I formed the strongest swordsman group.

Chapter 189 Elodie: "Mr. Orange! Please accept me as an apprentice!" [Burst Update 1W]

Chapter 189 Elodie: "Mr. Orange! Please accept me as an apprentice!" [Burst Update 1W]

Rewind time to about 1 hour ago——

Edo, the place of residence——

The sound of flames burning and raging could be heard.

Climb up the walls and ceiling, and spit out a large amount of dazzling sparks and acrid black smoke.

Behind is a burning house.

In front of him was the street illuminated by the moonlight.

familiar scenery...

It is impossible to be unfamiliar. I have repeatedly dreamed of this scene during this period of time.

So am I dreaming again...Elodie noticed it immediately even if her consciousness was dim.

I dreamed of that night and that scene 10 days ago again.

The mansion that has been engulfed by the fire waves behind him; the street covered with moon veil in front of him; Layer dark gray.

There is only one place of distinct color and light.

Just in front of me, not far away is the battlefield of a pair of 67s.

It was on the body of the swordsman.

Followed by the bright silver moonlight, the swordsman swung his sword towards the enemy group in front of him, towards the darkness in front of him.

Without hesitation, without fear.


"Hmm..." Elodie moaned, and slowly opened her eyes.

What caught my eye was the familiar ceiling.

The bright sunlight leaked in from the south-facing window and fell on the bed, dividing Elodie's bedroom into two.

On one side are the windows covered with low orange light and half the room next to the windows.

On one side are the wardrobe and door still covered with a thin layer of gray gauze.

The strict education she received since she was a child made Ai Luodi not have the habit of staying in bed.

After rubbing her sleepy eyes lightly a few times, Elodie dexterously jumped out of bed, put on her slippers, walked slowly to the window, and pushed the closed window open forcefully.

The unique fresh wind in the morning blows towards Elodie through the open window, blowing away most of the drowsiness in Elodie's mind.


"Hey! People in front be careful! The wagon carrying waste is coming!"

"Damn it, it's fucking hot today."

"One, two, three, up! One, two, three, up!"

"Be careful when moving this pillar. This pillar has been burnt to pieces by the fire, and it will break if you touch it. Be careful not to get hurt."


On the streets of the settlement, laborers come and go.

After the plot to destroy the settlement by the barbarian group was defeated, the Edo shogunate organized a large number of laborers to clean up the burned ruins of the settlement.

After the unremitting efforts of the laborers, most of the buildings in the settlement that were damaged by the flames have been cleaned up.

The originally row upon row of settlements have now become extremely empty and deserted because only a small part of the buildings are still intact... In the future, for a long time, this place is bound to be unable to restore its former prosperity.

Elodie and her family were very lucky-their family mansion was one of the few buildings that escaped the fire.

The home is intact, there is still a home to live in, and you don't have to find another place to live like those whose homes burned down... This is really a blessing in misfortune for Elodie and the others.

Elodie slowly raised her eyes, no longer looking at the busy laborers on the street, but looking up at the cloudless sky.

The warm sunshine hit Elodie's face, making Elodie half-close her eyes.

Her sapphire-like pupils became even more dazzling under the direct sunlight.

The wind blowing from the distant sky brought more fresh coolness, and from time to time there was the immature cry of the early warbler... But Elodie seemed to be unaware of all this, she stood motionless, watching in a daze Sky.

To be precise, he was looking at a place farther than the sky.

There seems to be some kind of special emotion hidden in the depths of the eyes, as if staring at the distant world.In other words, it can be described as "longing for" or "longing for".

Even though 10 full days have passed, Elodie still remembers the scenes of that night.

For the past 10 days, I have dreamed about that night almost every night.

Dreaming of the figure of the swordsman fighting a powerful enemy alone...

Recalling the scenes that appeared in her dreamland just now, Elodie's eyes flickered slightly... as if she was thinking about something.

In fact, this appearance is the norm for Elodie during this time.

Since that night, whenever Alodie was alone, she would show this expression as if she was thinking about something.

A long time passed.

It wasn't until the sunshine on Alodie's face was no longer warm, and the orange light slowly rose to the unique high temperature of summer, that Alodie walked away from the window with small steps and walked to the desk beside her, Pull over a delicate box placed on the edge of the desk.

With the sound of "click", Elodie slowly opened the box... What was contained in the box was Elodie's "sword", that is, the wooden rapier.

