around like this.

Ever since he discovered that Natsume Sohachiro had left his home sneakily and alone, Qingdeng had hardly rested.

First, they dealt with the "Pocket Warrior" and others who were about to kill Natsume Sohachiro, and then rushed to rescue Sanako and Natsume Tsuki without stopping.

When I came to this block, I heard Sanako's shout and rushed to follow the sound, and found Sanako who was preparing to fight to the death with the pursuers.Immediately afterwards, there were 1 warriors chasing Sanako alone.

And now, they have to rush to the residence again, preparing to participate in a battle that is bound to be far more intense than the "1vs12" just now.

Not to mention resting, there is not even time to take a big breath.

The block Qingdeng is currently in is located in a remote area in the western suburbs of Edo... It is not a short distance from the residence.

If I just ran over like this, I should have no energy when I get to the settlement.

——Are there any horses around here...?
If we say that in this era, excluding the sedan chair, which requires others to lift it to move, the only thing that can be used for transportation is the horse.

There are often some rich peasants living in the outskirts of Edo, who use horses to bring the vegetables they grow to Edo to sell, so horses are not uncommon on the streets of Edo.

But... this is just not uncommon on the streets of Edo in broad daylight.

At this point in time, there is not even a single ghost on the street, where can Qing Deng borrow a horse for transportation?

Just when Qingdeng was about to give up the idea of ​​finding a horse for transportation because he saw the empty streets——


The cry of a certain animal reached Qingdeng's ears...

Qingdeng followed the sound and saw a big black cow lying on the side of the street not far away. A dark-skinned old farmer was sitting on the ground beside the big black cow. Nap with his head there.

This big black bull seems to be quite human.

After Qingdeng looked over, the big black cow slowly raised its head as if it sensed Qingdeng's sight.

One person and one bull, so they looked at each other from a distance...


"... old man!"

Hearing someone calling him, the old farmer shivered and hurriedly opened his eyelids.

"Ah! Wu, samurai-sama!"

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a warrior with two swords on his waist and a lot of blood splattered striding towards him.

The old farmer, whose expression changed drastically from fright, knelt down on the ground tremblingly in the position of a soil seat.

"Please, please spare my life! I still have 7 children to raise at home..."

He must have mistook Qingdeng, who was covered in blood, for the kind of perverted samurai who often takes people to test knives on the streets late at night.

"Calm down." Qingdeng interrupted the old farmer's begging for mercy, "I'm a serious official, not here to kill people or rob money! Let me ask you, what's the matter with you big black bull?"

"Is this a cow?"

Seeing that Qing Deng did not have any malice, the old farmer who was relieved began to tell Qing Deng why he was sitting on the side of the road with a black cow at this time.

It turned out that due to the sudden illness of the youngest son in the family, in order to collect enough money for the medical treatment of the youngest son as soon as possible, the old farmer had no choice but to choose to drag the cow that their family had raised since childhood to Edo for sale.

When I arrived in Edo with the cattle, it was already evening today, and the market had already been closed. In desperation, the old farmer could only find a place to spend the night first, and then sell the cattle when the market opened tomorrow morning.

Because he was not willing to spend money to stay in a hotel, the old farmer chose to sit on the side of the street, preparing to spend the night.

"A cow..."

After muttering softly, Qing Deng showed a strange expression.

"Old man, your cow... can you ride?"

"Riding? Can ride! Can ride!" The old farmer nodded vigorously, "My cow is very human, and its temperament is quite docile. I just rode it all the way to Edo."

"...That's good." Qingdeng let out a long breath, then put his hand into his arms, and took out the money bag he was carrying, "Old man, I want to buy your cattle, is this enough money?"

Qingdeng kept the change in the purse, and only took out all the big money: 3 small pennies worth 3 taels of gold, and stuffed them into the hands of the old farmer.

The old farmer's eyes were as big as copper bells, and he shook his head sincerely: "This, this is too much! Only half the money is enough!"

3 taels of gold... As long as the bargaining method is good enough and you have a certain understanding of the cattle market, the money is completely enough to buy 2 cattle.

"Okay, take it quickly."

Qingdeng was still in a hurry, and he didn't have any time and mood to slowly bargain with the old farmer.

After the debt of their Ju family was written off by the "Qingshui Clan", Qingdeng is now very wealthy. To the current Qingdeng, a mere 3 taels of gold is just a sum of money, and after spending it, he can't blink his eyes little money.

Seeing that Qingdeng insisted on giving him so much money, the old farmer was so excited that he burst into tears.

While clutching the 3 taels of gold tightly to his chest, he kept bowing to Qingdeng, thanking Qingdeng for buying his cattle so generously, and now he has enough money to hire a doctor to treat his youngest son.

After saying goodbye to the old farmer who was holding on to the money and hurried away because he wanted to go home now, Qing Deng tilted his head and looked at the old man who was standing obediently beside him and had been staring at him since just now. black bull.

"Okay, since I bought you, you have to work hard." Qingdeng tightened the rein in his hand, "I need you to take me somewhere now, just give me a ride, It won't put you in any danger."