Stretching out her white and slender fingers, she slid little by little from the tip of the sword to the hilt... Elodie caressed the blade of her beloved sword with a gentle movement like wiping away dust.

At this moment, the light in his eyes, which were slightly shaking, gradually became staring.

At this moment, Elodie no longer hesitated.

After 10 days of hesitation and thinking, Elodie finally made up her mind.

Alodie took a deep breath and closed the sword box forcefully.

At this time, there was a sound of opening the door behind Alodi.

The maid Leroy held a light yellow women's kimono worn by children, pushed open the door and walked slowly into the room.

"Miss, you woke up really early today." Leroy raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Hmm. It's probably because I went to bed early last night." Elodie came back to her senses, smiled at Leroy, and then fixed her eyes on the light yellow kimono in Leroy's arms.

"Do you want to change now?" Alodie asked.

Leroy nodded: "Yes. Although it's still a little early, the master wants to prepare in advance."

"After all, today is the day to visit Mr. Orange, so don't be careless."



Time goes back to the present-

"Move right to Huofu Thief Kai?"

Qingdeng couldn't help letting out a low cry.

On the side, Okita and Kubei showed surprised expressions.

"It's just that there are similar rumors." Niu Shan took over the conversation, and glanced at Zhu Gu helplessly, "Whether it's true or not, there's no conclusion yet."

Inotani shrugged nonchalantly: "I think it's probably true. Tachibana has made such great achievements this time, it's really unreasonable not to move to a high official position."

"Anyway, no matter how you say it. Tachibana will definitely be moved to the right this time, there is no doubt about it."

"It's just a matter of where you will be moved and how high you will be moved."

Huofu Thief was changed to a special security force of the Edo Shogunate, which belonged to the same security system as the "Three Returns" of the Enforcement Office.

From the point of view of rank, Huofu Bandit Kai with military nature is naturally higher than the "Three Backs" of the Enforcement Office.

Therefore, if one can move from the "Three Returns" of the Enforcement Office to Yuli or other higher official positions for Huofu Thief... that is indeed a promotion.

Because they both belong to the public security system, as Inoya just said, if Qingdeng is going to be moved to other government offices, it is indeed most likely to be moved to Huofu Bandit Gai.

"Tachibana, you can be regarded as a prominent figure now."

Inoya's voice paused for a moment, and then turned all kinds of emotions into a long breath, and smiled gratifiedly at Qingdeng.

"Not only have I become famous, but I have also become more famous in Edo."

"Needless to say where Westerners reside. Tachibana, your name has been spread in every city, every street in Edo in the past few days."

"In the past few days, no matter where you go, you can hear people talking about you there."

"Western people in the settlement praised you as the 'hero of the settlement' who saved them."

"The common people in Edo also admire you very much."

"I think you not only got rid of the great harm of the barbarian group, but also discovered and reported the information that 'the residence will be attacked' in a timely manner, which greatly prevented the fire from spreading in the residence and saved Edo from a fire disaster. .”

"The name of 'Juqingdeng' is really known to everyone in Edo now, and everyone knows it."

"Hahaha, I'm looking forward to what kind of rewards the people above will give you in the future, and what kind of official positions they will transfer you to."

Regarding Inoya's unsparing praise, Qingdeng smiled modestly and calmly, and said in a half-joking tone:

"I just hope that those common people in the market place will stop calling me weird nicknames. Just one weird nickname like 'Little Tengu from Beifansuo' will do."

At this time, Niu Shan, who had always been taciturn, smiled very rarely, took over the conversation, and asked Qingdeng.

"Mr. Ju, which government office do you personally want to be transferred to?"

"If there is a choice, of course I want to be moved to a place where there is more money and less work." Qingdeng still used a half-joking tone, "But where will you be moved to the right... There is no such thing as It's beyond my will."

Speaking of this, Qingdeng let out a silent sigh with mixed feelings.

"I can only resign myself to fate."

How many achievements did Qingdeng make that night 10 days ago?
1. Rescued the kidnapped lady of "No.1 Budokai": Sanako Chiba.

2. Discovered the conspiracy of the barbarian group trying to destroy the residence area and reported it to the government in time, so that the officials from the enforcement office, Huofu bandit reform, and town fire elimination were able to rush to the residence area to make up for it, arrested most of the thugs from the barbarian group, and avoided The fire in the settlement spread and got out of control.