The old farmer just said that his cow is very human... It seems that he really wasn't talking nonsense.

When Qingdeng was talking to it, the big black cow stared quietly into Qingdeng's eyes the whole time, as if listening carefully to what Qingdeng was saying.

After Qingdeng's words fell, it looked away silently, flicked its tail, and let out a "moo", then spread its hooves, walked quickly to the middle of the street next to it, and bent down... He signaled Qingdeng to sit up quickly.

This big black bull is so human...it really surprised Qingdeng.

"Okay, good cow. I'll take you to eat delicious food afterwards."

Holding the knife at his waist, Qingdeng turned onto the horse in three steps at a time...ah, no, turned on the bull.

Just when he was about to urge Niu Niu in his crotch to run——

"Mr. Orange, wait a minute."

An unexpectedly familiar female voice suddenly sounded from behind Qingdeng.

Qingdeng's expression changed, and he turned to look behind him.

"Miss Sanako?"

Behind Qingdeng, Zuo Nazi limped towards Qingdeng, dragging her injured leg.

"Mr. Ju, I finally caught up with you... huh? What's the matter with your cow?"

Sanako frowned slightly, and blinked suspiciously at the big black cow who was turning to look at her now.

"Miss Sanako, why are you here? Where is Miss Natsume? Didn't you take Miss Natsume to a safe place?"

Not caring about explaining the origin of his new mount to Zuo Nazi, Qingdeng fired a series of questions at Zuo Nazi like a cannonball.

"I let Ah Yue escape alone first." Zuo Nazi said, "I still have some important things to do now, and I can't escape to a safe place with her."

"She is also a strong child. Even without my company, she will be able to escape to a safe place."

"Besides, without me, the wounded who can't even walk fast, she should be able to escape to a safe area more easily."

Have something urgent to do?

Before Qingdeng had time to question the words just mentioned by Sanazi, Sanazi heaved a sigh of relief, followed by a pretty face, and said sternly:
"Mr. Ju, take me with you."

"I know a shortcut to the Reservation!"

"Shortcut?" Qing Deng's eyelids sank slightly.

Shortcut... This word made Qingdeng's expression suddenly serious and solemn.

"Miss Sanako, do you really know a shortcut to the residence?" Qingdeng asked quickly.

Sanako nodded solemnly: "When I went to teach the little princess of the Uwajima Clan, I always took this shortcut to go back and forth between the Uwajima Clan's mansion and the Little Chiba Sword Hall."

"This shortcut is not too far from here!"

Having been the private tutor of Princess Date of the Uwajima Clan for 4 years, Sanako is very familiar with the road from the Uwajima Clan's upper house to the Little Chiba Sword Hall.

By coincidence, Sanako accidentally found a shortcut from Uwajima Domain Kamiyashiki to Little Chiba Sword Hall.

The shortcut consists of a number of off-the-beaten-track alleys and paths that pass through a neighborhood that adjoins the Western Settlement.

In other words - this shortcut can lead to the settlement!
Hearing this sudden and shocking news, Qingdeng's brows were filled with surprise.

"……OK then."

After staring deeply at Zanazi for a few moments, Qingdeng nodded lightly, then stretched out his hand and patted the back of the bull behind him.

"Then please, Miss Sanako, show me the way."

"Come on, Miss Zuo Nazi, let's get on the cow! It just so happens that my cow can take another person."

"Mr. Ju, can your cow...can you ride?"

Looking at Qingdeng's mount, which warriors generally would not ride... Sanako's cold expression "collapsed" uncontrollably, and his expression became weird involuntarily.

"My cow is very human." Qingdeng smiled, "Just now it took the initiative to lie on the ground and motioned for me to get on it."

"Moo~~" As soon as Qingdeng finished speaking, the big black cow flicked its tail in a timely manner and "mooed"... as if it was responding to Qingdeng's words.

"……I see."

Zuo Nazi took a deep breath, showing a "decisive expression" of "riding a bull, just ride a bull", then dragged his injured leg to the side of the big black cow, put his two slender legs together, and sat sideways on the green Deng behind.

After confirming that Zuo Nazi behind him sat down, Qing Deng raised the reins in his hand.

"Come on! Carrot!"


A man, a woman and a cow gallop on the streets of Edo under the night!

"The name of my cow, I just thought of it." Qingdeng turned his head and smiled at Zuo Nazi behind him.

A new important character—the mount Carrot debuts!
Its character card should be reviewed soon, and everyone can give it a lot of likes in the future.

Today's chapter update is used to make up for the owed update to Baiyinmeng [Handsome Is My Handsome]. I still owe this book friend 8 chapter updates.

The author still owes 10 thousand-character chapters.

As long as the author is brave enough, the decisive battle between Qingdeng and the Yi group should start tomorrow...

So the author asks for votes again!Now the monthly ticket for this book is 938 votes, as long as it can reach 1050 votes within today, then the author will come tomorrow with a super chapter of "guaranteed 1W, hit 1W5".

Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a recommendation ticket! (Leopard Head Crying.jpg)

(End of this chapter)

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