3. More than [-] thugs of the anti-barbarian group fought alone, saving the lives of a large number of Westerners in the reservation.

4. Catch up with the leader of the barbarian group, Kanno Tatsugoro, and successfully kill him solo.

Except for the merits of rescuing Sanako from the above four merits, which are slightly less valuable, any one of the other three merits is enough for Qingdeng to receive a generous reward.

Especially the 2nd merit.

Discovered the conspiracy of the barbarian group in time and reported it to the government... This saved the lives of an unknown number of people.

The night 10 days ago was not a windy night, but there was a lot of night wind.

In Edo, where the buildings are basically all wooden buildings and the houses are arranged extremely closely, any wind may cause the fire to get out of control.

Thanks to Qingdeng's timely intelligence report, the fire hadn't spread too much when the officials of Lingding Fire Department arrived at the reservation.

With the concerted efforts of the firefighters in the town and the common people living near the settlement, the fire was finally controlled within a very small area of ​​the settlement and a few neighborhoods.

If the officials from the town fire department arrived later, the fire in the settlement would spread...the consequences would be disastrous.

In just one night, Qingdeng, who made these four great achievements in one go, was almost certain to be awarded money or treasures, promoted his family salary, and moved to a higher official position.

Maybe even the status of the family can be promoted, from the current "Royal Family" to "Banner".

Although Banner and the royal family are both samurai directly under the shogun, the status gap between the two is vast.

In the Edo period when "Unless you are favored by the master, what kind of official position you can hold basically depends on your family status".

However, for Qingdeng, he is more concerned about where he will be moved to the right in the future than the promotion of his family salary and status.

It is absolutely impossible to say that you don't care which new government office you will be transferred to in the future.

But no matter how much Qingdeng cared and cared about his future official career, it was useless.

As he said just now, this kind of thing is completely out of his control.

All he can do now is to quietly recuperate from his wounds, and slowly wait for the people above to report his rewards and official career arrangements.

For Qingdeng's great achievements of this level, the people at the top will definitely review and examine carefully what kind of rewards should be given to Qingdeng.

The Edo shogunate, which was extremely overstaffed, has always been unflattering in its efficiency.

So without a month or two of hard work, Qingdeng definitely couldn't wait for his reward and promotion.

"There's nothing worth mentioning about the Executive Office recently. But the shogunate...hasn't been very peaceful these days."

Maybe it was because he felt that the topic of "Qingdeng's rightward migration" was nothing to talk about, so Arima brought the topic back to the topic of "What's the latest news at the Puritan Office" that Qingdeng had just voluntarily raised.

Arima's sudden statement caught Qingdeng's attention, and he turned to look at Arima.

Aoto checked Arima with his eyes.This action is of course the meaning of "Has something major happened to the shogunate recently?"

Feeling Qingdeng's gaze, Arima pondered, conceived his words, and then said slowly:
"People from the 'Yiqiao faction' have recently further increased the pressure on Dashugong, demanding that Dashugong liquidate Mr. Jingyi as soon as possible and request His Royal Highness Tianzhangyuan to hide behind the scenes."

Qingdeng frowned slightly, raised his hand and scratched the hair on the back of his head: "The people of the 'Yiqiao faction' are really persistent..."

Regarding the things that Arima just said, Qingdeng...no, it should be said that all the people in the government have heard about it.

Dashugong: An honorific title for the shogun.

Since the Tokugawa family, the "brain-disabled general" with pathological problems in the brain, no children and no fertility, was scheduled to come to power two years ago, the Edo shogunate was divided into two political factions:
The "Nanki faction" who supported Iemo Tokugawa as the heir to the shogun.

The "Hitsubashi faction" who support Yoshiki Hitohashi as the heir to the shogun.

Since the birth of these two factions, they have been fighting openly and secretly because of their different political ideas.

The leader of the "Nanki faction": Relying on his own iron fist, Naosuke Ii finally succeeded in leading the "Nanki faction" to overwhelm the "Hittohashi faction", and successfully pushed Tokugawa Jiashige to succeed him as the new general of the shogunate.

After the "Nanji faction" headed by Ii Naosuke gained power, under the leadership of Ii Naosuke, the shogunate launched a brutal suppression of the "Hittobashi faction".

A large number of officials and related personnel of the "Yiqiao faction" were imprisoned and killed, and hundreds of people were killed.

Although Naosuke Ii's suppression methods were quite cruel...but the "Hitobashi faction" was only severely injured, and was not completely wiped out.

The surviving members of the "Yiqiao faction" hibernated and waited for the change of the situation.

And they had really waited for the drastic change in the current situation - Naosuke Ii was stabbed to death outside the Sakurada Gate 3 months ago.

The leader of the "Nanji faction" died suddenly, and the "Nanki faction" who lost Ii Naosuke had no leader... The "Hittohashi faction" immediately launched a fierce counterattack!

The political power of the "Yiqiao faction" rose and developed rapidly.

Feng Shui took turns... After the "Hitobashi faction" reemerged and grew rapidly, they began to put pressure on the shogunate Tokugawa Iemo, asking Tokugawa Iemo to liquidate Ii Naosuke, who had persecuted countless "people with lofty ideals".

At the same time, people from the "Yitobashi faction" demanded Tianzhangyuan to hide behind the scenes and stop showing their faces frequently in front of the stage on the grounds that "women can't participate in politics" and "Dayutai should be full-time in managing Dao".

What is the plan of the "Yiqiao faction"...it is obvious.

They just want to compress Tokugawa Jiamao's power and weaken the strength of the "Nanji faction".

Qingdeng had heard about the above things more than a month ago.

More than a month has passed, and the "Hitobashi faction" actually stepped up the pressure on Iemo Tokugawa... It seems that they will not stop until they fail to take revenge on Ii Naosuke and force Tenzhangin to retreat behind the scenes.

"It is said that in the face of the pressure from the 'Yiqiao faction', Dashu Gong is getting more and more difficult to deal with." Inotani smiled wryly, and then continued, "From the current situation, it is really possible that Dashu Gong will suffer because of Unable to bear the pressure, he convicted and punished Jing Yi, and let the Tianzhang Academy hide behind the scenes..."

Tokugawa Jiashige could hardly bear the pressure of the "Hitobashi faction"-this is also something that basically everyone in the government knows.

It has only been two years since Iemo Tokugawa ascended the position of shogun.He is still just a 2-year-old boy.

Tokugawa Iemomoto was the lord of the Kishu domain.He was brought in because the former general, Tokugawa Jiading, had no heirs and fertility.

To put it simply-Tokugawa Jiamao was airborne to the Edo shogunate, not a "prince" who was trained as the next general since he was a child.

A general who came over by air, and his succession time is short... Tokugawa Ieshige basically has no foundation in the shogunate.

All he can rely on is Tianzhangyuan, which strongly supports him as a think tank, and the officials of the "Nanji faction" led by Jingyi Naosuke.

But now, the "Nanji faction" has no leader due to the death of Ii Naosuke, and its strength has been greatly weakened.

As a woman, Tenzhangin can provide limited support to Iemo Tokugawa.

Therefore, it is only reasonable that the weak Tokugawa Iemo was forced to be embarrassed by the pressure of the "Hitobashi faction".

"Thinking about it carefully, Oki-kun has been really busy lately." Inoya's voice continued, "While busy with the pressure from the 'Hitobashi faction', he also has to focus on dealing with the accountability of overseas powers. .”

Most of the buildings in the settlement were destroyed by the attack of the barbarian group. Although many people were able to save their lives thanks to Qingdeng's timely rescue, some people who were not so lucky were perish forever amidst the fire and thick smoke. Close your eyes... When encountering such a thing, the Western people in the settlement will not simply let it go.

They united and asked the Edo shogunate to give them an explanation.

When an incident of such a bad nature occurred, the countries behind these Westerners could not just ignore it. Therefore, the overseas powers also ended in person and asked the Edo Shogunate to give them a reasonable explanation.

If we want to quell the resentment and anger of the Western people in the settlement and the country they represent behind them, it is necessary to completely destroy the culprit of this attack: the Barbarian Group, and arrest all relevant people and give them severe sentences. .

Therefore, during the period when Qingdeng was recuperating quietly in the Renyitang, the Edo Magistrate, Huofu Bandit Gai and other government offices were in chaos.

In order to complete the deadly task of "destroying the barbarian group as soon as possible at all costs" issued by the superiors as soon as possible, the Edo Executive Office, the Huofu Bandit Kai and other government agencies are operating at full capacity every day, and the officials are running back and forth, burning ointments.

Inoya's speech just now reminded Qingdeng of the recent busyness of the execution office, so he asked back:

"Master Arima, how is the annihilation of the Kobari group going?"

"Pretty well." Arima smiled slightly, and replied without thinking, "Thanks to you beheading Kanno Tatsugoro, without the leadership of Kanno Tatsugoro, the barbarian group directly became a gang of mobs."

"Kano Tatsugoro's prestige in the barbarian group is far higher than we expected."

"After learning that Kanno Tatsugoro was dead, and seeing the corpse of Kanno Tatsugoro we showed, the morale of many members of the extermination team who were captured by us immediately collapsed."

"These people who have lost their fighting spirit have provided us with a lot of information. Thanks to the information provided by these people, we have cleared a large number of strongholds of the anti-barbarian group and arrested a large number of remnants of the anti-barbarian group."

"According to the current rhythm and speed... as little as half a month, as long as a month, we can completely wipe out the barbarian group."

After quietly listening to what Kanno said, Qingdeng heaved a sigh of relief.

"Is that so..."

The muscles on Qingdeng's face slowly relaxed... The relaxed expression gradually turned into a flat smile.

His mortal enemy who has been fighting against him for a long time: the barbarian group is finally going to perish-this is the best news Qing Deng has heard in recent days.

"Speaking of which, I just found out now." With a smile on his lips, Qingdeng swept his gaze across the faces of Arima, Inotani, and Ushiyama, "Master Arima, are you all free today? Why do you have time to come over together?" Look at me?"

"Don't be idle!" Inoya slapped his thigh angrily, "Do you think it is possible for us to be leisurely at the moment when the shogunate strictly demands to wipe out the Kobari group as quickly as possible?"

"We are all busy, and we are trying to squeeze out some time to come to visit you. We can't stay here for a long time, and we will go back to Beifan Office to continue our work after a while."

Inoya seemed to want to continue to complain about their busyness these days, but his words were interrupted by two sudden footsteps and knocks from outside the door.

"Mr. Orange, can we come in?"

It was Kondo's voice.

Qingdeng frowned slightly and said hastily: "Yes. Please come in."

Another group of people came to visit Qingdeng.

The people who came this time were the Kondo family.

Kondo, Zhou Zhu, and Abi carried some condolence items and entered along the opened door. After seeing that there were so many people in Qingdeng's ward, Kondo and the others showed surprised expressions.

After Qingdeng moved into the test hall, Arima and others went to the test hall and rushed through the door, so Arima and others had a relationship with the Kondo family.

Seeing that it was the Kondo family who came, Arima and the others immediately took the lead in sending polite greetings.The Kondo family responded quickly.

Looking at the ward that had become extremely lively before he knew it, Qing Deng couldn't help laughing: "There are so many guests today..."

Qingdeng's subconscious emotion... seems to remind Arima of something.

Arima was stunned, then raised his eyes and smiled at Qingdeng:
"Well, there are indeed quite a lot of people who came to visit you today."

"Mr. Ju, in fact, the reason why we came here today is not only to visit you, but also to have a small task."

"Small task?" Qingdeng gave Arima a puzzled look.

"There are three people who also want to come to visit you." Arima said with a smile in his tone, "but the identities of the three of them are quite special. Before the security of Edo has been completely stabilized, It is not convenient for them to move freely in the streets of Edo."

"So they asked us to take the lead and bring them to see you with the help of us officials."

Arima turned his head and glanced at the sky outside the window next to him.

"Calculate the time, they should be coming soon."

Slap, slap, slap, slap...

From the direction of the corridor came the sound of several footsteps approaching Qingdeng's ward.

However, there is one obvious difference between the footsteps heard this time and the footsteps of Arima and others before.

Among the several footsteps heard this time, one footstep sounded extraordinarily light.

Like the footsteps of a child.

--Could it be that……?
Qingdeng's eyes widened slightly...he vaguely guessed who was here this time.

And the scene that came into Qingdeng's eyes immediately confirmed Qingdeng's conjecture.

Knock, knock, knock—a male voice came into the room along with the knock on the door: "Master Zhu Gu, it's me. I brought everyone here."

"Yeah." Inoya turned to look at the closed door, "Bring them in."

The door opened the moment Inoyagi finished speaking.

The person who opened the door was a strong man with a strong body.Qingdeng recognized him, he was Gang Yin under Inoya's command.

The Okabiki from Inoya did not enter the room. After pushing open the door, he stood sideways for half a step, revealing the three people standing behind him.

The size gap between these three people is quite large, which makes the three of them stand together with a weird sense of humor.

One is a man with an extremely fat and round body, with a huge belly pushing the clothes on his upper body forward.

One was a small, slender girl.

One is a woman who can only be described as ordinary regardless of height or figure.

They are all wearing kimonos that can be seen everywhere in the market, and wearing hats with very low brims that can cover their entire faces.

No need to look at their faces... Just looking at the figures of the trio, Qing Deng recognized who they were all three of.

Qingdeng's eyes widened in surprise, and before he could say hello, the little girl took the lead in pushing away the hat on top of her head, revealing her beautiful long pale golden hair and jewel-like sky blue eyes, While calling Qingdeng's name, he ran to Qingdeng's side with small steps excitedly:

"Mr. Orange!"

It was Elodie.



"Mr. Orange... Our family was saved by you again..."

Anthony, who was sitting respectfully beside Qingdeng's bed in a kneeling posture that he was not used to, let out a strong breath with his heart racing.

Once again, he narrowly escaped death and was rescued by Qingdeng again... Anthony's gratitude to Qingdeng cannot be expressed in words.

"Really...thank you very much..."

Anthony put his hands on the ground in a "eight" shape, bowed down respectfully, and saluted Qingdeng.

"Mr. Orange, thank you..." Alodi's voice of thanks followed Anthony.

Elodie and Leroy, who were sitting on the left and right sides of Anthony, also bent down at this time, bowed to Qing Deng, and thanked Qing Deng in a respectful tone full of gratitude.

Just now, after reuniting with Qingdeng in the ward, Anthony first inquired about Xia Qingdeng's physical condition, and then said with a face of shame, "It took so long to visit the savior who has saved their family twice. It’s too inappropriate” and apologized to Qingdeng.

According to Anthony, after learning that Qingdeng was hospitalized in Renyitang, he wanted to visit Qingdeng as soon as possible.

But somehow, the residence that was attacked was severely damaged. Although their family was lucky enough to avoid the erosion of the fire, there were still quite a lot of chores that he had to deal with one by one.

Their identities as foreigners also make it difficult for them to ostentatiously move outside the place of residence. If they want to go to the Renyitang safely, it is best to invite the officials from the government to help them connect.

So after going back and forth, Elodie and his family finally had the time and opportunity to visit Qingdeng until today.

Facing Anthony's apology, Qingdeng just smiled lightly, and said freely: It's okay, I can understand.There is no need to apologize to me for these trivial matters.

Qingdeng didn't care about such insignificant things as the time of the visit, whether it was sooner or later, and how long it was.

After Anthony apologized to Qingdeng, he immediately entered a long "thank you stage".

Qingdeng is not very good at handling people's thanks to him.

Whenever someone thanked him sincerely and sincerely, Qingdeng would feel that he didn't know how to respond, what to say and what to do.

When encountering such a situation, the most common method Qingdeng uses is to squeeze out a smile and say with a smile, "There is no need to be polite", "I just did what I should do", "This kind of trivial matter, There is no need to thank me."  …

At this moment, Qingdeng moved out his "three axes" to respond to the Alodi family's thanks.

The Elodie family, who kept thanking Qingdeng, and Qingdeng who kept saying "you don't need to be polite"...the two sides were engaged in a fierce "tug of war" back and forth.

Finally - this "tug of war" stopped at just the right time.

Finally, I would like to thank the benefactor who saved them again... Anthony let out a satisfied breath, showing a relaxed expression.

And Qingdeng also showed a relaxed expression because he no longer had to deal with the "thanks from others" that he was not good at dealing with.

Qingdeng wanted to ask about the recent situation of Alodi's family, so he cleared his throat:
"Mr. Angoulême, you... um? Miss Angoulême, what's wrong with you? Why do you have a strange expression?"

At this time, Qingdeng suddenly noticed——Alodi's appearance was a bit strange at this time.

From just now, Elodie lowered her head slightly, staring at the tatami in front of her round knees without blinking.

The lips were tightly pressed, and the two little hands that were naturally placed on the legs were twisted together.

He looked like he was thinking about something and wanted to say something.

Suddenly being called by Qing Deng, Ai Luodi's body trembled a few times.

"I-I'm fine."

Elodie squeezed out a slightly unnatural smile at Qing Deng.

"It's just... just a little distracted and in a daze."

Qingdeng felt a little sudden in his heart... He always felt that Elodie seemed to be hiding something.

But on this current occasion, it is not convenient for Qingdeng to question Ai Luodi too much, so he can only look away after looking at Ai Luodi suspiciously for a few times.



Anthony is worthy of being a businessman, and his social skills are excellent.

When chatting with Qingdeng about their family's recent situation, Anthony relied on his excellent speech skills to drive the rest of the ward to join in the chat.

Even if he is not very familiar with Kondo, Okita, Arima and others, Anthony can still chat with them without hesitation.

Thanks to Anthony's social skills, the ward, which is currently crowded with patients from all walks of life, has been surrounded by lively chatter.

While chatting with the crowd, Qingdeng once again noticed——Elodie showed that weird look again.

After Antoine thanked Qingdeng for saving them again, Elodie was surprisingly quiet.

He didn't make much noise, just sat quietly.

From time to time, he would lower his head, showing that expression as if he was thinking about something, as if he wanted to say something.

What happened to Miss Angoulême——Qingdeng once again had this question in his heart.

Qingdeng originally wanted to ask Elodie again why she seemed to be preoccupied.But the arrival of an uninvited guest prevented Qingdeng's idea from being realized.

Qingdeng's attending doctor: Bei Ren suddenly opened the door of the ward and appeared in front of everyone.

The reason why Beiren came here suddenly was not for other reasons, but to remind everyone: Qingdeng still needs to rest now, and it is not appropriate to visit for too long.

After leaving this reminder, Beibei Ren walked away.

Any fool can see that this is Beiren's gentle reminder to them: Your visit time is too long, which has already affected the patient's physical recuperation.

Ever since, the people who were embarrassed to stay any longer got up and left one after another.

"Mr. Orange." Anthony bowed slightly to Qingdeng, "Then we will take our leave first. I will not disturb your rest, and we will continue to visit you when we have a chance."

"Yeah." Qingdeng smiled politely, "Welcome anytime."

Everyone bid farewell to Qingdeng one by one, and began to file out of the room.

But at this moment... a shrill and anxious shout locked everyone's footsteps and attention.

"Grandpa...Grandpa! Can you wait a while before leaving? I have something to say to Mr. Orange!"

Everyone in the ward, including Qingdeng, turned their gazes away, looking in surprise at the owner who yelled just now—still kneeling and sitting on the spot, tightly clenching the two little hands on his legs. Elodie.

"Elodie?" Anthony was taken aback, "What do you want to say to Mr. Orange?"

Alodie ignored her grandfather's questioning.

She seemed to want to accumulate strength in her petite body, and took several deep breaths.

The slender hands and feet were straightened up, and then with big eyes fluttering, he looked up at Qingdeng like a hungry puppy——

"Mr. Orange, please accept me as your apprentice! I want to learn your sword skills!"

Let's move on to the monthly ticket reward!
The current number of votes for this book is 2734, as long as it can reach 2800 votes within today, there will be a [-]D chapter tomorrow!

Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a recommendation ticket! (Leopard Head Crying.jpg)

The "Second Character Popularity Voting" has started in the penguins of this book~ This time a new character has been added: Brave Niu Niu Carrot.

As I expected, the number of votes for Miss Sanako is overwhelming... The popularity of Miss Sana is really unshakable. I feel that the eldest sister of Tianzhangyuan is a bit at a loss. At present, her role in the big show is still He didn't appear on the stage, and in terms of popularity, he couldn't go head-to-head with Sanako and Kinoshita Mai...

However, Qingdeng will soon move to a higher position, and smart readers can see that most of the content of this chapter is paving the way for the follow-up plot of the eldest sister of Tianzhangyuan.

The "Yitobashi faction" rises, Iemo Tokugawa is alone, Tianzhangyuan is forced to hide behind the scenes...

The big sister of Tianzhangyuan will soon have more roles~~
 Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a recommendation ticket!
  The author has opened a book friend group in Penguin!Those who are interested can come in and talk about the big bear together.

  Group number: [-].You only need to answer a question that you will definitely know the answer as long as you read the book seriously, and you can join the book friend group.

  The author Jun Suiyuan haunts the group~
(End of this chapter)

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